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  • in reply to: Post Election – Exit Poll… #61147


    Great point….and I SWORE I would not read this anymore…..but look WHO is the head knocker….

    Speaking of Tobacco…..look at the Z Smith Reynolds “projects” and what they promote. It is like the Kennedy’s thinking that they have tainted money…..they HAVE to give it away to atone for the sins (and crimes) of old Joe. That is where the family fortune came from….Bootlegging….(or at least what I have read).

    The Reynolds heirs have the same complex….

    Duke does not exactly have a stellar or liberal background….

    Some of the comments today in the N&O about the “2005” teams had some references to the fact that slave labor was one of the major sources for building it and that that the “Democratic” party in NC fought segregation and practiced it on campus far longer than NCSU.

    Politics and UNC’s current MESS…..try mixing up a jar of Peanut Butter and a jar of Jelly in a bowl….with an industrial mixer. THEN try to separate them back into their two components. That will be your “warm-up” for separating UNC and the Democratic Policy Machine….

    OOHHHHH….I feel better…..

    in reply to: Mary Willingham & Jay Smith book #61145

    Prowling Wolfie,

    Maybe we will find out that was code named….”Black Sheep Skins”…..please do NOT skewer me….but I, too, had thought of the black ops title since it is so prominent on shows like the black list (there it is again) and we know that Red may NOT have a lot of redeeming qualities, but he is NO racist……as well as Homeland.


    Your avatar looks a little “worse for wear”. Is that the result of the first few games that the Canes have played?

    in reply to: In Other News…UNC is in the news…again #61129

    Two salient points…

    First, I saw this last night around midnight on the N&O site. We actually read it and had a drink….the Crown tasted good. There were about 30 some odd comments about it……and some from a very partisan (not of my ethnicity or political persuasion, but someone who does appear to “understand” that his co-horts in “the TRUE beliefs” be of the chemically altered brain state)…..and HE then OFFICIALLY disowned ORW and suggested that the bus be brought around.

    This morning/pm there are over 115 (and counting) FB posts. Since I do NOT FB (like some that abstain from seeing the true light), I have not nor will I comment. The joy is just reading it and seeing the max exodus. It was actually WORSE than what happened in CF near the end of Q3 yesterday. If one was trying to walk UP to his seat…..forget it. The aisles were awash in the red “WOW, this is UGLY” Migration. Our usher said….don’t bother, bunch of nice seats down hear and I won’t hassle you.

    And very few, if any, are defending ORW and the program. Read ’em and WEEP.

    NEXT, there are some interesting (as well as good prose) comments on the Mary Willingham book thread. It sort of went into a state of suspended animation when the Yeller Jakits done took all the air outta da room. I would suggest reading them.

    The N&O also cagily put the Whacky Macky DoDo SUES story on the page with the “rest of the story”.

    You GOTTA love it.

    GO PACK….and on to the NASCAR Race…..MEANWHILE….I just saw a “rerun” of the great adversity (keystone Kops) Q2 Fiasco that took all the Cialas out our manhood yesterday. The SF v NO 1st half ended with a two turnovers….

    in reply to: Mary Willingham & Jay Smith book #61113

    OK….Bill.OnTheBeach…..did that come out without a bit of wine or Crown Royal? That was COOL….good post.

    NOW, to the SERIOUS STUFF….and this is just ONE comment from a person that I TRUST….my SON.

    He was in town and we went to the GT game (GRRRRRR….now we been bit by a tiger and stung by a swarm of yellow jackets…..the KILLER strain).

    Anyway, sitting in the PNC, I got an email from a “source” about the book. The BEST article is this….it gives MORE detail….and it comes from CNN….so it is not biased.

    The WXII article talks about Whacky Macky DoDo’s lawyers. My son read the article and said. This is SERIOUS Feces…..

    He graduated from NCSU (BS-IE- With the highest cum laude or whatever). THEN he wanted to a lawyer and we cut a deal. I paid for books and tuition and a really SMALL stipend and he funded the rest.

    He said that the main firm, Ferguson (et. al.), was a really HIGH CLASS (as in Reputable…..Not your typical Do, We, Sue, Them & How). Mr. Ferguson was the FIRST AfroAmerican UNC Law School Graduate. He and his firm (practice) is a well NOTED and well KNOWN Civil Rights Firm. They (for all you oldsters) were the ones that actually got Charlotte (that bastion of liberalism) to INTERGRATE….via FORCED Busing, in the 60’s. They have a reputation and do NOT take frivolous cases.

    Several of the UNC Law Professors (in the 90’s) were members of the firm and UNC hired them for their talent. They speak in “hushed and reverent” tones about Mr. Ferguson and “the FIRM”. SO, the fact that THEY have taken Whacky Macky’s case, to my son, speaks volumes about the “winabilit” of it.

    SO, for what it is worth, my son, the attorney who had been reading the various articles that we saved for him said that THIS lawsuit may well set a national precedent……

    Remember that the shot clock is “the Dean Smith Rule” and the 2 Shot Foul at the end of the game (Double Bonus) is “the Jimmy V. Rule”.

    Wouldn’t it be a HOOT, if there is a new “Thou MUSTH provide the athlete with HIS choice of curriculum and provide adequate time AWAY from the field of combat for STUDYING….”. This could be the UNC Rule.

    Stay tuned….this will be a LONG and DRAWN out affair….but it is getting better every day….

    in reply to: Mary Willingham & Jay Smith book #60919

    Fascinating….timing was impeccable.

    The article about the Accreditation review may do more to keep this going than all the ballyhooing about bringing in the NCAA. BUT, this is Chapel Hill….so do not expect a miracle.

    I find it particularly appalling that our own university railroaded Jimmy (I have a DREAM) Valvano and that right after that, UNC’s Dean Smith coined the phrase, The Carolina Way. Then Coach Smith and AD Swofford (WE have a SCHEME) arranged for AFAM (under the guise of racial diversity – or the old reparation theme) to become a reality and thus set up their “academic eligibility” black ops scheme.

    It took how many years before this little (understatement) sham was uncovered.

    In the spirit of a bit of levity, but also offering a comparison of how Jimmy V’s “academic lack of oversight” was handled, I think that the UNC Faculty Committee that is “upset” by this should immediately issue the following manifesto…..these are the key points along with a suggested strategy.

    >> Revise the UNC Athlete admission standards so that they are 10% HIGHER than the average incoming freshman (or freshperson).

    >> Revise the UNC Athletic Department’s Graduation Requirements. Each sport must maintain a Graduation Rate that is 10% HIGHER than the student body.

    >> Declare a 2 year moratorium on Football

    >> Declare a 5 year moratorium on Basketball

    >> Declare a 1 year moratorium on ALL Olympic sports where abuse occurred

    >> Vacate ANY win where an athlete that was taking a “fake” course during the competition season.

    >> Revise all UNC and ACC and NCAA records, statistics, etc. based on the above

    >> Remove all Banners, Posters, etc. Melt down all awards and trophies and contribute the metal to the weekly firearm purchase/meltdown program.

    >> Require the return of all “RINGS” by coaches, staff, administrators, team members, “partners”, etc.

    These demands should be presented formally to the press today at noon and then the entourage should march (with bull horns provided by Rev. Barber’s team) to South Hall (THAT name also needs to be CHANGED….it is OFFENSIVE) and presented to Ms. Folt.

    IF the demands are NOT met by Noon, Monday, then stage a student body protest, occupation, sit-in (love fest?” of South Hall and the entire UNC Campus…..SHUT THAT SUCKER DOWN!!!!!

    Should such action be required, Ms. Folt will be removed from the premises immediately and Mary Willingham will be named Chancellor. Ms. Willingham will then introduce the following….and will implement the aforementioned sanctions….NOTE…..these individuals will have LIFETIME CONTRACTS

    >> Bubba Cunningham will be replaced by Lee Fowler.

    >> Coach Williams will be replaced by Phil Ford

    >> Coach Fedora will be replaced by John Bunting.

    Sounds like a solution…..and I am SURE that the UNC Faculty will overwhelmingly endorse the above… Dr. Larry (Sainted) Monteith will be their mentor and consultant…..

    Hark the sound of “CHANGE”….

    in reply to: Post Election – Exit Poll… #60900

    GoWolves & PakFanistan… al. YEP….seems like this little subject doth get stirred up… here goes….facts are facts….and some don’t believe…

    Medicare Advantage was a Bush era program that actually folks liked as it provided one stop shopping. BUT (you will have to tell me), it was NOT a favorite of the opposite party….quite the contrary. Interesting factoid, the reason that I used VA was the fact that a retired friend who voted consistently for certain candidates is NOW extremely upset. WHY….their Medicare Advantage has been TAKEN AWAY. Seems like they FORGOT that the senator (Warner) voted FOR ACA….and FINALLY made the connection….but had already “early voted”. Here is the Forbes article that actually explains it without a “Party Spin”. Bottom line, $716,000,000,000 was taken OUT and will go to “those that are in need”. Personally I always paid the MAX in SS (thanks to my position and my quality NCSU BS) and also taxes on that income plus a bunch of Capital Gains. SO, I paid my share….I want my “$10>

    NOTE…. Bill.OnTheBeach. The polling data is just what it is….no more….no less. BUT, you can actually READ it and not have it “summarized” by some Liberal OAT or some Conservative Radical. You can READ and DECIDE. The reason that I picked VA is that I have a friend that is UPSET about their Medicare Advantage LOSS….read the rest. It is a HOOT….

    The OTHER reason was, that IMHO, the Near Warner Upset ranked MUCH higher on the Richter scale than did the Tilis or the Udall or the others. That one, caught the pollsters OFF GUARD…

    Here is the Forbes Article….there are SEVERAL that reach the SAME conclusion…..never believe all the campaign rhetoric…..check for yourself…

    As to the speech….you said….show me where he said it. I gave you TWO speeches….it was not show me where he said it last week. If you review the transcript of last Wednesday’s speech, there are overtones of it in several places.

    As to the TEN DOLLAR comment. I asked YOU….TWICE….this is the THIRD time. If you don’t want to comment….then say so. I personally don’t see why I should have to ask a guy named Rick about a “tag line” that you post. I really do NOT know what you mean or imply….I just wanted to know. If you do NOT want to tell us….then your tag line means little….

    Y’all play nice….was at the Campus today for a reunion….GO STATE….on to GT….

    in reply to: Post Election – Exit Poll… #60883

    PakFanistan….Here you go….space was limited so these are two that might suffice.

    NOW, I have ONE question….which I asked before and just assumed that you MISSED. I have been a student of political history and trivia for a LONG time.

    I can NOT find a reference or the speech or the comment that you have as your TAG LINE. Just WHERE, WHEN, WHY, etc. did an esteemed Republican make the “Ten Dollar” remark. You have quoted it several times and it’s format has changed at least twice….

    Since I provided you with the answers to you question….perhaps you can reciprocate and provide me some web reference or perhaps an explanation of the Lincoln Quote….

    Thanks….here goes….

    All of us, in both parties, have a responsibility to address that sentiment. Still, as President, I have a unique responsibility to try and make this town work. So, to everyone who voted, I want you to know that I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too. All of us have to give more Americans a reason to feel like the ground is stable beneath their feet, that the future is secure, that there’s a path for young people to succeed, and that folks here in Washington are concerned about them. So I plan on spending every moment of the next two-plus years doing my job the best I can to keep this country safe and to make sure that more Americans share in its prosperity.

    Remarks by the President in a Press Conference – Nov 5, 2014

    And the result is an economy that’s become profoundly unequal, and families that are more insecure. I’ll just give you a few statistics. Since 1979, when I graduated from high school, our productivity is up by more than 90 percent, but the income of the typical family has increased by less than eight percent. Since 1979, our economy has more than doubled in size, but most of that growth has flowed to a fortunate few.

    The top 10 percent no longer takes in one-third of our income — it now takes half. Whereas in the past, the average CEO made about 20 to 30 times the income of the average worker, today’s CEO now makes 273 times more. And meanwhile, a family in the top 1 percent has a net worth 288 times higher than the typical family, which is a record for this country.

    So the basic bargain at the heart of our economy has frayed. In fact, this trend towards growing inequality is not unique to America’s market economy. Across the developed world, inequality has increased. Some of you may have seen just last week, the Pope himself spoke about this at eloquent length. “How can it be,” he wrote, “that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points?”

    But this increasing inequality is most pronounced in our country, and it challenges the very essence of who we are as a people. Understand we’ve never begrudged success in America. We aspire to it. We admire folks who start new businesses, create jobs, and invent the products that enrich our lives. And we expect them to be rewarded handsomely for it. In fact, we’ve often accepted more income inequality than many other nations for one big reason — because we were convinced that America is a place where even if you’re born with nothing, with a little hard work you can improve your own situation over time and build something better to leave your kids. As Lincoln once said, “While we do not propose any war upon capital, we do wish to allow the humblest man an equal chance to get rich with everybody else.”

    Read more:

    in reply to: Post Election – Exit Poll… #60877


    I assume that BOTB means Best Of The BEST…, thanks, I think….

    Back to the game…..tied….WFU has been “lucky” and Clemson got one “freebie” TD. It is actually an interesting BG…..if WFU can hold their poise….who knows….

    Do you need my home address to ship me the case of Crown Black as the prize?

    in reply to: Post Election – Exit Poll… #60875


    While this forum is still UP, I will add my $0.02 worth….

    Here is an interesting site…..since the topic is E>X>I>T P>O>L>L…..
    I believe that there is only ONE official EXIT POLL….unless the networks fund their own. This poll is what the POOL uses. Maybe wrong, but my son was able to “tap in” as he was a highly ranked volunteer in a national and state election and they gave him the “password”. That was the year that Bush defeated Kerry, despite what the “leaked” polling data would indicate. That was ALSO when there appeared to be some skullduggery and bias in the media. THANK GOD THERE IS NONE NOW.

    Anyway, go to the site. Compare NC to VA. MOST of the polling questions are the same, but about 25% are focused on the dynamics of the state. Look at the age and $$ demographics… BOTH NC and VA, the over 50 crowd supported the Republican candidates. MOST attribute that to the cutting of $716 Billion from Medicare to “fund” the ACA or ObamaCare. Obviously, despite the AARP propaganda, many seniors see through the sham. A LOT of Seniors were also on Medicare Advantage and liked the program. It was a Bush era program and sorely disliked by the opposition….so killing it was another objective and point of contention.

    What is interesting in VA is the $$ demo’s. The LOWER incomes and the HIGHER ($200K) voted for Warner (D – Incumbent). Wonder how THAT squares with the President’s theme in his speech on Wednesday when he talked about MORE Re-Distribution of Wealth. Factoid, I THINK, the average Democratic congress person has a much higher net worth that the average Republican. HMMMM….nothing wrong with that and nothing to see…..MOVE along.

    To add a little “fuel” to this discussion, the VA exit poll asked…”do you or any member of your household own a GUN?” God FORBID….in VA, it is 50%. That question was NOT on the NC exit poll.

    I concluded from the election that we have a very IRRITATED (perhaps Paranoid) President. His “Relevancy” was severely damaged when all the Democratic candidates disowned him. The Grimes lady in KY and her “Did I VOTE for Obama” rambling, but NEVER answered, question went viral. One WOULD expect a KY Democratic Delegate to the 2012 (maybe 2008 also) Democratic National Convention to VOTE FOR and SUPPORT the party’s candidate.

    What worries me is that Mr. “LOOK at ME….I’m RELEVANT, again” seems to want to punish BOTH parties. He has to re-establish his position as HEAD of the party. SO, to convince them that betraying him and making hi IRRELEVANT, he has to lash out at the opposition and then do things to continue to attract attention…..

    And the LOSER is the United States of America. BOTH Democratic and Republican “pundits” privately and publicly have stated that if you think NIXON had mental and emotional and personality ISSUES, you ain’t seen NOTHING YET as to what he will do in the last two years.

    SO, that is what I think…..meanwhile, WFU is playing great against CU….and CU lucked into the only TD they have…I seriously DOUBT that CU’s 24 straight defeats of NON-Ranked teams will fall tonight, but I am going to watch. Dabo will blister the walls of the locker room at BB&T field tonight.

    in reply to: State Wins at Syracuse! #60636

    Great win. Great effort….even though it seems that we sort of lost focus a few times. Should be a debate about the quality of the officiating versus the way we played at times. The number of penalties….and especially the severity of them is really not a trademark of a well coached DD team. I am sure that he will have some things to say in the critique.

    However, in the end….the team won….and ON THE ROAD. THAT is what is important. I did not always pay attention to all the prattle that the Fox talking heads were spewing. I THINK that we did not have any significant injuries….yes there were some hard hits….but we seemed to be pretty much intact. I started listening to the WPNetwork at the end and just watched the plays.

    Really surprised there was NO game thread….did not even look until AFTER the game and saw that ORW and the DTH article was still up and that folks were commenting about that.

    There were heroes as many have pointed out. Strategically, Will and Pharaoh (Love that name….used to have an employee with 10 kids and his name was Hercules….) should be CO-MVP’s….but LOTS of others contributed. Sade’s kick-off’s were unbelievable.

    As to the OSK rule….I had read or heard that somewhere….Don’t pretend to be an expert and Wiki MAY be wrong….but it seems like a good and concise explanation. Here is it….

    I thought that Canada called a pretty gutsy game. We ran two trick plays on the same series….the razzle dazzle pass and the fake punt. Usually a team will only run them sparingly.

    The 2 point call was both Gutsy and COOL. The confidence that came from converting it really set the tone for us. It was an emotional or motivational BOOST….which we sorely needed…..(re: our play at the END of Q2).

    That seemed to demoralize SU and then the incessant banging of their Frosh QB finally took it’s toll….but he did show flashes of brilliance or we just wanted him to look good for a few plays and get cocky so we could move in for the kill……RIGHT!

    Happiness in Raleigh tonight and extreme sadness in Chapel Hill….all the goblins are gone and the ghosts of term papers passed around….like the Sweet Carolines…..are haunting the campus. MAYBE the faculty will be appeased by the poor showing and cut LF some slack. ORW will continue to be bombarded…..the press smells blood and will not, I think, let up. NOW, what the NCAA will do is? That is like trying to figure out what the CDC will do NEXT week regarding Ebola….

    Good Night said the Night Man….you can “graduate” any time you like, but your degree will NEVER be worth feces….Even though I do not agree with the reparation attitudes of some of the REAL AFAM students, I DO feel like they are the victims. I think it is time for Joe Cheshire to file a class action suit on their behalf. Can’t you image the Southern Gentlemen Lawyer in his summer seer-sucker suit arguing their case….complete with his presidential seal breifcase? THAT would be something I would pay money to see….

    in reply to: Roy’s story not even believable to DTH #60600


    Obviously we went through the same traumas. I remember writing every person, including Santa, about how Jimmy V was being railroaded. I cancelled my Alumni Dues….quite listening to WPTF after one of their announcers (used to call baseball) tore into (editorially speaking) Valvano one night. Like Don Quixote, I tilted about every windmill within 50 miles of Raleigh…. I did it professionally, with more success for many years thereafter and I guess that I can’t quit.

    Great comments…..NOW…onto the GAME.

    I really thought that when we lost ole Mo’ during the first half and left her in the locker room after the half. The Eagles line from Lying Eyes came to mind….I got up to pour myself a Strong one…..because the night was gonna be a Long one. What a game. I am hoarse from yelling at my TV. I turned off the TV audio about 5 minutes to go….and then just watched….The WPNetwork is about 5 seconds behind or delayed….so that was really refreshing.

    GO PACK….there by celebrating tonight….NOW we need to figure out how to SCORE TD’s instead of kicking the 3’s. The D deserves the Game Ball. Wonder if Coach D will actually SMILE and look Tony Haynes in the eye on his show tomorrow night? NAH, he ain’t THAT happy.

    in reply to: Roy’s story not even believable to DTH #60249


    You are correct. I had my names wrong. I did look back and missed the dates. Joab Thomas (1975) and was an earlier chancellor. He was succeeded by Nash Winstead (1981 – one year?) then Bruce Poulton (1982) and then Monteith (1989) and then Mary Anne Fox (1998). I apologize for missing up the individuals. Poulton was very “student” friendly….and apparently a little too “cozy” with Valvano. Jimmy V DID lose focus….but his “transgressions” pale in comparison to UNC.

    As I have posted…..Jimmy V. had a DREAM; Dean Smith (and later Roy Williams) had a SCHEME…

    You got to give them credit for being crafty….they got away with it for a LONG time.

    If you want to know the “arrogance”….then go here….

    I CAN NOT believe that they STILL have this up…..Remember that Dean Smith “coined” the Phrase…..”The Carolina Way”. THAT is documented in his book….

    Everyone should know that DES brought AFAM to UNC circa 1992 or so. It has been in existence at Kansas from 1970. If you want to know the history of AFAM at UNC….forget it….they have scrubbed that site….a 5th grader would have done better….

    Wonder if the Faculty KNOWS how much the Alumni Association is touting “The Carolina Way”?

    in reply to: Roy’s story not even believable to DTH #60239

    All, as a watcher of history, I can say is…”It’s about Friggin’ TIME”…

    I watched the NCSU Faculty Senate find cajones (even the females donned them) and then perform their best Salem Witch Hunt. When they encircled Jimmy V, they elected ONE of their own to light the bonfire (OK, he used a hammer and nailed him to a cross first)…Dr. Larry (now Sainted) Monteith was their hero.

    THEN, they and St. Monteith donned sack cloth and ashes and admonished the University for GROSS Negligence. THEY self imposed sanctions….and Jimmy V was history.

    Let’s put this in perspective. This was ONE basketball team….not the BB and FB and the Olympic Sports (which racks up all them Director’s Cup Points) departments.

    Lets also remember that Jimmy V was NOT the first victim. Dr. Joab Thomas was Chancellor. HE was run out of Raleigh on a RAIL. Remember WHO fought for and got the Vet School here? Dr. T. He then became Prez/Chancellor of Bama and later PSU. Now exactly a career killer being “shamed” by St. Monteith. Dr. Thomas had more academic prowess in his little finger that St. Monteith did in his entire overly inflated body (and ego).

    NOW, the Faculty and Staff at UNC are calling for a PUBLIC APOLOGY to Mary Willingham. SOME SAY….in PUBLIC….that she tried to tell the ADMIN this was going on….but NO…..she was WRONG….she had NO CREDENTIALS (remember the hapless BOE of Education in River City running around wanting Prof Hill’s Papers?)

    THEN they said…..YOU (Ms. FOLT) have WASTED a LOT OF MONEY to find out what Ms. Willingham TOLD US (not that WE believed her…but NOW we do). You need to APOLOGIZE to her. Remember that Ms. Folt met in the spring with Ms. Willingham and chewed on her for almost 2 hours and said…”Lady, you are a SHAM”. YES, that Ms. Folt…..looks like today she has her light blue Ramses panties in a BIG OLD LIGHT BLUE WAD and her Peek-A-Boo Carolina Bra is “out of place”. She will really need her LIGHT BLUE scarf as it was CHILLY with a Capital C, which rhymes with….Never Mind.

    NOW, will the UNC Faculty start to follow the Dr. Monteith AGENDA? If so, then Ms. Folt, formerly of DAHHTMATTH, will soon be FORMERLY of UNC…

    This is finally beginning to take hold…..

    STOP THE PRESSES>>>>>>I just read the AP Article (N&O), the Faculty wants BANNERS TAKEN DOWN….FORFEITS for GAMES where the lads were INELIGIBLE…..Returning of $$ for FRAUDULENT activity….

    SAY IT IS NOT SO….I guess the faculty figured out that 20 – 25 FULL TIME – 4 YEAR Scholly’s could have been GRANTED (Given OUT) to deserving students…..instead of spending the dough on the report….or maybe it was their BONUSES that they are afraid will be cut.

    Whatever….the embers of rebellion are beginning to glow in Chapel Hill….and tonight’s frivolities will be just a memory on Sunday and throughout the BB season.

    WIll ORW make it through this year? Will he have his TWO banners yanked down (and burned) and his TWO Rings clawed off his fingers and melted down into a St. Monteith Medal….?

    Stay Tuned….

    in reply to: UNC Becomes A Literal Punchline On SNL #60030

    Bill on the Beach…

    Me thinks you matriculated around the same time that I did…..I wuz there from the fall of 1963 to that GLORIUS day in May, 1968 when I got my BS-Engineering Operations. I left for the Frozen NORTH and came back to Woodland, NC in February, 1970. As one person put it, North Hampton county ain’t GOT no Civil War Memorial…the ONLY county in NC that did NOT have one….according to a noted NC Historian (he could extemporaneously) do a 15 minute speech on EVERY county’s history….as well as being a noted “JUDGE”.

    The answer was SIMPLE….Nobody in Jackson knows that the war is over….there are still boys in the swamps fightin’

    The history of minority athletes in Raleigh and Chapel Hill is interesting….

    My point, which I think you got, was that Dean recognized the “threats” from empowering a Faculty Senate. YES, Dean was the “EMPORER” in Chapel Hill….and Sloan and Valvano knocked a few holes in his walls on many occasions.

    Dean was truly committed to Basketball and his Liberal Agenda….that is NO BS or HYPE. He, I think, also saw the seeds of unrest and getting Johnny Swofford (wonder if the pups also know THAT?) to be the “Implementer” or the Chief Greaser of Skids….to get AFAM started was a triumph. Dean hand picked Dicke Baddour to follow Johnny as Dickie was probably one of the DULLEST knives in the drawer. What happened when the FIRST Head Knocker of AFAM set sails for another horizon and Uncle Julius and Deborah (“Debbie Does UNC” should be the title of Mary Willingham’s upcoming book) really started to “Cook the Books”. The rest, now 18 years later, comes out.

    Here is a link to a UNC site….that STILL has Dean’s “words”. You can NOT make this mess up…

    LISTEN TO THE AUDIO….all that is missing is Charles Karault…..

    I need a NEW keyboard as I was drinking some lemonade as I watched it…

    Before you hit PLAAY….think about what we KNOW NOW and keep that thought as you listen to ORW….

    WOW….I feel better after my Laugh….All I need now, according to Jimmy V is to cry a little….

    in reply to: UNC Becomes A Literal Punchline On SNL #60019

    The weekend press was UN-GOOD to UNC. WTVD started it….Jeff Gravely made some rather caustic (OK…He’s a State Grad) remarks about the Wainstein report being Body, Witnesses, Motive, Opportunity, and Suspect holding smoking gun….then the N&O jumped in.

    I am getting the feeling that the “Banner Arrangers” for the DES Center are going to get more “ROOM” to spread out their OLDER banners….at least the ones that ORW has rings for. BUT, who knows.

    It also hit me….I have always thought that DES was a gifted individual. I differ in his social and political views…but still, the man COULD coach and he was VERY good at coming up with “Plans” to control the game in HIS (UNC) favor….aka….the 4 Corners.

    Now, I believe that he actually pulled off the biggest triumph of his career circa 1992. In 1990, he saw how our Faculty Senate jumped on the “Crucify Him” and St. Monteith cheerfully did their bidding. He was really, and rightly so, concerned about certain things coming out about his players and that the supposed crimes of Jimmy V were actually happening at UNC.

    He also was a student of politics. Thus, when he visited his Alma Mater (KU), circa 1991, he saw a 21 year experiment that was yielding results. The KU AFAM was started in 1970…I THINK it is the oldest in the nation.

    Dean, being the good liberal, set about to rationalize in his OWN mind a solution that would be foolproof. NOW, I am of the opinion that when a Liberal has a “PLAN”, it benefits his/her station or position MUCH more that it does to actually SOLVE the plight of the Downtrodden that they are bemoaning.

    SO…UNC will rev up an AFAM Department. Dean’s lads (and a few others….if needed) can have a REPARTITION Based Curriculum. In other words, a school where an athlete (mostly of the minority persuasion), can get a Degree on a NON-Level Playing Field since it is the “System’s Fault” that he came from a poor neighborhood and that his ONLY WAY OUT is to PLAY and he does not have enough time to STUDY. I really, in all seriousness, believe that Dean saw NO issues with a department that provided eligibility to his players so that they would get “Race biased GOOD Grades” and actually get a Degree from UNC.

    It was the PERFECT PLAN….The UNC Faculty Senate would OVERWHELMINGLY approve such….as it gave them MORE DIVERSITY. And Social Justice and Diversity is what it is all about….never mind if you major in something that you can not make a decent living at or ever have any chance at repaying UNC for all the student loans that you ran up…

    Dean, if you recall, actually “COINED” the Phrase…..”THE CAROLINA WAY” in his book. Not only did he conceive the plan….he figured out HOW to market it…so that the Faculty was ON BOARD.

    I recently got a cartoon….I will give you the paraphrased version here…

    Jimmy Valvano said…..”I have a DREAM….”

    Dean Smith said……”I have a SCHEME….”

    Sort of sums it up….

    in reply to: Friday Funny: New Yorker on UNC #59857

    Ah, YES….Chris….

    A mind and talent are terrible things to waste……

    He could have been Jameius Winston’s patron saint….

    Just think….instead of barely getting by and floating bad paper in Hickory, he could be smoking a big cigar and talking trash to John Swofford’s secretary….and have his OWN personal parking space….right next to Johnny’s in the Tjah Exec Lot in Greensboro…

    But, he fell for a fast talking Italian’s charm…and, probably, promises….

    in reply to: UNC Problem is an NCAA Problem #59803

    Couple of comments….

    Valvno is HISTORY…..we just don’t want it “re-written”. There is no Cluade Sitton in the N&O. They print what sells… gotta give Sitton credit. He said, privately and publicly, that he would “GET” Valvano. Some thought it was idle cocktail party chit chat….but we found out later that is was his MISSION.

    Rob (Reille WHO?) and Jimmy G (WRAL fame….who is focused on SELLING Political AD’s and also fostering he and his wife’s political agenda) need to chime in here…..but don’t hold your breath.

    Jeff Gravely (OK….a STATE Grad) pretty much nailed it this afternoon on 99.9. The call-in sports guys are a little more candid. Jeff’s take is that the NCAA has a SERIOUS problem. They have a very thorough and exhaustive “Investigation”. That is something that their Ex-Jock Investigators could NEVER even hope to produce or match.

    SO, they do NOT need to go through the little “ceremony and dance” of doing one. Here it is… ’em and WEEP.

    They will HAVE to do something. Just how much….now that is the question.

    UNC-Wilmington got rid of one of the Perps today. Ms (Ethics Award winner for 2015) Boxill will be GONE by sundown Friday. Or at least that is the rumor….who knows. I do NOT see how the little Smurfette can NOT fire her.

    SO, when will the NCAA “come to town”? The answer is NEVER….they do NOT need to. UNC paid upwards of 2 – 2.5 Million….and got a REAL report. BOY, were they surprised. Seems like they believed “their own”….right up until Uncle Julie and Debbie (Debbie Does UNC?….wait for the movie) realized that they COULD be jailed. HMMMM….nothing like a little reality to loosen one’s memory and also tongue.

    As to the Commish….Johnny BOY Swoff. Remember your history here, lads. WHO was the EX Kansas Coach that visited his alma mater and learned of the AFAM Set-up that THEY had just put in? Give that lad an E-Cigar. Dean, the MAN, Smith. SO, Dean wanted an AFAM at HIS school. SO, he needs a “fixer”. Johnny Boy fit that role to a “T”. Johnny had pics of some of the faculty with the ill-fated “Sweet Carolines”. SO, he pushed the AFAM idea and they said YES….kill the photos…but send back in the Sweeties.

    SO, Dean set it up. Gutheridge NEVER changed it. Matter of fact….Wainstein reported that Matt D was TOLD by Dean and Bill… NOT MUCK UP the “academic support” system. You got to give UNC credit. They DID hone their craft and had a pretty good thing going.

    the NCAA WILL do something…..LOIC…..LOL is closer to reality….but your NEVER know.

    Stay tuned….I’ll bet that when the folks that are to be disciplined are called in, they THEN turn state’s evidence….and there is WAY MORE Dirty Jock Straps….

    AH YES>>>>>THE OCTOBER SURPRISE. I thought it would be at the Ballot Box….

    in reply to: Todd Gurley situation #58997


    Don’t know if you were alive during the Chris Washburn episodes at NCSU. Washburn was not the world’s most gifted BB player, but he was Valvano’s hope of repeating an NCAA championship run. Whether he stole the stereo or not is up for grabs….but the publicity was worse. Then it sort of all fell apart.

    There was NEVER a player at NCSU (BB or FB) that has the rap sheet that Winston has. So, I stand by my statement…

    As to the Autograph Whore. If you read the articles on ESPN and other sites, the “authenticator” is more of an “enabler”. What is really “crab leggy” about this is that Gurley was suspended by an SEC team…..God FORBID….the SEC that is the really BAD BOY of the Bad Conferences.

    And then, when you dig into the details, it seems that Winston has almost TWICE the number of autographs with the “Enabler”.

    Winston is probably really innocent….or so he told JimBo…but if UGA thinks that he is tainted and might jeopardize future wins…..that speaks volumes. I have no inside info on how these little “autograph sessions” come about….but look at the math. Maybe Winston thought that the 450 signatures were for FB, Jerseys, Jock Straps, Posters, whatever and that they were going to be sold at an auction to benefit Victims of Sexual Violence and Exploitation….

    Who knows….but the fact that FSU started the investigation is a little out of character for FSU.

    We shall see…..what we shall see….

    in reply to: Todd Gurley situation #58994

    Google Jameis Winston. The firm that “authenticated” Mr. Gurley’s signatures assigned 500 sequential serial numbers to his “autographs”. That means that they were done in a “signing” session. NOW, Mr. Winston has over 940 Sig’s with the same FIRM. approximately 450 of them are recent and they are sequential. Jameis told JimBo….not me boss….I did NOT get any $$, but I got writer’s cramp”.

    The ACC and the NCAA is supposedly NOT investigating, but the “compliance” off of FSU is…

    We shall see what we shall see. The fact that Gurley was suspended speaks volumes….

    Winston seems to be in his usual….”Not ME….I didn’t DO A THING….Nobody SAW ME….and YOU CAN’T PROVE anything” mode.

    Certainly would be fascinating if he did this PRIOR to the season or maybe the EARLIER Winston Authenticated stuff was done PRIOR to the Championship game last year. Poor JimBo would have to give back his bonuses…

    Winston reminds me of Valvano’s lad named Washburn….but Washburn was a Boy Scout compared to Jameis…

    NO GOOD will come from this….or I hope so….

    in reply to: 7 Suspended against Louisville #58934

    My take on the suspension….it is consistent with what OTHER schools….OK FSU did nothing….but that is FSU….had done.

    If it is the “shoot me and see how tough I am game” that some folks are talking about….then I would have done the same….

    If you google BB Gun Game Suspension, most schools meter out some punishment for stupidity….you can do stupid things….like burnouts in a Wally World parking lot when NO ONE IS AROUND and could be injured…..but that does not cut it based on local regulations.

    I DOUBT….and HOPE that DD is making any Anti-Gun PC statement. It seems he is making a “You BONE-HEAD….what were you thinking” Statement…

    Only time and the rumor mill will tell.

    I think that SFN should change the headline….”Roy Williams Influences State Football Players”. After all, it was Old Roy, in jest…I hope….but you never know with Roy, that said he would use his Daisy Red Rider on all the folks (or the UNC Fans) that let the opposition have their seats in Dean’s Dome. It is ROY’s FAULT….not the stupidity of our players….RIGHT!!!!

    in reply to: 7 Suspended against Louisville #58931

    I hate to ask for details, but my natural curiosity is up. I understand guns and muzzle velocity and kinetic energy….and I have been shooting BB guns for more than 60 odd years. I have had my face stung with ricocheting BB’s many times. If you shoot enough, the steel BB does come back…lost a LOT of energy, but it still hurts. I graduated to small caliber lead pellets as I got tire of being stung….and I have shot about everything except a full auto machine gun.

    Today’s BB guns are not the Daisy Red Ryder that I had. They come in all shapes and sizes and, unfortunately, look real. I also recently did some research on a high powered .22 caliber Pellet rifle. These are NOT like my old Benjamin. They will deliver up to 1000 FPS and will easily kill small game at 15 – 20 yards. This includes nuisance varmits like crows and squirrels.

    WHAT, exactly, is “BB Guns” as it relates to College Football. Jameius and the FSU boys did over $4000 in damages to cars and FSU looked the other way.

    Are these lads who so valiantly wear the red and white really going around playing “pretend video games” with a seemingly low powered BB gun? Maybe we should start putting concussion sensors in every helmet.

    Laser tag with the proper PPE is one thing. Paint ball is another….again with the PPE. But, running around playing “cowboys and Indians” with BB Guns….you gotta be kidding me.

    I guess it is boredom….maybe trying to salve their wounds from Saturday’s loss….maybe trying to look like Gangsta Rappers….whatever.

    This just seems stupid to me….and believe me, I did a LOT of stupid things in high school and college and afterwards….but I never had the urge to go out and shoot a BB at someone or get shot at. I guess this is the NEW Macho…

    If anybody has an “info” or a credible web reference, then my curiosity would LOVE to read it….

    Otherwise, I think I’ll write Debbie Yow and ask here if we can administer a Common Sense quiz to all recruits. Makes about as much sense, to me, as going into the desert or the swamps and picking up live vipers with your bare hands….SHEESH…..

    in reply to: State Loses 11th Straight in ACC #58898

    Not exactly FB….but…


    I have been intrigued by your Abraham Lincoln Quote…which changes from time to time…

    Could you give a quick web reference to it or maybe explain it? I do NOT pretend to be a student of Lincoln or his history, but I can seem to locate it and the circumstances prompting his making it.

    I am sure I have over looked something, but when I google the quote, all I get are references to your posts here and other places.


    in reply to: State Loses 11th Straight in ACC #58854

    Fortunately, some erected a large Safety Net BELOW the ledge. So, when folks get near it….it is NOT as dangerous as they think. However, all the sharp knives in the drawer have been replaced with butter knives.

    Today, RW did not pull out his usual….”Watch me….I’m as good as Philip”. Philip had a good game, but it was NOT the blowout it should have been (SD 5-1 & Oakland 0-5) as the score was 31 – 58.

    Jacoby IS pushing it….maybe a little too hard. Having watched his demeanor for half of the 3rd and all of the 4th, that lad was hurting. He IS as competitive as PR and RW. Glennon never, IMO, had that “I can WIN this game”. Jacoby also did it with expectations of having an OL. RW showed up what you COULD do with an NFL QB when you had a decent line at Wisconsin…

    Logan, who shoots off his mouth, but does have some credentials pretty well summed it today. My wife commented (as did the announcers) that we were NOT expecting to play the second half on time. Timing was off. THEN, we had a LONG time to think about it.

    Logan summed it….pull the batteries from the Lightning Detection meter….or get some of our super geeks to design an App to control it….

    Coach D did NOT inherit any talent. He has not been a SLICK talker. Quite the Contrary…..he does, at least, say what is on his mind. TOB would just “sulk” and not even make eye contact and then give some glib answer. TOB had some good talent at BC and turned out some good teams. BC, unfortunately, does has this talent pool to draw from….and their lines have always been good….ask Matt Ryan about that.

    So, back away from the ledge….you might get net burn.

    I also agree that DY will probably give Coach D a little more latitude….and I think that is correct. I watched the JumboTron at the game the other day. Did you pick up HOW many QB’s we have playing. Did you look at the stats or the “triumphs” of the rest of the NCSU Pro Players?

    We HAVE had talent….but we never had the total package….where we had the Line(s) and the Secondary and the Backfield and the Special Teams to put together a solid program. I can name several “Managerial” or Coaching Skills that Chuck and TOB and (keep going) were short on…

    Coach D has put together programs and has a good record. HE is being challenged….no question about that. But, I think he will come through…

    On to Louisville…..Clemson did not do too well….personnel issues. That would be a STELLAR first ACC and Road win. Maybe we ought to send Petrino a cute little Volley Ball player to get his mind messed up next week…

    in reply to: BC @ NC State open entry – updates from Raleigh #58803

    Some views from the cheap LTR’s in the upper deck….

    This game and the handling of the “Dangerous Lightning” was just the beginning of a total fiasco….

    We left and decided to wait out the weather in the PNC. I was at CF when the Tornadoes came to town and drove through some wicked weather and took shelter at my daughters rather than going home….which would have put me in the path of the tornadoes… I am a bit more cautious and less macho this time….especially with my GS with me.

    Even saw Greg Fischel run in and take shelter….

    SO, the PNC folks said…..Game is going to start….this was about 6:05 and the Radio or maybe here had said that the Lightning delay would be over at 6:10. So me and a couple of thousand folks started walking back over. All the Raleigh PD in their green slickers were standing there. Then one of them gets on the BUll Horn and tells us….we are going to “sweep” the CF entrance and that if we do NOT disperse, we will be “arrested”. SO, they start walking….only thing missing was their batons and shields. THEN we, like sheep, walk back to the PNC. This time, the RPD is there. We can NOT mill around outside. TOO dangerous. Again the leader has a bull horn and we are herded back inside. Was in the VIP entrance and the guy said….JumboTron has ESPN and the PA as Radio….so we went in….we had barely made it to an open road of seats when the “Supervisor” on a Bull Horn says…..GAME STARTING….Please leave.

    I have the greatest respect for LEO….but these folks were about as disorganized as our defense. God save us if there had been an Ebola outbreak and they were trying to quarantine us.

    OK….back in CF, we found that two of our party had “squatter’s” rights to the front row of the 45. So, we went down there and stood and yelled. We could also reach over and literally touch the players. I NOW have a different perspective on Coach D and Brissett.

    Coach D is enthusiastic when a player makes a GOOD play and equally irritated when he messes up….and heaps praise as well as criticism on players as they come off the field.

    We watched the game from mid 3rd Quarter until the ugly end. The attitude, as the clock ticked, deteriorated. There was little enthusiasm for the defense. It was obvious in the body language. Read the comments on the N&O….they mirror what I witnessed.

    BUT, what I also saw was Jacoby up front and personal. He mainly sat by himself and some players would try to “get him to perk up”. He was intense….and you could see the pain in his face. During the last 5 minutes….when BC last scored, he got up off the bench and was almost in tears. One of our party said that it looked like someone just killed his pet cat. (I like cats….but not inside) He really did wear his emotions on his sleeve. He was trying to do his best Philip and Russell imitation….but his supporting cast did NOT help. It was obvious, when you are at eye level with the field that our OL was totally outmatched and that Jacoby was fighting for his life. He may have made some mental (and physical) mistakes….but make no bones about it….he was hurting….

    So, I was disappointed, as we all are. We played well for about 1 – 2 quarters….it almost seemed like the high humidity was in our favor as the Yank’s from Bean Town did NOT like CF’s Heat. Then the rain came and it seemed to melt us….

    in reply to: Clemson 41, State 0 #58172


    I am the cause of the loss. I had to do a “daddy do” list of project for my daughter today and could only find an NCSU “BB” T that was suitable to be totaled…and it MAY be burned later tonight.

    If I had been in FULL NCSU “Game” regalia and was watching every down as intensely as I did at CF last week, we would have given Clemson a run for their tiger milk.

    I do NOT think that Coach D and Staff underestimated Dabo (you gotta wonder about how his nickname came about…) and his staff. You also have to think that the team, while suffering the loss to FSU, did get some swagger and confidence out of the game. SO, if the Coaches did their job and the Team did theirs, then the result should have been a 1 – 3 TD mismatch.

    Alas and alack….it was not. Whether is was the aura of Death Valley or whether Dabo spiked the GatorAde or whether the Tig’s decided to make a statement…..they were powerful.

    Likewise, we looked live the proverbial JayVee team. It seemed there was NO pass protection and our D-Line was still celebrating and could not make the trip to Tiger Paw land.

    Vic Beasley’s “fumble recovery”….how can you call a direct STEAL from Jocaby a “Fumble”. Vic just rumbled and stole the tater and SCORED….what an embarrassment. BUT, it happens.

    Many here will have to be coaxed from the ledges. Many will consume copious amounts of brewed and/or distilled spirits tonight. Posts will be written calling for Dr. Yow to go to Coach D’s home at sunrise and publicly rip off his headphones and smash his clip board….THEN fire him.

    This season will not, me thinks, be an a 4 -8 season. It may not be a 10 – 2 one either. Personally (and you can pull this post later and castigate me….), I think we will closer to 8 -4 than to 4 – 8. BUT, we have to improve.

    Whether we let FSU beat us TWICE (as in last week and then a self-induced hang over this week) or whether we did NOT (of COURSE we did NOT) play at the same level as last week against FSU. Whether Clemson got chewed out for “loafing” last week against UNX….only Dabo and the orange clad lads know.

    We will have a tough game against Petrino and the Louisville lads….if last night was an indicator. BUT, we SHOULD be competitive with BC, Syracuse, UNX and WF…maybe GT….but they are as much of a mystery as we are.

    SO, no practice so that the 24 hours of mourning can be accomplished. Get ready for BC and put in the practice time to take care of business.

    Post away….the night is young….

    If you think WE are a bit disillusioned…..then talk to the Bama and LSU fans…..they will really tell you what MISERY and DISAPPOINTMENT is…

Viewing 25 posts - 951 through 975 (of 1,157 total)