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  • in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110192

    ONE comment….

    Despite the often “intense” comments (mine excluded of course), this thread has been informative. Most of the comments seem to be documented and also present opposing views….and sometimes “the rest of the story”.

    I may not agree with everyone….but am proud that we WP’ers seem to have the intelligence to “READ and THINK” and not follow some Prof’s agenda….

    THAT was a COMPLIMENT….I also have a better understanding of where folks are coming from…and I respect that….and hope that they, rhetorically, feel the same way as I do.

    NOW, let the debating begin again…but I take pride in this open discussion. I have NOT arranged for Special Ops in Black Surburban’s to raid your ISP and then eliminate your family. I am often as compassionate as Raymond Reddington can be….

    TIME OUT OVER….put away the WHITE FLAG….let the posting continue….

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110188

    Perhaps you need to study some NC history. There were TWO laws passed by the NCGA (Dem Controlled). One granted NC Retirees a State Tax Exemption. The other granted NC Tax Payers an exemption in the Intangibles Tax for NC Corporations. Based on your profile, I assume that you are familiar with the NC Intangibles tax or perhaps a past CPA was and can verify.

    BOTH laws were considered as dsicriminatory. I THINK that the AG’s office actually did the due diligence. BUT, the NCGA and the NC Gov (Dems) passed them. As NC became more diversified….retires with resources such as yours objected to paying tax on a SC Utility and NOT Duke (now don’t try to connect Duke and McCrory…McCrory was in diapers then).

    Federal Retirees (including Military) objected to the income exemption. Lawyers united…Class Action suits. GUESS who was the AG that fought (and LOST) BOTH? Good ole Mikey…as in Easley. His staff advised to “change the laws and litigate to control the settlement costs”. That meant that if you settled, there was a limited number of years where the state had to refund money collected illegally. NOPE. He spent literally MILLION of taxpayer dollars to High Profile Law Firms….Firms that contributed to his campaign and had Lobbyist “of counsel” on their letter heads. LOST….and then the judges ruled and threw the book at NC. The state had to cough up $$ in the BILLIONS. That was BEFORE he was the Gov.

    As Gov, he and a certain indicted, convicted and sentenced House Speaker, ran rough shod over the state. However, the economy was NOT nice to him. BUT, he did OK personally as he was given sweetheart (Bribery in some OTHER states) deals on land. His wife was paid an ungodly amount as a NCSU “adjunct” Professor. Skipper Boyles FIRED HER….and that is how SLEAZY they were.

    He also spent MILLIONS on No Bid Contracts for everything from Tampons to Computer Programs. ONE of them was the Unemployment System. Bev did not fare well. She let the Unemployment department totally pay out TWO BILLION in undocumented (sometimes FRAUD) benefits. Even Jim Goodmon of WRAL Fame turned his dogs loose on that. SO, between paying back (with interest) illegally collected tax revenues and continued malfeasance, the Republicans inherited a financial crisis never seen before

    They COULD NOT fund raises….they had to pay BACK $2 BILLION to the Feds. Teachers and infrastructure suffered. Folwell, who was put in charge of the Unemployment Commission by McCrory fixed it. The voters overwhelmingly elected him State Treasurer….something about a $35 BILLION Underfunding of the NC Retiree’s Trust Fund….Again, a decision by Mike Easley…

    RYE….the above is fact….perhaps not living in NC, you are not aware of the “Devil” that lives in the Democratic Controlled Political Details.

    I personally responded to your post about your profile. We could be TWINS with different parents. IT got ATE. I am virtually IDENTICAL to your profile….save I did not have family resoruces to achieve your 1% status…

    I ticked off each point. I added a few that demonstrate often being called a “radical” environmentalist and also a worker’s safety crusader….and that was from my own company. BUT, they complied with the regulations. I was able to improve the division’s environmental and safety record and make it the top division in the corporation. I eliminated several hundred thousand tons of Haz Waste going to EPA Approved Landfills….$$ in the bank. I reduced emissions by a few million tons. I cut the LTA rate by 80% and reduced the severity of the injuries to our workers. Workman Comp costs were cut….$$ in the bank.

    Did I leave out that I also did this on 4 continents as I had 20 plants and half were international? I got a Tribute from a Mexican plant and had the workers crying as I told them how proud I was of them….I related a story where I was on the way to the birth of my first GS and was delayed beacuse a worker was severely injured. She was there as I told them how the Plant Manager and I decided….ENOUGH was ENOUGH. We resisted the storm troopers from Corporate and fixed it. That was at a 5 million Manhour NO LOST TIME ACCIDENT celebration.

    When I wrote a Capital Appropriation request for a process change or new equipment, I also made changes to the process and reduced costs by eliminating certain chemicals. Same for Safety. I NEVER once typed…”if….we will go to jail…” in the justification.


    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110171

    BotB has a good observation. The disarray in President Elect Trump’s transition team is the result of a Mike Pence purge.

    Swamp was drained of Lobbyist. Giuliani will not be AG.. SOS is not a done deal.

    Supposedly Fauxohantas Warren delivered ultimatum on W$W insiders. Threatened to throw tantrum.

    Wonder if QBHRC would have done such.

    PET is making good on a promise…. probably first of many.

    All those upset need to focus on the anarchy and try to keep their reputation from being further tarnished.

    in reply to: Ted Kapita DEPORTED – GOTT UR ATTENTION? #110163

    WRAL is also reporting the same. ONE of the articles was not positive about Maverick’s availability….

    I assume that we have contacted all of the appropriate people in ICE and State and whoever handles such and that there is absolutely NO political collusion or punishment from “STATE” because NC was a RED state and not a BLUE one…

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110162

    Watching a trailer for a new movie…”Rules Do NOT Apply”….coming to a theater later in November. Yogi is correct…seems apropos. Only is it NOT a the story of HRC. Clinton Cash should have copyrighted that title and used it.

    Yogi has also been very polite about the Pay to Play Clinton Foundation that was “enriched”. Just read the list. over 60% of the “power brokers” that were granted a private meeting (perhaps an audience to Her Majesty, QB HRC) THEN donated at least $500K to Millions to the CF. Some of the foreign donations were funneled through a Canadian “entity”.

    Some think that links here are MANDATORY READING….not so….if you want facts, then do your own research….or you can choose to read something that Bloomberg, WP and NYT reported…NOW….I guess they were just partisan.

    There may or may NOT be consequences for HRC and her abuse of power to fatten the pockets of the Clinton’s. What they get for speeches is not illegal. Colin Powell and W and Bush 41…as well as Head Coaches get some handsome speaking fees.

    However, when a political candidate is paid almost $750K for a short speech and explains she HAS to have TWO positions….one for the public and one for governing THEM.

    IF all the CEO’s and Wall Street folks are EVIL and CORRUPT….then why (secret ballot today at the WSJ CEO Conference) did they reveal that 50% voted for HRC; 38% for DJT and 12% for Josh? HMMMMMMMM…

    I hope one of Trump’s FIRST executive order or perhaps PARDON….is to get the folks that were recently convicted of “Security” crimes OUT….and then hosts them at a WH dinner….THAT would send more of a message….maybe even invite James Comey…

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110150

    Very insightful and concise.
    Reminds me of some OTHER threads around here….and history….which, unfortunately, REPEATS ITSELF.
    2012. Patty and the PARTY control everything. My GOD, what a wasted opportunity. They DID do some good….as they were trying to pay back the $2 Billion to the Feds that Bev gave away. Also trying to recapture all the Sleazley spending….and raiding….even while he was AG and spent millions on Class Action lawsuits (deemed UNWINNABLE by the AG Staff) and then let the courts RULE. They DID and we, the Citizens, got REAMED. Also remember that the two cases were against Democratic GA and Gov Passed laws….that again, the AG’s staff said could be a PROBLEM…sort of like HRC’s Emails.

    The Soros Supporters will be cannonizing Rev Billy B….and trying to use his Moral Majority (aging hippies humping) techniques. Remember, NOW a MSM TV station did a background check on the arrested protesters. HMMMM….very FEW actually voted.

    I almost bought a case of Ritz Snowflake Crackers and took them to the Student Union to serve as the Counseling sessions.

    The problems that we have today is that we have don’t have enough working folks voting and too many who vote to keep from working….

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110139


    Good suggestion. Tried to….but Jim Goodmon would not sell the land behind WRAL. However, this is quite a structure….does it meet your criteria? Even my son who drives by the Mormon Cathedral on the Beltway was impressed…

    Was in negotiations for a Trump of a DEAL with the Mission Valley folks for extra parking and/or 3 ring circuses and/or Sell OUT Political Concerts for the 2020 Election and/or Fired Dave Doeren Rallies…….as WELL as Fireworks…

    Don’t get me started….I’ll be flamed for wasting bandwidth and depleting the data allowance for folks that read/contribute using their smart phones….

    Sent from my DROID VZ LTE Phone…The RED one with the RED cover.

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110138

    Ah yes….and it is also a pity that folks who don’t pay taxes get to vote….or that the amount of tax revenue from an individual determines then number of votes…

    That is sarcasm, 44….

    It might be also interesting to see how many would be allowed to post here if they were not paying Alumni dues or WP Dues or purchasing Tickets or articles of clothing or attending WP events (paid as well as free)….

    Until the rules are changed….I guess you just have to be able to scroll past…

    Sent from my DROID VZ LTE Phone…The RED one with the RED cover.

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110135

    $HIT $TORM Update….

    IF you are interested and IF you do not mind folks providing you with OPTIONAL reading material…

    KGW is a local NBC (not FOX) affiliate. THEY did a search of voting records….probably to PROVE all the miscreants were folks that had voted since kindergarten. HMMM…not exactly as THEY expected….but probably what most folks did.

    Read the numbers and the article…if you wish….it is actually worse than reported….the ones that have “no identity” are not included in the headline….

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110134

    thanks for the kind words….many here are equally talented. Sometimes a little humor is needed. I was often assigned the “after lunch” spot for corporate “seminars”. You know the ones that the big boys feel are necessary. They were popular with the plant managers and manufacturing managers as the Division VP’s and Presidents would be there as well as the Corporate Clan. All the young turks would work the cocktail hour to make sure that if there was a promotional opening, that their face might pop up.

    BUT, the subject matter was really BORNING. How about “Why it is important to have an accurate Form R Report” This is FACT…not some whimsical scenario. I was assigned that time to follow the lead Environmental Attorney. He was OK, but droned on a while. He was explaining WHY it was necessary to “follow the rules” and that there was this vast floor of lawyers that would carry the ball should an issue come up. Then in his dry manner, he dropped a little bomb. However, as has been, unfortunately too many times in the past, we may advise you to seek personal counsel as your actions and the company’s best interests are no longer mutually inclusive….” LET THAT SINK IN…I was sitting next to one of my sharper Plant Managers and he literally DROPPED his pen. Others did so. I equated it to the sound of a Frag Grenade pin with NO TIME TO RUN. That sort of set the tone.

    My topic was strictly an overview….like a CPA explaining “Carry Forward Losses”….you know that subject that the NYT wrote 17 pages on and related it to our NOW PRESIDENT ELECT…

    SO, I pulled a few jokes out of my brain and scribbled a note card or two. I used the Attorney as the BUTT of the Old Lewis Grizzard line….”Brother, I don’t think I woulda told that”. It was Brother DAVE who confessed that he had made love to a goat. Dave was also the name of the Lawyer….the room went wild. Dave laughed so hard he cried and bought me a drink that night.

    Later on, I had a very sexy voiced lady do a Clinton WH Voice Mail greeting….it lasted about 4 minutes. Dave and the rest of the attorneys thought it was hilarious….but afterwards, they made me erase my audio file and sign an affidavit that I had NO OTHER COPIES of it. Then, routinely, they asked for copies of my presentations BEFORE hand….and I still slipped in some zingers….and then they would make me give them the CD or Flash and then PURGE my HD…

    BUT, I kept their attention and they learned at least SOME of the subject matter.

    I LIKE the picture….Jerry Brown will probably use it as a recruiting poster….

    in reply to: High Noon Start Times for Football #110133

    I could quip that it is the MSM & ESPN (run by a UNC Grad) punishing us for being RED and that the BLUE schools get better time slots….

    But probably based on ratings and we don’t rate that high….The FSU game was driven by their prestige….not our W/L record..

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110124

    Lets see….we WATCH the #$#^ Storms. OK….stay in the streets. BUT wait, I need some liquor….a new TV….a new Cell Phone (did ANYONE OF THEM figure out that an Apple store had to ACTIVATE a phone?).

    I support the first and second ammendments…the rest of them and the ten commandments.

    BUT, when civil protests turn violent or threaten the safety of the populace….then I draw the line….

    Today, the President called for PEACE. If he REALLY wanted PEACE and a smooth transition, then maybe since he has George Soros’ email, he ought to write him. The 5 block convoy for WI to Chicago and the folks given Amtrak Tickets so they could “spontaneously” Protest.

    I did not storm the DNC HQ when Obama was elected. I did not even harbor the idea of firebombing it. I did not pray for pain for the Obama supporters.

    We had a #$#@ Storms in the 60’s. They were all over the country and people were killed and businesses were burned and there was wanton destruction….we also had Kent State. I remember the Duke Students taking over the Chancellors house or maybe his office on the Sunday when the Raleigh curfew was lifted. I had friends in the NG that were NOT released, but loaded up into a truck, with LIVE ammo and went over there to “maintain” peace. Someone with a cooler head got the students to disperse….otherwise Duke may have been another Kent State. These guys had been on duty for 10 days or so with little rest….trying to keep Raleigh from becoming a charred reminder of retaliation….

    The street preachers and agitators on Campus were given space and allowed to speak their peace. There were sit-ins at UNC, but not, to my recollection, at NCSU. I would also urge you to watch the aging two hippies dry hump in the Legislature Building during the “Spontaneous” Moral Majority Marches given coverage by the local TV and lead by a certain individual.

    I may be Barnie Fife, but I think we need to “nip it in the bud…” before there is harm to innocents or their property is stolen.

    I almost bought a case of the Ritz Crackers shaped like Snowflakes and was going to carry them to the Student Union to serve to the folks that needed a “safe place” and counseling for their grief of last Tuesday….

    GIVE ME A BREAK….we need some adults to make decisions… Folks that work for a living voted….and those that vote for a living lost….

    President Obama summed it up in his major meeting with the Senate and House leaders in December, 2008. “Lets get ONE thing straight….I GOTT more VOTES….are there any questions?”

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110122

    Close the Curtain….
    Father I have sinned….
    What have you done my son?
    When we moved back from the barren and frozen north (Summer lasts 2 days) of NW PA, we had to chose a party. Since my dad had been a NCDOT worker and resented all the politics of our local county, my rebelious side said RED…My Late FIL also was more conservative and I suspected he was of the RED persuasion. He could NOT espouse his opinions as his wife was a dedicated school marm in rural farming county north of here. Had he done such, she MIGHT have been summarily discharged for conduct unbecoming of a saint.


    Go on, my son….how did you sin?

    We talked about it. We prayed about it. We decided that if my wife, who had an “A” certificate from a FINE college just west of NCSU and really wanted to follow in her mother’s footsteps….that we needed to register and declare as BLUE. We did….

    My son….that is wonderful. You know that members of our frock, such as the sainted Rev Bully Barber are of the Blue Team. We feel, and since we have a direct cell link to GOD, that you did the right thing. You have NOT sinned….you do not need to seek forgiveness….

    Father, I must continue with my story
    OK, swipe your Amex again and talk to me….but lets try for the Reader’s Digest version….

    OK…being an NCSU Grad, I was also enrolled in Advanced ROTC and destined for driving a Huey….but my hearing was so bad that I was not able to serve. I learned a LOT at NCSU. I learned how to think and make decisions. My DW is also a free thinker and will chastize me for stupidity as appropriate.

    SO, over the years, we did NOT vote the BLUE line as instructed. We actually studied the issues. Researched the claims. Then made what we thought were intelligent voting decisions. Unfortunately, that lead to us USUALLY voting with the RED crowd….and it was NOT an NCSU Color allegiance. BUT, we did vote for the BLUE folks that we had confidence in.

    I have many good friends of the BLUE Persuasion and they indulge my radical positions. Secretly, one told me that he had to hold his nose whilst voting all the time for BLUE. I even funded a major portion of his BLUE political campaign.

    I also had neighbors that were high ranking BLUE folks and each year would email folks in support of them…

    BUT, I did NOT always mark the “D” candidate….

    ROAR….GNASHING OF TEETH….Expletives….sound of a bottle of Scotch being opened…

    My son, you have sinned. You have NOT followed the Doctrine of the Blue Cult. I can NOT absolve you of your sins….

    As your punishment….I will speak to the “Higher UP” and he may, instead of a plague or warts or locusts, lack of cell service, etc. ….bring mediocrity on the RED clan…your graven image….the Wolf Pack…

    Please swipe your AMEX and go….you are banished forever….and I have placed a parental lock on your cable box…you will NOT longer be able to tune to FOX…

    Sound of a Double Scotch being poured….

    in reply to: Pack welcomes St. Francis – Game thread #110103


    I watched the lady pack miss shots inside and outside the 3P line. They still, as ugly as it was, dominated Wofford. BUT, the box score would not be a coach’s dream.

    Yesterday, the pack looked like the SAME team for a while. We could NOT do squat. DS, I fear, has already been identified as a “High Profile Target” or HPT and there are snipers and IED’s and warriors training for his downfall now. We also lost our “motion” or fluid offense….it seemed to be repossessed after the Exhibition games.

    However, enter Ted the Terrific….he brought in a spark. We did NOT have Maverick to be “focused on”, so the defenses could be more broad. Ted and Torin dominated. Ted’s ability to play and NOT foul will be critical. NOW, he will then become a HPT.

    Our defense was really great during the exhibition games….maybe that was because we were playing against the Broughton HS JV’s or equivalent.

    At times, we were really exciting and understood what to do with the ball or how to defend. At other times, even late in the game, it was like “what is this brown sphere and what am I to do with it?”

    We lost our Defensive prowess…and need to rekindle it.

    We seem (has this been said before?) to have a covey of HIGH POINT guys….but not all of them can play at once.

    I guess we will see more of what the future has to offer as the season wanes on….but I am optimistic…

    As to Coach D….Unless the WP gets major funding from George Soros or the like and the Bandit Flight Team starts towing…

    “FIRE DEBBIE AND DAVE” banners, nothing is gonna happen. Will we be 7 – 5, 6 – 6 or 5 – 7? I haven’t a clue. I did NOT cheer for Cuse on Saturday. BUT, I got the MOST distinct feeling, based on comments or the tone (reading between the lines) that several folks were NOT cheering for the Pack and really wanted a “Signature L” We have one of them and it was awarded by Boston College. Add in a few more, especially the LIGHT BLUE ONE…and it MIGHT have tipped the scales….

    Who knows….attended 3 games in 3 days and watched another on HDTV on Saturday.

    At least RW pulled an upset last night….and I am NOT an ANTI-Brady guy. He and Coach B seem to have some common sense….and the “United we stand” Seahawks certain made an impression on America….contrary to all the “knee droppers”…

    Let the season progress….the comments will still keep being posted…

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110100

    Had I not been a bit of a “party animal” or perhaps a “skirt chaser” my sophomore year, I might have marched with you. It took some maturing for me to do that in 1968. NO, my IQ did not improve….only my ability to use my intelligence and focus it.

    Your comments are intriguing….and I can not, on all fronts, agree…or disagree. I was part of the NAFTA sucking sound that Ross Perot predicted. I fought the good fight and kept jobs in the USA as long as possible and I also was able to spread out the transition so that the impacted folks was a LONG as it could be….presumably so they could recover.

    The USA is like a patient that is either getting older or has a terminal illness. Will they every recover to age 50 or so? Doubtful. Will they suddenly pass away one day (as in defaulting on our $20,000,000,000,000 debt or, stated another way, the $160,000 Individual Tax Payer Debt? Probably NOT.

    I AM optimistic that there will be a slow down in the debt. I am optimistic that we will provide jobs for the USA….including the Non-Citizens in the country.

    My biggest Optimism is that ALL the folks that find it MORE CONVENIENT NOT TO WORK will feel that they SHOULD get a job…and be a productive member of society. They might find that they have less time to be bussed to rallies and protests. We might find that our cities and neighborhoods were a little safer. I can’t recall which CA city’s mayor sent out an email to merchants telling them that IF the police force confronted and arrested the “we do NOT accept the Election Results” protesters, who were LOOTING and VANDALIZING businesses and personal property that SUCH ACTION (enforcing the LAWS) would only instigate them more and there MIGHT be more violence and perhaps bloodshed. WOW…so much for living in a country where the rule of law prevails. So much for expecting our police departments to protect our property and our families. Wonder if that equates to record background checks for firearms purchases?

    We are too polarized now. Look at the polls (by the WP and NYT)….Race relations in the US have declined since 2009. That is more prevalent in the Republicans surveyed, but also a major drop in the Democratic respondents….

    Same follows the White (Non-Hispanic) answers….but really SPOOKY…the Black (AfroAmerican) views are NEGATIVE…that President Obama did NOT “FIX THINGS” as he promised….and he actually MADE THEM WORSE.

    Can’t give you an answer on your question. BUT, if we, the American People had Lung Cancer….then one would THINK that we would quit SMOKING. TO equate that to our situation….”Smoking” is akin to the protesters….they want eternal life but will not make sacrifices to their lifestyle that will improve their longevity….


    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110096


    Question, if it is appropriate for you to publicly answer…is there any valid data on the number of voters, on BOTH SIDES, that might not be US Citizens or that perhaps voted “early and often”. Some of the more radical sites have the Non-Citizen vote totals at more than 3,000,000. That would concentrated in a couple of states and if you subtracted that, the the popular vote would be reversed.

    I know that even in the late 80’s and early 90’s, the UGLY jobs were being done by Hispanic individuals. In rural MS, of all places, where the unemployment was through the roof (PUN INTENDED….read on), I had several major re-roofing jobs going on. I had a project manager and a full time QC person on each job. I would check on them at least monthly. My boss, a real wise apple Yankee, told me that he was going to shut down my crews….and that I needed to bribe him not to go up the ladder and yell….”redada de inmigración…” or “inmigración”. His Spanish was excellent. We chuckled and concluded that there would be the chance that some would take a swan dive off.

    I did wonder in looking at some of the videos of the Latino precincts if someone yelled that, how MANY voters would be “called away”?

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110095


    I did vote. I did share articles written from folks that were not in the MSM with friends. I actually was NOT a Trump supporter until very late in the primary process. John Kaisch and Mike Huckabee and Carly and Meg were some of my early choices. I saw Jeb as a spoiled brat trying to get approval prior to his father’s death. Like the progdical son that squandered his inheritance and was pennieless….

    If you do NOT want to read what I recommend, then that is fine, but you do not have to be so indignant. I have a friend that suggested that I was OD’ing on Fox and that I needed to spend more time on CNN and MSNBC to learn the REAL truth.

    He then, later said….After reading some of the articles, I probably DO spend too much time on CNN and MSNBC and don’t know as many facts about Trump and Hillary as I need to. It will not change my vote….as I would then be banished from my home and never allowed to see my grandchildren again. My wife and daughter have been bombarded with campign info and they are 100% without fail behind Trump and even if HRC’s “oval office” were in Central Prison, they would be happy that she was elected.

    If you want to see a slice of both the Left and the Right and the articles….then try Their daily listing is usually 50/50. You probably know that their polling data is quoted, and watched like a hawk, buy BOTH sides and is frequently the “Gold Standard” for CNN and MSNBC.

    I remember the “stump preachers” from NCSU. When we took my son to San Francisco after graduation, we were in the “free speech” area there. There was an individual that had a small crowd of individuals and he was in his best “Professor Harold Hill” mode. My son started laughing and walked over and the guy stopped and looked over and said…”XXXXXX, how the heck did you get out here….? and laughed. Obviously me son knew him and had “discussed” things….

    The article I posted was one person’s opinion of what happened. It was NOT, by any stretch of the imagination (I HOPE) a justfication or a Campaign piece. If you are open minded and read what is out there and still espouse your position…then that is your prerogative.

    I really am concerned about individuals, on BOTH SIDES of the Political Dividing Fence, that merely parrot and take as “Gospel” the party line or their “choice of media” pundits.

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110075

    No indignation here….read the article. The writer is the first Openly Gay NYT Op-Ed Columnist….a UNC Grad no less. a FREQUENT CNN and MSNBC contributor.

    Yogi is spot on on the NYT….their “rededication” letter was hilarious.

    Here are some points from the article….also written about by Charles Krauthammer.

    President Obama has LOST the following
    • 11 Senate Seats (he qualifies that)…that is HUGE
    • 60 House Seats
    • 14 Governorships (Our Patty Boy MAY be the only casualty….and he may be FLUSHED for HB2, but the GA was the real culprit here)
    • Over 900 Legislative Seats in the State Houses nationwide….

    The LONGER version of this got sent to the WordPress SPAM folder. It MAY pop up here….so don’t think that I purposely DOUBLE posted….not the first time….nor will it be the last…

    Really good summary….

    in reply to: Pack welcomes St. Francis – Game thread #110024

    Maverick may be on bench….next to Head Trainer. Not participating in TO huddle.

    in reply to: Pack welcomes St. Francis – Game thread #109999

    Maverick not on bench….at least from where I sit. Sick, personal,. ??

    Don’t know

    in reply to: Pack welcomes St. Francis – Game thread #109987

    Ladies won last night 80-40. Only shot 40 odd percent. 3p was low 30’s. Fifty RB. Ugly, but W.

    At game. Has radio said why Maverick did not start?

    Rerun of last night, except we can’t score
    4 F on startes

    in reply to: Title run begins tonight: GA Southern thread #109903

    Local gossip from the watering hole in the Champions Club….and my wife’s take on it.

    We will have a GREAT Year….based on the following…

    Coach GOTT has lost a LOT of weight. He really does look thinner (but he is becoming more follically challenged)

    Beard actually looks half way decent on him as it grows out a little

    His D>I>V>O>R>C>E was finalized in the spring. Only owns ONE house in Wake County (still probably making the payments on the one is his Ex Wife’s name though….she is in the original pad they bought when he moved here).

    He has a very nifty (Hubba Hubba) GF. Several years younger….IF it was the one that was on his side at the Reynold’s Dedication. My DW said that she hoped this one could do everything that the previous one was NOT doing so he is sexually satisfied at home and is not chasing skirts like WJC….that way he can “focus” on his job and not “Think” with his manhood…

    BJ is NOT following (late night and weekend) the Dietician’s Plan….nor has he signed up for NutriSystem meals when NOT foraging at the Training Table. Word is that you do NOT want to stand between BJ and the last Twinkie….you will be in traction for a LONG TIME…

    in reply to: Pack Heads to the HVAC Dome to Face ‘Cuse #109890

    Time for another hearing and speech recognition test. I SWORE that I heard NCSU and Dominating in the SAME sentence and there was a Negative in it.

    Lordy Lordy….word on Finley?

    in reply to: Pack Heads to the HVAC Dome to Face ‘Cuse #109887

    OPPS….INT. Well that closes out that drive. How hurt IS Finley? Might have to switch to radio to get info. NOW Cuse is fired up…..TICK….TICK…Change the frequency to 120 HZ and get this over.

    Alias Troll & BOTB,
    There are probably others that have traveled more to Syracuse and mingled with folks there. I did that for about 15 years. Both with plants that I was visiting and auditing and with my own plant up the road in Cortland, NY.

    Folks there are like us. They basically have some of the same warts that we have…as well as some of our better points.

    What is interesting is that it was NOT that way in the late 60’s. Thanks to the MSM and the incessant reporting of all the violence and disruption in the Forced Busing ruling by Fed Judge James McMillian, a LOT of folks up North thought that we Southern Lads were all KKK members and had regular lynching parties….and that we were ready to send a race back to their “roots”.

    In one plant, we were basically “interns” in training for middle management jobs in the southern factories. We got kidded about what was reported on the 6:00 news the night before and generally were looked down on.

    However, one individual in our group, during a luncheon bridge game said that he fully understood the situation. He then commented that if Judge McMilliam were reassigned to the NW PA district and told the local County PS that they would have to bus the Italians in the ethnic segregated schools to the north where the Polish students went and bus the Polish students to the Italian schools, that obviously there would be no resistance and that they would fully accept his rationale for ethnic diversity and integration.

    Hark….the sound of a PIN dropping….except it is from a fragmentary Grenade. He lobbed it on the table and all of sudden, the Charlotte busing video was NO LONGER DISCUSSED and never brought up again.

    I have hoisted a lot of brews with SUNY-Cortland students, union workers, plant managers and maybe even a few locals that came over and joined in the conversation. If you ever DO travel to Cuse….drop into the “Dinosaur” Family Biker Bar. That is a real hoot….most of us here would be too mouthy and the waitresses would put a hurting on our behinds as punishment….

    Doeren done got a haircut….maybe our “Strength” is on the floor of the barber shop. He is NOT a guy that would go to a “salon” for his GI Joe Marine cut….

    in reply to: Title run begins tonight: GA Southern thread #109821

    TexPack… are the winner, in my book, this morning. The 4G & KK Addict made my morning.

    NOW, I will share an email that I got from someone that obviously has coached BB and KNOWS what is going on….I will not confirm or deny any guesses on the author….but is was an interesting observation….much like yours…

    Georgia Southern is experienced and talented. Aggressive, too.
    We needed more bigs to be eligible to play. Ted will play Sunday and he is fierce on the boards. Eight more games and Omer can also play

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