Forum Replies Created
ParticipantNever said that LOWE made the NCAA. My point….Gottfried took Lowe’s talent and got the Sweet 16. I went to St. Louis for that.
I was in Tampa when Lowe made the best run of his tenure in the ACC Tourney. Had we more legs, we WOULD have went to the NCAA that year. Even the UNC fans were panicking. Googs and other NCSU players were in the VIP section and at the half felt we had a good shot.
My point, again….Shaka’s first two years at UT are WORSE than Gottfried’s was at NCSU. Maybe we WOULD have been better with him, but his wife said NO. That, most folks, forget and tend to think that AD Yow mucked that up.
Shaka and the NCSU lawyers had the LOI ready for release and the Monday Presser was planned. Shaka’s wife woke up and was in a Hormone imbalance (pregnant) and REFUSED to go. VCU had raided the piggy banks and borrowed the first year earnings from the Wives and Daughter’s working lower Broad Street for the next year.
Their offer was close enough and wifey said…TAKE IT….or ELSE….go to Raleigh and I MIGHT come down….after your child is born. NO PRESSURE….all Yow’s part for NOT asking….Is your WIFE Pregnant? Is SHE OK with you leaving?
ParticipantJoe, Mr. INSIDER, Giglio (N&O fame) has a column….Debbie is doing Keats and Wade today.
MY impeccable sources tell me….DY’s iPhone is OFF. THAT would be a sure giveaway that something heavy is happening (or it got stolen as it did in Columbus).
Goodmon and Giglio seem to be on the same page. Anyone tracking Hogforce 1 or HogLimo 1?
We need OPERATIVES on the street. Someone should be on stakeout at the Case Center…
Clemson AD has NOT tweeted that Brownell has been shown the door….so WADE might be in the market. VCU folks? They are TIRED of coaches coming and going…they do not even have a thread on Wade’s departure…
Good rant, er post….
If a Coach AIN’T interested (and his agent tells the “special consultant that”, how are we supposed to “win him over”? Ever seen a HS kid fantasize over the hottie in High School who gave him the cold shoulder at every opportunity? I have an NCSU Grad (very SMART) friend that did that all through HS. What happened….he became a recluse after graduation. BUT, guess who did “get to know him” after he came by every afternoon and called repeatedly? Her LITTLE (very cute) SISTER.
Moral of that TRUE story (they married and are in their 70’s and raised a nice brood of kids)…If someone says, be my FRIEND….not my LOVER….it probably ain’t gonna happen.
Ranting and raving and going out on the ledge and threatening to blow up the PNC ain’t gonna make it happen. If Archie is NOT interested….then as long as we REALLY and SERIOUSLY tried….what are we supposed to do? Blackmail (got pictures of Arch and a few Dayton Cheerleaders?) MIGHT do it….but short of that…give me YOUR PLAN TO CONVINCE ARCHIE.
This is gonna play out as it plays out. IF we have TOP TIER P5 folks on the list (and their agents would have had to say….YES….but only AFTER I get beat)….then my bet is that Yow is doing some preliminary talks with the “Available” folks….and then waiting to see how the weekend plays out. She GOT Burned waiting too long the last time.
Remember that Shaka ain’t done DIDDLY at UT. He took Barnes’ Talent and went to the NCAA last year. Lowe did that with Herbie’s talent and almost beat UNC in the ACCT Final game. SO, would we have been better off with Shaka than Gott? I really don’t think so.
MIND GAMES….that folks take what is posted here, save mine of course, with such seriousness….
ParticipantTO ALL….
I DO get Emails returned. BUT, I do NOT tell her how to DO HER JOB. I tried that once with Randy and he promptly sent it to her and she explained (with more professionalism than my rant) WHY she did it and explained the bigger picture.
We have debate two subjects where I was being persistent and she said that it was her call and she appreciated the input, but the circumstances would not permit her to take my well conceived plan and implement it.
Write her….you WILL get a response….I’m fixing to….but NOT about this.
The Ladies just WON….were up almost 30 at one point. Survive and Advance….
Chew on THIS….The NCAA “slighted” NCSU in the seedings. Thus the women had to travel to Texas. NOTE, Texas is seriously considering their OWN HB2 and Houston VOTED theirs OUT. SO, we LOST the Home Court (Reynolds would have been showcased). Duke GOT the HC advantage….but the NCAA knows THEY are progressive and that it was the EVIL NCSU fans that voted for them scalawags that kept the NCGA in power.
ParticipantLet me see if I understand….
The PURPOSE of the $90K Search was to “Identify” those coaches that would have an interest in the NCSU job…assuming that an equitable salary arrangement could be reached.
It was supposed to be a Priority Ranked (as to their interest) list….
OK…based on the “Rules” of Coaches, AD’s, Consultants, Pimp’s, etc….
Any GOOD candidate who is amenable to “Consider a change” HAS to tell his agent YES or NO or MAYBE….and it ends there. He is SUPPOSED to be working on his next game. THEN the Consultant huddles with the Agents and compiles the list. Yow SHOULD have had the list early in the week or at least a partial.
THEN, she starts to decide WHO is number one for US…and that depends on their records and their $$’s and the phase of the moon.
NOW, did somebody LEAK again from AD Yow’s office….or was it a PLANTED leak to heal the savage WPN Fans and prevent on campus (or at the Gov’s office with Rev BB leading and bullhorns) Demonstrations….heretofore only reserved for a Trump Supporter.
IF Joe G’s tweet DOES have basis (and I read the OTHER thread), then you make the call. Leaked (as in DEEP STATE) or “News Flash” so that the fans are NOT yelling and screaming when ANYONE but the Prodigal Son, Archie, is announced.
SO…assume it is TRUE. Then Yow has to start with the OTHER candidates (if Archie was EVEN on the preliminary list).
Remember, this is NOT the Blacklist (or Redemption). We can NOT send a black ops team (or a Femme Fatalle) to Dayton and kidnap his family and then hold them for ransom. HE HAS to want to come. If he does NOT, then LET GO OF IT. If you don’t think that AD Yow is handling this right….write her or Dr. Woodson.
NOW…assuming that Archie was not EVEN on the list (his agent politely said, THANKS…but NO THANKS). BUT, if you want to really know, call Jon (Archie’s Dad….) Ask HIM…
Therefore, we must go forward. Where was it leaked the Marshall, Alford, GHOSTS ((DES’s Valvano, Wooden, Rupp, Case, Sloan, et) were or were NOT considered. Sometimes the little piece of the puzzle that represents 1% is NOT the Rosetta Stone.
If NO big time (and Buck$) coaches said “YES….call me when I QUIT playing”….then that is what it is.
Perhaps they READ here or have surrogates read us and PP and know how loonie we can sometimes be. Perhaps Herbie is NOW pulling a Gary Williams….perhaps Gottfried is texting them….
Keats, Wade, Moton, Kelsey, Lutz or whomever you want (FIB) are probably being talked to. IF there is, and I HOPE there, is a BIG TIME NAME….we DO run a risk of letting the top of our list get away waiting for him to lose….and THEN Indiana or the Warrior come after him. Remember how we “GOTT Shaka and then HE – NOT YOW or actually Shaka’s WIFE reneged..and we GOTT GOTT…
BUT if you don’t have an “IN” and you have NOT hacked Yow’s email, texts or voice….then WHERE is the valid info…
WHOA….some folks need to have a drink or switch to DeCaf or go out and walk a few miles….
You need to contact AD Yow with your fundraising ideas. VCU never got that drastic…they only farmed out their wives and daughters….did that for 3 of the 4 years that Shaka was in “Play” starting in 2011. Maybe it was in 15 that they were faced with the “cut me open and take what you want…” syndrome and that is why he went to UT. Oil was around $64 then….so they were still OK with their “Conventional” funding of a coach.
I totally agree with you…we should keep reaching for the stars, but be prepared to get knee knocked by a old man, in UNC garb, driving his tuned up “scooter” with fresh AGM batteries (if you have ever visited some Senior Citizen facilities, these puppies run SILENT (like a Sub) and will sneak up on your and THEN blow their horns).
Archie or whomever of equal credentials SHOULD be our target. I would also hope that the $90K list has names that we would recognize but never thought would be in play. If my layman’s take is correct on how these guys work, they ought to be training our CIA Ops… Reminds me of the old joke….find a good cabbie in Vegas and ask HIM where the best girls work and hang out and tip him well….in terms of the money, the $90K is equivalent to that compared to what the Lady and her “Agent” will want.
Today will also start to sort out the field. I was not really that impressed with any of the folks that “Now Available”. The Indiana gig MAY work (here I sound like an expert) in our favor is some of our “LISTEES” are hankering for would consider THAT gig. SO, we can wait and maybe get sloppy seconds….you never know…
ParticipantJeremyH SAID…
“Would be nice if Y7 could shape his game like Markennen”
Would be even NICER is he was COACHED by Sean Miller….but THAT ain’t gonna happen…
Hopefully, the NBA will advice him of his shortcomings and suggest another year of practice….
BUT, you never KNOW…
ParticipantNCSU “Top Tier” Potential Coaching Candidates….OR as we are KNOWN….KISS OF DEATH. Three of them (Four if you added Mouton) APPEAR to be out in the FIRST Round (Game).
If I was Archie, I would be seeking out a Witch Doctor or some other person (preferably from New Orleans) and having them “cleanse” myself and my team and the venue. Wonder HOW MANY of the “Candidates” will be chit chatting with Ms. Debbie tomorrow?
Bennett does look like a clone of Herbie who was often seen at Goodberry’s and Krispy Kreme with B J Anya and Charles Barkely…
WWW is officially “can be talked to….”.
ParticipantCan you imagine Mikey K pulling a “Collins” in the Locker Room? I think that would be as rare as a certain EX Presidential Candidate slithering into her Hubby’s Bedroom and saying…”Bill, wanna have some fun tonight?”…
That was an amazing victory. Wee Willie Wade looks like he will be on the Red Eye tonight and back in Richmond tomorrow….and his agent will be texting and “cajoling” like mad…
Did anyone ALSO pickup the fact that Kremlin Karl Hess officiated the VCU v UNC-W contest this afternoon? He is like the Beast in Hotel California…..Stab it with their steelie knives, but you just can’t kill the BEAST….”
ParticipantWatched a bit of VCU Vs Saint Mary’s. Thought at the half…
Can’t Hit Diddly…
Can’t Defend Diddly….
Can’t Rebound Diddly….Me thinks that if Bo Diddly was the patron saint of the VCU Guys (and if you watched Shaka “Pre-Game” exhibitions….one COULD surmise that)….THAT old Bo done gone or is in the process of relocating to Texas.
Wonderful dinner courtesy of DW. Helped her clean up since the meal was great. Come back in. VCU cut it to 2. Read all the comments on both threads….actually 3, but did not have the Captain Midnight Secret Decoder Ring (I got one for 3 Ovaltine labels in 1954, but it got lost whilst I was a Freshman at NCSU)….therefore I could not figure McCallum’s post….
Anyway….by the time I caught up to keep from “repeating stuff”….they gave back a lot of it.
Would seem that Debbie Yow gonna be collecting Wendell Murphy VIP Airline Frequent Flyer Miles over the weekend. The K&K boys are OUT. Wee Willie Wade don’t look like he gonna stay in Salt Lake (been there….swam in the LAKE. Not something I recommend for anyone’s bucket list)….but you NEVER know.
Howsomever??? If you can’t SCORE (GOTT actually COULD…), can’t DEFEND and can’t REBOUND….how would that differ from our ill fated season? Don’t KNOW. If WWW returns early to Richmond, will Clemson pull the trigger on Brownell and start the seduction….maybe they could sublet McCallum’s Paid For Room….??
ParticipantI am NOT here to DEFEND Keats. I think that we could do better….and, unfortunately, a LOT worse. However, to compare Lavin and Keats. Now that is really unfair to Keats. It may even qualify as a “Hate Crime”. Good thing that Loretta and Eric ain’t the cheif Legal Go Getter…..otherwise, there would be a DOJ SWAT team, with their M-16’s on full auto at someone’s door.
Lavin is about the slimiest of the Slimey….and we all know the “cloth he is cut From”….just having rid ourselves of one that did not have the Boy Scout of the Year qualities.
Whilst I am expounding….I WILL take exception to the Westwood One’s spots (XM Radio). Was listening to a game (Gonzaga?) and they did a “Salute” to the coaches. They extolled the virtues of ORW…talked about he is virtuous, loyal, kind, trustworthy, reverend, (use the other 8 points). Also talked about how ORW kept up with his players and had NEVER, EVER done anything that even HINTED at an NCAA infraction. That was a “spot” by some sponsor. They will do the same for several other coaches. BUT, what a Crock of Fermenting Feces…
EOR (End of Rant).
ParticipantGOTTfried would have been 1 when JFK was killed. BUT, you probably could link him up with Mt. St. Helens, Challenger disaster, Dale Earnhardt accident and the market crash of 2008. I THINK he was selling credit swaps and derivities and Carter’s Little Liver pills at that time….when not doing BB…
Has ANYONE heard a peep about WHERE he is and WHAT he is doing? GF usually takes out the trash (or at least during BB season). Wonder if they are as content as they were before the DY meeting?
ParticipantPardon a NON coaching observation….
But is it MY imagination, or has Charles Barkely and BJ Anya been sneaking out to Krispy Kreme every night. Maybe Charles flew in his plane and picked him up. I NOW see why they are dressing his like they do in the Capital One Commercials.
I ain’t seen anyone blow up this fast since Oprah was making so much money that she didn’t need to stay on a diet..
That boy is BIG….or I GOTTa figure out HOW to adjust the Horizontal on my 4K….
You may be a bit low for Wade. They are sort of secretive, but if you read all the “in the KNOW” articles, VCU talks about Wade being competitive with Archie. In 2015 (April), he was making in excess of One Million. I think that he would be closer to TWO than 1.5. Debbie writes a mean contract….and loads it with opportunities. MEMORY (could look it up) says that Gottfried was $760 K Guaranteed (Buyout) and 1,8XX Supplemental (which is also PAID (Death or Breath). Then there was about 40% in Incentives (Academic and Competitive)….so if he range the chime in both areas, he was at 3.5 Million. Which means he won the NCAA and would be UP for a HEALTHY Raise…
Two of the “Names” are NOW available for “Talking”. Keats and Kelsey. Gonna be interesting…
I assume this was a hire a long time ago. I had a recollection and this is what I found.
Bunn was the coach in the fall 2010 Season. Yow came in June 2010. Do NOT know if she hired him or not.
If you look at the 2009 and spot check others earlier, we barely won 3 -5 games per season. OUCH. I assume that is the lady coach you refer to.
I also recall AD Yow being very happy with Volleyball in her comments (pre 2015 or so) at the Wake Coaches Caravan. It appears that when he stopped “producing”, he went to the market (as my late FIL would do with his heifers that no longer were good milk producers)…
Woodson and Yow were not in charge for the “lady coach’s” tenure….
SIDE NOTE….from another blog… We appeared to have a good program unti. Martino…then it went totally downhill…
That was 1988. Judy Martino was coach, later fired and sued the university. Pat Hielscher, the coach prior to Martino who established the foundation of the winning program Martino inherited is a member of my church.
William Tarlton Turner, Manager (Founder) of Collegiate Sports Associates. LLC with vacant lot as mailing address
Best I remember…may be flawed…
C. D. Spangler, UNC BOG, issued report. BOG actually had a Task Force – Chairman – Special Investigator. Mr Spangler or members of his “Investigative Committee” posed a question to Jimmy V. “Coach, why didn’t you just give your players a little more money each month, that way they would not have had to sell their shoes and tickets and we would not be here…?
UNC dominated BOG mistakenly thought NCSU did things The Carolina Way
That morphed into UNC BOG advising NCSU BOT to “make changes”. Todd was hired. Academic requirements MORE stringent. Tighter than student body as a whole.
NCSU BOT also was complicit in Dr. Monteith’s witch hunt of Jimmy V and endorsed all the “guidances”
Later on, Circa 1992/3, Dean Smith had John Swofford “grease the skids” for AFAM at UNC – “Diversity”. NEW chapter in “The Carolina Way”.
Turner better hope he did not make V’s “hereafter” list like Claude Sitton.
Todd still consulting. Offered services to Yow in 2011 for MBB search
Time for technosquad to remove Turner from digital and archived records
Turner info is easy to find.
Back to the main program….
ParticipantI was thinking the SAME thing about Mouton’s coat, but left it out. Brevity, DonChaNow…
Was thinking that if you had a Hounds Tooth RED (Flaming as in what folks often do here) and WHITE. That would be in Lowe’s League. Sure beats the Light Blue haze floating around our bench for 5 years.
Pity they lost…Announcers did PLUG Mouton for the NCSU job. Don’t know if they used “Dream”? And if so, was it IN your Dreams or Dream job of the P5.
Right now…NCAAT 2 – NC Teams ZILCH…
I’m halfway expecting the OcalaCobra to open up an account and chime in here….he (she?) has a Twitter Account. Wonder what OC’s prediction is? Based on the size and skin of that puppy, it might take a Supreme Court Judge (20 Gage) to end the trail of terror.
Time for a drink…
ParticipantI SINCERELY am pulling for Gottfried to go SOMEWHERE….at at least 3/4 Million and stay there for at least three years. I hope he wins on the court and continues to “win” off the court.
NOW, for the INFO of the DAY….and DON’T take that too seriously. Email version of THE WOLFPACKER (dot Com or maybe BOMB) came today. THEIR take on the Coaching Search…
Games to Watch…
UNC-W Keats got the ONLY Picture in the Article….looked for the Murphy Photo Credit, but did not find it.
Dayton Vs. Cornfield State from Wherever….(Wichita State). Arch got top billing but “Remember that Wonderful Year…2010” when the LEO guy was in the mix….Did not mention the game I’m watching now…NCCU.
Due to Flu and Sinus infection that delayed Pacemaker implant, my alcohol input was terminated….DW Rules….you know the rest.
Since January 26, have had two mixed (restaurant) cocktails and one glass of Merlot. Remember the old joke about the Crocagator….How do he Defecate? He DON’T….That what make him so MEAN…. Same applies for low alcohol blood levels.
However, thanks to those that expressed concerns. Ticker Chip has been turned down a bit. Still needs some tweaking. But Energy Level and such are back to 2007 levels….
Gonna go to Vegas in April and do the 2 day Ron Fellows Corvette Performance Driving School. Aerobic capacity well above normal. Walking 1.5 miles per day has cut down on bulge…..DW says it is the LACK of Alcohol. Having said that, I was maybe 4 “measured” drinks per week….so don’t put me in the AA 12 Steps program…
I will NOT release my tax returns…..and I know where my “client” copy is as my DW does them….no matter how much pressure the MSM and Social Media exerts….
I hope you did not think that I was plagurizing your posts or taking credit for them. I DO try to read all the posts and go back. That N&O article was a summary that was of interest to me and not every poster here has an N&O tab on their browser.
Tried to post this as NEW Forum….and the server got cantankerous….it MAY appear, but who knows….
DIVERSION or “No NEW NEWS” was a comment that someone made here or in the OTHER thread.
without hijacking this thread, IF you want some diversion….suggest you read it.
Seems to me that the UNC Mole in the NCAA or perhaps even the NCAA “leakers” have put UNC on notice that there is “Greater WEIGHT of Evidence” in that they committed academic fraud and there are grounds for LOIC. Banners may be taken down.
I WONDER who (or what UNC Slush Fund) is paying Deborah’s Shyster? I THINK that the folks have huddled. NOW, despite their best efforts, they are gonna HAVE to let Deborah TALK. I wonder if she has been sent to an undisclosed location for covert operatives training and they have DRILLED her on WHAT to say.
NOW she will come off as the “Champion” of the Academically Downtrodden. She provided “Customized Educational Opportunities” to students who were brilliant but did not have time to go to class or could not read or whatever. No Attorney comes up with THAT phrase. It is a WELL CRAFTED and Highly Paid PR Consultant….and I suspect it came from the UNC Crowd…
UNC has also taken away her “Scartlett C” trappings and she is now allowed back in the commune.
The Roo Theory (No, I am NOT a conspiracy advocate) is that with Deborah’s cooperation, she can “provide plausible denialability” to many of the allegations in the Wainstein report. Thus, that will “soften it up a bit”. So, there will be some “Reasonable Doubt” and the NCAA will render a less severe penalty.
Is Deborah getting HUSH money from the Rams Club? Will she be a candidate for an Academy Award? IF she can work in the name TRUMP into her explanation….it is a SHOE IN…
So, in the end….it is a gamble….but if there is any substance or coverage….wonder HOW the ESPN (UNC Grad President) SPIN will be.
Back to the SEARCH…in BOTH cases….Desperate TIMES calls for DESPERATE MEASURES….
ParticipantInteresting….to me….perhaps others….article. A lot of insight….maybe? Last night I stayed up a little after midnight and was channel surfing for a “Put me to SLEEP Ballgame”. Unfortunately, ESPN was running Whitt’s “Survive and advance”. Could NOT resist it….may fade tonight during the WFU game.
ParticipantGo DEAC’s. Manning has done a lot of “interviews” which WRAL has run. He sounds very intelligent and despite his size, his head seems to be screwed on and aligned correctly….and his manner of speech and handling of the interviews and questions impressed me. He may be a real @$$Hole elsewhere, but so far, I think that Wake made a good choice.
ParticipantGT fans should be rallying tonight. The WRECKS are now “out of past coaching SNAFU” payouts. This year was Gene Hewitt’s LAST year. Can’t remember if Gregory had one more or two more years. BUT, if he is “Coaching”, then GT is off the hook. Wording in the contract would have determined if he could pull a “Butcher” and got paid this year.
Beat GOES ON….Need to collect some data on the posts per day and then calculate the acceleration (estimated) as we close into the first round. Early losses for our “supposed” front runners will be to OUR advantage.
One of the issues last time was they all kept winning….so the “available ladies at the bar” was dwindling….and Shaka was the last train out of town….Bet AD Yow asks…”Is your wife pregnant” as one of the first questions. She will NOT be blindsided again.
ParticipantYes, No, Maybe.
Some coaches will clean house and take their entire staff with them….and that is not only the coaches…but the support squad. ORW brought in, I THINK, most of his staff…but made sure that he brought Wayne Walden, his chief “Keep ’em ELIGIBLE” advisor, whom he said was MORE important that his Assistants….and this is in his BOOK. You have to dig in the bio’s and look at the staff when the coaches left and then the next year. Bill Self came in behind William from the outside, so there was not a “we don’t need to look elsewhere” situation.
However, if they have a top notch assistant that might be ready to move up. If the top assistant moves up, then there is more pressure on the other assistants as to who (assuming they are asked) they will sign up for.
Gottfried brought in coaches he had had before or worked with. Interesting….they recommended Bobby Lutz and Lutz was hired as the “Top” assistant. Lutz wants a HC job. Doubt he would come back…but never say never. Have NO idea what he is making now versus what we were paying him.
SO, there is not one “cookie cutter” answer. Folks that can trace the DNA of a coach can provide more insight.
Don’t forget, SOMETIMES an Assistant will NOT work out in the new organization. Then loyalty versus Coach’s Job Security is tested….and Coach’s Job usually overrules….that is why Gottfried played a very dangerous game, in that he did not recognize how much the team admired Lutz as well as Lutz’s contributions. When he failed to produce a winning record and our defense….as pitiful as it was….got WORSE….he had used his last trump card and the game was over.
ParticipantTotally agree. Congratulations to the Lady Pack. I was a bit taken aback at the #6 Seed. Only Cuse was lower. We did have a LOT of top Team wins. Just saw Coach Moore on TV and he was a bit miffed at the lower seed also….but at LEAST we were invited. Last year we put on our finery, had our hair done, new nails, push up bra and “other enhancements”. Date NEVER did show up. He would have had a HELLUVA time if only he had called…
SO, you go to TX and FIGHT IT OUT….The ladies, based on the “Watch” video that WRAL ran were truly excited… well they should be. Great for our super 4 Seniors.