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  • in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110903

    Happy Thanks Giving…..the REST of the STORY

    Go Pack….even if a W keeps Coach Doeren for another year.

    ONE source, with pretty good WP connections despite being a UNC grad (he was gung ho and a DS BB Team Manager), but he “saw the light” when BD was hired and raised the FIRST flag about BOTBob and the impending freight train driven by Black Santa with Marvin the Conductor.

    HE stated in a column that Dr. Woodson had set down some guidelines or “goals” with AD and HC for this season in August….and that they probably were already MISSED. The WPF, seemingly in the KNOW, that I talked were not of the same opinion and thought that DD was a shoe-in for full term. If I were Pro-Choice, I know what I would DO….we shall see come the weekend….

    in reply to: Where Were You When First Shunned The Baby Blue ? #110863


    That is one Helluva story or tale. Twould be interesting if DD posted it on ever locker door.

    I probably do not “HATE” a Carolina Team or a player or a coach…But I SURE have a big dislike for them. My wrath (and my wife is WAY WORSE….more on that later) is directed at the Carolina Way. It probably came after the Valvano massacre as the Snooty UNC folks (and the UNC dominated BOG and Legislature) crucified our hero. Now, did our Hero walk on water and always gave his last mite to the poor? NOPE, but how he was vilified (as in a certain President Elect was and is) and unjustly destroyed by the likes of Claude Sitton (who DIED on V’s Birthday….how about THAT for revenge from the grave?).

    I noticed a shift in my wardrobe. I used to be a kahki and light blue preppy type of guy. I probably own ONE light blue shirt and it is older than the hills….as it never gets worn. I would NOT wear it for fear of being affiliated with the Hautsy Tautsy Light Blue supporting crowd.

    I don’t begrudge Michael Jordon getting a Medal of Freedom….but, like the “Order of the Long Leaf Pine” award, it is handed out like the promises of leaving the USA if….

    I CAN relate to one incident. Many years ago, the WPC offered tickets to Kennan. OK, as a ST holder, I got one. Me and DW (51 Years + 1 day) went to the game. Our seats were nothing to write home about….but we were surrounded by RED….except for ONE mouthy woman behind me. Everytime the Ref dropped his Hanky on a UNC Player, it was “Ref is in that GD Amato’s pocket….probably some dumb Catholic parishenor that goes to church with him…” and THAT was the one I could print.

    I left for a pee break and also to get the DW a coke and a snack as it was hot. When I got back, my wife and some of the Red Fans next to us were turned around and the looks, as well as words, were getting tense.

    The mouthy lady was starting to spew again….her hubby stood up and almost did a fireman’s carry and removed her from the area. I looked at DW and gave her the “what did I miss….” look? She explained that she got TIRED of hearing the B$%^ch curse and mouth off. She simply stood up and turned around and said…

      You know why our fight song has the line…”Go To Hell, Carolina?”. It is because of obnoxious Carolina Fans like you. This is the WP Section….and I am tired of your mouth….

    It gets fuzzy here, but apparently the lady stood up and maybe struck a Kick Boxer pose….and the fans on either side of us stood up and seemed to be “ready to rumble”. Our standing joke is that I was not there to defend her outburst as I was getting her a drink to cool her off.

    SO, maybe THAT day cemented my hatred…

    It will be interesting to see if your experiences are emulated by the team on Friday. I hope so….but you already know what I have some questions about.

    I guess, either way the game goes, if Debbie asks Doeren to come by for coffee after Church on Sunday, he will know that it is NOT for another contract extension and his wife will be on the phone with the Realtor that sold them their house….

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110847
    in reply to: KEYMASTERS – New Poll Suggestion??? #110846

    Maybe the question is

    If UNC beats NCSU, how unhappy are you going to be?

    I will probably get into the game & I never said I was pulling for UNC, but I see like this.

    Lose the battle & win the war.

    Flame on!


    Dinner with DW of 51 years (today) overrode NCSU BB. Great meal….even if it was at a restaurant affiliated with an Ex BOT Chief at UNC. We both like it and wore NCSU attire.

    Listened to the first half and the halftime on the way there.

    My biggest gripe is what GOTT keeps talking about.

    Offense running “HIS” system, but also making shots AFTER we do a ton of passing. Lights out shooting is great….IF you can do it consistently. Seems like the rarefied air of the Virgin Islands helped our ability to make shots….but the UCLA High Post offense is supposed to be the where all to end all….when the guys improvise and take street baller (brawler?) shots and they don’t fall….it is THEIR fault…when they fall and we win, it is the SYSTEM’s superiority.

    Defense gets more jawboning that “why HRC lost the election”. We had NO legs in last Q3 and all of Q4 last night. Sounds like we hit pay dirt tonight….something like a 26 – 3 run. OK, did you listen to the PREGAME. There are only 3 or 4 of the St. Joe team that returned. The rest graduated or got mad and left or whatever. It was a YOUNG team. We beat a YOUNG team. We were NOT as dominant against Creighton….

    NOW, I also heard…”we are beginning to learn HOW to play the Zone Match-up”. SO, we got some experience tonight. BUT, if all our super scorers can’t do diddle on Man to Man, then god help us when we play an experienced team. The ZD works as long at there is not a Zone Buster (Herbie, tell about JJ and how he took away our ACC Championship and you had NO Junk Defense to use?). It is hard to judge a team based on the “Gabriel Heatter” broadcasting of the Home Town crew. IT SOUNDED like we made some subtle changes. The fact that we ARE changing defenses and learning is somewhat heartening.

    NOW, NOT having listened to H2, I shall only comment on what the Box Score says.

    > Absolutely, Positively NO BENCH Scoring. Creighton killed us with their bench (they also let up when they had us under control….Mikey and ORW will NOT….they will punish you).

    >BJ, The Incredible Mean Eating Machine, played LESS time. He had 2 Rebounds; 3 PF; 3 Points; 2 Blocks in 16 minutes. BUT, he fouled out last night in 17 minutes….so I guess this is progress. “There’s Good News Tonight….”

    Johnson seemed like the one man wrecking crew off the bench. He got 4 fouls, so either he was targeted or else he was aggressive….or BOTH.

    >Maverick and Kapita did NOT play. We MIGHT have taken down Creighton if we had had them….but we will never know.

    Early in the season and I enjoy our successes, but have a nagging sensation that the Mediocre albatross has NOT been properly buried….so we shall see.

    in reply to: Analysis of Doeren's Contract #110825

    I have also read Doeren’s contract. There has been on limited times with the “W/L” record was used and the university refused to honor the contract. Can’t recall the incident, but the coach was in hot water for a number of off field issues. I THINK that they finally settled.

    If NCSU invoked the “you did NOT win” tactic, I doubt we would ever get an good coach again….regardless of the coach. You interview and you hire and then you expect results. If NOT, then you either purge or ride it out.

    There would be a covey of lawyers ready to take the case and represent Doeren. NOW, that assumes that he is not abusing his players in practice and there are no “serious personality” issues. All coaches have “personality” flaws….so the word SERIOUS is a hedge.

    Interesting thought….Not a lawyer, never played one on TV, but I did stay at a lot of Holiday Inn Expresses and was on the speed dial of my corporate staff as I did a lot of property and used equipment sales and they totally reviewed ever little clause that I wanted to change in their “Boiler Plates”. The wording in Doeren’s contract is that….Boiler Plate.

    Have you ever read the contract of a Corporate Executive….it does NOT say that the company must be profitable. It has as many incentives as Doeren’s does…..or how about a contract for a Hollywood star….it does not say that any movie that they star in MUST be profitable…..but there are reams of pages spelling out the formula for box office receipts, television, DVD, residuals, etc.

    I think that the HRC protesters that are harrassing the Elctoral College Voters with tons of email, petitions, death threats, etc. have a better shot at changing the election that we would at NOT paying Doeren his buyout.

    NOW, he can, as TOB did, negotiate changes. AD Yow saved up $1,000,000 in TOB’s contract.

    IF she makes the call (and I have NO inside info as to whether she will….bit it seems to be moving HIGHER on the priority based on the “counsel” of some folks that pay to see their names on NCSU facilities….Athletic and Academic)…..I guess we wait and see.

    in reply to: #22 Creighton (8:30pm CBSSN) #110747

    Mixed feelings.

    Flashes of offensive brilliance. Inconsistent

    Fewer FLASHES of DEFENSE. Inconsistency or Stupidity or Poor Coaching. New coach is animated. DEFENSE DOES LOSE GAMES

    Yurlseven is not, at least in the two EX games a Savior. He looked to me like a taller, thinner BJ. But, that may be unfair. Will not make a call on him until mid January. His maturity got stunted due to NCAA.

    Depth was an issue. Blame Maverick, blame ADYow staff. Depth would not have been issue with longer possessions…on both ends. In fairness, aggressive Defense requires more energy.

    Anya is a senior. He has poor eating habits & no will power. Personally observed him pigging out on his Birthday on March 9, which is same as my daughter. Really surprised at his contribution last night. He lasted 30 minutes.

    Would Maverick & Kapita have saved us in the street brawl pickup game? Maybe, but a better coached team would have been my choice.

    Maybe we ought to rename ourselves. The NCSU Maverick’s. If you are a Top Gun movie fan, we played like a squadron would fly if all the pilots were Pete Mitchell….and the radios were shutdown.

    in reply to: KEYMASTERS – New Poll Suggestion??? #110736

    May have been a dumb question…

    Still was a question I heard this weekend in CF. And the guys that posed it are folks that were sober and have high priority WPC numbers….purchased season tickets in BB & FB … some in other sports. I had three for a few years.

    Obviously the posters feel different…so in effect, no poll needed.

    Will have to wait until after game. Don’t see us with Six….but Duke has the sacred Ding Dong.

    Anya did not make 35 minutes…FO @ 10:35. He did play hard, all things considered.

    Wish Coach Doeren could capture some of the first half energy.

    Mud Racing looks interesting…been by track many times.

    in reply to: #22 Creighton (8:30pm CBSSN) #110726

    Dumbass announcers. Francis is in middle.

    Mass challengd diva repositioning her ample bodice & clearing her throat.

    BJ gets his whopper to tide him over. Played with more energy than expected.

    Blue Jays in control.

    in reply to: daU Comes for a Visit – Miami Open Thread #110596

    Comments after NO WINE….


    Yow does NOT intend to leave in 2018. Her contract expires on June 30, 2019. And she FULLY expects to complete…barring some unfortunate Health or other issues.

    Doeren’s contract terminates on Dec 31, 2019. So we will not have to worry about the extraordinary expense of a buyout for him.

    OK….having said that…

    observations….some mine….some others…..some combined.

    Some have mistakenly, ME INCLUDED, mistakenly thought that the WOOD CHOPPING comment was a Coach Doeren quip. It was HWWNBSOHA. I owe an apology to HWWNBSOHA. At least when we were “chopping wood”, we were taking down trees and had a mediocre records and went to the NCAA. We were not Paul Bunyan, but we did get by. Right now, the football team looks like Woody Woodpecker in comparison….Maybe I need to change one of my ring tones from the Fight Song to this….


    in reply to: KEYMASTERS – New Poll Suggestion??? #110593

    Right, Wrong or Indifferent….

    One State fan said that if UNC beats NCSU, then Fedora’s resume will improve slightly and he will be more likely to leave. He already has an “Uh Oh” loss to Duke and one to NCSU would ensure that he remains an Orange County resident….

    Maybe UNC would then go after Les Miles….

    I equate Les Miles ending up at NCSU (or perhaps UNC as well) as likely as Madonna making good on her Pre-Election Offer to any Male that voted for HRC….

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110304

    Also cool. My wife was a para-professional tax preparer for 35 years. She is a home econ Meredith Grad & was an A certificate teacher. My daughter is now 4th Gen NC Educator.

    My point was that typically, the laws are generic, that is why reading a tax law might not translate exactly as it was worded. So allowing an agency head to bias the regs is discriminatory.

    I do not think Congress has passed a law or a bill that actually had the “Regs” in it since the 90CAA. I read the Federal Register for at least 15 years on OSHA, DOT & Environmental. Submitted many comments.

    NC’s DoL has made tremendous strides in fatality reduction, Accident Frequency Rates and Severity. With the higher Hispanic work force, that is particularly notable.

    We are ranked high on being business friendly.

    Should also point out that Mandy, the reporter that has written exposes on the NC DoL was the lead reporter in the recent Libel case against the N&O. The jury awarded damages that were for Her, specifically, as well as the N&O….both compensatory & Punitive.

    So be careful of what you read and look at the Federal data.

    An agency can vigorously enforce reasonable regulations and NOT be used as a political or harassment weapon.

    You probably know the reason that there are no private pensions due to the regulatory burdens associated with ERISA. Read an article this AM bemoaning lack of private retirement savings. Laughed…at the logic, not the plight of some retirees..

    Congress killed pensions. Now Jerry Brown wants MANDATORY personal pension plans to help the workers….

    If Congress had not meddled, folks probably would still have them as a fringe benefit.

    Dodd Frank’s was written by two folks that caused and/or benefited from the very policies that brought on the meltdown. Ironic that you name a law after the criminals that we should have indicted or been protected from.

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110300

    My bad on the Watts boys.

    It most certainly was James.

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110285


    OK, simple answer. When the government decides to do something (the controlling heiarchy of certain agencies), then your voice does NOT count.

    I certainly did not intend, either directly or indirectly, to malign your father. I still have a lot of friends that were career “agency” (EPA, NCDOL, NCDNR, etc) employees. They were like a lot of folks….you had a job to do. In general, they were usually reasonable and fair. However, when the rules required 100 pages of forms and engineering studies that cost more than a new Z06 650 HP Twin Turbo Vette, then that is a bit “over the top”. The folks in the agency (regulators) have to review the applications and make the call. If the regulations were simpler, then yes, there would be fewer regulators, but we would have MORE people at work.

    Classic example. John Brooks was head of the ND Dept of Labor. Remember the tragic Hamlet Chicken processing fire. YES, there were LOTS of violations and it could have used a lot of work. BUT, did you know that a Federal Inspector wrote in his report that “Company has failed to maintain insect control. Employees take breaks and used rear door. Entrance needs to be secured”. NOW, that is not the exact quote, but close. In NO way am I defending LOCKING THE DOOR. BUT, that was the message.

    I was the Engineering Manager of a plant that had a large distribution center on one side of a wall and the manufacturing on the other. We had been permitted by Wake County to build the building. The Fire Marshall “trumped” NC DOL/OSHA on entrance/egress. The warehouse had been expanded several times….each time making it longer. Originally, on the manufacturing side, there was a personnel door at the END of the first warehouse’s footprint. It was rarely if ever used and there were many points of egress and it was NOT listed on the Emergency Plan. It was NOT a marshalling point. When the next warehouse extension was added, the door was left in place. Since the warehouse was a “secured” area, that door was locked. Again, it did NOT go outside.

    After Hamlet, Wake County passed all sorts of regulations….OK, the Fire Marshall’s WROTE them….and they were GOSPEL. We had our annual inspection and the Fire Marshall said that the door MUST be unlocked at ALL times…that totally destroyed security. When asked WHY and WHERE (specific number of exits, distances, requirements, etc), he said they were being “reviewed”….then he asked….What goes on behind that wall….are you folks cooking chicken?. We finally got an attorney and an architect involved and got a “variance” of an overreaction OPINION….but we were GUILTY…even though our OSHA program was second to none.

    Later on, John Brooks was defeated by Cherie Berry. I went to high school with her. She just got elected for a fifth term. Do some checking on the improvements in the NC Safety Statistics. NC was one of the FIRST states to have a VOLUNTARY program….when we invited in the NCDOL. It was called the Carolina Star. I had to fight tooth and nail to get my Corporate guys to sign up. BUT we did and we got the program. Our division was at the top when I left…and was still there until the division was spun off.

    I never SAID disband the EPA or OSHA or the IRS. That, if you can’t figure it out, is pure Campaign Fodder. Like the Democratic op-ed writer said….The Press took Trump Literally and Not Seriously. THe voters Took him SERIOUSLY, but NOT Literally.

    My point….President Obama said…”If Congress does NOT send me legislation that I want….I have a Pen and a Phone. He said that in a State of the Union Address and got CHEERED. Why would a governing body cheer someone who told them he would bypass them and do whatever he wants.

    I could go on, but you would not be impressed with how companies, not just mine, strive to comply with regulations that seem so assinine that when you explain them, folks will glaze over and say…”You got to be KIDDING”. I only ask them….do YOU do your own taxes? Do YOU understand Capital Gains, Long Term and Short Term Gains/Losses, Carry Forward Losses (which are legal and every person from Warren Buffett uses…including HRC and WJC on THEIR returns. BUT…when the NYT did a hatchet piece on Trump, using a STOLEN and LEAKED tax return, they painted Carry Forward Losses and Accelerated Depreciation like it was the MOST despicable thing that a person could do and NO TRUE AMERICAN would use them. I guess that they did not bother to read WJC/HRC’s returns.

    I would NOT be happy if the IRS or EPA or DOT or OSHA was going to be shut down. It would be CHAOS. BUT, based on the past 8 years, some of these agencies have been turned into Political WEAPONS….and they are guilty of DISCRIMINATION….

    When Lois Lerner refuses to testify…when she is held in contempt of Congress….when the IRS destroys her Computer that is under a Subpeona…..THAT is abuse of power.

    I doubt your dad ever did anything to “target” a company….for whatever reason. BUT, when the Agency Heads get the PHONE call to “Take Care of X or X industy” and they DO IT….that is why folks cheer when the downsizing of government is chanted.

    Hillary will never be LOCKED UP, but she will NEVER BE PRESIDENT EITHER….

    I have talked to a LOT of doctors. MOST would not choose the profession again. Most did it to help humanity….and the income and lifestyle was a side benefit. WITH the CUTS in Medicare and the regulations, they have had to transform their practices in to “Amazon’s” to support the staff required for Government Paperwork…

    Do YOU know that NOW, your SS number will give a physician EVERY Rx that you have purchased in the past 5 or so years….as well as every “Sudafed” purchase? THAT is spoky….I was in Duke today and the doctor said…OK, on X date, you were prescribed….why?

    EOR…this will not make the cut….

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110282


    Yes, there is a public comment period on all major rules (OSHA, DOT, EPA, etc.). And for every individual that makes a comment, there is typically a paid lobby that produces works that are 1000 (OK, maybe 500) X the one. There are also “ways” to control the process. I have done this before, so I’ll try to make it brief.

    Mel Watts was appointed Sec of Interior by Regan. That infuriated the radical Environmentalists. These are the same breed of cats as the Temper Tantrum Throwers of today. Also, very well funded….as their backers have a mission….get them aroused about the EVIL Repubs over an issue that is near and dear to them…and then when you need them for ANY issue, they are willing to come out in droves….regardless of the issue or if they understand it. There will ALWAYS be a way to link “Dirty” with it.

    The Original Clean Air Act was passed in the late 70’s (memory). It had to be reauthorized. So, it came up in 1990….with the deck stacked. The 1990 Clean Air Act (90CAA) was passed by congress….and there were objections….but THIS TIME, the public comment section was neutralized.

    Congress ordinarily passes a “law”, not a regulation. It is up to the Agency to promulgate Regulations. The Agency tries to interpret the intent of the Congressional Law and then write them in accordance. THAT is why there is a public comment section, so any inequities (either way….too lenient or too overbearing, can be addressed.

    NOT SO with the 90CAA. Congress passed the First of its Kind. The Environmental Lobby actually WROTE Regulations….in that they put in emission parameters, definitions, measurement and testing methods, and TIMETABLES. They also put in a HAMMER. IF the Director – EPA, did NOT produce regulations within a timely manner OR if the Timetables for Implementation were NOT achieved or IF the Agency changed a value or emission standard….then the EPA Director was to be held in contempt of Congress and subject to legal (punative) Action….up to and including fines and jail.

    One WOULD have thought that since this was a “ReAuthorization” that the EPA would have been contacted for input. NOPE…totally left out. Again, when tax laws are passed, the IRS writes the REGS…NOT SO.

    Bottom line, I attended many seminars taught by renowned Consultants and also EPA personnel as well as some Reps from DuPont….who was the MAIN target (they were the largest producer of Freon). When you listened and also read between the lines or talked at breaks or maybe in the bar, that was what came out. Now, not unusual….the experts that actually have knowledge of costs and emissions and technology and such all, independently, concluded that the Environmental Lobby was targeting. They wanted to drive up Energy Prices. They wanted power plants shut down. They wanted Zero Emissions from every factory or manufacturing process….

    Should also point out for those not acquainted with cleaning. Freon and its cousin, TriChloroEthane (elene) were also the PRIMARY cleaning chemicals for about any part that was painted, plated, coated, chemically coated, etc. Feon was also a blowing agent and used in many rubber and foam manufacturing operations. Remember the fuel tanks from the Space Shuttle that would damage the Heat Shield tiles….Those large chunks of foam that came off were NOT a problem when Freon was the “standard” blowing agent.

    Freon was being DUMPED when you recharged an AC. Technology developed in the 60’s could have been used to recycle 90 – 95% of it. NOPE….NOW you can’t do anything….if you “Failed to Maintain” an AC unit and it failed and released Freon, you COULD be subject to fines. Bottom line….we could have achieved about 90 – 95% of the standards (as written….just backing off a smidge) with about 10 – 15% of the expense.

    There are hidden costs. Remember when Brake Fluid never had to be changed. The 90CAA eliminated some stabilizers. Remember when plastics and rubber (windshield wiper blades) would last for years. Again formulation changes due to the elimination of key chemicals.

    Then, we had to totally redesign AC equipment….and for almost a decade, it took MORE (15% or so) energy to achieve the SAME BTU Removal/Transfer (Cooling) with the NEW Freon than the old ones. YES, we have improved…but at what cost.

    I am a dedicated environmentalist and have reduced air emissions, worldwide, by millions of ton through process improvements and abatement technology. BUT, today, if you move an exhaust stack from one of the plant to another, the Consulting costs will be 6 figures….not to mention the 10X increase in the Regulators and the size of the permit application.

    NOW, the Agency Heads have an AGENDA. They are TOLD who to TARGET….and they do that. Look at the IRS and how they refused Tax Exempt status for conservative groups. Look at Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push Coalition….legalized Protection that is Tax Exempt….as is the Clinton Foundation….

    YES, you can write a comment….but it is like ONE person voting for Stein….out of 121 MILLION….it amounts to $HIT.

    EOR! Suck it up, Buttercup

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110273

    I am now able to release the data from my extensive research. Most rely on polling and surveys. BUT, you have to review the full voter’s environment to understand it. It is the “Ripper” Syndrome.

    Simply put and condensed for those that might inadvertently scroll past it….Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper was correct in his original theorem. It IS the water. Fortunately I have my own well, so my Crown on the Rocks is NOT impacted. I will offer two cases…one from afar and the other local.

    First the Theory….that along with Fluoride, the mayors of many US towns and cities have secretly been authorizing the injection of a potent BLUE Cool Aid into the drinking water system. That explains the deviate voting behavior of the inner city voters. Many of the recent polls and articles (NYT “map of Trump voters”) show that the inner city residents are being controlled and the water supply is the most cost effective methodology. It also allows for repudiation of certain locales if the residents do NOT comply. Flint Michigan was a test case or experiment….where lead was actually used to “dull the senses” of the voters and make them easier to control. Unfortunately, that experiment received widespread publicity and the experiment was stopped.

    The FDA actually allowed low levels of lead in the recently released Ritz Snowflake Crackers….the snack of choice for the Temper Tantrum set….that ensures further compliance with the DNC’s wishes.

    Locally, after extensive research of the Cary water system maps and overlaying the Wake County precinct voting results, I have determined that 99.157% voters in the BLUE Precincts are on a “municipal” system. TO wit, I examined the precincts near the intersection of Tryon Road and Walnut Street. Those residents on the South side Precinct (18-04) voted overwhelmingly RED….the adjoining precinct and the ones adjacent were all BLUE.

    However, for the doubters, I will offer a TRUE (VERY UNFORTUNATELY….it IS TRUE example). Had to grab a quick lunch between Dr’s appointments today. Wendy’s on Kildaire Farm Road (adjacent to a Trader Joe’s) was DW’s choice. We were muddling over the screens and making our meal selection when I glanced at the HDTV in the dining area. CNN…WHAT, I gasped? So, the Sr. Citizen (older than Moi) took my order and asked for a last name. TRUMP, I quipped. Talk about a floater in the Organic Fruit Juice Punch Bowl….

    Seeing the shock on her face, I could not resist…..”Could you please change the channel to FOX as we would enjoy our meal more?” I also pointed out that NO ONE was watching the TV. She laughed and finally got the JOKE. She said….”RIGHT….and the Manager WILL do more than FIRE ME….he will KILL ME…”.

    I have two other datum points to verify or establish a 1:1 correlation (or 99% confidence limit). The Rex Health Care (UNC owns it) Wellness Center down the street has the CNN TV “LOCKED” to CNN. You can change the rest of them….NOT THIS ONE.

    I also have a very dear friend, that still invites us over, that lives within half a mile of the Cary Wendy’s. HIS water source is the Town of Cary…He is STILL stammering and stuttering….especially after his Scotch and Water. Need I say more?

    Thus you have it…

    Trivia for those that know what the Ripper Theory was and where it came from….what historical event changed the location of Major King Kong’s line… Shoot, a fella’ could have a pretty good weekend in …..”?

    Suck it up, Buttercup….

    in reply to: Pack Enters Miami Down a Man #110271

    To paraphrase Will Rogers on Catfish Hunter.

    I’ve never met a man who didn’t like him

    in reply to: Pack Enters Miami Down a Man #110259

    Resurrected an older Chris post.

    Sort of hoped someone might call in a favor and arrange a “Angel” flight for Francis.

    As you pointed out, no need to pontificate.

    Folks can still donate at Chris’ site.

    My 10 year beard is a bit longer

    in reply to: Chris Combs Diagnosis – Pray for Him #110255

    Anybody got a private plane and want to make a Wolfpack “Emotional” donation by keeping Francis’ streak alive?

    I read this and as a father who knew causally knew Freddie at NCSU and also have got to know Chris through the WPC, I teared up.

    Not “Make A Wish” material….but still, if I had the resources, my Lear would be fueled and ready and I would hope that my pilots enjoyed the game as well…

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110246


    This post is for you. You probably saw it, but if you did not, it pretty well sums up MY feelings. I wish I had written it….

    If anyone else is interested….read it… was to me, quite insightful….and I have distributed it to many folks celebrating and quite a few that are headed for a AAA meeting due to that “unfortunate” event of 11/8

    Sometimes you realize that there ARE others like you out there….

    Trivia question….I said I was a 1% (or close)….I found out from reading the Washington Post that I am also a Second Amendment 3%’er….I guess that would not surprise many…

    EOR….Suck it UP, Buttercup….The Ritz is waiting….

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110243

    I see a marketing opportunity here…..anyone interested in my new Bumper Sticker…

    John 3:16a.1
    For God so loved America that he gave us Trump

    NOW, that may be a little off the course….but I have received emails stating that many folks consider Trump as the second coming of Christ….the email starts out

    Trump is our rowboat…

    A deeply faithful Christian man is stuck on roof at home with massive
    flooding up to the 2nd floor. Rowboat comes. He says “No, I’m waiting for
    God. I prayed and I know he’s coming.” 2nd Rowboat. “No, I’m waiting for
    God.” 3rd Rowboat. “No, I’m waiting for God.”
    Water rises. The man drowns. Now he’s meeting God in heaven. The religious
    man says, “Where were you God? I prayed. I was faithful. I asked you to save
    me. Why would you abandon me?”
    God says, “Hey, I sent you 3 rowboats.”
    Did you ever consider Trump is our rowboat?

    It goes on to say that we should be thankful for Trump….compared to HRC.

    BUT, I got an email from another Christian Friend that told me what a Christian person that HRC was and how she and Bill faithfully attended church and were “Sunday School Teachers”. Then it berated Trump for Locker Room talk.

    I will leave the Religious demographics up to Yogi. I read my own minister’s sermon notes after the election and decided not to go this past Sunday….it was Contemporary, so the choir was not singing and I was not letting my “team” down. He seemed to be hurting….I suspect the went to some of the Duke counseling sessions….

    Leave GOD out of this….judge on the character of the candidates. Each had such “endearing qualities” that one needed a DeCon station after voting…

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110241

    Chop….THANKS for calling me out on my historical error. I guess I was too influenced by the Character Assassination of Clarence Thomas by some of the most immoral and despicable “CLAN” in modern day politics. I guess that I OD’ed too much on the hearing and my disgust for the manner and method of Teddy fried a few brain cells. I was probably aware that he was NOT the first. LBJ nominated Marshall and it was HIGH time. Pity that NO ONCE since LBJ, save Bush 41, would nominate an AfroAmerican

    As to the discussion about where the money goes….again, I draw from personal experience….

    I retired in 2006, early by several years due to attaining financial independence (Like Rye….but I had to do it the hard way…save and invest). I did that to open Grand Daddy Day Care for a 3 YO GS and a 3 MO GD. My wife was still working, so I was a ONE MAN show. She left for work and said….if you can’t handle it…call me…and in 4 years, I made ONE phone call… which she said….I can’t help you….she’ll eventually cry herself to sleep and hung up.

    Back THEN, you had to make an appointment at your local SS office. You had to do it 3 months in advance and bring all your documents to the office. I elected to start receiving benefits at age 62. I traveled to north Raleigh to the SS office. You went through Metal Detectors. There were armed (Stun, 9mm and batons) guards. The meeting area was a low of bullet proof glass cubicles. Think of the PNC outside Will Call area. Maybe 20 or so “areas”. You were assigned a number. You went to the glass partition and eventually the case worker appeared. I really DO not remember her race. She spoke so softly that I could barely hear. You were to slide, under the glass, your paperwork and she slid documents back to you. Think of paying for fuel at an all night gas station…

    Why could I NOT hear? The din from the waiting area was too much. NOW, you would ask, why would a bunch of old gas bags make so much noise? Interesting observation….I was in the MINORITY….as far as age goes. Individuals of retirement or beyond represented less than 15% of the population. Remember, I had to wait for a while and I counted…the OLD IE and Process Engineer wanted to verify my estimate.

    SO, who was there? Why was there so much noise? Young people….some with boom boxes (this is before your phone held your tunes). Young people with KIDS. Most of the kids were under 3 YO. There were some individuals with obvious physical issues…but they were only like 5% of the crowd. The rest was a mix mash of individuals…about 50% as a “couple” and the rest were singles. More than 75% of so had at least ONE small child in tow. The majority of them had 2 or more. It was a total blend of races. I recall that AfroAmerican was predominant….and maybe the rest were White….and maybe 10 – 15% were Hispanic or “other”. Many were mixtures in themselves and hard to call.

    SO, the BULK of the folks doing business with SS on that June day were NOT of retirement age. The bulk were individuals with dependent children. The bulk looked like they were not gainfully employeed….and I frequent a lot of places that have a mixture of workers and this crew was very motley.

    Am I an IST? Probably so. I paid the max every year for at least 35 years of so. I fully understand needs of children who’s parents are on LTD….I helped my God Daughter get SS for dependent children when her husband snapped and took her hostage with a butcher knife and was later hospitalized for extreme psychic issues….I also understand folks that have children with special needs (mental and physical). I did not really observe any child in the room that fit the physical side….maybe there were emotional issues.

    SO, that little incident and a LOT of data has cemented my mind about HOW we are funding a “GIVE IT TO ME…” Society.

    EOR, Suck it UP, Buttercup…

    in reply to: Ted Kapita DEPORTED – GOTT UR ATTENTION? #110240


    On the Serious SIDE….one DOES have to ask WHOM is doing the Admin stuff? I personally would hate to have the wrath of AD Yow for seemingly careless and lackidaisical work. She may not be tough on other sports, but she is like a scouting coach when it comes to both the Women and Men and the potential Title IX TG Teams.

    I DOUBT she was too happy when no one had figured out how to update a student VISA. Maybe HWWNBSOHA was more of a Micromanager? Maybe GOTT (is this OK?) thought “his people” were on it. Maybe it was assigned to some OTHER member of the AD staff and they weer on loan to the Student Union and were out purchasing Ritz Snowflake Crackers and Play Doh? Who KNOWS, but somebody SURE let a seemingly non-essential detail fall through the cracks. I HOPE it does not impact our overall W/L and that the members that DID travel will take over and make up for the deficit….

    Watching GSW systematically beat TOR. Saw a promo for an upcoming game with Chris Paul.

    What was the old chant…?

    Rah – Rah – Rhee – Kick him till he falls….

    Rah – Rah – Ras – Kick in in the Balls…..

    I have a LONG and vindictive memory.

    As to the GOTT to GETT over stuff….it has become a little habit forming and probably worn out it’s impact….sort of like the Temper Tantrums of the Snowflakes….VERY tiresome. I will try to repent….but I can NOT get back into the Edit mode to take out the OTHER “T”

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110210

    I realize that I lived in a sheltered world. Raised outside the Football (2A) capital of NC. There were separate schools….that did not change until after I left and headed to NCSU.

    Interesting thing, history, if you can find it before someone rewrites it.
    like leaving our the FIRST black Supreme Court Justice from the new billion dollar Black History Museum….but finding a prominent place for the person that testified against him. Coincidentally, the lead Senator in the hearings had two brothers. One was President. One was the USAG. Funny thing…they got some guy named Hoover to keep tabs on a Doctor from Atlanta. And they released all sorts of “Wikileaks” about him….NONE too flattering. Same Senator, as well as older President brother, made WJC’s skirt chasing look like a preschool flirtation.

    Some folks do NOT remember that it was Isenhower that brought in the 101st Airborne (Ugly folks to tangle with) and then nationalized or federalized the Arkansas National Guard (violating States Rights). He used them to make sure that a few minority students could safely attend Little Rock HS. Remember the political affiliation of George Wallace?

    Folks still quote the revered Senator Byrd, a HIGH KKK Leader (I guess his strengths as a political leader and someone that could be trusted were first recognized in that role….despite his sheets). It was the SAME Senator Byrd that prayed to God and voted NOT to punish the Impeached WJC by removing him from office. I guess the option of having Al Gore as our president helped sway that. Like James Comey, he SURE messed up the polls and his vote and reputation changed the Press’s already reported outcome.

    Seems to be a common thread here….

    My late FIL, whom I consider as much as a father in many cases, as my own beloved dad, also had black tenants on his tobacco and dairy farm. My wife played with their kids. My wife found out about segregation when she started in 4H and there were SEPARATE 4H Congresses….BOTH held in William Neal Reynolds.

    My parents were not liberals…but they were NOT race haters….nor were any of their family. They were, by culture, segregated….but not violent and did not espouse hatred.

    The KKK never was entwined in my life. NOW, I did (and still do) have some “rounders” as relatives in Catawba County. Many country songs have been written about their antics and other vices. I can name at least ONE Different relative for every one of Conway Twitty’s hits…..and there were a LOT of them.

    One of them was a barroom brawler buddy of a guy that had a kid that I played HS football with. The kid played for NCSU for a while. Later on, I met him at an autograph session. I asked the NCSU Defensive Tackle if he had a relative by a certain name….it just so happened that the NCSU NFL Draft pick’s first initials were the SAME as my buddies father. He said, he’s right there behind you. My ex HS classmate’s father and my uncle got into more scrapes that JR and Bobby did. My uncle told me that when the fight broke out, pick the side that his buddy, the NCSU’s Great Grandfather was on because you did NOT want to fight him. The NCSU FB player was picked by some NW team and converted to a Guard and protects a BLACK QB that we watched a lot…

    I also traveled extensively in the south….the south is not NEAR as bad as it was when I was growing up or when I was in Raleigh. YES, some say that the reason WHY there is no Confederate War Memorial in Jackson, NC….the ONLY county seat in NC without such….is that there is still fighting in the Potecasi swamp. Deer hunted there alot, but never heard Dixie being played at night or cannon fire.

    BUT, I do resent not being able to singe Dixie. Elvis in his American Tiology will bring tears to your eyes. The “intolerance” in banning the Confederate (never had a license plate with that) is sheer RACISM. If we banned the Black Power Salute or called out the BLM folks, then I would totally concur with the “racial cleansing”. Let me know when THAT happens,

    Suck it UP, Buttercup..(er, Snowflakes)

    in reply to: NC Political Predictions #110202

    Yogi’s comments on HB2 were factual….and also reflect a diverse position. I assume that all know the history of Charlotte’s ill advised City Council and Mayor’s actions. Charlotte has borne the brunt of the rebellion. My son, of the well informed and high intellect “Dark Side” of the political spectrum was here this past weekend.

    He and I debated some issues. What he came away with was that Charlotte had actually done a disservice to Carborro and Chapel Hill and maybe Greensboro. They had passed a “watered” down version of the infamous Houston Ordinance. I trust that folks here understand that it was soundly trounced by the electorate when the citizens rebelled and it was put on the ballot….67% or so.

    YET, the “Gods” of Paypal (still doing business in 20+ countries where homosexuality is a crime punishable by DEATH), the NBA (Houston Rockets NOT told to change….remember the NFL commissioner is threatening the Redskins over their NAME), the NCAA….who SILL have several National Competitions scheduled for HOUSTON….that SAME NCAA that did NOT pull the Final Four….the list could go on.

    The voters barely moved the needle on the NC GA. SO, the GA, which passed the law because the VOTERS from Charlotte and their constituency from the surrounding counties OBJECTED. WOW….what a diverse population we have. FLUSH Pat was literally a victim of the perfect storm. The Miscreants on Jones Street (or the Champion depending on your viewpoint) were NOT punished. Had HB2 Pat VETOED the bill….Political Suicide…..When he SIGNED HB2 and even expressed doubts and concerns….he was signing his own EXECUTION order.

    Pat, from a Governor’s Impact should be judged far better than Mikey and Bev. He did more to return NC to fiscal reality than any one has in several years. We also seem to be creating jobs. Folks STILL want to come here.

    SO, what will come of all this…? Charlotte will AMMEND or water down THEIR ordinance….keeping it in line with UNC-CH standards….or we will see a MAJOR Infrastructure Expenditure all over NC as we will create separate TG facilities.

    Nationally, the DOJ will “revise” the “Executive Order” on TG. THAT was strictly a political move to try to get NC in the BLUE column for president and to chase OUT the dastardly dumb dumbs in the GA. Opps….Mistake. NEITHER happened…

    Old Roy will be totally ineffective….save his power to recreate the inept and partisan Democratic machine that got us to where we are. BUT, with 5 critical positions (Labor, Treasurer, Insurance, Public Instruction, Agriculture) in the hands of DULY ELECTED officials, the Repubs have a 5-3 advantage (Auditor, AG and SoS are Dem). Quite a shift….

    NOT what the Administration and the DNC and the Rev Bully Barber wanted.

    It WILL be interesting….based on the majority that voted and HOW they voted to see if Rev BB continues to flaunt this. Charlotte is HURTING. Charlotte brought all of this on NC. Roy can wage a Twitter Tirade about it all he wants….but he has to tell the Mayor & CC in Charlotte to “back off”, because until they water down the Houston Ordinance, the GA ain’t budging…

    NC finally figured that out….and all the lampooning just added to political ridicule.

    NOW, some may take a loftier view…..lest I get accused of being some IST or IC, I have never EVER been called a Homophobic..

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