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  • in reply to: Reports: Alleged Hazing at UNC #54541


    Calm down….breathe deeply. What I posted was what I was told. It was an “altercation” over a Girl.

    What was NOT included was that the BF took along a 3 member security team…whether they were there to watch and report back to the rest of the team or whether they were there to hold down “Ginger” and let the wronged BF “have his way” is unclear.

    The ethnicity of the BF and his security team were NOT included…but it was confirmed that the 4 suspended player were the SAME four that entered “Ginger’s” room.

    There has been NO confirmation that the OTHER three were involved in the shoving and pushing.

    My info was passed along around 10:00 yesterday morning….LF pulled the trigger around 4:00 PM…

    It DOES remind me of peer pressure where one or two of the security team members was goading the BF into taking appropriate steps to let the young buck know that he was sniffing around a doe in the dominant buck’s territory….(FWIW…Bull Moose chase out young bulls and have a very large territory and harem…). Trust me….I have been in that situation and the BF’s buddies wanted to “watch”.

    Back on point…Throughout the ages, males have shown their displeasure at other males for coveting their GF’s. That displeasure has taken various forms from a simple “OK DUDE….she’s YOURS….thank God and Greyhound; she’s GONE…” to mass murders. I am not condoning or condemning WHAT happened…but such things DO happen….

    Whether the UNC FB Team “Code” called for verbal, physical or whatever expressions of displeasure….I do NOT know.

    You will recall that we, the high and lofty WP, did have a similar incident on one of Lowe’s teams….that was the 2nd or 3rd year and it totally killed the chemistry. I suspect that Coaches want to get this thing “purged”. Steve Logan, who is not the smartest of the “retired commentators” commented that anytime you have fighting or disagreement in the locker room or off field, it is like a poison and you have to get rid of it.

    The well connected insiders in the UNC Athletics are still adamant in that it was a “Hit on another player’s GF” scenario….and NOT some sort of organized hazing.

    Had the press got the SAME story about Jackson hitting on a black dude’s GF and the Dude pushed him and he fell, then wonder if Yahoo or the local media would be headlining it.

    in reply to: Reports: Alleged Hazing at UNC #54522

    OK….I LOVE bashing UNC as much as the next Avid (Rabid?) State Fan.

    BUT, this is one incident that appears to have all the makings of a recent “overhyping” in MO.

    Allegedly….from several insiders at our sister institution….the 2nd year walk on hit on a girlfriend of another player. He did NOT hit her (remember we have some lads that resort to such)….but did supposedly make some remarks that were not polite…

    She snitched to her BF…and the BF had to do the honorable thing….go “take care of it”. He called upon the miscreant and they discussed it in his room…the discussion lead to some shoving and pushing….details on any “facial blows” or such are sketchy. The BF “marked” his turf and the walk on now does not “hit on” other team member’s GF (or BF?).

    However, the parents of said walk on got wind of their lad being “put in his place” and proceeded to reconstruct the facts and turned it into a hazing reminiscent of a FL Black College Band incident. They went to the press…

    The press bit….and here we have it.

    BTW…the young lad and his parents are RESIDENTS of Chapel Hill…need we say more?

    SO, not that the Flagship does NOT need more bad press….but in this case, it is overblown.

    How many of you writing here has every been the “hit on’er” or the BF of the “hit onee”? I remember a time in HS when I kidded one of my classmates, who was the “steady” of an upper classman. We just cut up in Driver’s Ed and there was NO flirtation…just a lot of kidding. That got back to the Upper and he came to my house and threatened me with GREAT Bodily harm…his buddies and been ribbing him at the local pool hall/service station. My classmate also found out about this and told him that if he did NOT calm down and apologize that his ring would be returned as I was one of her best friends and that nothing romantic or even close happened….but she valued my friendship and wanted to have me as a friend and him as a Steady…but his overt jealousness was impacting THAT side.

    He came back and we settled it….perhaps the Softball Bat that I had in my hand also had an influence….but who knows….

    This will be interesting….maybe a formal STUDY COMMISSION will be appointed…

    in reply to: NCSU Football Asst’s Heroics #53671

    Casual observance from one who used to do a lot of “work sampling” studies and also “watches” the dynamics of human movement….spent a LOT of time sitting in airports…

    I have come to the conclusion that part of the Triangle’s traffic mess IS cell phones. People using stop lights to “catch up” on email, texts, phone calls, play games, etc.

    If you watch the progression of folks pulling away from a stop light, I have seen FASTER responses in the Independent Care living center where my mom resided by the little old folks in their “electric” chairs.

    Their reflexes were faster….but they did not have their electronic toy embedded in their paws..

    Phones have added at least 25% to the commute time around here….as well as other places….

    in reply to: NCAA to Reopen UNC-CH Investigation #53282

    Well, the timing came right of Robert Gibbs’ “manual”. Release when there is NO chance of coverage or it will be forgotten during the next news cycle. Hurricane Arthur sucked all the air out of the “broadcasting set”. WRAL has more reporters on the Outer Banks than there were tourist left. Each is salivating for “time”. So, Uncle Julie’s latest travail gets less than the proverbial lick and promise.

    However, many observers think that Julius and Deborah have sang individual numbers and also duets that rival Captain Von Trapp and Maria. If so, then the jig is up.

    Here is a quote from the N&O. Bruce Lightner “OUGHT” to have some insight into the seedy situation based on his “status” and political DNA.

    To some of us sky blue faithful this might seem to be good news but my hunch is that a deal has been stuck and Nyang’oro will now be compelled to “spill the beans”. Coach Roy might loose a little sleep over such a development.

    Maybe it is the hope springs eternal…but if High $$ Kenny heard Uncle Julius say…

    The TRUTH….You want the TRUTH….You can’t STAND the TRUTH!

    THEN…it will interesting…wonder if the little (newly minted) Blue Smurfette has ordered some light blue punch and blue/white Oreos when Kenny presents his report…

    If ORW goes before the BOT and the first question is…”How will this effect recruiting?”, then it IS a Tom Sawyer job…

    BTW…if Kenny and his two “associates” whose combined billing rate (for all three) is almost $2000 per hour….then their 6 month report will have almost a $2,000,000 tab. Assuming 160 hours/month and April through October and ALL of them worked….without OT, Travel, Overhead Mark-up, etc…

    Fascinating….stay tuned…..

    Highstick….this tingle MIGHT actually last for a LONG time…

    in reply to: NCAA to Reopen UNC-CH Investigation #53257



    If you go back and read all the stuff (sifting out the BS), basically Dean Smith (Circa 1992) visited or studies the Kansas equivalent of AFAM. So, contrary to all the popular thinking…AFAM was a Midwest (HIGH Minority state….RIGHT) “THINGEY”. Wonder WHY they installed it. Dean was SO impressed that he started a movement (like the Alice’s Restaurant Movement in 1967). Dean then got his chief henchperson, Johnny “I’ll do WHATEVER it takes” Swofford to be the point person. THEN it got installed.

    I am a LITTLE vague on the organizational structure and when Julius was the Head Dog. BUT, he and Ms. Deborah “I got a UNC BB Player for a BF” Crowder then started to “REFINE IT”.

    Don’t really know how much Dean knew and like RR, he CAN say “I don’t rightly remember…”. Bill and Matt were probably aware of it….

    ORW, in his book stated…”My assistants would be dismayed to know that I consider Wayne Weldon to be the MOST valuable asset or member of my team….without him we would not have the….” That is a paraphrase, but it has been widely quoted and excerpted. SO, when Dean drove ORW to the presser that night in CH, WW was in KU packing his stuff and his “formulas”.

    Word is…Butch Davis did NOT know about AFAM…but quickly found out (John Blake maybe…..but they were NOT close according to Butch). THEN the AFAM sort of went on steroids. Deborah really got handy at changing grades and helping Julius invent those cutesy titles for the non-existent courses.

    You know the rest…

    NOTE….They fired Jimmy V in 1990 and he died in April, 1993…so the ink was barely dry on Dean’s NEW Flim Flam when they buried Jimmy V.

    There is also a LOT of skullduggery with PJ and the Cars and Fats and the Dentist and the Mouthguard stuff. That lost traction when Roy (actually Bubba…ORW did NOT know until the day they told him that PJ was Personna Non Grata…and that UNC was NOT going to sully their stellar reputation by protesting or appealing the decision). ORW was told and THEN they called PJ’s mom and told her…If they had taken a vote (ORW, Bubba and Ms. Blue Smurfette), then there would have been one FOR appealing and one AGAINST and the Blue Smurfette said…”What an NCAA Appeal….do I send them Blue Punch and Blue/White Oreo’s with it?”.

    Really got me started….sorry for repeating the whole tale of The Great Unpleasantness…and there is SO MUCH MORE…

    The above probably represents 40 hours of “discovery” for Mr. Wainstein ALONE….at $990 per hour…YOU do the math…

    in reply to: NCAA to Reopen UNC-CH Investigation #53214

    VaWolf82 said…
    “The key issue is how far back does the NCAA try to look and how far back is reliable info on fraud available? This issue will determine how far and wide the sanctions go.”

    Dear NCAA….

    Please start with 1992 (circa) or whenever Coach Dean Smith visited Kansas and was made aware of the advantages of an AFAM department. That would include all the tenure of AD John Swofford who was the liaison between the Faculty Senate and the ADMIN to establish and staff the UNC AFAM.

    In addition, the years under Coach Roy Williams where he and his Chief Academic Advisor, Mr. Wayne Weldon, were involved require more thorough and comprehensive due diligence (do a DEEP DIVE in today’s business vernacular)… It is understood that Mr. Weldon refined the effectiveness of the AFAM Advantage (AFAMA) while in a similar position with Coach Williams at Kansas.

    If you need additional information or if I can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call.



    in reply to: NCAA to Reopen UNC-CH Investigation #53198

    Comments from the Peanut Gallery….as well as some “DDome FUTURE Sky Boxes”….

    This thing or The Great Unpleasantness (TGU – as BobLeeSays calles it) is NOT going away. It now has some traction. Don’t quite know HOW much, but it is starting to look more like an alcohol fueled dragster than the Enviro Friendly Smart Car.

    The Washington Post has articles about the NCAA and Willingham’s suit. Could be the loyal Maryland writers are trying to gin up circulation or just laughing and saying….”Told you so…”

    Ken Wainstein, who is being paid from some UNSPECIFIED “University Foundation” ( ) appears to have impeccable credentials. It is sort of a paradox. He definitely has the ability to get to the bottom of it….and he seems to be TOO well paid to whitewash it.

    The real breakthrough here is that Julius and Deborah (if you do NOT know them….then you need to do your homework) have AGREED to talk (and talk and talk and SING) to avoid being charged by the Orange County DA. Deborah turned “states evidence” quickly and then Julius realized that it could be UGLY…and that perhaps an overzealous legislature would “come up” with a law or little loophole that would CUT OFF HIS GENEROUS STATE PENSION.

    Rumors abound….and some serious….some sarcastic….and MOST of a common thread…

    Julius will be in and out of Fatten Them Up (a weight INCREASE camp run by Duke). Deborah will also be with him. They need to put on additional girth to be more believable as the “fat lady who is singing”. Julius is also in a transgender program and breast implants have been ordered.

    Little Blue Smurfette, Carol Folt of Dahhhmoth fame, was on TV last night. This time her outfit was very WHITE with blue tinges….not the blazing light blue she has adopted. Carol said, with a straight face (which may be more total lack of any managerial or leadership skills) that “We need to find out WHAT is going on and when it is over….we will be “much stronger”” Or words to that effect. Remember, Mary Willingham reported that her 2 hour April meeting with the Blue Babe (and did not include Carol’s signature Light Blue Punch and Blue/White Oreos) was UGLY and that Carol stood up on a chair (to be at eyeball level when Mary was seated) and berated her for causing “The Flagship” so much damage…

    There is not, to my knowledge, a Vegas line on ORW’s tenure and his being seated on the light blue bench in the DDome this fall. However, the rank and file (BELIEVERS or TruBlu crowd – it’s a conspiracy AND REALISTS or the THIS HAS GOT TO END crowd — this is shameful and we ought to admit our sins and repent and clean house….NOT THE CAROLINA WAY) UNC Fans (and some who classify themselves as EX) want a CHANGE.

    I PERSONALLY believe that the NCAA will stop SHORT of vacating the 2005 Banner and also not connect the dots between Dean and AFAM (and if you do NOT know that AFAM was a Kansas invention…..again more homework). Johnny Swoff STILL has enough NCAA clout to keep his name from being sullied as the AD who pushed the Faculty Senate and ADMIN into establishing AFAM.

    The NEXT UNC Coach will NOT have Dean/Roy DNA….far from it. There will be a litany of testing to prove NO CONNECTION.

    Only time will tell. However imploding the DDome and tearing down Kenan and erecting 200 feet tall replicas of the Bell Tower painted RED with a light Blue “A” are NOT going to happen. However, the folks at Pack Pride are already drawing up plans.

    BUT…in the PP boys (girls?) defense….other than the somewhat reprehensible OUTING of the Tutor, they HAVE done a LOT of work and provide Dan Kane with evidence that was the REAL keys to this very well run and organized “Keep ‘Em Elligible” Scam. PP does get some awards also.

    Seems like the Dentist and Fats and PJ are NOW out of the spotlight….wonder if the UNC Mouth Guards are as hot an item?

    in reply to: Caleb Martin undergoes surgery #53086

    Hope he progresses and heals well….what is it about FOOT injuries and NCSU?

    in reply to: NC State OOC BBall schedule taking form #53037

    TJ’s #14 pick showed how credible Jay Bilas’ “list” is. WAY TO GO.
    Gott there with TJ and parents. Final shot of Gott hugging TJ’s mom and her crying was really touching.

    Great night….last year we waited and waited and waited for Lo and Calvin to go…

    in reply to: New basketball court design unveiled today #52834

    I did not see the names, Case, Sloan or Valvano on it. Seems we forget the glorious days of YesterYear and dwell on the not-so-hot triumphs of today.

    Lest ye think that I am NOT a loyal supporter of the BB program….I am….I can show you my credit card charges to the WPC and also my travel expenses as I go to out of town games.

    I just would like to see our past honored and hope that it would be an inspiration for the future…

    in reply to: Saturday Morning McCants Updates #52793

    If you do the math….Wainstein has TWO associates. Their combined hourly rate is almost $2,000 per hour. SO, they work 16 hours….or $32,000….TWO DAYS…..that would be ENOUGH money (in scholarships) for ONE deserving student to attend (Tuition, books, supplies, food, housing, etc….no booze) UNC for a FULL YEAR.

    Think about that….Wainstein commented on the number of emails….this boy is going to have some tax issues next year.

    in reply to: Saturday Morning McCants Updates #52724

    Suggest that anyone interested in “THE REST OF THE STORY” visit

    BobLee has TWO columns or pieces on what he calls The Great Unpleasantness (TGU).

    The Jun 13 Column is a recap of his lunch interview with Dr. Jay Smith….one of the Dynamic Duo of Whistleblowers at UNC. VERY interesting and insightful… much so that Dr. Jay told Mary about him and they ALL had lunch yesterday.

    The comments are also interesting as they are a mix of UNC, NCSU, ABC and Don’t Really Care…

    One person went to high school with Dr. Jay and provided some background…

    Perhaps there IS hope…but who knows….

    These columns fill in some gaps and also provide some tidbits….such as Investigator Wainstein HAS interviewed Wayne Weldon. THAT was a little bombshell…



    in reply to: Saturday Morning McCants Updates #52594

    If this had been up earlier, I would have not posted on the OTHER article.
    For a humorous side…with some sarcasm and also reality, I recommend He has TWO columns….the “What he say/said?” and “The Aftermath”. Today’s “Stop the Presses” is pretty good.

    The comments are some rehash….

    However, the one GEM of wisdom hidden here is “Where is Wayne Weldon”. He has become the Dick Cheney and is currently in an undisclosed location.

    Bob chided me to start a Pack Pride Person Posse for Wayne. I do NOT do that.

    For those that might have done the Cliff’s notes reading.

    Dean brought AFAM into UNC….a direct copy or CLONE of the KU department.
    Swoff (I control the ref’s) of ACC Comissh fame was the AD that greased all the skids and plied (Booze, drugs, hookers, whatever…KIDDING…) the BOT and the BOG and the Faculty Senate and got it installed.
    Uncle J and his chief Whiz Banged assistant were carefully selected for their “ethics and duplicity and creativity…”.
    Dickie DO Nothing (Mr. Shagging Tassle Loafers) was Dean’s hand picked person and made SURE that nothing changed.
    Billy G and Matt D probably did NOT have a high enough security clearance to actually know (or understand) what was happening.
    ORW DID….ORW (who the KU folks say was the PERSON that was the Inspiration for the Cartoon Character, Deputy Dog, was WELL SCHOOLED in it.
    ORW brought the chief Academic Controller (er, Advisor) from KU. He put in his book (or his ghostie did….) that Wayne Weldon was MORE valuable that all of his assistants.
    When the feces hit the fan….WW was out of here faster that Bandit with Jackie Gleason closing in. WW “resigned” and has (at least to me) been seen since. The reasons were multiple and he is reported to have a secret Swiss bank account and will purchase the Hornets from Jordon.
    WW or Wayne “keeps ORW WINNING” Weldon is TRULY the key.

    It would interesting to see if someone can FIND him and ASK him….


    Comments from the cheap seats…

    Then N&O’s front page reminded me of the JTV Witch Hunt. If you haven’t read the article, it talks about Mary Willingham’s numbers…..

    Second…there is an “open” letter signed by everybody on the 2005 NCAA team except the girlfriends….FUNNY…how did “THEY” (whoever initiated it?” get THAT done in jig time….? UNLESS they knew, in advance, that RW was miffed and was going to “spill” the beans? OR unless they knew he might “exaggerate”, had this one in the file?

    Third….I am NOT paranoid. I am NOT gullible either. If you follow the history of this whole AFAM deal….Dean got it started. Swoff got it put in. When ORW came, he brought Wayne Weldon, the CHIEF Academic Guy from KU and stated in his book…he is MORE important to me than any assistant coach.

    ORW may have NOT know the specifics of the Paperless or whatever classes, but he knew enough to have Wayne make sure that the KU model was in place.

    For the trivia buffs here….Wayne was the very FIRST Casualty of the implosion. He had been Roy’s main man for YEARS….but, out of nowhere, he up and resigned…I would LOVE to see the $1000 per hour UNC Investigator call him in or have Wayne appear, under oath, before a congressional committee.

    THAT would let all the ghosts and goblins and dead bodies OUT…

    Someone….perhaps here….stated that the UNC 2005 NCAA Banner had turned into a “Shroud of Shame” for UNC…from both an athletic and academic perspective….and it was a sad day indeed….regardless of who your cheered for in the ACC…”

    in reply to: Incompetent ACC Official Ends State’s season #52377

    I KNOW that we did not have a GOOD season. I KNOW that UNC got the benefit of TWO Home Plate calls. I KNOW that the strike zone SHRANK when UNC was at bat so that they had more “hittable” balls and then Grossly Expanded when UNC was pitching. My comments…NOPE. Comments from folks who know a LOT more about Baseball than I do. Folks that are NOT NCSU fans.

    So, if you really want to know what happened….then you ONLY need to look at the Saturday games….What COLOR was the Ump’s wearing….My wife thought that the coaches were arguing and going to get into a fight…then she realized the UVA coach was arguing with an Ump wearing an ACC Light Blue Jersey.

    SO….the deal is done….and…I am STILL mad….mad at ourselves…but also mad at the LACK OF A LEVEL Playing Field when it comes to officials….I thought it stopped when the round ball quit bouncing, but NOT SO…

    UNC “makes it into” the CWS….but DUKE does not. How about them apples….

    in reply to: Incompetent ACC Official Ends State’s season #52310

    Now we have more evidence of the sinister things going on in the secret laboratory under the Old Well in CH.

    First….they transplanted a chip in James Knight’s head when they “brought him back from the throes of the Grim Reaper” Later that chip was used by some evil person to make the TA’s KNEE touched the ground….before he crossed the Kenan goal. I was THERE….I SAW IT….and so did the video.

    Next….they kidnapped Karl Hess, but that one went slightly amuck. KH is not a rogue droid. He was programmed to inflict pain and suffering on the Wolfies….and he has also infected several of his cohorts….BUT, he is like Mr. Hyde…..Dr. Jekyl can NOT TOTALLY control or predict his behavior. There are those in light blue that defile his name and shudder when he is announced at their conflicts.

    But, there is a NEW droid about us. One Mark Chapman. He was recently recruited and is working out quite well….thanks to the new technology. He has a great demeanor…even Elliott Avent said he was a GOOD MAN….better man than a Ref (you gotta love that line.

    And in closing….it would only be fair to point out that the very earliest experiments on Ron Cherry, were at best…..comical. At worst….still comical. He is now the scourge of the ACC Officiating crews. ALL ACC members and their respective competitors rue the day when he makes his raspy voiced calls…..but NONE can compare to the TOB “Givin’ HIM the Business” PA call. Again, I was there and it is still a highlight on my “unbelievable” ACC Ref/Officials blooper list…

    Now you know…..and we have received input from a nice young man, Snowden (Code name of course) that all the implants are the latest Light Blue Tooth design and that Darth Sidious and his crew is in the “command center” in the luxurious ACC HQ in Greensboro…..

    Not even the supreme commanders in the US Congress who are calling for a COMPLETE investigation of UNC by the NCAA….as among the resides the equivalent of Palpatine…..and he has NO PRICE…if you get my drift.

    BTW….wonder how DY is doing with her back room campaigning? She is REALLY quiet and MIA….

    in reply to: Incompetent ACC Official Ends State’s season #52290

    OK….first…let’s get all the whining over.

    We NOW know the name (at least I do) of an official in all THREE Sports. Does that make me a “Three Letterman”?

    James Knight of UNC FB fame…

    Karl Hess of FSU BB fame….

    Mark Chapman of UNC Baseball fame…

    Need to do some googling to find out if they receive secret payments from John Swofford….is there a common DNA link….PackPride will do all the ugly work and we can then read the summaries.

    So much for the sarcasm and also the whining….

    On a more SERIOUS note…

    It is embarrassing when you leave more runners on base than Crystal Magnum’s “clients” just 24 hours before the Dukies attacked her. Talk about a LOST opportunity to win. THAT says a lot.

    It is frustrating when the lead stories in all the media is about the MISSED….BLOWN (did you think Crystal?) call and not about the score.

    Elliott Avent has, however, been pretty vocal and MAY get into trouble. However, he has done it in such a nice way and never come out and said “Blown Call”….

    It is also ironic…and I did not go back through all the posts that someone(s) predicted that we would lose a close game to UNC due to an officiating error….

    I am MAD about the call….and FRUSTRATED about the lost opportunity….

    I am also a bit dillusional….but not betting my retirement resources….that somehow, someway, some(fill in the blank) the NCAA will cut us a little slack and invite us. Chances of that….probably better than me winning tonight’s Lottery Pick 5…

    in reply to: Weekend Baseball: Heading to Blacksburg #52036


    Good post. I looked at the NCSU v GT scenario and since we took 2, we would be #9. Did not go far enough up the food chain…..since we took 2 from WFU, then you are right as GT’s record is there….no more games.

    Great post…

    DY said, via email, last night that she THOUGHT we were in, and the ACC had told her folks that also. Don’t know WHO exactly called who or talked to who, but SHE was still going to do her own personal tally sheet before she was satisfied. Can’t blame her. I did mine after GH’s comments and the “thrill” of the victory had worn off.

    GH’s comments almost poured the entire bucket of bad luck (the Curse of the Announcer telling you something is virtually in the bag….) on EA and crew.

    Two pitchers…..both with “save” records less than “how shall we say…not oozing with confidence…” was spooky. BUT, it turned out OK….

    Glad we did not have to use the WF trick of loading the bases to see if the pitcher was up to it again…

    in reply to: Weekend Baseball: Heading to Blacksburg #52029

    Gary Hahn was really ballyhooing the fact that we would be IN if we win. Supposedly the ACC “office” told them..

    DUH…Pack would be 13 – 16 after second game….Pitt is 11 – 18. Best Pitt could do is 12 – 18. Worst we could do is 13 – 17. No TIE to break….even my wife can do that without a calculator.

    We’re in….I kept thinking about EA’s decision with WFU to load the bases, TWICE.

    Jimmy V said that one year, as part of his Basketball JV coaching job, he had to coach the baseball team. He went out on the mound when the pitcher had loaded the bases and the kid kept telling him “I STILL got IT….I can fan this guy”

    He did and the next pitch was a HR and they lost…don’t remember by how much, but the 4 run Homer did it. V said that he learned….NEVER TRUST a PITCHER when he is in trouble. He will LIE to you….because of his ego and his overconfidence in his ability.

    Really exciting games tonight….I did not get the 4 or 5 “Honey Do’s” done, but Honey was listening and cheering and cursing along with me.

    NOW….win tomorrow and FOCUS on what we have to do in Post Season.

    in reply to: Weekend Baseball: Heading to Blacksburg #51977

    This just in…..

    ND WINS…..3 – 0 over Pitt. Both schools’ websites confirm….ESPN still not even listing game.

    Way to go IRISH….

    WF v UVA Postponed due to weather.

    in reply to: Weekend Baseball: Must Win vs Wake #51941


    I do NOT dispute your athletic coaching/player credentials…..mine are inconsequential when compared to your real life experiences… However, couple of comments or questions or insights?

    I understand the PINCH Hitter Rule…..I did NOT know there was a PINCH Coach Rule? I guess that is what you are referring to…

    In addition, I have read a lot about Rafael. He seems like a good person despite POSSIBLY making the wrong choice(s)…obviously Jameius Winston is an example of the opposite kind….

    IF Rafael is as intelligent in the sport and as well equipped to coach for the WP, then WHY did he let or permit or perhaps be involved with his son’s decision to come to Raleigh and play for such a buffoon (Fill in the blank) as EA? Now MAYBE, EA’s recent personal issues and his supposed new living environment has “clouded” his mental prowess and he is not as focused as last year. I will add that even my wife screamed from across the room….WHAT IS THAT IDIOT DOING?…when he loaded the bases….the first time….and her words cannot be printed here after the second time.

    SO, If EA is inept…then WHY did Rafael allow his son to play for him?

    I am NOT an EA Rah-Rah person or even a member of his fan club and I do NOT have him in my email contacts….My wife was STILL hostile on Tuesday morning and I offered her DY’s email address so she could ask DY WHY EA was “stupid”? She declined…and I certainly am not going to ask DY for an explanation of a coach’s ineptness…as I KNOW what her curt answer will be….

    Just some thoughts…..and YES, I was disappointed on Monday night and do NOT have a good vibe about our miraculous entry into the ACC Tourney….even the “pool” spots…but hey, that is why the will play the remaining games…

    Exactly, other than the pitching call the other night, WHY should we fire EA and hire Rafael?


    in reply to: Weekend Baseball: Must Win vs Wake #51856

    Statistically speaking, we SHOULD make it to the Tourney. However, we have human ball players, as to the other teams, and not statisticians on the field.

    Maybe we got a little luck or help from Valvano and he and Esposito were buddies….

    Maybe Avent is picking up some tips from Gottfried about playing and winning under pressure…..

    Don’t know, but Wake certainly seem jinxed in both games and their errors tipped the scales.

    BC does not seem like a threat. UNC will have it’s hands full trying to keep its record.

    Pitt should have some more losses….so we, HOPEFULLY, will make it.

    Need to run the table to make sure and not depend on the efforts or perhaps, misfortunes, of others for our fate.

    Great game last night….GO PACK….

    in reply to: Jameis Winston In Trouble Again #51585

    Am in Panama City Beach for vacation. Getting quite a LOT of publicity. It was the “Deputy’s Discretion” that resulted in the “arrangement”. The Publix folks and the LEO looked at the video and quickly recognized Mr. Winston. Then they went to his apartment. Me admitted taking them and KNOWING that he had “forgotten” to pay for them, but made NO attempt to return and rectify.

    If you read the articles, this is his fourth little dust-up with LEO. BB gun damages when he and his buddies played a souped up version of paintball. Asking for a water cup at a fast food outlet and then snitching free soda….even though he was politely asked to quit….then there is the little matter of the sexual assault (er….consensual?) that got buried in the campus and TPD files.

    SO, Mr. Winston, once again, is not being held responsible for his actions.

    I recall the time that Lorenzo Charles stiffed a delivery guy for a Pizza and was hauled downtown and arrested. Every article about Jimmy V had a reference to that little incident.

    Of course, LO was NOT a Heisman Trophy winner at that time….and I THINK that if he had done such AFTER the 1983 season, he STILL would have been arrested and booked.

    I am at a very nice villa and our complex is part of a major resort. Last Friday night, there was a covey of local TV Satellite trucks outside the “outdoor cabana facility”. I wondered WHAT would attract such a crew of news folks and all the nice rides around.

    Later that night, I saw the footage. The local PCB FSU Boosters club had Jimbo there for a few words and to collect a mega amount of booty. They EVEN had a $$ Photo Op line set up complete with pro lights and backdrop. The line was extended out and around the facility….and the TV stations showed a few of the boosters getting their picture made. Jimbo was smoozing up to the high maintenance eye candy that the boosters had in tow….some looked like they were not the FIRST to be the Mrs. XXX…but they were fawning all over Jimbo and he was grinning like (fill in the blank).

    So, that is how it is….the prosecutor in the local piece made NO BONES that it was clear that Mr. Winston did not attempt to pay for the merchandise, but that the Deputy had elected to reduce the offense to community service….AFTER he confirmed it was Mr. Winston.

    in reply to: The NY Times: UNC “at odds” with N&O #51458

    Great FIND. Thanks,

    Did you notice the comment by Joel Curran? Remember Joel?

    The Light Blue Smurfette, Carol Folt, hired a “Dynamic Duo” to replace Matt Kupec (Matt, who dallied ONCE too often on the company payroll with Tyler’s mom).

    Matt made $350K.

    Joel only gets $300K as the “PR Mouthpiece” but David Routh who is doing the bulk of Matt’s job will earn, with incentives, $495K. Not a bad deal. Fill and open position with TWO for $795K.

    Now it hit me. JC….where have I seen those initials, other than on Sunday morning at church,….Jay Carney.

    Can it be that the UNC School of Journalism has a NEW department…”BioUnEthics”? Maybe, in the Manhattan Project style (Stagg Field – University of Chicago), during the Butcher’s renovation of Kenan, they built a secret Bunker (patterned after Dick Cheney’s) and they build DROIDS there (think Stepford Wives). These Droids are human, but have no brain….only an implant.

    These implants can bloviate for hours and never exacerbate the situation. They also can reach levels of hyperbole and prevarication hereto unknown to mortals.

    The JC initials was the clue…

    The Great Unpleasantness (TGU – BobLeeSays) is like the lyrics from Hotel California (or my parody about it….Hotel Carolina).

    “And in the Master’s chambers, they stab it with their steely knives, but they can Never kill the Beast….”

    Another day….another chapter. Do NOT expect the NCAA to fly into UNC tomorrow, unless Coach Williams has invited them down for a round of golf…

    in reply to: The NY Times: UNC “at odds” with N&O #51457

    GREAT FIND. Probably will not change “The Situation”….but as my wife said….the Californian Hotel (Eagles) lyric comes to mind….

    “They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can’t kill the beast…”

    I really need to dig up my old parody….”Hotel Carolina”…

    Anyway….I did learn a BUNCH of new words and had to look up some.

    What struck me was the Joel Curran remark. I also noted that Joel Curran and Jay Carney share the same initials….more on that later.

    The petite light blue Smurfette, Chancellor Carol Folt, decided to hire TWO folks and “expand” Matt Kupec’s old gig. Joel Curran and David Routh (Not David Lee Roth) were hired to replace Matt Kupec. You remember Matt who tried to pull a slick Willie with Tyler’s mom on the UNC tab and got caught….

    Look at the MATH and the METHODOLOGY here.

    Matt was paid $350K. Not a bad gig where you travel to sporting events and can take along your your own personal hottie for companionship.

    What Was He Thinking?

    Joel Curran makes $300K. SO, at least Joel makes LESS than Matt did…but after he successfully maneuvers the “Flagship” through these ice berg infested waters, he will get a raise…

    David Routh was also added as Matt’s FULL Time. The Legislature approved a “position upgrade” to add incentives for getting money from the fat cats.

    So, David was hired. I had read a few articles about him….well qualified…

    David, if he knows how to write his own evaluation reports and do his own spreadsheets, can claim the FULL MONTY…or $495K.

    SO, we have fill Matt’s old gig with two guys that make $795K. WHAT A DEAL.

    NOW….back to the conspiracy theory…I have done extensive investigation, much like Dan Kane, and uncovered the “Chicago Project”. You remember, of course, that the Manhattan Project research was done in a concrete bunker under the bleachers of Stagg Field at the University of Chicago and that lead to Little Boy and Fat Boy being dropped on Japan.

    It now seems that the DNC has funded a new research project within the UNC School of Journalism. It is actually known as the UNCSJ “BioUnEthics” Department. They have teamed with geneticists and other scientific types and have a research lab under Kenan. In there, they have successfully develop DROIDS that can serve as PR people (Think Stepford Wives). Their two most recognizable robots are Jay Carney and Joes Curran. They have successfully reprogrammed the brains so that they can bloviate for hours on end….and come up with a sound bite while never exacerbating the situation and also can prevaricate with levels of hyperbole unknown to mankind.

    Gotta love it….don’t expect the NCAA to show up at UNC tomorrow, unless to play golf with Roy….

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