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01/19/2014 at 8:13 PM in reply to: Difference between Russell Wilson vs Colin Kaepernick (and NFL open thread) #37703
ParticipantIt is also really neat that we have THREE NCSU alum on the Seahawks…
Since Nancy Pelosi has gone bonkers on Kapawhatmacallhim’s Art Work and his “BIG” muscles, that pretty much says it all.
However, one thing that sticks out in my mind is the number of NFL Alums that were coached by TOB. I suppose there is a Data Base SOMEWHERE that lists that, but I think there are at least 5 or so QB’s and countless other positions.
Pity all that recruiting did not show On-Field results.
OMG….what is that around Jimmy Johnson’s neck….I think he chased down the “I have a VOICE now” Blue Smurfette, Mrs. Folt, and held down for the count and stole it…
I TOTALLY agree. I have been going to the women’s games this year….even drove over to Carmichael…IT was UGLY (including the facility), but it was NOT as UGLY as UVA and DUK….
I told my wife that we could probably pick up a flight in the AM and stay over and be home by noon on Saturday for our afternoon workout….She ALMOST took me up on it…
I STILL have my 4 LTR’s in the Lenovo Champions Club and will be there Monday Night…..but I will also take in MORE Reynolds games….
Wes Moore is doing a fine job. I think that Coach Gottfried is TRYING….but like Sidney, it seems like all he gets is deeper in the “hole”. He does NOT have the maturity nor the talent (superstars as well as SOLID players) in 2010/11. BUT, some of the efforts of the team look like what I saw in Lowe’s last year….and we had some pretty potent talent in the 2009/10 team…if you don’t believe it….look at Coach G’s contract….it got PUNCHED when he left Columbus and was headed for St. Louis…
SO, it is what it is….It STILL hurts….but if we feel bad, what about the 18 – 22 year olds that had to play or sit through the embarrassment ….
Be there yelling (FOR) the guys on Monday….and the Ladies on Thursday night with the BC Eaglettes come swooping in…
ParticipantOK….before everybody starts tequila double shots…..
We GOT GOTT for 4 more years….his original deal was 5. He somehow (fill in the blank) got to a sweet 16. BINGO….his ticket was punched for 2 more years…Automatic….no action on Yow’s part.
his BASE is $750K….that is a $3,000,000. YOW ain’t GOTT that money…..and unless she invokes one of the “morals” clauses….aka Petrino, he ain’t going out the door….NOW, he DID get a raise in the fall of 2012. His “supplemental” went from $450K to $1,200K or a cool $750K increase. That has absolutely NO impact on the contractual obligation of his BASE times the years left.
Maybe that WILL drive some to hit the hard stuff early….
ParticipantThe Zeb’s have been told to “balance” Their respective Home Court Margin is around 3 or so….at one time it was US 18 and Them 8. Still a bit lopsided.
From my TV vantage point, I looks like the Ref’s tweet and then, PAUSE, to see if Mikey is going to object….if he does not, they call it like they see it. If he starts to yell, it is automatically on US.Ref’s actually WAY below their average….quick look for the crew is around 39- 40. Gametracker shows 30.
Natili (of the KH Triumphant Triumvirate); Roger (I DO NOT like State) Ayers and Jerry Heater
ParticipantFirst….let’s all, even the UNC’ers, agree on a few facts.
> Dean Smith (circa mid 90s’) wanted to copy the AFAM department that Kansas had.
> AD Swofford then took care of getting the UNC Administration to add it to UNC.
> Dean Smith hand picked AD Baddour to run AD dept when Swofford got ACC Job.
>AFAM, over the years, taught various NO-Show classes, mostly attended by jocks.
>AFAM administrator changed AFAM grades in without professors approval.
> Coach Williams brought Wayne Warren from Kansas to head “Academic” areasSecond….let’s explore what the Athletes have said….
>Used tutors to prepare papers. Tutors were paid for by UNC & not private
>Athletes said they were specifically TOLD to take certain courses
>Athletes say they really did not get much, if any, of an education – FARCEIt NOW appears that “Everyone Does It” or EDI is synonymous with “The Carolina Way”. SO when you hear EDI….think TCW…Keep this forefront in your noggin.
Finally, as many have posted on the forums, from common sense, and also being a good corporate employee, when the Home Office tells the Senior folks and the Lawyers that “THIS STRATEGY” is what we are going to use is it…you either “Get with the program” or seek other business or professional opportunities.
The highly compen$ated PR/Legal/Consultant company NOW has complete control of INFO flow and issues “talking points”.
Bottom line…the stage is now set for a complete denial….so WHAT ELSE IS NEW?
I liken this to the current attitude toward recreational use of controlled substances….
Colorado has legalized the recreational use…
BUT, Colorado and the rest of the US will vigorously ATTACK and CRUCIFY any Large Scale Dealer or Supplier or Drug Cartel.
So, you have the EDI defense or TCW approach….
WHAT UNC does NOT want anyone to know is the dirty little secret that TCW has now turned into a South American or Mexican DRUG CARTEL. They have honed and crafted and improved their system SO MUCH that most any other university would have kicked out the professors and administrators and AD employees and coaches that DARED even think about such…but they get BONUSES for their exemplary work in IMPROVING TCW.
Me thinks that this little “situation” or melodrama is at the “Gee, somebody said that old Jerry Sandusky seems to ‘like’ the young guys in Paterno’s camps…probably just a Pitt fan starting a rumor….” STAGE…
Make sure the Richter Sensors are calibrated and online as there will be a thermonuclear event in Orange County in the future….however, it will be so cataclysmic that you will NOT need to even look at them to know “IT” happened.
The Chris Christie sized vocalist has not even left her dressing room yet, as a wise insider told me….
Participantjigabytes of bandwidth covered on this….but it still goes on. California Hotel’s one lyric (OK, I did do a parody on this earlier) sum it up.
And in the master’s chambers,
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can’t kill the beastThe history of the AFAM being a KU creation that Dean Smith copied and AD Swofford got implemented is well documented. Die Hards even do not deny that.
Chancellor Folt, FINALLY, getting involved shows that the little 363 Kg Gorilla is GROWING.
One DOES wonder about the mentality of the folks that are actually calling the shots. UNC has paid MILLION$ of DOLLAR$ to a PR/Legal firm and they are approving EVERY released statement and are emailing talking points to every key player (one day, ORW is gonna go OFF SCRIPT and this thing will go thermo nuclear….and he will “retire”).
The PR firm must know how absolutely UGLY things actually are and all the BAD publicity based on speculation is a drop of water in the ocean compared to the OUTRAGE that would happen if the TRUTH actually comes out.
BUT, the decision to “suspend” Mary Willingham’s research on a trumped up charge? That eludes me. Maybe the folks in that department did not get the memo….”Do NOT rock the boat”. All the N&O headlines fan it.
BUT, remember it is a LOCAL fire with a 5 minute moment of fame nationally. If you go to Winston Salem and do a Jay Walking interview, HOW many will recognize Mary Willingham, Jennifer Wiley, Uncle Julius, Bubba, Carol Folt?
Go to next week’s Hickory NC Kiwanis meeting. They failed the “Who is Jennifer Wiley?” test a few years ago when she dominated this site and was all over the local newspapers. Ask them who is Mary Willingham? Bet their grades are WORSE than any legitimate grade that a UNC athlete got.
Beat goes on…enjoy it today. It will (PR Firm Predicts) be yesterday’s news. Don’t get your hopes up…Look at DC…
ParticipantFollow-up stats on the Refs….
23 fouls called in FIRST Half
29 fouls called in SECOND Half.Average for crew is 38.8 (memory)
They called 52….that is 35.4% MORE fouls than their season average.
This game was not a FOUL them at the end….so this number is really ridiculous….I do NOT care if they did call the same on each team.
The Standard Deviation for the crew is 8.5 Fouls….so they were 1.5 X their standard deviation. I have looked a 10 plug games this year and run the numbers. USUALLY the crew will be LESS than one Standard Deviation.
This was a WHISTLE happy crew. I think the Carbon Monoxide from the Demon Deacon’s Harley impacted our team. Wake was on O2.
Ref had to expel the CO from their lungs in short violent bursts through a small controlled orifice…
ParticipantQuick recap….did a little more stat work and also thinking
Jamie Luckie; Sean Hull; Bryan (I love KH) DorseyAverage Fouls per Game for the Trio – 38.8
Wake – 26 & State – 26 = Total of 52
1st half – 23 & 2nd half – 29
35.4% over the Season Average for this team.Standard Deviation for this Trio – 8.5
Therefore, this Trio was almost 1.5 X that or 50% higher. Their averages THIS year are running 10% or so higher than last year. They may have had a season high for called fouls….but there is still a lot of BB.
Bear in mind that last night’s game was NOT a “comeback by FOULING” game. It was just pure WHISTLE BLOWING….admittedly, on BOTH ENDS.
BUT, having said that, then the inconsistency is worse as they called 25% MORE fouls in the second half than the first half….totally inconsistent based on the flow and strategy at the end.
The outcome of the game may or may not have been the same, but the flow and pace of it was totally disrupted or maybe DOMINATED by the whistles….
I may have a scientific explanation….the CO from the Demon Deacon’s Harley impacted the Zeb’s. They had to do many short, violent exhales through a restrictive orifice to clear their lungs. The WF players had been on O2 prior to the game and the CO did not impact them as much….
We WERE in a Position to Win and did not….it is an L and it will always be that way…
ParticipantWufPacker – CBS finally updated….it was 52, but I found WF site and the REAL game Box score. I was betting at least 25%….but was LOW….look at the end..
I GOT it figured out….the ref’s are suffering from a mild case of CO2 poisoning from the Demon Deacon’s Harley.
Tyler had the flu. Did not practice much. Played the first half. Then was ill and dehydrated. They kept him in the locker room and were working on him to make sure he is recovering.
The game was OK in the first half….I am NOT blaming the Ref’s…they probably whistled it fairly, but their impact (both ends) on the flow really sucks….Dorsey & Luckie…..what more can you say….
Luckie’s AFPG – 36.8
Dorsey’s AFPG – 39.5
Hull AFPG – 38.8
Average FPG – 38.4
Fouls 2nt 52
Percentage over AFPG – 35.4%…..YIKES…..Probably a SEASON HIGH for them….
THIRTY FIVE point FOUR PER CENT above their AVERAGE…..Obviously the Zeb’s were really ON THEIR GAME TONIGHT….
ParticipantTurner did NOT have the height to block the shot….
Understand WHY big boy and tall guy out, but it HURTS.
Ref’s called 51 fouls (if CBS is correct). That is almost 25% MORE than their average….
How could the talking heads on the TV say is was a GOOD officiated game and then talk about how the scoring slowed down in the second half?
Really hurts….we WERE in a position to win….
ParticipantAs of the last foul on State (Freeman)…
WF – 22
State – 22Total 44.
Refs are going to improve their average with 6:54 to so
TL is NOT on the bench or hiding….
ParticipantRadio guys say that TL is lame and is on the end of the Bench….
we shoulda took up a collection and had WHITE shirts delivered to half our coaching staff…..every time I see the light blue, I get UGLY and want a drink.
I went to Carmichael to watch the ladies and the light blue hath ruined for a LONG time….
Vandy RUNS down the court….
BeeJay sort of jogs and shuffles and huffs and puffs…..but we LOVE HIM.
Coach’s Shirt Colors….
BLUE – Moxley, Lutz, Dunlap
White – Gottfried, Early, Whittenberg.
I do NOT see BZZZZZ’s staff wearing RED shirts….
Don’t know about the piece (heat, or whatever) or the weed? Maybe she unbuttoned her blouse and tried to expose cleavage
Wonder is she was tooling around in a Hybrid or perhaps a SMART CAR?
LOL Myself…
Back to ball game….go for it….YOLO
ParticipantCouple of Quickies (which is what I should be pursuing instead of watching the massacre)….
LOOK AT THIS. Ms. Carol (I’m new HERE) Folt (UNC NH Dahhhhhhtmmmmuthhh) done got a PJ….
We have Luckie and Bryan Dorsey (of the infamous FSU KH Team).
This is NOT pretty…..
ParticipantI have HIGH hopes of the repeat of the AR v. KY game last night. Talk about a rerun of what COULD have happened in 1983…
Seriously, this will be a test. BUT, the final grade depends on MANY tests. Right now, it seems like we CRAM for one test….hen party and don’t bother to even go to class….then we fail that test and get uptight.
I am so confused, that I don’t know if the above was about the UNC athletes or our team….but I hope I was clear.
We need to be prepared for every TEST….and then go on. I have NO idea what happened with UVA….and sadly, I think that can be said of Coach Gott.
ORW has been having this issue for years….maybe the virus is spreading.
Mikey handles it differently. If any of HIS players get the “bug”, he knows how to kill it and prevent it from spreading to the REST of the team. He just invokes the KNIGHT Procedure and declares the patient dead and then orders he cremation….that pretty much scares the virus away….
ParticipantInteresting. Do NOT have any info or insight. However, he was one of Coach D’s hires at NIU and stayed there two years. He coached in the Orange Bowl that Coach D “missed”. Then then followed Coach D here. His bio is still on
I do believe that John of Sparta is correct, there will be lots of new name plates on doors and lots of NCSU athletic apparel for sale as the coaching carousel gears up….and some will feel like they were on the Vortex at the State Fair.
You can NOT have the season that we had without making some changes….hopefully they are well thought out and effective.
Here is another article on personnel changes.
Wonder is Huxtable will be at Spring Practice….that is JUST a question and not any speculation….
ParticipantKen Medlin provide the answer to my trivia question…
18 year ago….UNC & Duke & NCSU all lost a BB game on the SAME day.
However, throw in WF (the old BIG FOUR) and it may NEVER have happened. He stopped looking when he got to the WWII years….
A fan in our Lenovo CC area predicted the Headlines in the N&O this morning….
Duke not tough enough….”upset”
UNC can’t solve Cuse Zone & “pressure mounts”
NC State ANNIHILATED by UVA.However, of the TOP 6 trending stories, THREE were about UNC’s “situation”….but NC State’s Annihilation was also in there.
ParticipantCalmed down enough to write. From the second level, it was NOT pretty. Crowd was fairly large. Only two sections on each end of the third level were empty.
STILL some vacant seats in the 100 PRIME section….so much for all those VICIOUS emails and all those THREATENING Robo Calls.
This was the perfect storm….you could analyze for days…It was absolutely the WORST and MOST DISHEARTENING GAME that I have witnessed….Maybe the Duke game or whatever….I can not recall and am NOT going to dig out stats. I watched about half of Les and Herb….All of LOWE and GOTT. This game goes BACK to Les….Lowe did not field a team this bad.
SO, what were the elements of the storm?
Vandy was NOT even in the arena today. His body was there…but NOT his brain. Of course, he did have a FEW other compadres….that also seemed to suffer from that affliction. It is almost like the Polar Vortex (remember this was a 1970’s term that the “ICE AGE IS COMING AGAIN” Enviro Agitators USED…) freeze dried their brains…..and they have not yet thawed out.
Entire team was totally out of it….they played for 2 minutes and then got zapped by some alien power….and the rest is history.
Gott GOTT OUT Coached….IMHO. He had them WELL prepared for VA’s usual snail’s pace and deliberate game. Only thing, Bennett pulled a Jimmy V and took RIGHT TO THEM. We got shell shocked and NEVER got on track or recovered. What is REALLY irritating (I am PAST using frustrating) is that they did NOT know WHAT to do.
NOW…some defense (which was missing on the floor, BTW)….we did put up a LOT of nice looking shots. BUT, the ones in the paint were too tentative. A LOT of balls bounced out…that should have went in. Our shooting percentage was UGLY…PURET UGLY. If you look at the box score, there is NO joy there…except the Zeb’s called it LOOSE.
NOW, the ZEB’s….they did seem to be a little less than whistle happy when we had the ball. I would say that probably 50% of the calls that the made on us could be challenged…but you can NOT blame the Zebs.
So factor in a HOT and Rabid UVA Team (as compared to slow and methodical). With NO prep for that, we folded. Gott did call a TO early to stem it…but that was like talking to the crew of the Titanic….they had already read the book…and KNEW their fate.
This is an interesting day for sports trivia buffs. HOW many times has the BIG FOUR ALL lost a game on the same day? Don’t know…someone does.
Gott’s body language said it all. He did NOT know what to do. He kept experimenting with lineups….I thought that Patrick and Stots might be brought in. He pulled one of Dean’s trick and pulled the line-up save TJ…might as well pulled him.
I honestly thought that Gott should have pulled an Abe Lemmons and had them scrimmage Shirts vs. Skins during the half (NIT, Jan 1977, Madison Square Garden)….
I di NOT bother or want to listen to the Post Morteum on the radio…I could NOT take it…
BUT, I will still put on my red socks and undies and all other “good luck stuff” for the next game and will be there for MD….
Tonight, I felt like GOTT and the Team was at Hotel UVA and they NEVER left the place and the Masters stabbed them with their steely knives….until we gave up a 30 POINT V…as compared to a 2 point underdog.
ParticipantGary Maxwell
Ray Perone
Ray StyoneToday’s Zebs
You nailed it, however your geographical area is a LOT smaller. How about within 50 or so miles of the Cess Pool.
Supposedly one local writer and stand-up comedian and “green beans & chicken” circuit after dinner (lunch) speaker talked to the Kiwanis club in Hickory, NC. Now, being from Catawba county myself, Hickory was THE PLACE….compared to my 2000 population home city. It is 21st largest city in NC, ahead of Apex at 22….2010 census. NO ONE in the room knew who Jennifer Wiley (Thompson) was. Now was that an embellishment since The Charlotte Observer is published about 50 miles southeast. Hickory DOES have Lenoir Rhyne and boasts that Tricky Ricky Barnes hails from there, so it is not exactly in the boonies and it does have I-40 running through it and has produced the Jarret clan of NASCAR fame.
The NCAA has almost a BILLION ($1,000,000,000) of “reserves”. Most are invested at Vanguard and the portfolio is diverse with a large amount of “equity” funds. WHY do they need that much petty cash? What is the rainy day they are saving for?
If the NCAA comes down on UNC and the facts get out that Johnny Swofford was involved, then how will all the OTHER commissioners feel? Will they shun him and not let him play in any reindeer games?
Books will be written….white papers will be published…..but I doubt seriously, as you do, if anything resembling a wrist slap comes about.
ParticipantWell, the headlines abound on all the internet sites. I seriously DOUBT that anything will come of it all. Johnny Swofford and Dean Smith set up AFAM, which is what Kansas had, and Old Roy brought Wayne Walden with him. Remember, in his book, ORW said that Walden was MORE important than any assistant coach. Google Wayne Warren or look at this.
SO, ORW is feeling the heat. Maybe death by a thousand cuts is happening. Butch, Baddour, Thorp, Crowder, Uncle Julius, et. al. are GONE. He’s the only one LEFT with a new administration (if that REALLY means anything)….
ORW seems to look depressed….remember the TWC guy who has NO CABLE….
I also thought of the line from an Eagles favorite…..”You can’t HIDE your lyin’ eyes”. With that, I offer a parody solely for entertainment….yes, we retirees DO have WAY too much time on our hands….
The inspiration for this is from my DW and dedicated to her.
Lyin’ Carolina Eyes (to the tune of the Eagles Lyin’ Eyes)
Carolina coaches just seem to find out early
How to keep players eligible with just a smile
An AFAM Chairman is a fine old man
And coach won’t have to worry
He’ll dress up all in light blue and go in styleLate at night the big old Dome gets lonely
I guess every form of refuge has its price
And it breaks his heart to think his team is
playing for another banner regardless of the vice.So coach tells the AFAM Chair that he needs more talent
To comfort the light blue fans who are feelin’ down
But he knows where this will take him….as he’s leavin’
Coach is headed for the cheatin’ side of townYou can’t hide your lyin’ Carolina eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you’d realize
There ain’t no way to hide your lyin Carolina eyesNext year a banner should be waiting
with false dreams time only steals
He recruits in the off season anticipating
In hopes of another ring for his Heels.He rushes around and talks crazy
to any reporter who might be lazy
Coach whispers that it’s gonna happen this season
But the reporters think, Old Roy, have you lost all reasonYou can’t hide your lyin’ Carolina eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you’d realize
There ain’t no way to hide your lyin Carolina eyesCoach Roy wonders how it ever got this crazy
He thinks about another Coach he knew in school
Did he get tired or did he just get lazy?
He’s gone so far, yet he feels just like a foolMy, oh my, you sure know how to arrange things
You set it up so well, so carefully
Ain’t it funny how your new AFAM team didn’t change things
You ain’t the same old naive coach you used to beYou can’t hide your lyin Carolina eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you’d realize
There ain’t no way to hide your lyin’ Carolina eyes
There ain’t no way to hide your lyin’ Carolina eyes
Roy, you can’t hide your lyin’ Carolina eyesAnd to all….a GOOD NIGHT.
ParticipantPost Morteum. Decided at the last minute to escape Raleigh and go to the bowels of liberalism and lack of academic integrity….
Game was pretty for about the first half. Then, it seemed that the ladies got a bad case of the malady that Gott said plagued the men. They just looked TIRED and Lost (lack of focus is the term). That lead to a complete meltdown….the China Syndrome happened to us. Went to the half with a zillion to one run (actually down 16 points).
Miracles of miracles….they cut that to only 8 within the first couple of minutes and looked like they were on a tear. UNC wisely called time out. We fizzled.
However, about 10 minutes to go, we chipped at it….but to no avail.
There was a LOUD contingent of students (bussed in I think) and they had a LOT of enthusiasm.
DW and I did our post game….the Ladies were either tired and not as sharp from the celebration after the Cuse game or else they used all their pent-up adrenelin on UNC during the first minutes and it took 20 minutes before they got another recharge….and the damage was done.Only OTHER comment….I hate LIGHT BLUE. My wife said the LAST BB game she saw in Chapel Hill was exactly 11 years ago. I was traveling and she got prime seats (UNC was LOUSY) from her boss and took relatives and our VERY PG daughter. My daughter allegedly said…”I can’t let my little boy grow up in an environment like this….”. I would point out that he is a mix…his dad is a loyal UNC grad and my Meredith grad daughter is about as fanatical about her Wolfpack as he is about his Tar Heels.
Time will heal the pain….Time will also allow Coach Moore to rebuild. He did get a LITTLE hostile. He was “critiquing” the Zeb’s interpretations of certain on court activities. One Zeb gave him a warning. Several minutes or perhaps in the next half, he took a stronger exception to another mis-interpretation and was T’ed up. Hit one…missed one…it helped some.
ParticipantIf you listened to the post game comments after the Syracuse game, Coach Moore understands what it means to play UNC. However, he did make a point that if you just channeled all the emotion into a “lets beat UNC”, that there could be a letdown afterwards.
He said that he was going to keep them focused on winning, regardless of who the opponent was, as he had in the past. BUT, he would certainly make them aware that is was UNC which is a big rival and he had no love for that school….Coach Moore really seems to “get it” and he also understands HOW TO WIN. Obviously coach Harper did recruit some talent, but not the top tier. When you take some talent and mix in good coaching (utilization) and keep them focused and they play as a team that says, “we can win”, that is the secret to a great program.
As an aside, he has “officially” arrived at NCSU. Sometime right before Christmas, we ate at Amedeo’s and the Kelly Harper Booth was there. Later on, we went back and some of the booths had been renamed or rearranged. I did not inventory all of them, so maybe the KH (UGH…what ugly initials) booth is still there, but there IS a Wes Moore Booth.
GO PACK….seeing UNC BB suffer TWO losses on consecutive nights would be priceless.
ParticipantWife asked an interesting question about fouls. Here is a little analysis….you come to your own conclusions….
ND 21
Total 32Last NCSU Foul – Barber – 3:03
Last REAL? ND Foul – Jackson – 3:43
First Intentional….and I really don’t think it was, but for the purposes of discussion, I will classify it HERE – ND Foul – Connaughton – 67 – 63 @ 1:44If you include that then there were 6 (unless I miscounted) Intentional or Strategy or JV fouls…
Therefore, ND had a total of 15 “normal” fouls and NCSU had 11. Usually MUCH closer.
The Zeb’s are averaging 10% MORE FPG in 2013-14 than past seasons.
Eades 36.9
Anderson 40.4
Jones 39.4
Average 38.9 or call it 39 FPG.
Their Average Home Margin is a NEGATIVE 1.7. NOW, if I read the definitions correctly, a POSITIVE HM means they call MORE FOULS ON THE HOME TEAM.
SO, in theory or based on the popular TRENDING vernacular, we should have had about 2 fouls MORE than ND. All in all, this game was, statistically speaking, is on the FRINGE of their normal distribution.
The AVERAGE FSTD (Foul Standard Deviation) for the crew is 8.0….so this game was on the low side… far….you decide….my brain is fried.Other comments for pleasure….
As MUCH as I have learned to HATE the This is OUR STATE logo, I brought home to cups from the Ladies Cuse Game. Just for luck and a memento. I did NOT realize they were the OUR STATE cups. Washed them and threw them in the cabinet. Last night I felt inclined to write VICTORY on each and we had a celebratory night cap. Good win for both.
The announcers (GRRR) made such a big deal of the weight loss that I think the team should be the spokesperson(s) for a National Diet Company….The Wolfpack Way to VICTORY could be a slogan. Or our team nutritious should write a book on the same diet. Both or either could generate valuable revenue for the AD…..It would seem that Gott and Lewis perhaps had a little behind closed door session….and the results seem pretty positive….