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    ONE key stat or number missing. That is the NUMBER 2. FSU fell in the Coaches Poll from 1 to 2.

    In addition, NCSU NOW holds the record for the MOST POINTS SCORED AGAINST FSU in the First Quarter. Was 17….now 24 and WE OWN THAT ONE..

    GO PACK….

    in reply to: The Carter-Finley game experience #57737

    OK….I am an OLD flatulence…I graduated in 1968 and saw WP games at Rickety Riddick and Carter-Finley….during my 5 years of matriculation.

    I think that I have attended about 40% of the games played there….each year, my LTR’s up that. Missed a few years when I was poor and out of NC….and a few when I was STILL poor and back in NC.

    I truthfully can not remember a more electric event there…I can remember several really LOUD and SWEET victories….and a few really tough defeats. FSU has at least 2 now….maybe 3. PSU has one that my son (12 YO) and I remember….dratted FG kicker.

    I took my 11 YO GS this time….in his NCSU > FSU T-Shirt that I bought him the LAST time we beat them. He was jumping up and down and excited as I have ever seen him….and that is truly amazing as his dad is a UNC fan.

    The crowd was into the game even through the rougher moments and I never saw anyone seriously try to “outcoach” Coach D. Everyone left with a feeling of “we just barely missed upsetting # 1″….but no angry comments. The FSU crowd, or at least the ones that I saw were pretty subdued….like the guy that gets caught in a major firefight and is in the MIDDLE…they looked more stunned than euphoric.

    As to the fall downs. There were some….I felt sort of bad for our booing…..but we had just cause. Jimbo’s little antics probably got Swoff involved and Coach D did the appropriate thing.

    However, he did NOT (publicly) get called on the carpet for the “inconsistency” of the holding calls. He DOES speak his mind…and with emotion after the game.

    CF really struck me as being “where I wanted to be”….and if my ship comes in, I might just move to higher ground….after I buy a whole bunch of stuff for my DW and Family. SO, I will sit with our 8 block LTR’s and enjoy the company and the games.

    GO PACK….

    in reply to: Jacoby Brissett & Jerod Fernandez earn honors #57674

    I keep getting erratic results from the video…..sometimes it will load and other times it tells me that I do NOT have the proper flash player.

    Anyway… is the link with the verbiage….!/news-detail/football-players-of-the-week-for-september-29-2014-09-29

    It seems that Mr. “stand on table and shout vulgarities…whilst holding your Heisemann” did NOT get the honor…BUT his noble adversary on the OTHER SIDE (the Good Side of the FORCE) did.

    Great….go pack….

    in reply to: FSU vs NC State; Post Game Thoughts #57575


    It would be GOOD to go to a Bowl Game this year. It would be even BETTER to go to one of consequence….in the SOUTH.

    Having attended NCSU’s 1963 appearance at the Liberty Bowl a few days before Christmas and endured cold like I have never felt (after 35 years of hunting deer and also having traveled extensively to Duluth during the winters), I sort of soured on Northern Bowls…

    But, you never know….On to Death Valley and focus on all the wood chopping we need to do to get to a bowl….

    in reply to: FSU vs NC State; Post Game Thoughts #57523

    Well NOW….how about this….

    I fully understand the AP and Coaches poll….don’t know DIDDLE about the CBS.COM 128.

    However FSU done lost the top dog spot in the Coaches poll. GOT to think that we had an influence on this. SO, give us some “recognition”….or maybe folks thought we were so BAD….but I tend to think that we did SHOW up the “Wizard”.

    Agree that we have to play at the same or even greater intensity next week and we have to NOT make mental errors..

    Really good to see us put a little tarnish on the FSU crown…

    GO PACK!

    PS, Duke is NOT in the poll…..ever figure that a Loss to an UNRANKED Miami would knock Duke OUT of the polls….ECU is still there… Note that Clemson is NOT in the polls….after almost defeating FSU last week and just “toying” with UNC. The Tig’s gonna want some BLOOD….

    in reply to: FSU vs NC State; Post Game Thoughts #57517

    Great synopsis….especially since it agrees with what I posted….

    Seriously, I felt NO remorse in leaving a few seconds early. I felt no remorse in the loss, other than we came really close. I did NOT have a target or an outlet to say…”You/it” cost us the game.

    Jacoby is phenomenal…and that is all there is to say. We have NOT seen a QB have that “edge” or spirit of competition since RW and PR. He is now, in my mind, in the top 3 of NCSU QB. Two of them are current starters on Sunday.

    Coach D really was honest and sincere and somewhat pointed in his presser. He laid it out….no sugar. If he had gone too much further, then Swoff would be negotiating a fine with Debbie on Monday. BUT, we ALL understood what he meant.

    One thing that really got me….other than the Non-Play that was reviewed was the “Review AFTER the completion of the Media TO”. It does NOT take a Graduate NCSU IE (of which I have half of such a degree….with my BS) to know that you use INTERNAL time to improve your efficiency. WHY they waited….GOD (and Buffalo Wild Wings and maybe Swoff) only know.

    The only thing that I might add to your stellar keystroking is that the CROWD should have been awarded a Game Ball. Having attended at least 50% of the CF games since it debuted, prior to my graduation, I can tell you that yesterday was perhaps the LOUDEST, LONGEST (as in duration of the “crowd” effect, and the most INTERACTIVE….that I have seen. I can not seriously think of a game with LESS enthusiasm….and that is saying something.

    GO PACK….and YES, yesterday is NOT the Baseline….we will have our ups and downs….but many will also say, I predict, that it was our “Presentation” (as in a Debutant being introduced at the ball) game. We will have to play hard to match it….and we will have to improve….and I think we can on both counts. Death Valley may turn out to be a debacle….but I’ll bet that Deebo is trying to figure out two things….a Game Plan and also HOW to get the Tig’s to understand that NCSU is NOT a pansy a$$ team…and maybe THAT is our greatest weapon next week. Whipping up on FSU like we did in the first quarter almost pulled out a victory.

    in reply to: Florida State open game thread #57515


    Grey….I must have struck a nerve with my generality. Here is what he said…

    I thought it was a bit inappropriate (MY OPINION) to make the fans comment after his FIRST game at CF. Having said that, I am on the WEST side….for a LOT of reasons. I have also sat for 2 – 4 hours in the front row of the East Side of CF waiting for a concert to start in the late afternoon summer sun. Even when it cools down, the heat sink factor of the concrete STILL radiates heat.

    I also, if you follow my rants, have NEVER, EVER said one other disparaging thing about Coach D.

    SO, YES, I think that I am a loyal NCSU fan….as will my checkbook and credit cards. In addition, RED is my wardrobe. Even the license plate on my wife’s new RED Caddy is NCSU personalized and I have two S-plates and another Personalized WOLF vanity plate.

    I think we agree….as to the in and out policy….why bother. I watched a young lady that was very well endowed stuff 6 mini bottles into her bra (3 on each side) at a neighboring tail gate on Saturday. He BF (hubby? whatever), reached over and pulled up the neckline of her top and looked down and in and said….you got room for more….we will bring MORE next time.

    As to Coach D’s comments, it seemed a little bit paradoxical at the Military Appreciation Game, which was right after the opener, that the PA Announcer told the fans to STAY IN THEIR SEATS during halftime. SOME folks DO have to go potty if they consume a lot of liquid (with no or high alcohol content) and they must leave. SO, to specifically encourage staying in the stands at half and then expecting a full seated crowd for the second half kick-off seemed to be a bit opposite. I DID make that comment to the Administration….and it was noted with a polite response….

    in reply to: Florida State open game thread #57493

    If I need to get up a State Sunday Rally event, there still may be time. Some would call it a Sordid Sunday, but their voices are few and getting weaker.

    I was there, save 30 seconds of so when my DW & Daughter texted to break tradition and LEAVE W/O singing the Alma Mater as they wanted my GS and me to meet them for a later dinner.

    One of the folks in our section seems to have good “Sunday morning coaching instincts” and called a BUNCH of the plays before they materialized and also pointed out the deficiencies in both State and FSU. SO, I was watching as well as listening to his comments.

    Bottom line….we came out and “hit them first” as my old HS FB coach used to say. We had FUN….right up until mid second quarter. I had also listened to a bit of the pre-game and the comments were that Winston would be off somewhat until the second half. NOW, he could have been 100% on the first snap…but odds were…he would take a little time to get back his rhythm. as the “off field” stuff was in his head and he had not seen competition in two weeks and only got a half in then…and it was NOT real….just the powder puff variety.

    SO, we shocked FSU….and they responded…and we kept coming back. Finally, they woke up. Now, I do NOT really think that Swoff intervened… Generally, there seemed to the STATE fans that FSU got the Ref Advantage (which is usually reserved for the Home Crowd). So, we were maybe half a man short.

    I was proud of the Pack. Now, did I moan a little when we made some obvious mistakes? YES. But you have got to compliment the team. Generally, with the talent that they have and the experience, they gave it their all and played several notches BETTER than most of the professional “opinionators” prognostications.

    Second, I was pleased with the Bench Calls or our strategy. OK, not all of it worked. Was that because we WERE playing the number ONE team in the nation? They SURE did not look that most of the first half. Was it because THEY did not take us seriously? If so, then RanttheChantNation’s BB should be calling for Jimbo’s head. Who KNOWS, but it was NOT a TOB game…

    I also listened to Coach D’s Presser. Every time I hear him there, I am more impressed. He does NOT shy away from making comments about certain matters…and he give credit to what we did right and where we need to improve.

    This man WILL win us many more games….and will be sought after for higher paying/status jobs.

    It was a great game and a thrilling experience. The CF Crowd was as loud and also as interactive as I can remember…and that goes back a LONG, LONG way.

    Kudo’s to the Team, the Coaches/Staff AND to the Fans. We got a much deserved ATTABOY from Coach D on that one…and this is from the man that chewed us out for NOT being in our seats for the 2nd half last year.

    GO PACK.

    in reply to: NST: Woman with three boobs!? #56982

    Three Boobs or No Brains….

    Not that this is a FACT….but Miss TriTit appears to be a FAKE.

    Jasmine done told a fib. If you had googled “3 Boob Woman” before this, you would have gotten an “X” (NSFW) link about a young lady, who might bump into Duke’s Belle Knox between takes, at many of the “specialized” Hollywood film studies with small casts and closeups of various usually not seen orifices and appendages. Miss “3” of X fame “supposedly” paid for the REAL (surgically attached) extra mammary gland. However, in subsequent explicit exploit, it (amazingly) was GONE.

    SO, Jasmine don’t got the extra knocker. At least we know that SOME doctors DO have morals….despite what institution of higher learning that they attended.

    IF Jasmine has REALLY “gone under the knife”, then I would have predicted that she and Jameis MIGHT have been contestants on some of the REALLY low budget (Will show my boobs for $$ or Will make dumb remarks for crab legs) variety.

    Now the 3BB (3 boobed bimbo) has had her fame…if she REALLY had them, then she and Belle and maybe the Oct-Mom could have done a ménage a trois …and maybe added JW for “contrast”

    in reply to: Trevor Lacy Arrested – No GUNS on Moped #56914

    Maybe “it’s in his GENES”. By that I mean thinking he can “MISS” a court date. After all, we do have a PG that thought it was OK NOT to pay his taxes. Most of you know that I have the greatest love and admiration for Sidney…..but SON (er, Man), WHAT were you thinking? Now is that for Sidney or Trevor….seems appropriate either way.

    Perhaps Trevor was given the “How to Act Like Jameus Winston” for DUMMIES book and got caught up in it. I guess he missed the FIRST chapter….Step 1, Win the HEISMANN. Forget that one little step…and BINGO, you are doomed for failure.

    Seriously. This little incident seems trivial and DUMB. Maybe in Alabammy….you COULD miss a court date. Lorenzo Charles said that “Stiffing a Pizza Delivery Guy” was considered bad manner, but NOT a crime in NYC. SO, you gotta check out the boy’s “past social and civic environment” before you castigate him. I hope that Coach G threatens him with a similar sounding WORD….maybe one our “walk on’s” can translate for him.

    I agree with the poster….Barney should NOT have been up that late at night….or he should have been cruising for the sexual predators that frequently roam the campus….or should have been at KK getting his early morning snack.

    The beat will go on….time for some FOOTBALL….Coach G and Debbie will have to sort this out. Maybe that is the punishment….put him on probation….and make Debbie the PO. WOW…I think that I would serve hard time to avoid that…even if it really did involve….(fill in the rest).

    GO PACK….let’s prove that Jameus should be out snatching Crab Legs or coming up with a really UNIQUE Female Derogatory Remark….rather than the canned one that he quoted.

    in reply to: State is 4-0 #56807

    Purple PAIN…..Purple PAIN…..Oh, how I love the Smurf’s getting their just Purple PAIN…

    BUT, I remember a Saturday last fall where WE got the Purple Pain (NO, I will not go there…). I was so mad that I almost burned the new Purple bath towel set that my wife had just ordered when it came in on Monday. I DID confiscate it and she did not get them un Christmas….but they were the wrappings on a WolfPack Pandora bracelet that I had made up….so she forgave me.

    Listening to the post game on the way home….there was a basketful of “records” shattered….so far this season. And GH/JE/TH were still pulling them out.

    Meanwhile in Green town, the there was a even larger basket of records being broken. At last count, the talking/writing wags were up to 30+. Half of them were “BEST” and the lads in Purple possessed all of the. The OTHER half were WORST since (FTB) and the Blue Smurfs were still wailing.

    SO, even though we have not played a “power”, I will take the 4-0 record.

    Curiosity….Check out the article or headline here.

    This is on ABC11 or WTVD (D as in DURHAM). Did it EVER occur to the web whiz that there was ANOTHER story there? ECU is #23. Guess WHO entered the Top 25 at #22? Give that lad a cigar (bubblegum of course). Dave’s Dark Blue Clad Warriors….the DUKE (aren’t THEY in DURHAM??) Blue Devils. YEP, the local TV station posts an AP article and completely MISSES the local team’s entry into the elite. DOES that tell you about the quality and knowledge of the web folks?

    SO, who KNOWS where we will finish? Personally, we are sitting better than UNX. UNX, bless their little hearts, has to play DaBO and the Orange Clad Tigers NEXT WEEK.

    We don’t draw a much better LOT….but I would rather play FSU AFTER a close win that Clemson after a LOSS. JimBO (This should have been billed as the BO Bowl….sponsored by Bo Jangles….and there would have been a Promo today where if you wore Burgundy or Orange, you got a free JW Special….Crab Legs Biscuit and Iced Tea…

    BUT, JimBO did, IMO, outcoach DaBO….I don’t know if convincing (jinxing) the Clemson running back that coughed up the ball and preventing a last minute score was all JimBO’s doing….much less the “force” of the tackling. He just DROPPED IT. JimBO DID have the plan….get on D and hold them and figure out HOW to score.

    Looking forward to Saturday…..the Noles will be tough….and we may look like the team that many are berating (or perhaps NOT promoting) here….but I think that Coach D will make sure that we play well and not quit…

    GO PACK….be at CF on Saturday….my 11 YO GS has exercised his right to my DW’s ticket and will be decked out in the BEAT FSU T that I bought him two years ago. MIRACLES do happen.

    in reply to: Jameis Winston Screws Up Yet Again #56802

    Surprised no one has commented on last night’s game……

    Personally, I think that EVERY State fan was (should) have been pulling for FSU. AS much as I hate the War Chant….I think that I did it while watching the game. Got home from CF in time to see the last half or so…..caught up a little on the “shenanigans”

    FIRST….JW of Suspended Fame “DRESSED” out….Full pad and Helmet. Came out (Supposedly) and started warm-up’s. Like….HEY, when WE (FSU) gets behind….Coach will call the Prez and say…..OK…put in JW. Maybe JW was partying on Friday night and did not get the tweet that he was suspended for the ENTIRE game. Whatever….I understand that Jimbo was LESS than happy with his choice of sideline attire and banished him to the locker room for a wardrobe “change”. Maybe he had on his Suit pants with his jersey and ball cap.

    Second….FSU appeared to be in a fog during the first half. JW did (supposedly) a half time speech and motivated them. Maybe he promised them free soft drinks or a crab leg feast…..whatever HE or maybe Jimbo said….FSU did come out and march down the field.

    Then after FSU evened it up, they appeared to have old MO….until the back-up QB threw the pick. Give the kid credit….he did a pretty good job and the tipped pass was not totally his fault. BUT, remember, JW was the number 1 HS QB pick of the nation….he was ONLY #12, so it was not like putting in your kid sister….

    BUT the play, or maybe one of them, OF THE GAME was Clemson coughing up the ball on the three down RUN series to get the ball a little closer to the goal for the winning FG. Admittedly, the Clemson kicker is NOT money in the bank. He muffed two….I only saw one. He is not Mr. Automatic. SO, FSU gets the ball. Jimbo then has this REVELATION. PLAY FOR THE TIE….win in OT.

    FSU wins the toss….goes on D. Clemson plays it conservatively…..right up until the shotgun snap clears the QB by 5 ft and he finally covers it about 15 yds back. THEN they have a 4 and 1 (which is closer to 4th and one FOOT. DaBO elects to RUN rather than test the mettle of his kicker….and they are STOPPED.

    FSU seems bent on a ground game….supposedly (or so thinks the Clemson D)…. OVER the middle….end around (Left) sweep….6 Pts. JimBO wins the BO Bowl……wonder if BO Jangles has a Special JW Discount on a Crab Leg Biscuit and Sweet Tea?

    Personally, I have NEVER been a JimBO fan… I can barely TOLERATE the Noles. BUT, I have to hand it to JimBO. He outcoached DaBO. AS in, he figured out HOW to make the running back fumble. Sort of, like Jimmy V. said, Dean Smith outcoaching John Thompson in 1982. Fred Brown mistook James Worthy for GT’s Eric Smith…..then faked a pass to Sleppy Floyd and threw the ball to Worthy….and UNC got the Title that year. SO, JimBO outcoached DaBO…

    I did hear a cheer from West Raleigh….which I assume came from the Murphy Center. Looking forward to Saturday….at least FSU is coming off a win….as fortuitous as it might be….instead of carrying a loser’s grudge.

    Did I mention that the light blue Smurfette’s are playing UNX next week. The SAME UNX that had several of their “WORST…Fill in the Blank…Records shattered by the Purple Party’ers yesterday. YES, it WAS a sweet day.

    My wife even put out the Purple bath towels that I had almost burned (NEW…in the box) as UPS delivered them on the Monday after our “ugly” loss to them last fall. She said that she did NOT do it on purpose….YEAH RIGHT….that lady is evil…and I know….after 49 years of marriage…

    in reply to: Rivers vs. Wilson #56799

    Sort of related…..Denver v. Seattle. Really thought that Wilson was showing up the Old Man(ning – #18). Peyton’s pick (interception) was his FIRST since 9/17/2012. That is 2 years and 4 days W/O getting picked off. Maybe he puts Teflon on the ball and only his receivers have the “GRABBY” Teflon gloves…..or he is THAT good.

    SO, Denver does a PR/RW comeback….scores and gets 2 Pt. PAT and ties game.

    THEN Seattle takes the ball on the kickoff. Marches 80 yards down and scores. Wilson has 4 series savings runs….only 22 yards….what….they march 80 yards and the QB gets one fourth of them.

    Manning did not look like the MAN in the first half….but he came through in the second….but the short, new kid on the QB block refused to be bullied or afraid. Wilson just seemed like he was NOT going to let Seattle lose, even though the Defense let him down in the last minute. Even the Seattle defenders said that Manning spotted some softness in their formations and took advantage of them.

    Kudo’s to Wilson….I guess he did not want 2 L’s in a row.



    My vote is YES….the PC police will probably object to the word “Fight”….but they did not pick up anything else that advocated DM…

    There are no viral blogs connecting Kongos with this week’s past events…..

    I will vote (text) for it if it is on the Video Board Play List….which I am SURE will be exciting….BUT, if Big & Rich’s “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy” is there….I will be forced to vote for it…

    I DO sometimes WONDER about the demographics of the crowd….or at least the technologically enlightened ones….the music choices are “interesting”

    GO PACK….



    Since I somewhat started this “digression”, I SORT of agree with you.

    However, I think that it is MORE telling that the “social media” can BOMB anything….and the outcome and reaction is totally unpredictable.

    Obviously ALL of us are against Domestic Violence and Child Abuse. Having said that, then HOW did this “thingy” get blown up and WHY the Backlash now?

    My simplest take is that the “Gangsta Rap” influence FINALLY erupted. Over the years there have been studies (Elon did one) that show that the Rap lyrics (as well as other venues) have a decided influence on COLLEGE students….and that Females have been “lowered” a bit. This is true in the Female as well as the Male respondents.

    So, you have the Gangsta Rap Lyrics (If that Hoe don’t put out, for friends or profit, Knock the Bitch’s Teeth Out)….or you have Jay Z telling Beyoncé “Eat the cake, Anna Mae” (google that one). Remember, these Elitist Rappers ALSO frequent the guest and entertainment list of the White House.

    So, the NBA/NFL superstars listen to the RAP. They want GOLD. They want GUNS. They want SEX. They are Participants in the Random Sperm Donor program and have many offsprings by many “Good Looking Mama’s”. Race or Ethnicity of the Mama’s shows NO Discrimination….but BLONDE’s are the mainstay of the Rapper’s stables…as well as the SuperStars.

    SO, you get a Rice or Dwyer or Hardy or whoever…and he gets caught up in the lyrics. He also gets into the “Violent Video Gamer’s” Syndrome (Sandy Fork, Aurora, Columbine, etc.). He begins to “live out” the lyrics.

    THEN someone tweets or uploads a video clip. It is surpressed…but eventually goes viral.

    The result is a conundrum of OVERKILL. WHERE was all the NOW and Various Lapel Wearing folks when the Rappers first started advocating Domestic Violence in the 80? They were SILENT. SOME of the folks (women and men) of the Hollywood crowd were making BIG donations and also using their STAR POWER for political sabotage of opponents…

    SO, do NOT bite the hand that feeds you…..

    I am SORRY for this rant….Roger Goddell SHOULD have come down HARD…but if he did, then what about the LAST 57 cases of Domestic Violence in the NFL (maybe including the NBA?). He had LOOKED the other way. The OWNERS (now aghast at such) did NOT want to be without their talent on the field/court/diamond. Also want to take odds on the ETHNICITY of the 57 lads? you guessed it.

    Domestic Violence…is NOT a Race Thing. I am NOT a racist. BUT, when 90% or so (Eminem NOT withstanding) of the Rappers are of the SAME ethnicity as the 57 Lads….there IS a pattern. Eric Holder or President Obama probably do NOT see it, though.

    This thing just BLEW UP. The ONE saving grace is that NOW, it WILL be difficult for the NBA/NFL/MLB to “book” some of the “stars”, that the fans want…because of their past songs.

    As opined…..Roger Goddell could be publicly beheaded during the next SuperBowl halftime show…but it would be the SECOND act after a Rapper sang the lyrics that I paraphrased earlier. Roger is TOAST….now WILL the Rappers suffer? That is the question. Will Condi be the NEW Commish? Will NOW condemn RAP? (NAH….that will NEVER happen)

    You MAY not recall or have read, but during the hearings of Bill and Monica…when all the explicit details of the romps in the little room off the oval office were publicized….a NYC Feminist Writer in a prominent LIBERAL mag wrote an opinion piece. This thing was BLOWN out of proportion….said she. If all Bill needed was occasional Oral Relief, then she and her Friends could EASILY accommodate him….as LONG as he CONTINUED to VOTE (use Executive Orders) for Women’s Rights Legislation. THIS IS A FACT….GOOGLE IT. I am certain that the parent’s of the writer included the article in their Annual Christmas Newsletter and that the Institute of Higher Learning where she got her Journalism Degree published it on the FRONT page of the Alumni Magazine…

    Does THAT explain how this happened….to me it does….

    Social Media and it’s “Targets” and the reaction is an uncontrolled force….like Nuclear Fission….Think this…JW in a fast food chain or the seafood department of a local supermarket or on a date or in the Student Union….THERE WILL BE AN EVENT. It WILL happen again…timing cannot be predicted….nor how it will manifest itself and be executed.

    THAT is the quandary….if I knew that, I could also predict winning powerball numbers. Meanwhile, many of us wonder about more mundane matters….will the GJ bring charges against Tony? Will there be riots about the new NC voting laws now that you have to actually be alive and registered to vote (only ONCE)? When will ISIS hit the US soils and what will the body count be? THEN let’s see if Social Media attacks the administration….


    I certainly hope no analysis is needed. However, I also hope that Coach D and the boys are treating this like a real GAME and not a scrimmage…Time will tell and we might get to see some OTHER numbers on the field…

    I have NOT Googled “Blue Hoes” to see if the headline is correct….I will leave it at that…..otherwise I would think of cute(?) little Smurfettes that are more attuned to plying their trade dressed in cheerleader outfits than helmets and pads….

    Since I have diverged from the subject…it is early….and having stayed up watching the UCon v. USF game (Trivia….who was the HC of BOTH teams and has NCSU connections…though distant?)….I fell asleep and woke up to the wags on ESPN. Some of their more notable revelations…

    Goddell….”I got it wrong….but I WILL fix it” means that Condi’s resume is being circulated amongst the NFL owners.

    Winston….Hope our lads are concentrating on PC and not speculating as to whether public backlash will escalate the one game suspension to TWO. Since WHEN does the FSU Prez OUTRANK Jimbo?

    Winston…Part II – Battle of the “Bo’s” today….wonder is Bo (as in Jangels) is running a special promote….every one gets the “JW” Discount on a Biscuit of their choice and a glass of bottomless iced tea.

    Purple Haze v. OTHER Light Blue Smurf’s…..Supposed ESPN Wag who specializes in “getting them right” has the Light Blue as a “SURPRISE and UPSET” in a 34 – 31 (memory?) affair. Lest we forget…you gotta admit that the Purple Partiers from the East HAVE come a LONG way with they are now the “MAN” in FB in NC.

    Meanwhile….back to the subject…

    GO PACK….will be there in full regalia with RED Jockey’s and Socks….


    It WAS a great day for WP Football yesterday. If you caught the promo or intro to the SF v. Chic game, they did a “salute” to the USA….and WHO was shown with his head bowed and his hand over his heart PRIOR to the National Anthem? None other that #17 himself. PR is a GREAT representative of what WP and the WPN is all about.

    NOT to be critical….and I am NOT the sharpest knife in the drawer about the subtleties of the game and the “off field” stuff….but when Mark Trestman was featured, I had an “aha” moment….I’d seen him before. Did a Wiki….and YEP, he was the OC for Chuck’s last two seasons…..three years later, he was the CFL CoY.

    I was on the Wiki NCSU FB page. Started reading the history of the coaches…and I go back to watching Earle Edwards “quick kick” on 3rd Down in Riddick and Gabe throwing passes….so I ain’t exactly a newcomer.

    Look at the quality (as in NFL experience AFTER they were here) of the coaches….Holtz, Kiffin, Pete Carroll (he was Kiffin’s DC….never realized that), Trestman….and that is all that I know or read about….there is probably MORE.

    Look at the history of NFL players in the league who were top picks or pro-bowlers or have been in the playoff’s or have a “ring”.

    We have been “RICH” in both Coaches and Talent….but never, seemingly, at the same time. As someone put it….I was Surprised at Saturday’s game….but even MORE Surprised that I keep making my LTR CF payments….but I do.

    I am optimistic about Coach D…but it looks like when we get a GOOD coach, he is then lured away….or we hire a GOOD coach and he does NOT live up to his full potential….

    And we also recruit some GREAT players….just not enough of the supporting players to really make them shine. Most blatant (HURTS!!) example of that is RW. Little did he know that TOB was doing him the BIGGEST Favor of his career when he was “cut” from the squad. Give him an OL and some Back-Up Offense (as in running) and a good D…and he can run the table. Almost did….

    So, hope that we finally have the right combination….and we can KEEP IT…

    in reply to: State 46, ODU 34 #55821


    You are probably correct….but I WONDER if the team “discussed” the ODU v UNC game.

    I also wondered about Coach D’s comments about tackling in the following.

    I think the drill is…

    Gentlemen….back to the basics…

    Lesson 1…This oblong shaped mass with the pigskin covering is a football.

    Lesson 2…This is how you BLOCK an opponent to execute the offense.

    Lesson 3…This is how you TACKLE an opponent (presumably carrying or trying to obtain the said object…see Lesson 1).

    Don’t know…..just curious.

    in reply to: State 46, ODU 34 #55801

    I was at CF Saturday….and still don’t know quite what to make of it all.

    First….I am totally in Coach D’s corner….and think that his “Talent Cookie Jar”, which he inherited from TOB did not even have a single crumb. That is NOT disparaging to the players that returned. I think that they ALL have worked hard, but we did not have the quality and the quantity that we SHOULD have had.

    Having said that, ODU should NOT have been that formidable…Remember that ODU v UNC last year was the game that UNC had an 80 (?) pt lead going into Qtr 4. THEN, the ODU and UNC coaches cut the Qtr to 10 minutes and the ref’s ASSUMED that they wanted a running clock….and it did not stop. This is what I remember….and have read. ODU finally got 20 on the board….but UNC took a Delay penalty rather than run in a sure score.

    Therefore, we SHOULD have been a bit more “superior”. The black uni’s were cool….but they did not seem to make the ODU cower much during the first quarter.

    Coach D was straight with the fans, again. I like that….and hope that the team is buying into his system and that our talent will keep improving.

    I ALSO liked the fact that entire team streamed along the wall and “high fived” the fans (mostly students) after the game. The LAST person in that line was a short haired guy in a red shirt and black cap. Really cool that he understands our passion.

    Hope that next week is a bit better….GO PACK…


    I SWORE that I would NOT post on this topic… I saw it when it popped up. Herbie has had his day in the sun and his brief (fill in the blank) number of minutes in some level of the “spotlight”

    But RyeBread done reminded me of all that MOST of us disliked (and prefer to forget) about Herbie.

    There was SO MUCH anticipation after Les. We loved Les (but not as much as Sid), but he never really made it as a coach in the ACC.

    Then came Herbie. Herbie had the academic smarts for the Admin. His GPA probably did more to get him the job than his coaching ability.

    And we put up with a LOT under him (see Rye’s post for the gory details). Two things stick out in my mind….the ACC Tourney final….against Duke. We had taken out (thanks, Herbie) UMD (who went on to win the NCAA that year and that put the skids under Gary’s “I’ve been to the Mountain” career…and it was all DOWNHILL after that). The MD game was great. We beat them….much to the chagrin of all the MD fans surrounding our seats in Charlotte.

    BUT, we had NO defense against Reddick and Company. When asked about WHY we had no defense or why we did not use a certain D (box & 1), Herbie simply answered….we did NOT practice that….so it was not an option. Herbie, did you practice ANYTHING that was slightly out of the ordinary?

    Then, Herbie was the spokesman for BoJangles. It’s BO time was heard throughout the land. We played a double (maybe triple) OT game and won. During the presser, Tony Haynes asked….”are you tired?”…..and Herbie responded….”Yes, I am exhausted….I need to get a Hoagie as I am famished…?

    Duh, Herbie, did you ever consider dropping a sponsor’s name? Obviously Herbie would not make it as a NASCAR driver (now there’s a picture that would scramble your brain….Herbie in a NASCAR ride…)

    But, good luck to Herbie. I hope he and the Miller kid have a LOT of future skirmishes….

    in reply to: CoC job still open. Lutz leaving? #55300

    This just popped up….

    EEOC now involved….

    who knows?

    Jed Fowler now advising CoC on search techniques….

    in reply to: CoC job still open. Lutz leaving? #55156


    If he really wants to “be the MAN”….then I’m all for him leaving. You are right….we will probably be OK….but I think he is a key to our success and hate to see him leave.

    BUT, that is his call…as well as his family. He is the salt of the earth and very down-to-earth….and is open. Smart guy….he comes from my neck of the woods and I have some cousins that were taught by his mom and he is one of Catawba County’s finest products….right up there with NC Dept of Labor Commish, Cherrie Berry….both great folks.

    Time will tell….

    in reply to: NC State 24 Georgia Southern 23 #55145

    Maybe I missed reading something. I had a plant in Statesboro, GA (home of GSU). It has (now) probably 20 – 25K student body. It has 6 or so Division 1AA NCAA Titles. This is the FIRST year that they are in the FBS division….they were in limbo land last year…and they WERE a powerhouse in the FCS. Last year, that finally beat an FBS school…..UF (FL)…first time in 21 GAMES against an FBS school. ESPN called it the LOW POINT in UF FB.

    They LIVE and Breathe FB there….as did Happy Appy. I was told that we were a 23 point favorite by the oddsmakers in Vegas….what do they know…???

    We certainly did NOT play like we were a favorite….or maybe we did….maybe we were resting on our press clippings?

    I have posted that I was there….and it was HOT and we were “not good”…but we improved and finally GOT a break.

    The decision to “go for it..” was bold….and bold only gets good press….when it works. Had we kicked the FG, then we would have had points on the board.

    I sincerely believe that NOT scoring demoralized our already tire defense….but they DID rally and the “Fumble” was a god send….it did NOT from the stands (section 26….looking straight at it) look like a “Fumble” skirmish. It looked like a clean STOP on the 1 YD line….then one of our lads came strutting out with the FB. I have seen THAT happen and the ref’s just laughed….but this time….we had it.

    We won. Doren now is 1-0 instead of 0-1. At least we play at 6:00 (05?) next week….it will be tolerable. ODU will not be an indicator….maybe SF? When we get to FSU and Clemson, we will have a pretty good idea of WHAT we have and HOW we will fare for the season.

    More positives (finally) yesterday than negatives….but not by a large margin. I support what Coach D has done and want him to stay and be successful….but I do NOT look for much more than a SHOT at a Butterball Bowl bid….HOPE I AM WRONG….

    At LEAST we were in shape yesterday….that is MOST heartening….

    in reply to: CoC job still open. Lutz leaving? #55138

    Two articles popping up..
    The other is…..

    This one says that Clemson’s Grant has support of the former CoC coach and also a pretty good pedigree.

    Time will tell…..wonder if AD Yow can spend a bit of that large check that Bobby Purcell gave her yesterday?

    Don’t think that even our Ex Lee (I KNOW Basketball) Fowler could have mucked this one up as bad as it is….who knows?

    in reply to: NC State 24 Georgia Southern 23 #55091

    Watched the game from the West Stand….fortunately the sun moves….so it finally got cooler.

    Never had a positive feeling about the game….we were also a step late and a dollar short. Finally, at the beginning of 4QTR, it seems like Old Mo moved our way.

    Then, after the “Shoulda; Woulda; Coulda” call on the 4th & Goal, Fate stepped in and they fumbled and WE HAD A CHANCE…

    Then, I had a “We’re gonna pull this out” feeling. Should have left then and bought Lottery tickets.

    It was a great game.

    What really impressed me, other than the effort of the team….was Coach’s comments in the Post Presser. He was candid and honest and did NOT speak in “Coach Speak”. He pulled no punches and also stated exactly WHAT he told the team. I have not heard a Coach talk that candidly before.

    We will have some tough losses and some (hopefully) great wins….and I hope we keep Coach D for a LONG, LONG time…..

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