Forum Replies Created
11/29/2016 at 10:10 AM in reply to: Interesting Article w Coach Gott on Difficult Off Season #111511
ParticipantBased on being at the games, he is much thinner….any more and he will look anorexic. A bit hold that Gott and have done that bit before and you usually gain a bit and then level.
As someone that had AFib and taking lose dose meds as mine is not as serious, I can relate. The meds do slow you down as they are to control or prevent a rapid heart rate. Eventually, I will need a “clock” and continue on my meds as they have the least side effect. Cardio Doc does not want the laser burning….except as a more advanced solution….so he is already at a higher need for treatment level.
Hope the family goes through the trauma and the emotional healing of his divorce. Kids at that age should be more mature and able to cope and understand….but it will still be difficult.
Saw him at the Reynolds opening. Very nice younger lady was with him. Suspect this is more than just a “chase” as they have been observed at various functions and some of his neighbors say they make a lovely couple. Hope it DOES work out and that he can be focused on his job and will not make the same mistakes, as he put it, in the future.
SO, he is focused. NOW, hope he can channel that to the team and staff and really get down to playing good BB. The intensity of the 2011 season, especially post season in Columbus and St. Louis was intense. Actually talked to Elizabeth and one of the daughters after the opening game in Columbus. She was there supporting the PACK and very vocal during the game….
11/29/2016 at 3:41 AM in reply to: Florida Coach fired for losing game, made take Taxi back to Fla. #111500Adventuroo
ParticipantFascinating story….it gets bizarre as you read the regular articles (cut and paste) and then get the “sports” side of it. The rather “unusual” protocol is fascinating. They apparently travel on a bus (OUCH….thats a LONG way) and were headed to Chicago….a really LONG WAY….to sit and be cramped. We travel in a MH and at least we have beds.
SO, he was fired….then they pulled his stuff OFF of the Bus (as it was headed NORTH). They DID call him a Taxi so he could get a ride to the airport.
SO, at least he did not have to hoof it down Wade Avenue.
I think this would qualify for the following….
The GM threw the Panther’s Coach OFF the BUS….but, in an unusual act of compassion, did not throw him UNDER the bus….
11/28/2016 at 11:38 AM in reply to: Combo Thread: Rivalry weekend and Pack vs. Loyola (Chicago) @ 4 pm. #111482Adventuroo
I WAS not aware of that. I offer my sincere apology for thinking that she was trying to update her appearance in a more politically acceptable “makeover”. I guess that there is too much political emotion still rolling around and I am getting sterotypical…..
Had I known the situation, I would never, ever made such a comment…
My prayers are with her in her recovery….
Totally agree with your assessment….from multiple angles..
Coach Doeren is not usually the most “overt” person in the post game pressers. He has a standard line about “You and me (team) against the world”. Friday’s tone was ratchetted up quite a bit.
There were also reports that AD Yow and Dr. Woodson and Coach Doeren agreed to some “expectations” in August and that even with a UNC win, he did not meet the criteria.
Other sources reported a growing coup in the Mega Fat Cats inner circles and that was a plan discussed to raise funds for a buyout, which would be highly irregular and NOT be affiliated with the WPC club as any WPC funds have to be used for Schollys or Facilities….NOT direct payments to coaches or for coaches salaries…
Don’t know what transpired….and should not….but Saturday morning’s coffee between AD Yow and Dr. Woodson was more benevolent than all the hype pre-UNC.
This is a two edged sword or maybe a rotating light saber. Pressure is on Team and Coach Doeren to have a super win in the upcoming Bowl…(Independence, Music, Native American Folk Dancing, Deplorables, whatever….although word on the street is that the NCAA will send UNC to the Deplorables Bowl as part of their sensitivity training and also their “death” penalty).
Next up will be 2017. Talk about going into a season where your job is dependent on some guys NOT riding a moped on a sidewalk, NOT getting assault charges or DWI, NOT getting injured, etc.
The “OK, you gotta win X games and beat Y Teams” mentality is also not the best recruiting tool out there. Unless we go 10 & 1, there will NOT be a contract extension after the 2017 season….in defference to the incoming AD in 2019.
Members of the successful teams in the 6o’s and 70’s may miss an ACC Champion Banner due to the early call of the Grim Reaper….and that, seriously, is sad…
I guess we shall see….what we shall see….
Wonder what kind of personnel changes we might in the Coaching Staff? The game plan of Shock and Awe in Q1 was executed perfectly….flawlessly. Then playing them even in the rest was going OK, until Q4. Did we get tired or did Huxtable make some bad D calls? You will have to comment on that….
One thing is for certain….the BM and WM fans of UNC are aghast…and Gene, the Terminator, did NOT get any Kudos for his Superior Defense. Coach Doeren said that we knew their weaknesses and played to them and were successful….one of them was Gene Chizik….
11/26/2016 at 11:42 PM in reply to: Combo Thread: Rivalry weekend and Pack vs. Loyola (Chicago) @ 4 pm. #111458Adventuroo
ParticipantTwas in the Champions Club for the game. The Jumbotron was on the fritz and there were no players or stats at the top. Only the score. IT could NOT figure out how to fix it, save a hard reboot and that would delayed the game. SO, we had to use the phones to get info.
We totally fell apart at times. Terrible Ted did not look as awesome as his first game. Maybe he got lazy while the team was on holiday….or maybe he ate all of BJ’s cache….and was not as agile….Wife, who was at home listening to radio, said he got some PF troubles.
Abu seemed to be a little “limpid”. Johnson was our savior….as it was in the St. Joe game. He DID miss the final FT….but he saved our fanny many times. He seemed to actually jump start Smith….sort of like when Richard Howell would come in and get the guys going.
We also seem to be “focused on the past”. If we have a bad defensive possession, we will have an even WORSE Offensive one. We seem NOT to be able to “forget” what just happened as we cross midcourt…..likewise the other way. It takes us a while to work out of those funks and Loyola took advantage, several times.
In the end, it was Dennis that carried us…but Henderson was the “Atlas” for much of the first half. He put the weight of the team on his shoulders and knocked down shots.
Not a really pretty win…but a W. It was never really (OK, a little) in doubt for H2…as we came out running and took a nice lead. BUT, we backed off (or they made both offensive and defensive adjustments) and we let the margin slide.
NOW…the skuttlebutt was that DD would be retained. That was probably in the HRC vs. Trump stats….equally split. Some were in the middle and not really “fussy”, while there were others, in BOTH camps, that would come to blows over the decision.
I personally would have went for a contract waiver of one year of “buyout”, but AD Yow never got around to emailing me for suggestions and helpful advice.
I also am old enough to remember the year that the Dallas writers “wrote out Bobby Ewing” as Patrick Duffy thought he could make his fortune in other venues. He bombed and the show’s rating also suffered….
Then Pam (Victoria HOT Principal) uttered the famous words…”Bobby, I had the STRANGEST dream last night….” The inuendo was that she then slipped into the shower to reward him for still being alive and not have those nasty gun shot wounds that we all witnessed…
That is how I feel (as I woke up this morning).
Jill Stein (and now HRC) are HOPING for the line….”Bill, I had the strangest dream last night. I thought that idiot and bigot Trump had been elected president”…..but that was NOT in their bedroom…That was what she texted him….
Next up….NCSU beats UNC in a fairly close (but we NEVER lost the lead) game. It was muddied abit by some player and coaching mental lapses…(OK, a LOT), but in the end….we WON. The Hat is NOT the Boy Wonder he ONCE was. Gene (the Genuis) Chizik will probably NOT be getting a call….who knows in the Coaching Carousel…? Herman was supposed to be on a Plane to Louisiana, but it got rerouted in mid air as Trace Armstong called and said…”It the Long Horns”. Herman had to buy some orange just to wear to the presser…and his $$ were not as lofty as they were supposed to be a LSU….thanks to that pesky L from yesterday.
Fedora said….See, what I mean….I am getting my Texts to Mike Perrin (Sp), the Horns AD, sent back as saying….REJECTED…
Finally….please tell me that Holly Rowe has NOT gone LGBTQ…her new “Laura Leslie” look is a bit much….even Jimbo said…”Holly, is that you, hon?”
If you feel better, then that is good. There is enough stress and emotion for old folks like us so we need to explode every once and a while.
I was there from 63 to 68, so that gave me 5 FB seasons…and a couple of field trips with my HS Band to Riddick.
I looked up earlE’s record. It was much better than I remembered. However, the standard line in Riddick my freshman year (1963) was the 3 Yd’s and I do remember seeing the infamous strategy 3rd down Quick Kick many times. You are more familiar. I did NOT but one FB game in ’64 as I was working on the weekends at WRAL save a homecoming. I don’t remember much about that….except my old GF & I getting plastered and (fill in the blank). She was my DW’s of 51 year’s good friend. It gets really complicated after that….and time and privacy do not permit more.
Then for the rest of my NCSU career, I was focusing on studying….having pulled a 0.33 my Fall Sophomore semester…and did not attend in the spring….thanks to Banks Tally turning down my appeal.
BUT, I did do better and was an honor roll student for my Jr and Sr years. Funny thing, when you’ve got a beautiful and great skirt in the next room, you do NOT have to go out and chase….My wife recognized that certain conjugal rights were to be rewards for studying..
I DO have vivid memories of the Houston Game in 1967 and was in Reynolds for a Glenn Yarborough concert. He let us listen to the game from a transistor radio and left his mike out at intermission and called out frequently for an update. I have seen a LOT of live performances over the years and the finesse that he showed and did not TRY to compete with the game was brilliant. Dionne Warwick got mad when a fan had to go potty and pouted…
Coach Edwards and his players….many of which grace our CF banners and plaques was an excellent coach.
After graduation, I moved to the frozen north and then later to rural (They still have Yankee and Rebel soldiers in the Poetcasi Swamp fighting in the 70’s) North Hampton County. I saw them once deer hunting and they wanted to trade for my rifle…
SO, I sort of tuned out and when I moved to Statesville and later, Sanford, I started to attend to games…I also was an avid deer hunter and my fall Saturdays were sometimes in a deer stand…
Having been a Berry dorm resident for a semester, I got to know, in passing, Amato and Falzano (Sp) and some of the other athletes that had a small PA clan in the basement of Berry. You had to get passes to go through the halls and the dorm counselor would turn a blind eye (to keep from getting black and blue), when a very SLIM (and shapely) “player” would come in with a hoodie….and a couple of six packs. They did special privileges….
I know of other incidents, off campus where I lived, where the football players were treated to the NCSU equivalent of the Sweet Carolines….in a mixed room with many participants….but discretion will not permit any more details….
I certainly do long for the glory days and did not mean to dis EE…
ParticipantFinal post of the day….until AFTER the BB game….
Many of us posted about the “ORW and Hat” love fest and that Mack and company had set this up WAY AHEAD.
Hearing Roy talk about how Fedora stayed with him for hours after the victory in the locker room made me wonder a little bit….did these two Family men (God fearing of course) part company afterwards or do we NOT want to know the REST of the STORY?
However, It did HIT ME….the PERFECT solution to the political wars and such…
IF UNC is REALLY serious in their public stance, as well as votive candle protests over HB2, then it is time that little Mrs. Light Blue Smurfette Folt, call in Bubba and lay down the ground rules for replacing the HAT.
In defiance of that EVIL NC GA, who wrote the HB2 law, UNC will do a “Hamilton”. FYI, Hamilton, the Broadway play, had a NON-WHITE casting call that was condoned by the Screen Actor’s Guild….which as the toughest ANTI-Discrimination bylaws….
SO, Little Miss Folt tells Bubba….you can ONLY recruit and hire an OPENLY LGBTQ coach. UNC will take a stand….Athletics does not have a TRUMP card. UNC will become the FIRST (I think) major Power 5 school with such.
It is actually a PLOY. ORW has already suggested such. IF UNC comes out and says “In your FACE, NC GA”, we are hiring a candidate that you would BAN…
NOW that speaks highly of the high moral plane of UNC. It also then totally ensures that the NCAA can NOT come in and take down ORW’s banners…
It is a Win-Win for UNC….
GOTT to switch to decaf….
ParticipantOn a more positive note….
Thanks for making this a REAL THREAD or Topic and not a Forum. Looking at your profile, I can relate to you, even though I graduated 20 years prior. My son was on campus while you were there.
I read, real time, all the posts yesterday and caught up this morning as I had a pressing engagement with a buxom 12 gauge and a sexy 20 gauge right after the game and proceeded to pollute the rarified Durham County air with noise and reduced the Clemson clad birdies to dust (OK, some got a golden BB). What a fitting way to celebrate the victory. If I could wear my “younger man’s” clothes once again, I would have painted them Light Blue (purchased on CL from the Duke – UNC Uh Oh) and gleefully pointed my weaponry at them. It would have been enough to have sent the UNC-CH snowflakes into a rage not seen since 2:40 AM on November 9, 2016….when their “Trigger Alert” Apps activated the Emergency Warning on their phones….
SO, comments are always free here….I offer….
CD, your original post was great….and appreciated. I did, I THINK, notice that you were concerned that Cinderella’s fairy Godmother was NOT using the Eveready Energizer batteries and that our little Red Woofie might be slowing down and could not longer “bang the line”. Truly a thrilling ending, but also brought out the typical….”OK, this is the price that we pay for being a State fan” reactions.
Coach Doeren’s presser, which I listened to all of it on my drive to bang-bang heaven, was interesting. He DID sound like a man that knew his fate.
It is too early to put in a video….but I was reminded of the Helen Reddy song (of 1974, that GLORIOUS year that Norm brought us)….You and Me Against the World….
I was fully expecting to hear, at the end, the team tearfully shout out…..”We love you, Coach”.
Obviously (I think), AD Yow will doing the usual bit of “You guys took our plant manager on lunch last Friday….but forgot to bring him back” routine.
NOW…along those lines.
Coach Doeren, whom I have good naturedly kidded about DOES seem to be a thinner skinned version of a certain EX BB coach….the Wood Chopper. I do NOT doubt that he will be successful at his career’s end….but he will NOT, unless, like the ugly duckling, he matures into the Swan’s costume, EVER, EVER be a World Beater. I do, without fail, totally admire his character and his work ethic and his loyalty. We have been a bit critical. BUT, as one that pays my LTR pledges and has faithfully attended most of the CF games over the past 20 years or so, I don’t think he will be remembered as a Dick Sheridan….MAYBE an Earl Edwards…(3 yds and a cloud of dust and quick kick on a 3rd and long). YES, I was there in Riddick and saw our immortalized Gabe…many times.
SO, what will happen. THAT will waste more bandwidth that Jill Stein’s pleas for a Recount on Youtube.
I will leave it to the folks who “know”. Seems to me that you DO NOT FIRE the coach that just whipped (unexpectedly) your arch rival. NOW, what will happen after the “Tidy Bowl” game. One does have to chuckle. The UNC fans had booked reservations in all the hautsy-tautsy hotels that grace the Final Four FB matches. Much like the Houston Fans of 1983, they had already purchased their light blue blazers with the 2016 NCAA National FB Champions emblems.
The Light Blue Clan will be headed to the Deplorables Bowl. (OK, this is a repeat that got lost). They will be forced to matriculate with folks that were GIVEN tickets locally. Said individuals COULD be confused with the rank an file WPC members. I’ll bet that in Deploraville, there is an ordinance for a Mandatory Two Gun Rack in every Pick-up. The local POOOOOLice will pull over a CLEAN pick-up and immediately take inappropriate action and use excessive force to ascertain WHY there is no mud in the wheel wells. The Rumor that Deploraville also passed HB3 is a Fake News Story…put out on FB and CNN. The Alt Lefties took glee in conning folks to think that you could be ticketed for NOT having an AR-15 in one of the slots in your gun rack.
OK….time to conclude…..WHAT advice would you offer to AD Yow. Mine is a bit off beat….but hey, I have been compared to Maynard G. Krebs on many occasions….
Time for a Performance Review with Coach Doeren. NOW….not AFTER the Bowl Game….
Look at the positives. Look at the achievements and also the lack thereof.
Offer this solution….
Coach Doeren, regardless of the bowl outcome, will be our 2017 HC. However, if we do NOT achieve a certain record (or other stipulations), then he is HISTORY. NOW, that also includes a slight modification to his contract. In lieu of NOT firing him….he waives ONE year of severance. SO, we coaches (and gets his $2.5 Million for 2017. BUT, if he fails to meet the mutually agreed upon goals, he waives the 2019 Buy Out. Therefore, we same $840K and give him a chance to prove that he is only 3 plays away from 9 & 3….and we live happily everafter. BUT, if he fails to produce, then we pay him for 2018 only.
NOT GONNA HAPPEN….but you never know with AD Yow. She cut a deal with TOB and saved us $1,000,000…..never underestimate that lady.
ParticipantAfter catching up this morning, I was bothered by a little snippet….
It was interesting that BTOB, who rarely attends an event showed up in hostile territory. He also made a comment that seemed a bit odd.
B’rer “Roo…. the WPC guys are all smarter than they RC counterparts… in spite of the multiple scams inflicted on ya’ll over the years….
I thought that Bro Bill was of the Red set….and knew that he did not frequent CF and had made, I think, braggart like remarks attesting to his disdain for such. SO, he was in the Pines today….? He has, like I, I THINK, sired children that also have degrees or attended CH. My son is an NCSU grad with a JD from UNC. I paid for framing his NCSU sheepskin and told him that I was proud of his accomplishments and honors, but I would NOT put one dollar into advertising the source…
I guess that Y’alls that will show up at the PNC today and watch the BB game would wonder about the meaning of the above comment as well. It is the Y’alls that pay the WPC dues that actually pay for the scholarships of the players. Their tuition does NOT come from gate receipts. These same Y’alls faithfully purchase the LTR’s and also fund the renovations to Reynolds and the other facility upgrades. Howsomever, lest one think that I want to put folks back in chains and return to those glorious days of yesteryear when on the folks that PAID $$ to the Government GOTT to VOTE….and the ones that TOOK $$ from the Government were NOT allowed to vote. I am NOT of such an Alt Right Cult. Had those rules applied on November 8, then the margin of victory would have been as lopsided as (fill in the blank).
Maybe the Mega Fat Cats and donors that paid for the naming rights of the various facilities and buildings where our student athletes train, live and eat obviously would scratch their heads and wonder? Them Y’alls pay in more WPC $$’s than I used to earn in a month….. Sorry for the rant….but being a Called, by a state fan, a person that got conned because I have belonged to the WPC since 1971 when Norm Sloan was actually running the sign-up table in Ahoskie and shook my hand and personally thanked me….got of got my blood boiling a bit…
ParticipantFinley is in locker. Defense is tired.
This game has all the aroma of the UNC-Pitt Game.
They pulled it out…..
ParticipantIC crowd does NOT understand that when Swoff calls a REVIEW, it is like a FREE TIME OUT….
This is looking BAD. UNC came back earlier in the year….after looking crappy.
History, I HOPE, if not repeating itself.
ParticipantIf we lose, DD had better hope for a “You’re History”, Love Deb TEXT….rather than face her.
Crunch time….4 down territory
What will be the schedule for the “I hurt myself” theatrics? Every other play. Every third play? Random 1, 2 or 3.
This game may go on until after sun sets…
I don’t think an NCSU Engineer designed the Ford F150 Bed. You CAN mate steel and aluminum….
ParticipantYou lads type too slow. IC has 21 pages already…..and that is really good considering that they are flipping burgers while typing…
ParticipantThe boys on IC, last time I checked, blame Fedora, Trump, the team, and FINALLY….the BLACK UNIFORMS.
I think that they are demanding a recount as well..
Snowflakes have invaded the Walmart UNC Board Monkey clan…
ORW is doing spots…….
ParticipantSWOFF is in denial. He has already hit the JD. He is throwing things…
ParticipantRight in the middle of the FIGHT….they want to play FOOTBALL…..
How crude….
At LEAST one UNC miscreant will be escorted by to his cubbie for TIME OUT….with milk and cookies and his light blue stuffed lamb.
Will Swoff let us keep the ball and PUNT….what am I THINKING?
ParticipantWhilst I was surfing during the break on the IC Walmart Free Tar Pit side, we cough up the ball.
However the IC crowd is in total disbelief. They are asking for the “HRC LOST Teddy Bear Sites” to be set up at the half.
One quipped…..Hat just got a Text. No Thanks, Mike Perrin, AD Longhorns….
GRRRRRRRRR they scored….
ParticipantI think that Doeren is on some illegal upper. I can NEVER recall that much emotion….Look at that boy. Had he done this all season, he would NOT be the doghouse that he kept building and closing the entrances…
ParticipantSwoff can NOT stand it. They will review every play where Finley scratches his balls prior to throwing.
Can you get BACK IN Kenan after the Half. I will leave now and buy the stubs….
I don’t know if there is enough Adreneline and Steroid shots to last through the fourth quarter.
Why was THAT not a horse collar?
ParticipantObviously the destructive liberal snowflakes in Chapel Hill could not deal with UNC being down. In the true spirit of Richard M. Nixon, they have cut the cables or perhaps in today’s word, have hacked and killed the feed. However the Geeks from PP fixed it.
Bobby Purcell is scheduling a flight to Bowl that NO ON WILL GO TO…and Doeren’s wife has quite painting the living room a neutral shade….it was RED (Contractual per AD Yow).
Fedora just got a text saying he has moved down several notches on the MUST HAVE list….and the Rams Club is arranging a car pool to the Deplorables Bowl in Podunk City….where EVERY local vehicle is a mud covered PU with at least TWO LOADED guns in the rack….one of which, by local regulation, has to be an AR15 with a FULL Auto Mode.
Love it…..GO PACK….
ParticipantThere was a headline about today’s game being the “Drama Queen” game in NC. Probably so. CD and others will comment about the “mindset” of going to the Pines to play. I think what is overshadowing, again to me, the game is the DRAMA.
> Coach Doeren, and I liked and still do – from the start, did not exactly deliver the Charley Young Rah Rah speech this week.
> The LSU job “appears” to have gone to Tom Herman. Trace Armstrong, his agent, will get some BIG $$’s
> Jimbo, without donning a mask, has held up the FSI piggy bank. Jimmy Sexton (of BD Fame) will get some big $$’s
> Coaching Carousel has started to spin a little faster. Fat Cat Donors planes are being rerouted in mid air.
> Fedora’s entry or “seat” in the Carousel will depend a LOT on the outcome of the Pines Brawl.
NOW, one DOES wonder….how much, in our free flowing and also unbiased and accurate Internet stories, the IMPACT on the players. I should be at my ancient age of 71, be mature enough NOT to let emotions get into my head and focus on the “task at hand”. It don’t work that way. I wonder about the mindset of BOTH teams.
In the RED, which is where our loyalties lie, ARE they mentally prepared? Did the coaches have FULL concentration or were they busy spiffing up their houses for the market? Has the “TEAM” been caught up in the hype of the week or were they able to mindlessly play video games and listen to their tunes and shove it all out? They PROBABLY have some inkling that a GOOD (Stellar would be an understatement) performance today and a W MIGHT save Coach Doeren. There are so many “I know a guy who details the car of the Mega Fat Cat NCSU Donor…..” reports that I really don’t know WHAT to expect….and actually, I should not.
From a pragmatic standpoint, AD Yow had an easy task in “Voting TOB off the island”. Really a no brainer. Sidney Lowe was probably a lot harder. She said that publicly as well as privately (comments in her emails). Sid’s deep roots to NCSU were obviously a factor….but in the end, the W&L record….despite the great incoming recruiting classes…did him in.
Now, she faces a tougher task…. Does she cast out her own specially chosen coach or give him another year to “shape up”. Some have contacts in high places….some have contacts that are ex-players and attend FB practices… some have sources that don’t deal in rumor and have stated that even with a W, the season is far below the “expectation” or goal that was set (and agreed to by not only AD Yow but Dr. Woodson as well). Don’t know.
The SAME comments could be made about the UNC players. If they beat their rivals….and obviously they want it to be BAD and Embarrassing, then they IMPROVE the resume of Coach Fedora and he will stand a better of chance of leaving. Patrick Strong will get some big BUCKS….and actually Double Down as he is also Gene Chizik’s Agent…and GC would be the top dog for the UNC job…or at least that is what all the impeccable board monkey bloggers are saying. MOST UNC folks think that Fedora will be wearing a DIFFERENT hat next spring at practice….not of the Light Blue variety.
As my old HS FB coach (same lecture….he was NOT a Valvano type of motivator) said….”The first play is the key…if we’re on offense, our line had better knock the @#$#%% out of (fill in the blank) line. We will have a LOT of fun then and they will be shell shocked. THEN, when we are on defense….same thing. BUT, the defensive tone will have already been set by the first play….go out there and kick their @#$# @#$@#$ #$%#$% A$$’s.” That worked in the 60’s, but we were not the coddled quasi snowflake and enlightened and overly hyped player of today wearing $500 Designer headphones.
I agree with Mak, we have to focus on the FIRST play, regardless of which side of the ball we are on. If we come out HOT…we will stay hot. If not, then we are gonna be like David (of biblical fame) against Goliath….except Homeland Security confiscated our sling and pebble due to security concerns…
I really make NO prediction….The Vegas sites have us a 10 point underdog….but folks have lost $$’s before by following the odd’s..
Will be in my RED game outfit….and watching….
ParticipantYou left out Yogi…the bear, not our esteemed & learned pollster.
I will have to catch that discussion. I equate it to HRC, Richard M. Nixon & John Edwards commenting on ethics & being truthful.
Remember your facts, which are based on good polling, not the Push-Push mess, are true. The do not agree with the party line that is espoused.
Have many friends that voted for HRC, but agree that we need to enforce the laws….and secure the border and systemically deport the criminals & develop a plan to deal with the remaining. That should include gainful employment & no subsidies.
Since you have high level WPC connections, what do they speculate will happen with a W or an L.
My gist of my input is that the dye is probably cast.
. regardless of tomorrow….but you never know.Thanks
11/24/2016 at 10:03 AM in reply to: Imaginary Bronze Medal Game Thread (St. Joe's, 6pm, CBSSN) #110904Adventuroo
ParticipantI think it is time to put a Parental LOCK on the TV’s in the BB Players rooms and ban them from Sports Bars. I have been chilling out from the election….as best I can. Watching (surfing) mindlessly the sports channels for some background….and also an insomnia treatment.
Decided NOT to watch the DePaul game due to their recent “censorship” of certain speakers….for NO STATED opinion….
Watched a smidge of the Maui Carnage…..and watched for the scenery….of the Hotel that we stayed in on a trip there.
UNC is FUGLY with a Capital F. They went in like Goliath and David had to surrender his sling due to the recent Homeland Security NO WEAPONS policy. Creighton got bumped up after our defeat. Wisconsin is #16. They did NOT score in the first 7:30 or so at the beginning. Went 0 for 11….UNC was not that much better, they were 4 for 10. THEN it went DOWNHILL.
UNC came out and did their “Machine Gun Kelly” Sweep in the second half and all Wisconsin could do was cower in the bunker. It was UGLY….UGLY. UNC, I think, decided to “get some press” as they hit the century mark and their average Points Per Game was 94. Their margin of victory (average of 3 games) was 30. OUCH….and ONE was a ranked team.
ORW is making a statement…..
NOW, this is just an observation….but unless Duke and UNC annihilate each other or melt into a pool of butter, it is going to be a TOUCH league this year….as of THIS week, the ACC has 6 ranked teams…
UNC; Duke; Virginia, Louisville, Syracuse & FSU….
We will really get to see “WHAT we are MADE of and WHAT we GOTT to DO”