Forum Replies Created
As Gabriel Heater would do, I need to set the tone for my comments….Google Gabe….he was a hoot. And NO, I did not listen to him live as I was not born, but studied about him in some of my “Gee, I wonder…days”.
My new ticker “Chip” has supercharged my old pump….and the fluid is moving much better than ever. I am NOW back to my pre-AFib levels (the AFib meds slowed down my at from my subnormal low of 61 or so to 47. Less energy. Less whatever. Interestingly, the body will STILL produce or generate or “pump” enough to keep the 02 levels up. Mine never dropped or changed.
I have been “detuned” once already and probably will be further tweaked after consultation with the Medtronic Tech that monitors PM recipients….
Therefore, I will be MORE energized and more prolific….Might have to focus on the WC and be a little more concise than rambly.
BKWolf. Thanks for the 538 link. I followed Mr. 538 daily for over 3 months. It was only at 9:30 PM on November 8, 2016, that his indicators or his “odds” moved to the correct side (color). Will be interesting to see how his “proprietary” alogrhytms work. Yogi would the expert here….
There is a rumor that there are busses and busses leaving GSO as we speak to show support for UNC-G in the upcoming B v. G conflict. Space is filling up quickly. T Shirts are in the 3rd printing. I am still waiting for the Attendance numbers and the “final” DI NCAA document on “teams and tournaments”. I WILL go out on a limb here….the numbers will not even be close. HINT….Barclays only seats 80% of GSO’s capacity….based on published numbers.
I really WONDER if the TV rights were “thought” to be more ENTICING when it came from New Yawk City. How Exciting….Jimmy B must be a marketing wonder…
ParticipantNot really….my new ticker tocker is working fine…
I skimmed the article and actually paid more attention to the “meat in it towards the end….
I certainly DO apologize for dissemenating “False and Misleading and Unsubstantiated” info…and will testify before the “House Committee on Internal NIT Hosting Regulations. I will admit, under or over oath, that I misspoke…Since I did not do a 4:00 AM Tweet, I will not be, I hope. a casualty of a social media DRIVE BY…
Upon more focused reading….I did see “Carrier Dome” in the 2nd Paragraph. I just assumed that they wrote the article because it was going to BE in GSO….otherwise, it would have been to me, a real NON EVENT for MSM coverage.
THAT would have been the “Come Uppance” of the year had GSO been the menu…I assumed that the Church Group was going to sell the T’s in the GSO Parking lot as a fund raiser…
ParticipantPerhaps an Enlightened ONE would tell us WHO is going to be our NEXT coach?
I think it is “Enlightening” that Jimmy B of Cuse Land is doing a “One Last Time” performance in Greensboro. Who says the NIT hath no humor.
THEY deny it….simply “happened”. As someone said….isn’t the NIT controlled by the NCAA? HOW did UNC-G land the mighty Cuse? Cuse is, I think, a PRIVATE university, so the Hot Shot (I am running for PREZ) NY Gov can’t Dictate where his Private Schools located in the fabulous NY State can GO. BUT, why would the NCAA/NIT allow a game in NC? Did we repeal HB2 for Old Roy (Ray?) Cooper’s Dysfunctional State of the State address tonight?
Basketball Chiefs speak with Forked Tongue.
Pardon me….but (GOD FORBID….this is an EXCUSE)….IMHO, we actually were better off with Gottfried than the First “IM UR MAN” Choice. Shaka DID commit. His lawyers and our DID hammer out an agreement for the LOI and Announcement.
His Hormone supercharged wife (6 Mo PG and loving her OBGYN in an orgasmic manner) was the Monkey Wrench (that MAY not be PC). You can NOT blame Yow for that little UH OH.
Couple that with GW’s little Gestapo manipulation of the MSM and we got TRASHED. That was BEFORE HB2…
Look at Shaka’s record at UT. Maybe Ricky Ticky Barnes did not leave a full cupboard. BUT, Shaka looked like $hit this year and had NOT enamored himself to the UT Big Boys that threw Big Buck$ at him…..
NOW….back to current events.
Wade from Richmond Land (VCU). Totally agree, he is untested. Also read the ORIGINAL Yahoo article on the folks that would be on the “Block” this year. Wade bleeds ORANGE. I honestly think that Wade will stay at VCU for one more year of fame and glory hoping that Brownell is “GOTTarized” or “thrown in to the Tiger’s den”. He WANTS to coach at his Alma Mater. VCU is also prepared to “entice him” to stay….since they got breathing room when their hired him…
Archie from the Home of Wright Brothers who want to steal our First in Flight logo. If we land Miller it will be because Archie wants to come. It will NOT, assuming that he does not ask for $5-7 Million, be because of MONEY. He and he alone has to make the call. Nothing that we can do, short of hiring him and telling him that he works for Woodson and that when Woodson replaces Yow….HE gets to pick and choose. That is called the Dean Smith Job Search Model. We HAVE reached out to his agent. If he wants to be courted, then we will send him some roses. Otherwise, he will mark the “Be my Valentine” card with RETURN TO SENDER….unopened. Don’t blame Yow if his name is NEVER “mentioned”.
Keatts….who knows. LOTS of chatter. Probably being trolled. But, if SOMEONE (Big Boy$ paying some upfront BUCK$ to “A$$I$T” Yow in showing GOTT the door, wants him….they can also grease the skids in the media and keep it being put before us. Remember the MSM only prints with the folks that controls it wants it to print or the “Agenda” of some folks that CONTROL the Media. I wonder if ORW knows how much the “Arch Conservative” Art Pope donates to UNC and specifically how much of that, in the past, went to Athletics? MY POINT. When the big guy$ want to control or influence the MSM, regardless of which side of the aisle….they usually can get some stories leaked….
Rest of the FIELD…
Kelsey – Winthrop Fame. Don’t forget that on Sunday, Dec 14, 2014, a Kelsey coached team beat the Mighty Pack at HOME in Reynolds…prior to the renovation. YES, that was Karl Hess’ NCSU Game since we got him “Redlined” and it was a funky game…with perhaps a T on Gottfried (I was there and it was a FUGLY game). We made the last shot…but it was too late.
SO, one game does NOT a season make….but Withrop was on 19 – 13 that year….and finished TIED for 3rd in their conference.Mar$hal(l?) of Wherever State Fame? Way too early to talk about him. Is Yow after him….don’t know….ask her…
Keep on pecking….need someone to hack Yow’s iPhone if you want REAL info. I have a neighbor that is a State Grad and a “consultant” (high ranking) in the State Department….Will ask him HOW to get that piece of intelligence…
Beat goes on…
ParticipantGreat write up….don’t confuse me with facts. My gut said that WFU was IN and Cuse was OUT. Simply based on the “Personality” of the schools. Jimmy B. showed that a man with his coaching record and maturity is OFF his meds. He doesn’t seem to realized that by moving the venue away from NC, it actually COSTS the Conference $$. YES, TV is a motivator….but ticket prices are STILL revenue. There would have probably been 20% MORE fans in Greensboro….than in Barclays. With all the RUSSIAN demeaning by BOTH sides of the political spectrum, ONE would have thought that since the Barclays is held by a Russian Business Person…that would influenced the decision.
BUT, Not to be OUTDONE….Jimmy B shot off his mouth….with NO FACTS…
WFU, OTOH, was cool and respectful….therefore they get to dance in the “warmu up to the BIG Dance”….like attending an 8th grade prom to figure out HOW to act at a wild and wooly Jr/Sr Prom.
My comment….stats may confirm or blast….
ParticipantPepperdine….let me extoll the ways. My family got superstitious. Even though we had a very nice VHS (only one in the neighborhood and my kid were the STARS), I was NOT allowed to VHS the ACC Tourney. I DID record the Post Game.
Then I started recording everything about the team….including the Prepper Peppredine. At the END, my 13 YO son told me I had Jinxed them. We had my BIL and his new bride down for the night. FINALLY, it was over. And we survived and advanced.
Recorded the run and all the WRAL and WTVD specials and the Jimmy V shows and such….I gave Sidney Lowe DVD’s of that whole event. His mom told me that she had never seen some of them. Brought back some fond memories.
When the WP went to the Final Four, I called my new BIL’s wife, who is 3rd Generation NCSU Grad. I told I wanted to go and to talk my cheap @$$ BIL into it. I started working on my wife….finally it was almost an ultimatum. My BIL’s wife and I ALMOST took off and went….but the family overruled us…something about Bundling Beds not being in the ABQ Holiday Inn. To THIS DAY….that is the ONE thing that I regretted NOT DOING….
Thanks for the memory….
ParticipantDon’t matter….what you look at the W & L records. ND did it. I was at the Tourney but sold the final game for a small profit and watched it in the motorhome in the Coliseum parking lot.
Sort of like how many folks know the storyline behind NCSU V Pepperdine out WHERE? W went in the books…and Harrick became the UCLA coach….not very ethical…but still he won..
It will be interesting to see Mikey vs Mike.
ParticipantMaybe we ARE being trolled…
Interesting that when you google Keatts and NCSU, there seems to MORE articles about him than the others….including the ARCH.
Either some of them were stories that were sort of suggested by folks that wanted to get a reaction or maybe plant a seed or coincidence…Don’t know.
I guess that we will see when the search is over. No one can track Boss Hog 1 now since it was removed, at owner’s request, from FlightAware and Boss Hog 2 was removed from the fleet after Smithfield purchased Murphy…
SO, back to the speculation. Maybe somebody ought to stake out Keatts or get the Deep State to wikileak his phone records…
Thanks for your insight and candiness. When we were replacing Herbie, all the buzz in the Greensboro Parking lot was WHO WILL IT BE? We were in our 6 motorhome conclave at the bottom of the ramp up to the main entrance. We always “fed” the security guards and would do a “takeout” to the Greensboro cops and deputies who were stranded doing parking lot and traffic duties. Needless to say that we NEVER worried at night about any issues with our motor homes.
One of the Greensboro Coliseum crew was a regular and seemed knowledgeable. He joined in our conversation and commented that the buzz from some other large tailgating “campfires” was Mark Few…and he dropped a few well known WP Donors and Supporters names….
I dutifully reported that here and was flamed for the quality of my sources….but it did seem believable. Your encounter with Mr. Murphy, who is the epitome of a southern gentleman….as evidenced by the individuals that I know whom he hired (President of Murphy Farms and VP of HR and maybe another one) are also personable and make wonderful conversation…is very credible.
The now retired President of the Murphy Processing operations, expanded after the Smithfield aquisition, fits that character mold. I have seen him go through a plant and casually talk to any level employee. He had a way of making them feel that they were at HIS level and his genuine sincerity obviously helped him achieve his success.
Again….thanks for the input and the confirmation. I have NO idea, but your comments, and those along the Keatts trail are the most meaty that we have….
We shall see whom we shall see…
WHAT is the BET on Student versus Teacher…? That will be interesting….the ND players seem a bit hyped….and the Dookies seem like they are on a mission…hope it is a good game…
ParticipantPost Duke Comeback and RANDOM thoughts….
I totally agree that Swoff looked like he spent way too much time at the cocktail party between the sessions. BUT, his comments perked my curiosity. I had a “now WAIT a MINUTE….” moment.
Swoff said that Barclays had EXCEEDED their lofty expectations.
Factoids for consideration.
Barclays has a BB capacity of 17,732.
Greensboro is Approximately 23,500. SO, we went to New Yawk City for a 24.5% DECREASE in the Venue Size.
Greensboro was SOLD OUT for most of the PRE (2009) Crash. BUT it averaged 20,800 for the last three concurrent sessions. That was down less than 10% from the heydays. SO, the Barclays is SMALLER.
Barclays is owned by a RUSKIE…..That’s right, Boy and Girls and In-Transit, a card carrying Commie. You know the ones that a certain party are having McCarthy papulations over don’t WANT ANYTHING to do with “their kind”.
I remembered a LONG controversy when Swoff scheduled them. I believe that I actually wrote a “What is wrong with this picture” email to AD Yow asking HOW the Conference could justify playing in a foreign owned (by a stated enemy of FREE ELECTIONS) entity. She sort of blew me off….in other words, NOT a direct answer.
BTW, in case some think this is a “SNOPES” candidate….go to the NCAA’s OFFICIAL BB attendance by year. Click on any year and scroll down….the various tournaments are listed there and the ACC is always #1 when in Greensboro….save one time in the past 15 years. When in Atlanta or Charlotte or DC, it drops down…save one year in ATL.
Google Barclays Center for the name of the Russian Businessman that holds the deed…
Other little factoid….it is considered the WORST venue for Ice Hockey….as they went “cheap”. Used PVC rather than metal for the cooling coils. Will not hold the temps required by the NHL. THAT is in the Wiki Article.
As to the outcome of the Blues Battle. I am more happy that Old Mikey pulled it out. ORW has gotten on my nerves as of late with his tangents. I SURE hope that ND (as they are up substantially) can take down DOOK.
The Sunday pairings are going to be interesting….KU done went TU…wonder how the committee will hand out the seeds….or, maybe like BotB, they will just “cast them into the wind” and see where they land…
Mikey versus Brey…..Mentor versus Protege…who will win?
Leonard do NOT look Happy….The FSU and ND players sure are “chummy”. Mikey would NOT permit that….even if Dook was up 16 points….but you NEVER know….I think that Mr. Luckie of Tweeting Fame is one of the Zebs….
Thanks for the post. You probably know that others reported that Mr. “Retired” Hog Farmer from Warsaw was seen hosting Mr. Keatts in Wilmington recently.
To confirm your suspicions… THIS the distinguished looking gentleman that you had the pleasure of Ubering with?
If that GOD AWFUL link breaks….then Google Wendell Murphy and click on Images….
He is a very personable individual….One of my ex Division Presidents switched from Automotive to “Pork” and was the president of his company….prior to the Smithfield purchase and figured he would get a golden parachute (which he hardly needed), but they kept him and promoted him and he got an even bigger RETIREMENT Bonus. Mr. M is no dummy….need more of them to support us….
Again, THANKS….
ParticipantWhere is Doris? The more important question is “Where is Gottfried?”. BUT, according to all the “pundits”, there will be FEWER and also PAID LESS ESPN OAT’s within the next few months or rest of the year.
Sitting here in my RED NCSU Sweat Pants and Red NCSU Long Sleeve T….and trying to figure out how someone that obviously has his Cranium thoroughly inserted deep….as in DEEP STATE….into his rectum can coach BB. Maybe like folks that do quadruple integration and LaPlace Transforms, but can’t figure out how much change to give back to a customer that gave them 10.48 for a 9.13 purchase. ORW has LEFT the Reservation….don’t doubt he is a devoted son, father, grandfather and husband….but GOD is is STUPID.
Still hoping that the blues will chase each other up and down the court so many times that they turn in Blue Gatorade Concentrate….Ghee from the Banned Tale about Sambo….
Anybody hear the WRAL “OATs” sent to Brooklyn chat about the scalpers. Tickets were priced at $500 on the high end and $160 or so on the low end. I usually sold my Final game for about 3X face if I was not interested in the outcome. BUT, when it was in DC, I made out like the proverbial Bandito. I sold my final game for 4X face. On the way back to son’s apartment, there was a dude on the phone in the Metro that was bragging to a buddy that he got a ticket for ONLY 5X face. Different world than G’boro…
Crowd sounds Pro-UNC….thought that the Dookie NJ Alumni Association would have bought up all of them and were there is fine voice. Can’t decide WHO to pull for in the second game….but whoever it is, they will be MY team tomorrow….
ParticipantJust curious….??
What if the MAN don’t wanna be hired? Coaches, like high class hookers, have their standards. Chew on that one for awhile.
Yow, I assume (believe), is assembling a list of candidates that SAY (via their agents as they are STILL coaching) would be amenable to have preliminary conversations with AD Yow. Those “behind closed doors” conversations are supposed to be TWO WAY.
State “Third Party Consultant”….we want you….
Agent….what are you willing to pay (Guaranteed and Supplemental…Incentives….length of contract).
State “TPC”….give us a range or some rough idea of what it might take for us to have some serious conversations after the season.
Agent….Upon further review….we ain’t interested…..OR OK…this is preliminary, but lets keep the dialog open and we can definitely start to judge BOTH of our interests AFTER the season is over…..OR (Fill In Blank).
That’s my take on it. Unless some of the high class agents gets snookered and blabs to a tell all journalist….we will (SHOULD) NOT know until after the second week of the NCAAT….UNLESS some high ranking Coach gets BOUNCED for a BOTCHED record (seemingly like we BOUNCED Coach G) and AD Yow thinks it would be a GREAT FIT….
BUT, like an early evening in the Saturday Night bar….you survey the territory. Assess the targets (How much and what services)….have a few drinks and start making your moves….with being rejected a few times as the norm.
Think Lt Pete Mitchell (Maverick whom our OWN Maverick WAS named after) in the opening Night Club Scene where he and Goose are making bets on his sexual satisfaction and the “methods” for that evening. Remember, Maverick “made it” with Charlie (Kelly McGinnis)….come to find out, Kelly later on switched sides and is happy with her “partner”. YOU NEVER KNOW….
ParticipantI’m not gonna argue. Gottfried is not on GpPack anymore. Rest are.
Pierre makes 33% more than Early. Schroyer makes more than Early.
Early around $300K. Dunlap at $125K.
Beat goes on.
Moxley took huge pay cut….About same as Dunlap
ParticipantProbably right….this is a HARDCORE Thread. I pulled the following Data from the NCAA Basketball Attendance site….
My data, if I knew how to FORMAT it for this site, would be easier to comprehend….but READ IT…
I have attended all of these and some earlier partials….save going to Atlanta….been to CLT (Charlotte) and WDC (Washington, DC) and TFL (Tampa).
YEAR>>>LOC>>>Games>>>Total ATT>>>AVE ATT>>>Rank (Nationwide by Conference)
2016…WDC…7…….125142……17877…..2The data speaks for itself. With ONE exception when the SEC must have been a powerhouse or held the tourney at Disney World….we are always the TOP conference by at least 10% MORE (Average) than the next lower one. NOTE….the years that we are NOT in GSO….we sometimes LOOSE that ranking.
Jimmy B is getting OLD and he was off his meds yesterday….
ParticipantPer an email directly from Coach Lutz….received about a month after he left when he was cleaning out his NCSU Mailbox. I had written him many years ago and we exchanged emails a couple of times per year.
Had sent him an email in the spring and told him that we appreciated his work and knew that he would do a great job for the University in his new postion…Gottfried fired me and Debbie let me stay on until I was vested in the NC Retirement System. Thanks for your support. Good luck to the Wolfpack….
That was also what I was told, directly by a highly ranking and candid WPC member. That the “position” for Lutz was created so that he could complete some “level” of vesting in the NC Retirement System. He had several years while at Charlotte.
No details on that….other than AD Yow interceded.Adventuroo
ParticipantThe more I contemplate this, the more I think he should make a career change and go into politics….Has the charm of a certain Ex President and the ability to slough off the truth and avoid the facts….all the while extolling how great a job he did.
Bingo…A winner
ParticipantJohnson – D League. Grand Rapids Drive. Lo Brown is a team mate
Barber – D league. Greensboro Swarm
Howell – Israel… Don’t know if he gets flak jacket or hazardous duty stipend.
Looked up Barber last night… Forgot him today.
Thanks for adding in Howell and Johnson.
Totally proves my point
ParticipantOK, Laddies, Lasssies and “Otherwise…..
Do the Math. There is NO triple integration or La Place transforms involved.
Gottfried gets $760K or almost 0.8 MILLION from NCSU….for 3 years.
Gottfried WAS bringing in almost $2.6 Million…maybe $2.7 or so with Academic Incentives….PLUS 2 CARS and Basketball Tickets (but alas and alack….they were not in the Champions Club and his GF and an assistant Coach’s wife were TWICE….rebuffed and told they could not enter…..really classy gate crashers…).
SO, he “owns” an ITB (Inside the Beltline) House – Appraised $1,164,073.
SO, the EX Mrs. Elizabeth Gottfried also “owns” an ITB House – Appraised $1,100,724
SO, Coach ALSO “owns” a Gulf Coast Home (primarily Rental) that he had BEFORE he came to NCSU. Elizabeth and family ALSO use it and, presumably, that is part of the “settlement”. Said property is NICE (driven by and looked at it). It is WAY underwater….so if it was SOLD, there would be a CASH outlay….or the bank would have to cover as a Short Sale. House WAS transferred to Coach as part of Divorce Settlement…
Don’t know if the Ex. Mrs. G is employed or her “resources”. Assume that PERHAPS she gets a monthly stipend as part of the Divorce Agreement. AKA, Coach is making payments on TWO ITB properties and an AL Beach Front Home….and even with 30 year mortgages, THAT ain’t cheap…
Coach accepts a job with a smaller school. He HAS to have income of at least $1.2 – $1.5 from them….and we OWE HIM NOTHING. Cheer him ON in his coaching Search. I THINK that this would include a “Coach” related title on a Pro Team. Remember the Butcher was a “Consultant” for a Pro Team and UNC had to Pay.
BUT…if Coach goes back to an OAT or Analyst gig….That INCOME is ADDED to the 760K that WE pay him.
BUT….ESPN is in Dire Straits. Their subscription rates are falling faster than DSJ’s Pro Stock. They are TALKING about laying off OATs and/or NOT renewing some of the contracts.
Disney is also considering a SPIN OFF (who would buy and ESPN IPO?) of ESPN….as it is draining the “glitter” from the Disney Gold…
Coach is NOT in the best situation…..but that is ONLY speculation…FOUR factoids above….TRUTH….Public Records…
It WILL be interesting. I think that he prostitutes himself and signs a LOWER value Contract with ESPN….possibly Fox or CBS Sports….maybe he will become Multi-Talented and do NASCAR…..
We will see….what we will see….
We OUGHT to be cheering and writing positive Tweets about HOW WONDERFUL and TALENTED he is so as to get him a Coaching GIG….
ParticipantIf Don McClean had written Goodbye Miss American Pie about NCSU Basketball….in Latin, one of the lines would have been….
Basketball USU mortuus March VIII, MMXVII 2:10 PM EST
He would have included (English Translation)….
Drove my Academy Bus to Barclays, but the results were as predicted….not good…
And Good Ole Boys, like McC, AT, and BotB, were drinking Fescas and Rye….
This be the day that it died….this be the day that it DIED…
There SHOULD have been a ceremonial bonfire on the Brickyard….like the Vikings…
SO, Who will be the LEADER of our “Phoenix” rising out of the ashes?
Did a little googling on Gott’s “boys” that went on to bounce the ball for pay…
Scott Wood – D League
Lo Brown – D League
Lacey – Italy
Warren – NBA
Leslie – D League
Did I leave anyone out?
ParticipantI should have given up BASKETBALL for Lent. The team did
State fans should relate to the Art guy in commercial where he sits in shower and screamed.
Brownell’s probably safe for another year….Wade might be in hunt now.
Hope DSJ has “other” earning skills….If he goes Pro, he will join a long line of ex State players destitute after their career is over.
ParticipantI’ll bet she would drug him and get a bellman to carry him up to her room the way she gushed over him the last time she did our game.
ParticipantEagle’s line….Yow singing to GOTT.
You see it your way….
I see it mine….
But we both seeing it slipping away
ParticipantIn WRAL interview, several pro teams have reached out to him. Direct Quote.
Follow up comment was he was a COLLEGE man….
Translated….Pro team wants him to line up groupies….
He prefers to do his hunting on campus.
You can’t make this stuff up. He said it.