Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHess called the Morning game of WF – ND. Have a confirmed siting that he is in Greensboro and WILL be here for the duration.
ParticipantWe (5 of us) set up our motorhome/RV complex at the GC Monday morning. Our “priority” number lets us get there a day early. We will not actually “occupy” our village until Wednesday. Will put up my WP Flag Pole and “Mark” my spot after the winds die down today.
Heard from one member of the group that went over on Tuesday, which is the normal early RV check-in date. He said they were lined up into the street. Had not seen that in years. He is the wagonmaster and been doing this since the mid 90’s or so….
Sounds like the tourney will be better attended and that the folks from the “northern” climes might have a far greater (% wise) representation.
The WPC told me that they had a FEW books that were turned in by some of the member schools and that they were actually selling them on a first-come/first-served basis, but they also recommended binoculars and supplemental oxygen bottles.
This was the first year in maybe 4 that the WPC did not do a mass….”Aren’t YOU lucky??? We have books for the masses….” emailing. Maybe the number of schools and the economy or whatever.
Will be interesting to see what it looks like when I get there this PM.
ParticipantDukeies say that Swoff would NOT allow a Duke Freshman to get the POY and the Frosh of the year award. Based on Wiki, there has NOT been a Frosh that has received the award.
Congrats to TJ (Buckets) Warren. We are proud of you as well as your dad.
GO STATE….now use this as a motivation to win the next three games and lets go dancing….
ParticipantOK….SFN….the EDIT in the Forums is GONE again….
Just checked on KH. He DID work the 2013 ACC Tourney….but not our game(s?).
SO, will we see his scowling face later this week. Time to get out the KH Watch site.
ParticipantLast year at the ACCT, we sat in the WF section or near it. A LOT of well heeled WF donors in their Brooks Bros Blazers with females at their side bedecked in more gold that a rapper would wear and every hair in place and their well “reconstructed” faces (and other parts) were abounding. Most had FIRE BZZZ buttons on.
Then last December, we went to a concert at Joel and this was sponsored by an “old money” crowd from WS. Same thing….there were Fire BZZ buttons there.
Don’t know if Wellman has gotten the memo yet? Interesting thing….Wellman supposedly had to pull the pin on Dino as Dino was pulling a Petrino and Wellman decided to “nip it in the bud….”
SO, Ron did not have the best hand….he seems to be held in relativity high esteem…so he probably gets another swing….but that will be his last strike.
Guess we will see…
Speaking of BAD HIRES (as well as Bad HAIR)…..did anyone notice that we NEVER, EVER had Karl Hess for a game this year. That was TWO YEARS….which is totally unprecedented. Whatever cage rattling the DY did…seemed to work. The ejection happened on Feb 18, 2012. Hess did not work the 2012 Tourney….can’t recall if he worked the 2013 one or not.
We have had Dorsey and Natelli MANY times, but NEVER the Karlster….should be interesting.
ParticipantBJD95, I, too, was there for the Whopper of a Stopper of a win by PSU. Could NOT believe it. Had my 8 or so YO son with me. Really a downer.
However, there is also the Miracle in Death Valley where there was an offsides penalty at the end of the Textile Bowl game (1987?… I could be WRONG….) Since a game can NOT end on a penalty, Shane Montgomery hurled the tater for all that he was worth and it was caught by Danny Peebles….and we WON the game – 30 – 8. It was also quiet in Death Valley that day….so a little of the PSU sting was salved.
IF I am correct in the year, we were 4 – 7, but we beat Clemson
I lost the reference to the article…..but I remember the game….just a little fuzzy on the year and the participants…
ParticipantI admit that I was chilly a few minutes ago as I wrote my Liberty Bowl tale….it is raw and miserable and I had to do some things in the rain.
On the BEST of times….Beating ND obviously…
BUT, in the fall of 1967 (my fifth year), the White Shoes gang (Chucky was on the team) went to HOUSTON. Houston was highly ranked. Friends of the College had concerts in Reynolds and had booked in Glen Yarborough (Baby the Rain must fall….one hit wonder). During the show, there were a LOT of transistor (yes…those cigarette packaged sized radios) radios in their pockets. 680, WPTF carried the game and the steel of Reynolds blocked the signal so the audio (at night after they powered down the transmitters) was UGLY. Occasionally, Glen Yarborough would call out….What’s the SCORE. And then he would announce it. During Intermission, he took him mike and borrowed a radio and left the radio playing so we could listen to the game.
At the end of the concert, right before he did his signature “Baby the Rain must fall” number, he again asked for the score and where the ball was. State was moving and was about to take the lead.
He sang his song….and then at the finale, he did the closing line….Baby the Rain must fall….the added, “ON HOUSTON”.
I have never seen a performer so aware that they were NOT the center of attention….most would have walked out….but he understood the crowd dynamics. I have downloaded that from iTunes as that moment is one of my wife and I’s FAVORITE FB and Reyholds moments…
SO, there were GOOD TIMES…
ParticipantOK…here’s a SHOW STOPPER….
1963. State gets invited to the Liberty Bowl in Philly. Game played in the JFK stadium. Mississippi or some OTHER poor soul from the south gets invited.
There is hardly 1000 folks at the game. It is played right after the Christmas Holidays.
Band is allowed to stay in their dorms until the busses leave for Philly. We go up the day before. It is SO COLD that the staff starts scurrying around (no internet then, ya know…) and try to figure out how to keep the valves and slides from freezing. The regular valve and slide oil is a water mixture and it freezes or it starts to get gummy and the instrument is basically INOPERABLE.
They find out that a mixture of Glycerin and maybe Alcohol works….so they mix up that concoction and we pour out all our bottles and they refill them..OK, we can practice.
Then it turns REALLY cold that night….they next day, we are wearing our PJ’s and whatever other clothes we can squeeze in under our uniforms. NOW REMEMBER, the Uni’s are made of WOOL and it is the type that is like Steel Wool so it will WEAR for a LONG time. Kevlar does not even hold a candle to it.
SO, it is COLD….State loses. We are freezing our behinds off. The chaperones for our ONE majorette (Peggy was NOT allowed to ride in a Bus with band members….I guess that our FEW female band members did not have the same “appeal”, but they were put in ONE bus and there was a LINE between the front and the back…) are covering her up like she had just been sodomized by the opposing team. Her little whatevers are frozen past recognition…
NOW, we head back to Raleigh. FROZEN….and then the bus warms up….NOW, we are really getting WARM with all the clothes and folks are taking off whatever they do not need….
We get back to Raleigh….we are NOT allowed BACK into our dorms as the “halls” are sealed and the heat was turned off. SO, our parents or rides or whatever have to pick us up. My parents drove down from Catawba County. On the way back, I drove and it started SNOWING….
By the time we hit Statesville, it is almost a whiteout….but we get home. That is about 4:00 AM. My dad worked for the NCDOT. He was an equipment operator….so at 5:00, he had to leave to work. He worked a 36 hour shift with only a one hour “catnap”.
That is my story….and every fact is that….not embellished….
ParticipantInteresting that ESPNW chose Wes. Can’t argue with the ACC COY award with MM from ND. Having a 29 – 0 record is pretty solid credentials.
We played toe – toe with them last Sunday….right up until the last few minutes of the first half. Then we sort of folded and could not get back on track.
They are unbelievable….so unless they get the big head, they should win the ACCT. Pity that if we let Miami beat us.
IF we had won that game, we would have been TIED with 4 losses with MD. We had the Tie Breaker as we beat them early on in Raleigh….that was a great game.
THEREFORE, as the THIRD seed, we would be coming up the OTHER side of the bracket and NOT having (potentially) to play ND on Saturday.
BUT…..we have been dealt that hand. ND IS PROBABLY beatable….but with two major ACL injuries, we did not have the Horsepower (or whatever else you would call it) to make a solid run at them.
ParticipantYes, BUT….
There is NO WAY that State will play in the Les Robinson Invitational Wednesday games. Even if we lose to BC, we will only have 10 losses. Miami has 11….so that takes care of that.
The BEST case scenario..
Syracuse beats FSU….
UVA beats MD
State beats BC.THEN we have a solid lock on 7…
As to Cuse….
IF they win (beat FSU), then will they will still have 4 losses…UNC v. Duke THEN one will have 5 losses… they drop to FOURTH. The winner will also have 4 losses….but CUSE has beaten both DUKE and UNC during the regular season. Therefore, that becomes the tie breaker.
Cuse will NOT be 2nd….the will be, TECHNICALLY, (again assuming they dispatch FSU) TIED with either one for second….as both will have 4 losses. However, as far as the seedings go, THEY (CUSE) gets the #2 slot, but will still be listed as TIED for second.
Hope this helps
ParticipantWOW….what a game. It looked for a while that the Zeb’s were calling fouls if your touched the floor with your sneaks.
Despite that, we figured out HOW to win. Cat Barber was sensational. He seemed to grow up a little. He was fairly calm and we did not throw up any desperation shots.
TJW….wow….there are not superlatives to describe the game.
I actually was a little down right before the half and did some “helper” thing for DW….like unloading the dishwasher and cleaning up her “I cooked” mess. Got off some nervous energy.
Now, it should have been closer….Gott wore his UNC shirt. I forgot to swap undies into a pair of red briefs….so that should really have jinxed up.
So much for that theory.
GO PACK….we actually WON a game with Jamie Luckie officiating….guess he did NOT get Swoff’s memo
I was very disappointed yesterday. We seemed to be a step behind…then caught up and played a fairly good 1st Half. THEN we just BLEW IT. Officiating was not a major factor. Vandy did NOT start well….Anya was in before the 17:30 mark in the 1st half.
Cat played well on defense but did not have a clue what to do on offense….except panic and try to make something happen that would not.
Lewis was doing OK on the O end….but getting eaten alive on the D end. BUT, he did not have a lock on THAT market…
A LOT of well placed folks are not happy….they say there is too much DRAMA in the program….and if half of the comments from folks in the know are correct….then I tend to agree. However, Lutz seems to be some of the glue that is holding the program together despite the drama….so, cutting him loose would really be a bad move.
We ARE a young team. Sometimes we can play with poise and really out hussle and out play our competition….despite their W/L or ranking….then all of a sudden, we get spooked and can’t even figure out which goal we are defending or which one we are trying to score in.
We need Maturity….not MORE raw talent (young, inexperienced, etc.) We have the makings of a better team next year….I HOPE that Cat is telling Cal and the other pirates to GO AWAY. Cat will be a great asset…once he learns to be part of a team.
BillOnTheBeach (expecting Snow?), I totally agree. I did NOT write DY or BP or lambast the team after yesterday. I think that we got defeated by UNC TWICE….and that sucks.
I am STILL hoping for a good ACC Tourney run.
As to the comparisons with past coaches….remember, Lowe psyched the guys up his first year. I caravanned to Tampa and watched us go toe-to-toe with UNC for 1-1/2 halves….and the UNC crowd was really spooked. Next year, he had HIS drama and things just sort of fell apart.
We have REALLY been HEALTHY THIS YEAR. So Gott’s folks have done wonders for conditioning.
Anya is on a very strict diet…problem is, he falls off the wagon (reports from reliable sources in the field) and eats like a staring Robinson Curuso on the weekends. He STILL lumbers….not runs. He still seems like his concrete galoshies are holding him down.
Remember how we GOT GOTT? DY’s lawyers and Shaka’s lawyers stayed up ALL night on Saturday and we had a deal…but Shaka’s wife said NO….and that was the end of that. The others….they were just smoke screens….Shaka was the CLOSEST that we came to landing a coach. GW did do a number on DY….and I am GLAD that MD is gone and I hope that JS spends every last dime of the ACC reserves to extract every farthing from their sorry a$$ behinds….
Seems like a WOE IS ME WP WE. The Lady pack looked good for 17 minutes….then THEY fell apart….down 8 at the half. BUT in the second half, they outdid themselves….they were down almost 30 points.
With the loss of our two scorers, the tourney is NOT going to be a pretty site…unless Wes Moore wakes them up….
Going to the ACC Tourney…already have parking laid our for our MH complex. Was not going up until Wednesday night….but it LOOKS like we are trying our darnest to get qualified for the Wednesday (Les Robinson Invitational) games…
DY will not put up with much BS next year….the high $$ donors are already UNHAPPY about the DRAMA….and if Gott don’t produce….then he probably GOTTA find a new job….
ParticipantInteresting Column. I admit to being a “Ref Junkie”. I try to look at who is officiating. My view from the second level is not the best…but here goes.
First>> Hats off to the CROWD. There was probably less than 5% UNC light blue there. YES, there were Light BLUE in the PRIZED SEATS in the Main section on each side of the court. The Boosters who have paid substantial bucks for these seats and use them as PERKS for customers or friends were MOSTLY there last night. Sometimes they DO NOT ATTEND. There was very little Light Blue in there….so that IS an improvement. The CROWD WAS LOUD. Great to see it full.
Second>> It was a Tale of First Half vs. Second Half/OT. UNC was out of sync during the first half. NOW, did we cause that or were they overconfident. The score at the half was US UP BY 8. My concern was that if UNC was not playing well, would that continue and if we were playing GREAT…..could we continue. The results were not that unpredicted.
Third>> The Refs were INCONSISTENT. I will NOT say biased, just inconsistent. They called about 9 files (equal on both side) in the first 4 minutes. At that rate, the second half would have been a 40+ foul HALF. As it was it was a 44 Foul Game, including the OT. Considering it was an OT game, it was about average.
FOURTH>> The fouling and calls did seem to be somewhat “ROY” influenced. I do NOT understand HOW or WHAT changed during the half. I am NOT a conspiracy theorist….I do NOT believe that Swofford called and said….TIGHTEN IT UP. But they did and TJ got in trouble. What IS totally baffling is how the UNC Star ended up with NO, NADA, NOT ONE PF. If you look at the distribution, the fouls are TOTALLY inconsistent on the UNC side.
FINALLY….the team really played great. All the comments about TJ’s missing the FT’s. GARBAGE. TJ gets double teamed and caught and has turnovers….NOW, since he scores all of our points….what would YOU do? His FT % is pretty good….but he missed a couple of CLUTCH ones….again, bench him?
Disappointed….YES. Frustrated…..YES. BUT we did play with poise last night and also against Cuse.
If things progress, we will be better….
ParticipantTOTALLY out of the norm for this….but TOO GOOD TO MISS.
If you read Dan Kane’s latest on the COST of the Crack Legal Team and ACE investigator (Make’s Dick Tracy look like a Keystone Kop), their fees are $2.750 per hour for the FOUR. The lead guy gets $990….In other words, if they work ONE DAY, that would totally fund a In-State UNC Student for a YEAR. FOUR DAYS….the entire four years.
Now WHY do they need an ACE to tell them what happened?
ParticipantOK….calm down….step back from the ledge. We played a really great game and got a large (15 – 16 pt) lead. VT hit some clutch 3’s. TJ was a monster today. He came out strong and also was a terror on defense. VT never got into their groove, if they ever had one.
We were in control of the game and got a little sloppy at the end, but we never panicked. We should have NOT attempted a fast break dunk, but you learn. If it had worked, then that would have the nail in the coffin.
Ref’s were pretty consistent until the little altercation…..after that, if you had bad breath and breathed on a player, TWEET.
Fouls were really not that out of line…..based on the averages…..and VT running the Jimmy V defense at the end.
Tyler (the person that was defamed and wished well and some HOPED he would tray to go to UNC-CH) Lewis along with TJ made the game click. Cat played 4 minutes. He is not a happy camper, but we are winning and that is what you have to do.
It was a good game….but the pace of the 2nd half was SLOW and very stressful…..and that was NOT in the last 5 minutes. The half started “slow” and then got slower. Don’t know if the sponsors had too many spots or not. Gott used his timeouts well…..they are NOT like Rollover Minutes and you do not get them at the next game.
He kept the team under control and did not call every minute….and he was loose.
My biggest complain was Coach Lutz’s blue shirt…if you want something to blame the last few minutes on….blame the shirt.
Looking forward to the Lady’s game tomorrow and UNC next week.
The hot line (1-800 Why did STATE WIN) will be open later tonight. Paypal or credit cards (or bottles of Crown Royal) will be accepted.
ParticipantNo offense to the comments or any ONE person….but this entire thread seems a bit negative.
Now, I DO believe in God, Senator Dodd and Keeping OLD Castro Down, as the Chad Mitchell Trio sang….and I sometimes believe in the tooth fairy and wearing my lucky read Hanes briefs…NOTE…I WILL NOT post pictures…
I also think that there is a bit of accuracy to the Gott and Staff Shirt color…and have some stats to correlate that…
The comments about how BAD it will be remind me of the “We GOTTA get Gott to start Cat….Lewis is killing us…” and other past posts….which seemed to take a life of their own. THEN, Tyler was our godsend as Cat was too immature…turned over the ball….studied at the Whittenberg school of assist passing…
What I wonder…and I can’t seem to find it so the insiders will have to help…Did the team travel YESTERDAY and get in late last night….or are they flying in this morning….going to do the shoot around this pm, have a meal and then play. Even with a charter, as a retired road warrior, you are tired. That is why they fly in the day before…
Don’t know…but it could have an impact….but if I read the thread….doesn’t matter….we are doomed….the fat lady has done sung her aria and is bowing to the audience with her roses and her bosoms are almost falling out….
I wonder, if you put Ricky Ticky and Herbie in the ring and padded them….who would come out on top.
Maybe Scott Smith could referee the event.
When they play either other, it will be interesting. Personally, I pulling for the Cats….not the devils…
Right now, I more interested in the weather for tomorrow night’s WFU game at the PNC….
ParticipantNot that I would try to defend Scott, nor condemn him….
If you look at Karl’s “credentials”…..
This is the main tab. Click on the Trends or others to get a feel for the “way they call the game”. Scott only does about 1/4 of the games that Karl does. I was a big time road warrior when I was working plus did a lot of International travel. As the TSA and all the other hassles (the airlines shrinking the seats, charging for cabin air, etc) kicked in, I PERSONALLY would not want to be a Referee….Maybe that is why they are always so grumpy.
As an aside, I have MIXED feelings about yesterday. I have never (it may be an NCAA record) seen an officiating crew take THAT long to review a play. It could have gone either way. Coach G’s body language told the stress on him. I personally think that he was already planning on his technical for punching the ref as the call was going to be a Flagrant. As it was, it worked out. Dave Odom’s commentary certainly changed during the “ad lib” time.
NOW, back on point…look at Scott’s
I whole heartedly agree….Swoff should NOT bring him into the ACC and if I were Scott, I would NOT want to work in the ACC…
ParticipantI admit to being very discouraged about the Men’s team. However, it is sort of like my current New Year’s Resolution to get rid of half of the pesky pounds that I successfully (with a LOT of hard work) got rid of in 2011….these things take time and you go through spells where NOTHING seems to change the daily duel with the scale.
I can’t dissect and parse out the exact problems last Saturday and come up with a solution that is proven and has a 99.9% success rate….If I could, then my retirement income would be muchly improved by the handsome consulting fees that either Coach G was paying me (out his own finely lined, I might add, pockets) or AD Yow had approved.
I have to take it at face value that we are improving and there will be a constant change and in the end we will be much improved. Step back….I’m coming down off the Red & White Soapbox.
NOW….the really exciting thing about this post should be the WOMEN’s TEAM. Since I longed to hear Old McDonald and here the fans cheer at the end of a game, I have started attending the Reynold’s games.
Last night was a thriller….also most TOO much. WF got up by 5 – 7 points a few minutes before the first half ended….But we tied it at the half. We were in control all through the second half, but never put WF away. The ladies played gutsy BB and the shooting (save the first 10 minutes when neither team could hit squat), we were great. Had some lapses and too many turnovers and the refs seemed a bit biased.
But in the end, the band played Old McDonald and all was well….
There is a LOT of women’s BB left. I urge every STATE FAN to but a ticket. With our SR admission, 2 sodas, 2 HD & 1 popcorn, we spent $26…and that was our “dinner & movie”. Try that a Regal complex…
PS…SFN….I TOTALLY agree with you. Debbie Yow is one tough and smart cookie. I would NOT want to work for her if I could not meet her expectations…which would mean that I was no longer gainfully employed. I have had to sit across the room from some very competent executives (including lawyers) and hammer out some deals. She would be TOUGH…
If you look at the dumb Personal Injury commercials and the big talking boss panics when WeGetUR$ calls….getting a call from DY when I had a weak position would be psychologically demotivating….
Thanks for your response. It is difficult to see from where we sit, the calls and the signals and the game was moving pretty fast. I later found out it was a charge or a player controlled foul, so on the 10th foul, it did not result in FT’s. Since Heyward did foul (block or intentional…whatever) on the inbound, the bonus FT’s were awarded.
I appreciate your response and tried to “edit” my post, but the “edit” function has disappeared from the new format.
Thanks again….
ParticipantOK….this is for a “RULES” and also a very OBSERVANT Poster type of person…
I have checked the GoPack and ESPN sites and the play by play agrees…
There were 7 GT fouls committed in the second half. There were TWO fouls committed at the end (2.X seconds on the clock). The TENTH foul was on Golden. Then there was a Timeout. On the Inbounds (State had the ball), Heyward commits the ELEVENTH foul. I THOUGHT the ref used the crossed arm (on the chest) signal. That used to be, prior to the Flagrant Foul language (1 & 2), the signal for an “intentional”. Technically, there is NO intentional foul now…but he did, I think, signal it.
OK…here is what I do NOT understand. If Golden committed the 10th FOUL, why were there NO free throws awarded to State?
Then along THAT logic, when the 11th foul was committed, Free Throws were awarded (Turner – Clank & Clank). BUT, it was not a Flagrant as State lost possession.
Is there some type of exception when the 10th foul is on a Dead Ball (in-bound) situation.
If I read the rules, it looks like Turner SHOULD have been awarded FT’s twice….
I hope this is clear and someone can explain it.
Second Question….was Cat Barber injured or did Gottfried make a field decision (as he pulled out Warren for not playing defense).
Tyler Lewis was the actual SPARK that got us back in the game….
ParticipantAnother Lady Victory tonight in Reynolds. The first few minutes were unbelievable. The pack jumped out to a 12 or more point lead within a few minutes…..Boston College fought back in the second half….pulled within a point….but NEVER LEAD….despite some great three’s
Here are the stats….
Points 85 (BC had 76)
Field Goals 25-52, 48.1%
Free Throws 29-36, 80.6%
3-Pointers 6-19, 31.6%
Off. Rebounds 14
Def. Rebounds 21
Total Rebounds 35
Assists 19
Blocks 2
P. Fouls 19
T. Fouls 0
Turnovers 12Markeisha Gatling
Pts 27 FG 9/13 3’s 0/0 FT 9/10 Ast 1 TO 2
T REB 8 O REB 4 D REB 4 Blk 1 Stl 1 PF 3Kody Burke DOUBLE DOUBLE
Pts 24 FG 10/16 3’s 2/4 FT 2/4 Ast 1 TO 0
T REB 11 O REB 6 D REB 5 Blk 1 St l0 PF 1Len’Nique Brown
Pts 15 FG 2/7 3’s 2/4 FT 9/10 Ast 4 TO 3
T REB 7 O REB 2 D REB 5 Blk 0 St l0 PF 4Great Game. Very Exciting. They lost the large lead, but never paniced….look a the FT %
Maryland is coming to Reynolds on 1/30…..Be THERE….Help the Ladie’s escort THEM out of the ACC like the men did
Well said. Especially about Lefty. He got a raw deal…probably worse than Jimmy V. He single handedly put Davidson on the map (sleeping in the back of his 195X station wagon because Davidson could not afford a hotel room when recruiting). He was a class A character, but he also supported the ACC and was never sour grapes.
Your other comments ring true. Was there. Just got GK’s UNWOUND…stayed for Gott’s radio presser. They are now in bed and we are having a class of vino and off to bed.
The first half was UGLY….as one put it…MEGA Cathy Bates UGLY. The stats were horrible….as was, from the stands, a lot of our playing. In the second half, Vandy was in for about 2 or 3 minutes and then Gott pulled him. Anya played more, I think, in the second half. Tyler actually slowed down bringing the ball up court to let Anya get a head start. Vandy RUNS the court….Anya “LUMBERS” down the court. If that lad loses about 30 pounds and works out this summer, he will be a real key next fall.
I can not explain what happened. The fans actually “left the building” at half. The prime zones were about 50 – 60% full. They had already moved the upper deck down.
But, miracles of miracles….things perked up and the crowd perked up. I have never seen my section of the Champions Club standing up and cheering so much. They are NOT the sit on your hands type. BUT, they are not the stand up and bounce and applaud and yell at every play either.
You could actually FEEL the momentum changing….but like Satchel Page, you were afraid to look back…because they MIGHT be gaining on you.
Wonderful, and much needed, victory. Cudo’s to Coach and team and fans.
If you go the N&O site, the picture of Gott says it all. I have seen him get T’s….but his stomping and body language tonight were WAY past what I have seen. I suspect that he got a warning….but whatever works.
We did not fold with the MD D, like we have before. We were also VERY aggressive on D.
Our shots still looked tentative in the second half. There were a BUNCH that rimmed out or were really “errant” (kindly put….some of our shot selection and execution STUNK) and ill advised. What surprised me is the stats. I would not have guessed that we were over 50%…and we were actually 56.7%. That is NOT what it looked like.
For several minutes in the first half, the ACC Tourney Game where it was 11 – 10 (memory) that Sloan coached in 1968 came to mind. I thought we were going to see a repeat.
To the team…Celebrate Responsibly. HEAL and whatever magic you stole from the genie….use it next week.
On to see the Lady Wolves redeem themselves on Thursday night….
Go Pack and Good Night…
01/20/2014 at 9:02 AM in reply to: Difference between Russell Wilson vs Colin Kaepernick (and NFL open thread) #37732Adventuroo
Yes, JR Sweezy, #64 Guard started and played yesterday. The Seahaw’s webpage is a little bit behind.
JR started 8 of the 19 games in 2012 and played in all of them.
This year he has started in every game but one and did not play in it so I assume there was an injury that prevent him from playing.
He comes from TOUGH stock, on and off the field. I played FB with his dad who was well known in the Charlotte area in the early 60’s. His great grandfather, whom he is named after, was also well known. I have uncles that, how shall we say, would often have various bruises and bumps and damaged body parts on Sunday morning after their “recreational bar room brawling” on Saturday night. They told me that when the fight started (and it would), that you ALWAYS wanted JR (JRs Great GD) on your side….and if he was not, you made sure you were “engaged” with a lesser foe to keep from having to tangle with him.
I talked to he and his GD at a WP Spring Game. I am 6-1 (215) and he is only 4″ taller, but hi 85 pounds makes him look at least a foot taller and BIGGER.
He seems to be cut from the cloth of his ancestors….but did I mention that after his Great GD found God, he quit his regular job and retired as a well respected fulltime minister? SO, I hope he will not be a victim of his fame.
Factoid…with NO back-up other than all the rest were true…
78% of the retired NFL players fie for bankruptcy in either the 2nd or3rd year of their retirement…..
01/19/2014 at 10:13 PM in reply to: Difference between Russell Wilson vs Colin Kaepernick (and NFL open thread) #37713Adventuroo
ParticipantFour NCSU Alums going to the Superbowl….three on the Hawks and Nate Irving on the Broncs.
One UNC on Broncs.
Still wonder just HOW many NFL players TOB coached (as HC)…
GO Hawks. Need to throw the flag on the fans. They exceed the OSHA noise levels and ALMOST needed DOUBLE hearing protections (muffs and plugs).
That place MUST have been LOUD @ 108 dB….