Forum Replies Created
Obviously, after my rocky start with Debbie Yow, I am a supporter. I believe, knowing what I know and speculating (based on logic, not my “wanne’s”), that she did a good job and that we have a good coach.
Wonder WHY Pat Kelsey had a “Change of Heart”? UMass had him locked up longer than we had Shaka and he obviously knows that waiting so long to renege will impact his future job searches (Remember the old punchline with Bobby Cremmins committed to USC and THEN went up there….rode around….and turned around and went BACK to Atlanta and they had the equivalent of the Saban No Show when he was flying off to Bama?) The punchline was “What does USC stand for?”. The answer, “U Seen Cremmins?”
McC, I don’t know if I totally support your Marshall to Indiana prediction. Not enough to wager on, but wonder. Personally think that Indiana is laying low. They are PROBABLY pulling FOR Kentucky tonight so that Mr. Stevie (Wonder Boy) Alford will be “available” for discussions concerning their basketball program’s direction. COULD BE WRONG. But if GreGG was the Target, then they should have already moved and had the presser. We shall see… GreGG’s wife now enters the lofty world of “Wives that totally impacted their husband’s coaching careers”. The chairperson of that group is Mrs. Shaka Smart (if I have to retell the tale, you need to leave here and go back to PP…you AIN’T got the qualifications for SFN). Now, Mrs. Potty Mouth Marshall is joining the club. Wonder if she had a cocktail or two?
Finally, thanks for the MG update…If you look at the SB Nation article…notice the pciture they used has him in a LIGHT BLUE shirt. Need I say more? The Comments sound like they were written by the “informed and vocal” posters here. NOT very happy. “RETREAD” was the most poignant. and a little cruel. That is NOW how Mark the Prowler and “fixed” 53 YO wants to be portrayed. However, the fact that he IS in the hunt for a NCAA gig tells me that his accountant had a little Heart-to-Heart with him. The $760K (less Agent’s take) ain’t gonna support his past liability of a High Maintenance Female and his present outgo for a YOUNGER, High Maintenance and Party Loving, GF….plus his OTHER expenses.
I sort of wonder if DY didn’t do some “calculating”. She WAS friends with MG for many years. She also has been is boss for a long time. It does NOT take a Warren Buffett to figure out that he can NOT exist on less than 40% of his “inflow” with his lifestyle. Factor in that ESPN is NOT HIRING (was that a secret that only the NSA and the Ex Administration picked up from wiretapping? Will I be indicted for typing it and releasing it?) SO, if DY read the tea leaves like I think she did….cutting MG and having to “pay” was not a 100% deal.
BUT, MG is fast on his feet with a quick mouth. HE will survive….and, if necessary, we will pay…
ParticipantWe ALL need to start a “letter writing campaign”. Extolling the virtues (er, bad choice) of MG. How we singlehandedly forced our AD to fire him elsewise, we would take over the campus and demand that the AD resign and that all athletic endeavors cease to exist and that the AD be dissolved and all funds being dispersed to Homeless (Convicted Felons get 2X share) and undocumented immigrants. CA would DEFINITELY understand and they might just HIRE that guy.
Lavin….OMG, give me a fornicating break….and pass the Crown Black. Lavin is the only coach/OAT that is sleazier than our former coach.
Would be a GREAT deal for NCSU….in that we would NOT have to pay his BO. It WOULD appear that ESPN ain’t putting him on the Jet with his agent to negotiate a big contract. I really think that he needs the $$ to support his lifestyle and keep the Ex Mrs. G from garnishing his NCSU earnings….
GO Golden Bears… NEED Coach MG. He would also bring along Jim Harrick….so Jimmy as a consultant would be unstoppable…
ParticipantTime for a chorus of “Climb Every Mountain…”. Don’t bother to cue up Peggy Woods as she could not hit the highs and they did a lip sync.
I offered K2 or K Squared a while back. As long as the finger don’t get fat and call him Killer Kevin Keatts, I think we are OK.
It will be interesting to talk to him at the Wake County Coaches Caravan. I suspect the lines will be long and the BS deep.
What’s the bet that GreGG stays at Corn Forker U? Alford at UCLA? Don’t bet the 401K plus mortgage the house on that one….
Archie? I think that the comic book collectors are doing better at selling that one than the lad is. Maybe he IS happy there. Herb’s “gently glided out of West Raleigh on the proverbial Rail” traumatized Archie (and Sean) at a critical moment in their coaching (or starting to coach) endeavors. They may have to have counseling to recover.
Let’s see how the brass ring grabbing goes and who loses grip of the pole on their trusty steed….
K2 needs some “schtick” to identify with. Kiffin’s Steed. ORW’s Huckleberry Hound imitation (courtesy of the KU fans). Larry Manning’s HD….we need something to set K2 apart from the masses….
Notice that Mr. Josh Pastner (looks younger than We Willie Wade) is holding his own in the NIT….now in the Final Four. Not too shabby. That kid has a future…
ParticipantAll we needed was a Coaches wife (s) with more baggage.
GOTT’s squeeze and another assistant wife tried to crash the Champions Club multiple times. Told to get tickets or have someone call. NADA, only you’ll be sorry.Imagine the KH worshipping refs if our coach’s wife started to potty mouth them. Gregg from Corn ? Land might have had issues. Wonder if she will sign up for anger management and charm school?
Probably about as close as you can get. Several published reports are in the $2.6 range. Interesting….
In 2016, Alford GAVE BACK a contract extension. He (Gottfried GOTT 2 years) received a 1 year “Automatic” for a Sweet 16 Appearance in 2013/14. The 2015/16 season, per Alford….Was NOT up to UCLA Standards.
So, he “Gave it Back”. THAT is class…
ParticipantFactoids of the AM…
Wee Willie Wade (Doogie Houser clone) of VCU had a $1 Million BO from VCU.
WWW turned down a 6 Year @ $2 Million Deal with his Alma Mater, Clemson.
Clemson announced AFTER THAT….”we are Confident that we will be successful with Coach Brownell”.
LSU has hired WWW for 6 Years. No $$’s leaked. Jones, the EX LSU was making $1.5 Million.
LSU’s “Insiders” (a nice formal article) had a basket of coaches from Gregg Marshall on down to some East TN or Middle Upper Valley U folks. The Salary Range was $5 Million down to one of Sean’s Assistants at $250 (which is LESS than we paid our EXISTING Assistants…we are around $325 or so). Keatts WAS on that list also.
Seems like 6 YEARS is NOW the NORM.
I LIKE WHAT WE DID….especially since the “High Class Escorts” had certain standards for their clientele that we OBVIOUSLY did not meet….
You need to step back and look at this realistically. The “Murphy Well” has been nice, but it ain’t that deep. This is a LONG post…but read the final comments and look at the “Net Worths” of some folks. I posted an economic model here of how much it would take to pay out MG and also fund $3.5 Million and got blasted saying that NO ONE WILL PAY THAT MUCH MORE PER TICKET…so either you do it from Ticket or you get Donors to “FUND” such….
Asking for an exorbitant salary is, indeed, a polite way of saying NO. Wendell Murphy’s #2 man did that when his ex company dogged him to death. He threw out a salary that was 3 or 4 times present and a list of demands that would befit retirement of Ex Presidents. THEY took him up. Later on, he got tired of the corporate BS and decided to come back to NC and Wendell hired him as President. THEN, after the sale to Smithfield, was kept on and promoted. Wendell is an astute businessman and a good judge of character.
If we had opted for Marshall (why TWO G’s), then the ticket price increase would have been much steeper. Based on the math using the attendance numbers and trying to keep MBB as a “stand alone” entity (neutral revenue), with Keatts, we are at breakeven, ASSUMING that some of the big time Donor’s “anted up” for the departure. There will be a net outflow of about $300 – $400K per year for MG’s three years, assuming he does not coach. Then throw in the $200K that we PROBABLY paid as a signing bonus for Keatts’ Buyout (he STILL pays the taxes on that and that will be around $75K). So, net-net…probably $1.1- $1.5 Out of Pocket. IF we pick up some MORE ticket sales, then we might break even….even without the ASSUMED “one time special gift”. NOW, for the record, any Donor Contributions went DIRECTLY to the Athletic Department and NOT the WPC. The WPC funds are slated specifically for Facility and Scholarship.
Wendell Murphy has been VERY generous to NCSU. He no longer has a company (sold it) that he can leverage and make big donations. What is coming from him is his OWN resources….and he also has a large family that would like to have an inheritance.
IF you want to reach out to the BIG MONEY MEN….then start talking to Jim Goodnight. Mr. Goodnight really is worth almost $10 BILLION. His worth is probably 100 times Mr. Murphy and he STILL has a growing business (SAS). For comparison, T. Boone Pickens is worth $500 Million, so our OWN illustrious Mr. Goodnight is worth 20 TIMES Mr. Pickens. Now, remember…
Jim Goodnight was a Stat Prof at NCSU. He actually WROTE, along with others, all the “Base Code” for SAS as a “GRANTED” research project. The Folks that review such said. Good Job Jim (and the other SAS Founder and a couple of others). BUT, this has no value, other than from an academic standpoint. You want to “Keep the CODE?”. OK, whatever THAT is, it is YOURS. I saw a prospectus for SAS from a Venture Capital firm (that also funded Cree). Mr. Goodnight “owes a lot to NCSU”. Maybe someone can focus him and get him to become OUR T. Booney Boy.
Factoids…not Internet Gossip…
ParticipantThis is an interesting (OK…Company PAID) article…but it does give me (if not you and you are still on the ledge about not seeing Archie…then don’t trash or read it….just move on)…
Seems to be well read and articulate and also has a certain GOAL. I like Goal Oriented people…but I also suspect that Jimmy V had some spontenaity….so I would hope that he can go with the flow and still keep his eyes on the objective.
There was one tweet with a link that I was drawn to and it is by Tim Peeler….admittedly a person with a bias….but an interesting side of Keatts.
NOW, what struck me was “Randy’s” comments. This looks like something that has been in the works. If you then go back over all the “gossip” that we read here….it would seem that the decision to part ways with MG actually started a while back. Wendell Murhphy’s influence (Mr. Pig Farmer) can be seen here….and since he writes a LOT of checks with a LOT of zeros, then until I or some here start reciprocating….he will be Mr. Pig Farmer Donor, SIR…
This adds some continuity to the whole process and I really DO feel much better about it…and Keatts seems like a great hire. Wonder if he likes Pasta?
Welcome Coach Keatts…may you wax poetically and may we attend many dances and take Cinderella home, again….
ParticipantGood insight.
Kirk has been somewhat vocal as Coach Keatts did recruit him and got to know him. Abu had comical quip about the Conditioning part of the meeting wore him out physically.
One of the excuses before was ran out of legs. Also took its toll on J shots and FT at end of game.
I’m on board. Plan to shake his hand at Coaches Caravan and give him JV audiobook. Gott never listened to it despite “respecting” our heritage.
I guess your leaked copy of the Consultant’s list had Greg on it with some “salary requirements”.
Don’t know what Gregg might want (or get), but it would only have been a modest ticket price increase and similar concessions increase to get him and also bump up the Assistant’s salaries.
Personally think he either quoted a high number (over $5KK) or said NO THANKS….
His wife would have been a great sideline edition. Wonder how long the ACC Ref’s would have put up with HER?
ParticipantOK…lets pretend that the NCAA has NOT been such an @$$HOLE….let’s pretend that they did NOT publicly TELL Texas that IF they passed their HB2 Bill that THEY, like they did not NC, would LOSE all venues….and that is almost a direct quote from the presser or the news release from Indianapolis. Having said that….let’s debate the brackets….
NCSU 23 – 9 (12 – 7) 7 & 3 Road and 2 & 4 Neutral
Beat the following teams….
Notre Dame (#1 Seed) in Reynolds
Duke (#2 Seed) in Reynolds
Louisville (#4 Seed) in Louisville….lost to them in the ACCT by 1 pointLost to Miami (#4 Seed) by 3 points in Reynolds. Miami is 23 & 8.
Note, #4 Seed UK (Home Court in Lexington for NCAA T) was 21 & 10.
I can NOT understand WHY we were NOT a #4 Seed…
SO, I guess it is a moot point now….but the NCAA’s sudden “blackmailing” did, to me, have an impact…
ParticipantWill the LAST ACC team leaving the NCAAT, PLEASE turn out the lights….
ORW is now the Swofford Banner Boy. YOu can take that and massage it and then interpret it ANY WAY YOU LIKE…
McCallum will have to entertain us with his “viewpoint(s)” on it.
KU and Mr. Self look that they might have an edge. Listened to one game on the way home…it was KU and MISt, I think. The announcers were talking about “Mr. Luckey (ee?)” and his expressions and antics. Welcome, oh mighty ones from the Mid West and the Upper Mid West to the world of ACC Ref’s. Karl Hess is also officiating….so I don’t guess that any of his peers will be wearing his initials (is that like giving a girl your class ring?) and also “feeling the thrill up your whatever”….
Mikey looked a little sad tonight. Mikey ALSO gave the FIRST Half Time interview that I have seen him give. Usually, an assistant will speak. Where is the REAL Grouchy Mikey….what have you done with him?
I can’t WAIT for the MSM and the FN crowd to start bemoaning the MILLIONS that the ACC lost due to the GSO venue being “passed over” from the evil HB2….and the POTENTIAL millions from the TV revenues.
Herr Roy (Ray?) Cooper will be on the stump tomorrow and will explain it ALL to us laymen in language that on the proverbial Philly Shyster can comprehend…
Have not chosen a gladiator to represent my viewpoints yet….Butler MIGHT…certainly NOT the remaining Miller off spring.
ParticipantAs Willie S wrote (a very SMART man…who said….”First, kill all the Lawyers”…save my own first born son)….tongue in cheek…
Friends, Wolfpack Fans, Countrymen…..I came her to PRAISE AD Yow, NOT bury her….
I have had a long running email dialogue with her since I first told Dr. Woodson what an idiot she was for even considering firing Sidney Lowe. NOW, being a Valvano worshiper and developing a semi-personal relationship with Coach Lowe over two years of attending his Crabtree radio show, I am PROBABLY biased.
Dr. Woodson forwarded that to her and we began to “use some bandwidth”. I quickly realized that I was “Out Personed” and Under Firearmed”. She is one more tough cookie who pulls no punches and will “tell it like it is”. Over the years, that email dialog improved and when I would notice a situation that was not adding to the Fan Experience, I could write AD Yow and she would assign someone to “investigate and resolve”. So, I got to know her staff.
We did not always agree on things (like letting the fans in the PNC “squat” in the Big Donor’s $eat$ when they did NOT show. My “well thought out and effective” scheme did not fit her thinking and we chose to pass on further debate after quite a few exchanges.
Keatts was a good (hopefully GREAT) hire….we are NOT the NCSU of the 70’s…Charlie Bryant was noted for cheap suits and even cheaper “tastes” in what we paid our coaches. Notably, Norm Sloan tried to negotiate a raise and painted himself into a corner and FL was the Next Stop….even though he remained a loyal NCSU person….as evidenced by his family and Joan’s support and presence at Reynolds. What a classy family.
Jimmy V told (anyone who would listen save Bryant) that he had NO contract and agreed to coach for the opportunity and that Bryant repeatedly withheld $$ that he should have been paid. THAT was why they had to “Promote” him to combo AD and HBC….so he could earn more. $$, though not the best measure of success, WAS Jimmy V’s Yardstick… that regard, Bryant DID fail us.
Yow’s “letter” has to be taken in context. She finally “hit the wall”. I exchanged emails with her early on Monday morning (after the Sunday….There is BAD NEWS TONIGHT email). It was well after 2:00 am and she was probably eyeing the minibar.
Later on, as the little facts and leaks came out, it was evident that she was blindsided by a PG Coach’s wife and felt totally responsible for what had happened….even though she was totally blameless in that Shaka’s wife pulled rank on him and after an all nighter between OUR attorneys and HIS Attorneys (and Agent), we had an Agreement or LOI. THEN, when they called him, he said….Let me think this over and the rest is history.
Our overall record in the Title IX and other Non-Revenue sports and our ranking in the Director’s cup speaks volumes.
Her crown jewel will always be (along with Michael Lipitz’s help and dedication) the Renovation of Reynolds. As someone that has had to “demolish or refurbish” buildings, I stand in awe of what they accomplished.
Keatts, I HOPE, will be also added to her crown. The Nay Sayers that are (were?) on the ledge and also ready to “search and destroy her residence in Cary” are a bit delusional or maybe “misinformed”.
We have hired the highest ranking coach that said…”I am interested”. We have NOT been the “prize” job that Jimmy V coveted….and that is the fault of the the UNC BOG and the NCSU BOT and the “Yes SIR” Administration (Dr. Monteith would have been a “community organizer” in Salem, MA). SO, we are trying to rebuild and it is tough. We DARED express concern at mediocrity brought to us by Herb….and Not a bad rap. THEN, when the “Recruiter….who could not coach” was selected as he was the LAST “hunk” at the bar….failed….we got HIT BIG TIME.
Every watch “The Music Man”. Robert Preston’s Prof Harold Hill reminds me of Gottfried. He could mesmerize and recruit and promise and divert and change the subject….but when it came to COACHING….it was a fiasco. He also failed to figure out that HE did not know Diddly about Defense and fired Lutz for a “boost in recruiting”.
If you ARE someone that watched the Music Man, the “Boys Band” finally did play the “Minuet” using the “Think Method”. What a cacophony THAT was…That is how we played this year.
SO, Hats off to Yow. You delivered and I am HAPPY. I also like a coach that understands Jimmy V…
ParticipantI have been an On and Off Lady WP follower. Have gone to a lot of games over the years and had Season’s for a while. Life got too complicated….so we let them pass. BUT, took in several this year thanks to the packages.
The team, as stated, WAS exciting to watch. They would come out and get down and usually claw back. Sometimes they would dominate and get almost defeated, but pull it out. In the First Round, even with the huge lead, Coach Wes Moore was STILL coaching and correcting mistakes.
That boy need a raise (maybe give him the $300K that we saved with Coach Keatts over Coach Gottfried. Sounds like a plan to me.
I personally (Conspiracy alert….scanning the horizon for Black Ops Copters) think that we were “bent over and fornicated painfully in the wrong orifice” by the selection committee. If you looked at our record (and I did NOT follow Joey L’s rantings), we SHOULD have been a #4 Seed….like the Dookies. NOPE, #6. If the UNC Ladies had had OUR record, I’m betting that the HC Advantage would have been in Carmichael and the Ladies would be playing in UNC-CH.
WHY…simple. The NCAA wanted to “Punish” NC. Now, obviously a Progressive School where Trump Protesters are chastised and are attacked by “Rabid Snowflakes” is the NCAA “Kind of People”. SO, Dookie got a PASS and the fact that HB2 was in NC did not mean that Dookie supported it. BUT, since the EVIL NCGA passed HB2, then the State supported NCSU must be Held Accountable and PUNISHED. Jimmy their seeding and PUNISH THEM…SO, we LOST the HC advantage due to the “holier than Thou (or FIB politician….perhaps Rev BB) NCAA.
OK….Texas DID get the benefit of some sweet calls. Life is tough….but Our Ladies are tougher. Wes Moore will figure HOW to pull together a good team next year.
GO LADY PACK…we love you. The Four Seniors are a REAL tribute to what a TEAM is and what Student Athletes are SUPPOSED to be. Ashley is one more smart lady and she will do WELL…whatever career or job she pursues…
ParticipantButler (#4 Seed) showcasing Wee Tiny Tyler of EX-NCSU Fame. Boy’s name has been uttered MORE that Gottfried. Someone else posted this…so it is NOT my work. Followed Mr. 538 in the election. He is a “Probability” statistician that writes complex formulas and algorithms that “Predict” the outcome based on “survey”. He had a site that got a LOT of hype (due to its accuracy drying PAST elections….and he was a WhizKid Pollster for the WJC folks and went “public” for the big bucks.
He was always (in the home stretch) “HRC by Landslide”. Somewhere around 7:30 PM (EDST), his numbers shifted a little. Then around 9:30, he “called it” and the Soon-to-be-loosing party went ballistic and in self denial (HMMMM….I think that I have seen that reaction sometime quite recently). He then walked around Time Square tweeting what was happening and “marveling” at what was happening and what his “infallible” model was predicting. He was also a quoted source on so many programs and cable “news….(real and/or fake) outlets…”
SO, I have NO idea as to his correlation based on past NCAA runs. It WOULD appear that his “services” are not in high demand and he has had to “make a midlife career change” and is doing sports. It IS a pretty good interactive site and you can “observe” the odds and compare them with our own gut feel or vast Statistical Analysis. I would say….”He Ain’t no SAS”.
It will be interesting to see UNC vs. Butler and the WTTL. ORW probably DOES remember him…
Two years in the BIG league does not a career make….but Smart rode Rick’s coattails with an NBA PG who left. UT, without said PG, was picked to finish #2 (it varied) behind KU. He was fighting to stay out of the last place. I watched a few of the UT games just to see how “SMART” he was. He appears to need some remedial course to catch up.Don’t know much more than that, except to say that Rick’s boys had a much more impressive record.
I also wondered if WE (the unloved and ugly duckling pack) would have been better with him versus GOTT. GOTT did, often times avoid the “HOOK” early produce some nice NCAAT results. Had the trend and momentum of the first 3 or so years continued, then the word KEATTS would not be on everyone’s lips today. GOTTFRIED was just as much of a “Con Man” than Jimmy V. IN that respect….we DID have our reincarnation of Valvano.
BUT, despite BOTH coming from coaching and sports families, Valvano was magnitudes better. Gottfried as a player was one of the “Blue Chippers” as Valvano called them. They had all the designer clothes and were the heart throb of all the cheerleaders and they attracted a crowd just walking into the gym.
Valvano was a Rat…and that was his “pathway to $$tardome”. He had to work hard and learn and hone his skills…he was an All Something QB his senior year after being told he was going to be cut. He coined the Gym Rat phrase when the “Motivator” or the highly paid speaker did not show up for a speech at the camp he was working in. Word spread about his “gift of gab” and then he made about 5 times as much that summer doing the speeches at all the local camps than working IN the camps. I don’t know what he wrote about that in his Lifetime Contract book, as I only listened to the Audio Version and it was a HOOT….much more upbeat than the dark tone of the book…or so my wife says.
Valvano also, as a JV or Freshman coach had NOT film. His philosophy was to hang on in the first half and then develop a strategy durin the half and WIN. He was much more of a game coach, that could motivate his players, than a by the book X & O.
Gottfried was the X&O coach or the control freak that planned practice to the minute and had a big clock running and did “Words from your Mentor” breaks with a white board.
Smart seems to be a bit lost, to me at UT and if he does not show some improvement in 17/18, he will be put on probation and the call will be made in 18/19. Doubt they will do it earlier if next year is bad….but if it is REALLY bad and the price of OIL goes up….the Big Boys might say…”You ain’t so SMART….see ya”
Keatts IS the recruiter. Can he do a Stand Up Jimmy V routine” Don’t know. But V could cross the color line and recruit in the inner city. Keatts has an advantage there and, unlike the UNC and Dookie bunch, NCSU is really more COLOR BLIND.
YES, a P5 star would have been nice. They were not interested in us. If Keatts can bring some glory (AKA Bennett and UVA) back to Raleigh, then WHEN he leaves, we will be a “prettier date”…
ParticipantWhat THREE things do Wisconsin and State now have in common?
Red is our color.
RW was our QB.
We both knocked out the SAME #1 Seed… Villonova…
ParticipantNo offense to folks opinions and experiences and careers. It should be Mr. Pig Farmer.
Have you ever read little about him?
Probably one of the states most successful and smartest businessman?. He did it by himself. Murphy Farms was ONLY sold to maintain his fortune and provide for his heirs. Pork prices tanked, so selling to Smithfield was the best defensive play.
He knew very few good executives would want to come down east. He developed a posh CC and housing development as a perk. I worked for folks he hired…One was HIS president. He would not work for any slouch or huckster. Mr. Murphy is a credit to State and NC. Right up there with Rick Hendrick…And that is pretty heady company.
Look what he has shared with State. And still does. BTW, guess who owns Smithfield today?
You have given me the key to your warped points of view. You are suffering from being Shelved by God.
I died on a beach in Normandy or Iwo Jima. But God recognized what I could contribute to the world and quickly recycled my soul. He looked at yours and put you into the Hundred Year Rehabilitation program….
Now it is all clear….Do you have this tendency to want to….Go WEST young man, go West?
You OLD school…I new school…As Treyvon’s GF put
ParticipantThis is about the most ridiculous and childish forum that I have seen. It makes the Walmart NCSU Fans on PP seem sane.
I personally petition EVERYONE of the Keymasters to kill it….as they have KILLED a few of my (and others Posts) that went in to the deep end.
It does NO GOOD to be rolling on the floor and screaming and holding your breath.
Facts are facts….and UNLESS you have such….read what is written.
Archie Miller did NOT want to come to NCSU. We chased off his coach. We have been a LOONIE Bunch of whiners and complainers….
Paraphrasing what the Admiral told Maverick, “Son, your mouth is writing checks that your ass can’t cash. Your family reputation ain’t the best in the ACC. You need to be doing it cleaner and better than all the rest…..otherwise you will not even make the First Four or the NIT…and if you don’t, then ORW will whip your ass and set NEW NCAA Records which will never be surpassed in future recorded history (Sounds better than Rubber Dog Feces)”
I chose SFN because it was more informed and civil and saner than the competition….and it seems that, like our BB record, the quality and common sense and civility of SOME posters had deteriorated at at rate that is magnigutudes WORSE than our past two years.
I sincerely hope that the Keymasters have a discussion and decide if they really want this forum to continue in this direction….if it does…then there might be some folks that start to click on the pop-ups and then actually correspond with the ad folks….
We, as a WPN, should be better than this. I have NOT seen this big a melt down of supposedly rational individuals since November 9, 2016. Their actions make them look sane compared to what is happening here…
ParticipantOK….it IS two T’s…and it took a while for the GOTTFRieD or GOTTFReiD to be solved.
Welcome Mr. Keatts….or COACH KEATTS. That has a NICE ring to it. Hope you brought your BEST Jimmy V standup routine and can launch your career on Sunday. He used his “comedy” skills for 2 years to get past all the ugliness and learn what he needed to do here. The press LOVED him and how can you write about a guy that makes you laugh….and with MANY of the jokes, HE was the punchline.
You will have some tough times….and eventually the Snowflakes that are posting will be out of therapy and will come around. Meanwhile, those of us that have NOT stopped donating to the WPC since the early 70’s and have LTR’s in the Champions Club will give you a fair shot. I STILL want a Reynolds Tile….but the vile taste of last season (15/16) and the really FOUL stench of 16/17 caused me to PAUSE and reneg on it.
Win some….Come BACK to Reynolds and we WIN and you will KNOW the Feeling. Would be at your Presser tomorrow, but family plans stand in the way.
PS…a REAL NCSU Coach ONLY OWNS RED…and it should be on display at EVERY game….in some form or fashion. We are NOT BLUE (medium or light blue). I have more red in my closet than the REAL Santa….and I want to wear it MORE and MORE….
ParticipantSee the Archie Ain’t Coming (turned us FLAT @$$ DOWN) thread. Sign up for the Snowflake Counseling…..spaces are limited…
There will be a decided lack of Monday productivity for “some” as they still be hostile and need EAC (Employee Assistance Counseling) or whatever it is called.
Hope they did not get too wet in the rain….when they were on the edge…
Sure wish I knew HOW to embed this so that it popped up and played. I think that the character is a composite of a LOT of folks here…..
ATT Mailman Internet Commercial Shower Scene….
ParticipantNo ONE showed up at the Bell Tower this morning for the “TCOB” convey to Cary to “take out YOW”. Had the entire rented (and specially painted) Humvees sitting there idling and Campus Security wrote me up for “Obnoxious and onerous” Pollution. Have to get a lawyer.
BUT, I am STILL trying to help the Snowflakes here (a Blizzard….I might add). We will have a “Play Dooh” counseling session late Sunday Evening. You guys pick the place….I’ll bring the Play Dooh and a keg. Will also have paper dolls and such for you to express your inner feelings and perhaps be able to go to work on Monday.
Have contacted Dr. Woodson and asked if he could shell out that BIG bucks (again….he did for the Trump Election) for counselors and also let me use the Student Union. Since this will be a repeat of the same set-up they had there on the days following the November election, the rent should be cheaper…or maybe Free.
If we held this OFF Campus, say on a farm somewhere (anybody volunteer a site in HarnetT county), then we could use full size Yow Targets and you could bring your AR-15’s….then ceremoniously burn the targets and sing Kum By Y’all by the campfire…
I personally AM going to miss the Presser tomorrow as I promised my daughter and GK’s that we would go to the farm and let them shoot up a brick of .22 and let my daughter try out the 9mm that I bought for her….
We need someone to attend…or protest. Contact RevBB for Bull Horn and also “people” rental….PLEASE, no elderly UNC couples that dry hump when you are NOT looking.
I’m afraid to even go to PP as they probably have malware ready to infect…
OK, Everyone meet at the Belltower at 10:00. Tactical weapons will be issued. Have arranged a convoy of Humvees (Painted RED with white camo). We will descend on Yow’s Cary residence and then “take care of matters” of as Elvis said TCOB…
There are 83 of so folks that have “voiced” their opinions on the Coach thread. Would like to know HOW many are paying WPC dues….how many are paying LTR payments (and higher WPC dues) and how many are supporting capital projects (IPF, Reynolds, etc.).
In case no one got the memo, Mr. Dail is DEAD….he passed away. Mr. Murphy is STILL writing checks. For the record, I calculated what I have paid the WPC over the years….and NOT included the TICKETS….just dues, LTR’s and contributions. That is about 10 TIMES what my TOTAL NCSU Education cost my parents. And I can tell you that I barely hold on to my 1000 or Arena East Parking Pass for Football games. I would have to write a mid to high FIVE figure check just to get INTO the Motor Home Lot and then follow that up with a high 4 or low 5 figure check EACH YEAR just to STAY in there. Same deal if I wanted to move out of the Champions Club down into a nice seat in the BOWL.
Folks that write checks and/or donate a LOT of their PERSONAL time to the WPC and NCSU will have influence. They are sometimes critical of Yow, but for the most part, respect her. They DO offer “suggestions”…and said suggestions, when accompanied by checks that have a few MORE zeros than mine….get listened to.
They were ALSO fed up with Gottfried’s OFF COURT issues. Now…GOTT DID go to the NCAA for 4 years. BUT, then it went downhill. Yow has cut some coaches that had the SAME issues…
One comment was about the PC hire. I think that was a VEILED comment about the ethnicity of Kevin. I WILL remind folks that Lowe was of the SAME race. I also had MANY UNC folks ask me HOW I felt about Lowe being of the race he was and coaching NCSU. GIVE ME A BREAK. We had NOTHING to prove (how if it turns out he is LBGTQX…then obviously it was an affront to the NCGA for HB2).
Final….If you REALLY want to read about HOW Mikey was almost fired and what V went through….and some real insight into Dean….Read John Feinstein’s The Legends Club. It is a GREAT read….and it is based on FACTS…with a LOT of warts that you do not ordinarily see in a book. It WAS approved by Pam and Mrs. Smith and Mikey….all cooperated with it. Feinstein had interviewed them many times over the years and kept all his notes and also talked to a LOT of friends, associates, reporters, administrators, etc. Read it before you start spouting off about Mikey’s records and such.
YES…we are STILL Cheap. Cheap as Charlie Bryant that chased off Norm and hired Jimmy V?. Not quite. If you want a ORW, then start writing them checks….ORW is way higher…as is a LOT of coaches.
AND, the BUYOUT ($760K X 3 years) did NOT impact our ability to pay…
Face it….we are NOT the NCSU of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and early 80’s. The UNC BOG and the NCSU BOT and Dr. Monteith and Claude Sitton and Todd Turner effectively emasculated us in about 18 months….Want to cast some blame….READ and UNDERSTAND…
ParticipantYou boys (not very PC of me) are hyperventilating….
OK…First UP.
Please post your LIST that the Consultant gave us….so we can drool over the top 15 that AD Yow decided NOT to pursue.
FACTIOD…get REAL. The NCAA has all sorts of “rules”….like you can cater a $500 per person bash for a player or recruit at YOUR house, but you can’t provide transportation and you can’t buy him a big Mac, even if he meets you at the Mall.
OK…so much for the logic of the NCAA rules….and, if you are having difficulty without MORE caffeine following this….read ON.
The “Consultant” is what levels the Playing Field when it comes to seeking out coaches. The Consultants are an “Arms Length” transaction NOT in violation of the NCAA rules about AD’s contacting Coaches without FIRST notifying the Coach’s school that they MIGHT be interested in hiring said big time coach away.
The Consultant works in the murky world of the agents. The agents (like lawyers…client privilege) can chit chat with their clients and their clients can tell them about schools that MIGHT or ARE interested in them. The Client can tell the Agent WHICH schools (if he wants to be on the block) that he would consider….
The Consultant is FREE (no NCAA violation) to talk to the Agent(s) and then put together a LIST of potential Clients. GOT THAT? I can provide a flow chart if needed…
NOW…. If that does NOT answer the original question, let me try it again. If Archie and Marshall (or OTHERS) told their Agents NO….not even MAYBE, then THEIR names would NOT be on the LIST. Next up. The Consultant can then, if we persist, go back to the Agent…and can make ANOTHER pitch….
Yow knew that things were going SOUTH mid season. She had a LIST of her own with Rankings. Since you guys KNOW that Archie was “just waiting and salivating and bidding his time at Dayton for us to call”….then SHE obviously got the word.
BUT, if Arch’s Agent said NO or if John said NO or is Sean said NO or the family dog said NO due to HB2, then that KILLED that.
NO, I can NOT tell you WHO (if any) of the P5 Big Time Coaches or the NEXT Tier or the Next lower Tier was on the list.
All I can tell you with certainty is that IF there were ANY P5 coaches (or others) that WERE interested in coming to NCSU, that this is the ONLY (Ethical…is a stretch…but “Accepted and PROVEN method) of judging their interest.
As to the MONEY. Yow DID MESS UP. She THOUGHT….based on 4 years of NCAA appearances that GOTT had turned the corner and that he WOULD be lured away (he can EASILY BE LURED….!!). So, she bumped him…
NOW…before you get your red NCUS shorts (or G Strings) in a wad…she only UPPED his Guaranteed (Buy Out) by $10 K…but she DID add TWO years. Ever buy a “Sure Thing” stock that all the analysts were touting and have it GO SOUTH…I have…don’t do it as often now…but it happens.
The $2.2 is a little of a surprise….but until I see the FULL details (the Guaranteed vs the Supplemental and the Incentives) and THEN compare that to Gottfried’s contract….it is a bit premature to comment.
ParticipantOK….GOTTA a question….
BJD95 and others….
DID you see or did someone “SLIP” you a copy of the Consultant’s LIST? Who was on it?
Do you REALLY believe that if Archie had told his agent to “Keep me in the mix….but I don’t want to know ANY of the details until I quit playing…? If he had said that, my bet is that we would not be announcing Keats today.
I am a little confused also at the lack of understanding of the process. We asked for a list of coaches (some we chose and some that were supposed to come out of the woodwork) that WERE interested in the NCSU Job.
NOW, if no one signed on, HOW IS THAT DEBBIE’s FAULT? Hell, it may be mine or yours or PP or whatever….
We paid $$ for the SAME list last time. We interviewed a LOT of them. We finally settled on Shaka. We KNOW the rest.
SO if there was ANY remote chance that Archie or (you FIB here), a BIG TIME coach was interested and still playing….do you THINK we would have waited.
I think that we did NOT have, even with the whiff of some bigger bucks, much of an attraction. WHY….Don’t know.
If you want to get the consultant to tell you WHY, pay him the big bucks for the feedback.
If you don’t want to buy season tickets (and I really am curious about HOW MANY HERE do so), then DON”T.
I don’t know how Keats will work out. I am optimistic. I also wonder if Archie had already sent a message…that is why Keats was the Media’s favorite for the job.
Sometimes when you (single of course) go into a bar and think you are the hottest thing on 4 wheels, you often find that the HOT chicks do NOT dig you. We were, at one time, YOUNG, Handsome and VIRILE. BUT time has taken it toll. Fortunately, with BB, you DO get to “turn back the clock”. So we have the opportunity to do so again. Gottfried had us going in the right direction….but lost sight of the goal and wandered off course.
The bitching and moaning does NOT do anything to enhance the appearance of NCSU….and THIS is the SANE Board….think what PP is doing…