Forum Replies Created
ParticipantCD and Greywolf….suffer from the same….have wished there was a 5 second delay from what Brain THOUGHT and allowed MOUTH to transmit on many occasions. Have had to bail my butt out with a lot of songs and dances numerous times…
BUT, I will also add this little tidbit. MC is agoing to LSU as there TOP candidate. Maybe LSU has more head space and they can have multiple ego folks there….but remember, WE FIRED HIM…and Pittsburgh almost gave UNC another L this year. It was NOT for lack of an OFFENSIVE effort from Pitt. Their D fell apart in the last 1 1/2 Quarters…..
In Canada, LSU would get a seasoned offensive coordinator who in his first year at Pittsburgh this season shaped the Panthers into the highest-scoring offense in school history. They averaged 42.3 points a game, ranking 10th nationally, and were the only team to beat Clemson, scoring 43 points in that victory. Pitt capped the year scoring 56 and 76 points on Duke and Syracuse, respectively.
Canada was one of five finalists this year for the Frank Broyles Award, given to the nation’s best assistant coach.
Pitt players raved about Canada’s coaching style and creativity. He’s not afraid of trick plays, either. For example, one Pitt offensive lineman has scored two touchdowns this year, and his tackles routinely shift before the snap, swapping sides.
Canada holds a physical philosophy in running the football, but he uses misdirection, shifts and motions out of various formations to employ a power ground attack — similar to concepts that Ensminger employed this season. Canada described his offense in the same way Orgeron this season described the offense Ensminger ran after replacing the fired Cam Cameron four games into this season.
“We run the same plays over and over, just with different variations, from different formations,” Canada said. “People always ask, ‘What kind of offense do you have?’ ‘An offense that scores points.’ That’s what I tell them.”
Maybe there is a Media RICO syndicate….like supposedly existed during the last casting of ballots.
Did Gary, Tony, Johnny or Mark GIVE AWAY our trade secrets? That WOULD explain why we got our butts kicked in Petrinoville.
Maybe there was a passing of info to BC?
And of COURSE, it happened in the Klumpsom game. The secret there….”Tie and call TO and ICE (Jinx) the FG laddie…”
THAT one tidbit probably cost a lot of sheckles….
This must be investigated by a blue ribbon (and that would make it “legitimate”) panel. I call on Jill Stein and John Podesta to join the rallying cry….Chuck Schummer and Paul Ryan need to start holding hearing immediately. I WOULD suggest that soon-to-be coronated Roy Cooper wade in, but he is too busy with his lawsuits about passing out $$ to Non-Profits that then funded advertising for his campaign….
Maybe Patty can get the NC GA, since they are in session (and lock up your daughters in the Raleigh area…). THEY should take this up.
We need to find out WHY our media has “sold us out”….NOW we know why Mark gets “miked up” for his segments. He has a secret code that he his broadcasting and it is being used by our opponents.
We have to NIP IT IN THE BUD, lest we be embarrassed in Shreveport.
On a similar note….NOT REALLY….
Matt (we fired him) Canada is agoing to LSU….
In Canada, LSU would get a seasoned offensive coordinator who in his first year at Pittsburgh this season shaped the Panthers into the highest-scoring offense in school history. They averaged 42.3 points a game, ranking 10th nationally, and were the only team to beat Clemson, scoring 43 points in that victory. Pitt capped the year scoring 56 and 76 points on Duke and Syracuse, respectively.
Canada was one of five finalists this year for the Frank Broyles Award, given to the nation’s best assistant coach.
Pitt players raved about Canada’s coaching style and creativity. He’s not afraid of trick plays, either. For example, one Pitt offensive lineman has scored two touchdowns this year, and his tackles routinely shift before the snap, swapping sides.
Canada holds a physical philosophy in running the football, but he uses misdirection, shifts and motions out of various formations to employ a power ground attack — similar to concepts that Ensminger employed this season. Canada described his offense in the same way Orgeron this season described the offense Ensminger ran after replacing the fired Cam Cameron four games into this season.
“We run the same plays over and over, just with different variations, from different formations,” Canada said. “People always ask, ‘What kind of offense do you have?’ ‘An offense that scores points.’ That’s what I tell them.”
I don’t know if any of you watch CNBC regularly but I LMFAO when a guest speaker lamented about the fact that when the man sends out a tweet there is a company somewhere losing $5 billion in market cap. Sincerely wish everyone is better off in 4-8 years.
I USED to watch CNBC faithfully….probably at least 3 hours per day. I did that for the first several years of my retirement and was focusing on “wealth creation”. I sort of weaned off….BUT, AFTER watching the CNBC Hosted Debate where they tag teamed Trump…..and THEN, reading the leaked emails from the HRC Campaign to various CNBC hosts and MSNBC and NBC “news professionals”, I quite COLD TURKEY.
It IS funny that at 9:00 PM on November 8, the Dow Jones Futures (trading on International Markets) were DOWN almost 1000 points and the various cable new outlets were reporting it….some were doing it factually, OTHERS were saying that the world markets would collapse the next day IF the results did NOT turn around.
SO, the Market opened a bit lower on Wednesday and then perked up. It has not looked back since….
Consumer Confidence (taken AFTER the election) jumped! It posted a ONE MONTH RECORD (never in the history of the survey) for a gain. All the Wall $treet Crowd that bestowed their political donations on the “Not gonna be inaugurated” candidate have SUDDENLY been drinking the antidote to the Kool Aid that we have been served for the past 8 years.
I bought myself a “toy” in 2000. It was a Shiny RED C5. I had a C4. I got a VERY unexpected inheritance and used the Clinton Bubble to triple it. I then sold that booty and bought the new Vette. I often describe it as my only momento of the Clinton Bubble….if I had sold EVERYTHING ELSE (the numbers were being manipulated to show a ROSIER economy so that Gore would have an advantage), then I could have retired a WHOLE LOT Earlier.
SO, over Thanksgiving, I marveled at the optimism. I THEN decided that I would “Do the SAME”. I traded in my everfaithful (which has attended MOST of the CF and PNC events) C5 RED Vette and bought a C7 RED Vette.
This will be my “Trump Special”. I have challenged the “Nay Sayers” on the Political Forum to “SELL and TAKE a PROFIT” NOW. THEN to take the “Ill Gotten” Trump Profits and DONATE them all to Charity….say Chris Comb’s ALS site.
I offered to make a $100 Donation to Chris’ site for EVERY SFN MEMBER that would do that. They could “SHOW” their support of the Illegitimate Election and NOT profit from a Trump Victory. Still waiting for confirmation or notification of them doing that. So much for putting your MONEY where your MOUTH is….
This thread is really a DAY brightener. I don’t feel so old now….thanks to GreyWolf. I can also “align” with his comments, both serious and tongue-in-cheek. Being a BOB Seger and Toby Keith fan, I have some of their songs as Ring Tones. The lyric…”I used to HELL on wheels, when I was a Young Man….” got me in trouble at a Christmas Pageant for my 8 YO GD. My cellphone when off during one of the kiddies solos and I could not get to it to silence it…TRUE STORY….now my GK’s tell me to KILL IT…during their theatrical performances…In thinking about Grey’s comments, I may have to modify my favorite line to DW, “I THINK that I can be GOOD ONCE, as I ever was….”
Since this thread has no constraints….I will offer the following tidbits of trivia….I recently found out one at a NC Symphony Christmas Concert with the group, Pink Martini.
What famous CHRISTMAS song was actually a “Peacenik” ditty penned during the Cuban Christmas crisis?
Do You Hear What I Hear…..
It was reported that SOME of the Cuban immigrants in Miami used it in the following context of…..
Do you hear what I HEAR?
Said the little drummer boy
to his mother on the shore.
A bomb, A BOMB has liberated us
Castro is now dead forevermore
Castro is now dead forevermore….It is then rumored that they burst out into Guantanamera. Do you remember that little ditty. It, TOO, was a Peacenik song. Pete Seeger made it famous in the US during the aforementioned Cuban Missile crisis.
It was supposed to be a call for peace. It got picked up several years later and was a US hit. I remember a disk jockey once commenting….”Do you suppose this is really the Cuban National Anthem” in the height of the anti-Castro years. As best I can figure, it was a song that BOTH sides, PRO and CON Castro would sing. Let me put that in context…
Think about Elvis’ rendition of DIXIE….in his best Gospel voice….that for MANY of us, was a song that we freely sang in high school. NOW, think about an Afro American Gospel Quartet doing it. THAT is how Guantanamera would be in the USA.
Keep on clicking…..
ParticipantYogi and all who are interested…..seems like we get “new conspiracy” theories all the time. The RUSKIES doned it….is the latest.
Two interesting articles from the Fair Haired Homosapien MALE ROCK STAR forecaster, Nate Silver. Read them in order….did I detect that Comey was NOT going to be an influence….and THEN he wuz…
Nate Silver: Clinton Would’ve ‘Almost Certainly’ Become President If Not for Comey’s Letter
Now Mr. Silver (unrelated of course to the Lone Ranger or Monty Kiffin’s white steed) says COMEY done Dunned her in….
Comments are always appreciated….
Maybe we ought to do that. Then HRC would have won the election. OK, I’m for that. NOW, if I’m FOR IT, then of course those that support it would be in favor of the same…
Snowplow tax. The Federal Government will take over ALL US Snow Removal. That will be in the cities and urban areas. There will be a 10 Cents per Gallon Federal Fuel Tax added to EVERY gallon of fuel (Diesel and Gasoline). That will then allow the CITIES (the Magnificent SEVEN) to redirect their failing tax revenues to the INNER CITY Residents. That will help Chicago and Philly and LA and NYC MORE money to spend on FREE STUFF.
BUT, wait, what about the retirees in Florida and Arizona? What about the Southern California Residents and Louisiana? THAT would be UNFAIR. BUT, if you added this as a NATIONAL Referendum on it. Lets assume that ALL the HRC Voted for it….then, since it is “the POPULAR VOTE”, it wins.
OK….you don’t buy THAT logic. I have another one for you. Under, Hypothetically, the HRC Regime….there is a LAND TAX. Any LANDOWNER must pay a tax. Does NOT matter what the value, it is based on square footage. All the ranchers and homeowners in the USA will pay a flat $2.50 per 1000 Sq Ft tax. My 1.1 acre homestead will be about $120. That was also a special ballot issue that was included with the Presidential Election. The same folks that voted for HRC overwhelmingly approved it….
SO, That is why we need the Electoral College.
BUT…WAIT….WAIT…..these are all hypothetical situations……YES….but how about what happened in Wake County. There was a Transportation Tax Referendum Tax on the Ballot. It passed. Now, that will cost me about $300 per year. Anyone that comes to Wake County for an NCSU Ball game and purchases goods and services (souvenirs or food) will pay MORE tax. In my case, I will pay at least $250 MORE per year. I will also pay $40 MORE for my vehicles. There is a $10 per Vehicle INCREASE in the NCDMV Registration.
The new LIGHT RAIL….will NOT, I REPEAT….STOP at the AIRPORT. That would hurt their Parking Monopoly. SO, the Light Rail will move folks more efficiently from Garner to Durham (Don’t ask me HOW Durham got into this mix….but all the articles touted it…). I think it should be named…
MLRTW. That stands for Moving Liberals Rapidly Through Wake.
You have been hacking my emails. I thought it was the Obama Administration. They left a “Done in Rusky” line of code….but I googled the IP and it was traced to the White House. I think that this topic will morph into FALSE NEWS…
Now, back on point. YES, Fruitcakes, PROPERLY prepared based on recipes that were handed down for generations and properly “SOAKED” (grape juice for the kiddies; Wine for the Ladies; Rum for the Gentlemen) were truly a culinary art.
I might also comment that my Mom and Grandmother ALSO made a very tasty Persimmon Pudding….but it was an acquired taste.
The ONLY recipe that survived and was handed down to my wife….My mother would “wing it” and some of her ingredients were left off or the measurement was “incorrect”. I remember my wife, early on, copying exactly her Pound Cake and baking it. Since it was Round and Big and had a Hole in it, it worked great for the Jolly Green Giant’s hockey puck. It was so bad that my very young BIL’s, who would eat anything with sugar in it, actually did not finish their slice.
BUT, my mom’s Pumpkin Pie and Ice Box Fruit Cake or Ice Box “Roll” survived. I am treated once a year to such….they are complex and my wife leaves such a mess in the kitchen that I clean it up.
The Ice Box Fruit Cake or Roll is served in thin slices with a dollop of Whipped Cream. I could eat it like a salami with a gallon of milk.
I don’t know about Greywolf….but I am only 9 days older than President Elect Donald J. Trump…..
Who’d a thunk I’d ever write that?
You are arguing with some folks who refuse to accept the electoral college outcome as HRC and WJC have NEVER, EVER done any wrong. WJC sent out his cabinet to inundate the media for the Monica Denial. Maedeline Allbright still believes that Monica was cutting out paper dolls whilst on her knees in the oval office. WJC DID admit that. The SS had to post guards to keep Hillary from being taken down for attacking a standing (sitting?) president.
Even the NYT went through the guest list for HRC at State and also the Donor’s list. Funny thing, those that PAID for an audience (via the Clinton Foundation) got their wishes granted. I guess that they bought some rubs on the Magic Lamp.
You are absolutely correct, Comey DID say UNDER OATH, that she lied. He laid out the case and then said…”She gets a PASS”.
Some folks also forget the fact that Loretta Lynch was FIRST appointed to a Federal position by WJC. Now WHY would WJC fly out to talk to her on the tarmac. I guess he had new pictures of his grandchild to share with her and could not figure out how to text them.
OF COURSE, the fix was in. It was all done VERBALLY… that there was no paper or email trail.
I would NOT waste any bandwidth on it……
NOW, for those dissing Yogi….has your investments GONE UP? OK, that is the Trump Rally. Elections DO have consequences.
If you TRULY despise Trump, then I urge you to sell all tomorrow and take the profits from November 8, 2016 to date and donate it to a charity. Chris Combs’ ALS site would be my choice. You will clear your conscience of the EVIL TRUMP TAINTED money and help out a worthy cause. I will donate $100 to that ALS fund for EACH person that does that…. My son, a DIE HARD Liberal will not take me up on that….or OVERPAY his taxes….
ParticipantOK, Here is the Trip Report.
About HALF the crowd or maybe more were INSIDE Reynolds by 3:15 or so. The draw of seeing the NEW Reynolds worked. I saw folks just walking around and staring and reminiscing. Thurl Bailey, who was honored during the game was signing autographs. He also was the “VOICE” of the team info video. There were special videos playing during the entire hour before the game and fans were sitting in their seats just watching.
Ironically, we had excellent seats. My WPC priority was not, I thought, that good. But we were in section 212, row A with single digit seats. That lined us up with the FT line on the 2nd half State side….right across from the game. That was within 5 ft of so of where we were on that infamous Tuesday when the team came back into Reynolds and Sidney Lowe had on his big foam cowboy hat.
My daughter was with us and she was 11 years old then and STILL remembers every detail. My GK’s loved the place. Could NOT have asked for a more thrilling game. Mrs. Sloan being honored and playing her SSB was really cool. Debbie’s main assistant, Micheal Lipitz was walking around with a grin as big as Trump’s. He was the project manager. We exchanged a few words and that boy was PROUD, I mean humbly PROUD of the fans reaction. Fortunately, he updated about everything, but the accoustics. It was STILL loud. I was at the Wofford game last year when we last saw the idiot HESS and it was NOT as loud then.
As to the game. I have read a LOT of the comments and my wife, who gave up her ticket for my Daughter, watched it on TV and listened to the Pre and Post WPN coverage. It SHOULD not have been as close. It did, IMO, come down to LACK OF DEFENSE. We see-sawed with them for a long time, but generally, they seemed to have the edge.
One of our usual “Whine and $itch” song involves the Zeb’s. This time, we should send each one a case of Crown Royal Black. I thought the calls really had more homecoming flavor than any game I have seen lately. YES, Abu DID get into foul trouble. BUT, there were a LOT of blocks that I had already, mentally, scored as a Charge.
One little tidbit that perhaps was NOT on TV. During the second half, probably about mid way, a TS player blocked or made a really aggressive move on one of our guys going for the basket and our guy retaliated and made a move towards him. The whistle was blown….can’t remember if it was a foul or a blocked shot that wen out of bounds. Big ole’ Anya but an arm around each one and sort of squeezed them and said something then held them and just gave them that SMILE. This is the second time he has done that in a game. If his BB career does NOT work out, he could make bigtime money as a Bouncer….and the upscale crowd of Limo Lib’s would NOT complain about being “accosted”.
DS DID make an incredible reverse layup (you had to be there) that changed the game. It was unbelievable.
As to the total game. We could NOT get a rebound. OK, we did, but we were OUTREBOUNDED by TS. Kapita did not play much. Henderson was our scoring man. But, am I REALLY typing this?, ANYA was the man. His 38 minutes and presence on the court was unbelievable. TS was in “Shock and Awe” PTSD. They were throwing up shots that looked more like Shuttle Launches than shots. They were of the “Wizard of OZ” variety…..Somewhere OVER the rainbow…..shots. YES, a few went in, but he really altered their game.
NOW, this game in NO WAY defines a turn around. GOTT, in the post morteum DID comment about “getting into our ZONE Groove”. Why, my unbearded and thinner Coach, dressed in a nice looking Red PLAID (not even CLOSE to Sloan’s style, but a nice tribute) Blazer, did you (or your coaches) NOT go to that sooner?
We shall see how we welcome the Mountaineers next week…
ParticipantI was a EE, before I was diagnosed with a Stress Related Pr-Ulcer. I think that the Complex Frequency Plane or maybe trying to do the triple integration for solving the Neper equations was the STRESS stimuli.
However, after switching majors, I still had a lot of friends in EE and also a lot of really SHARP electronic techs (they were the Navy guys….the ones that were miles ahead of our graduate instructors). These guys had been “NASA” PCB certified. NASA had a standard for the amount of solder you could put on a board. That was for weight reduction…..something the Corvette Engineers also understand.
NASA developed a soldering technique and then “Trained” the trainers. Interesting tidbit….true?….don’t know. The assembly time of the boards went DOWN….as the operators were applying less heat and also LESS solder. NASA had some special solder requirement….it was almost as pure as gold….(refining and producing). The cost of it was about the SAME as gold as it was so pure and also was “alloyed” for reliability. I’ll bet that John Glenn thought it was worth every million that it cost. One does NOT want a bad PCB malfunction on the second booster stage.
SO, if you reduce the assembly time and also use LESS of the “gold” solder, you actually CAN make MORE money on the product. I was taught a little of the technique when I worked in the basement at WRAL and we made motel antenna distribution splitters and amplifiers.
Your list could go ON and ON. Many years ago, someone did a few interviews of the original remaining 7. They asked them WHAT was the MOST surprising or advanced development that they had seen in 20 years….I think the question was….if you were in suspended animation when you were launched and came back to earth 20 years later….what ONE thing would amaze or awe you?
They MIGHT have allowed a top 5 or so. What was NUMBER ONE….? The electronic passkey for a Motel Room door….
I recently took delivery of a new 2016 GM vehicle. My wife has a 2014 GM vehicle….which was the latest and greatest in the line and had so many features, I could NOT believe it. I have all our personal “settings” saved on a USB so that if they have to do a system update, I can simply recopy the settings for the radio, mirror, convenience, dash, etc.
NOW, in my 16, I have a FULL LED instrument cluster. There is NOT one gage or such. All the dash is strictly a VIDEO display. I can configure any combination of settings and gages….
Both have the Head Up Display. Again, the 16 is so far past the 14, that is is incredible….and I know that the next Generation will be the same.
If you look at a NASCAR dash, it NO LONGER has any hard “instruments”. In the past, they were electronic gages and were function specific.
NOW, they have a rectangular video screen that is programmed for their particular “preference” or “dashboard layout”.
I also marveled in the mid 90’s about HOW a fuel injector worked. I designed an assembly line to make them. The electronics that drove them amazed me…as we had to replicate them for testing. The “on cycle” was adjustable from about 7 milliseconds to 1000 milliseconds. The Open/Close cycle took about 2 milliseconds. I never figured out HOW they measured that….but we had test equipment that was certified and used for standardization….
Now days, instead of a fuel rail and an intake manifold….we have direct injection. My new ride has several modes and Variable Valve timing….you can watch it switch from V8 to V4 and back again….when you choose the Economy Mode (it has about 5 total modes), you can see the difference in the VVT….same for the steering….you adjust for a Sport, Tour, Economy, Track or “Weather” mode. That controls the ABS system and the engine and the steering….if it had the electronic shocks, it would also, like my wife’s car, control the FEEL of the road.
NONE of this would be possible had it not been for NASA….
ParticipantFor those of us on Medicare and perhaps having to abide by the IRS RMD rules, John Glenn was a special hero. I can remember that one of our classes which had mostly Junior and Seniors was “chosen” to have one of the TV’s that was on campus. I think since I was the school “electrical” guy, my class got chosen since I was in it and knew how to set it up and operate it (Hey, we were a primitive county), The principal brought it in there and told me to get it running. So we watched the February launch…..I still remember it….thinking…..this guy must be an idiot. Those rockets blow up more times than the lift off.
If you read Mitchener’s Right Stuff, you get a flavor of what happened. If you ever talked to a bunch of NASA (and private contractors) guys about their time at Canaveral and Cocoa Beach, you learned that was the party capital of the universe (OK, ECTC ran a close second). The divorce rate there was off the meter. You also learned that the Cape Cookies (the NASA equivalent of the Sweet Carolines) were more than just a single girl or two….they were there in droves. One, supposedly, wanted to have “seduced” ALL 7 of the astronauts and was planning on writing a Tell All book. Now, as we learned from watching the Trump and Bush “locker room talk” tapes, years afterward, such conversations DO take place. However, after spending an afternoon in the NC Mountains at a HOA party where at least 80% of the residents are NASA retirees, their tongues loosened with free beer and their wives WAY OUT OF Earshot, they confirmed the stories that I had heard over the years from technicians and engineers (One that I interviewed was a programming genius that could not plug in a oscillating fan) and such.
John Glenn was the “scoutmaster” for the troop and he did NOT condone such. His wife had a speech impediment and actually would NOT let LBJ (VP then) into her house for a photo op. The 7 families were chosen for their moral fiber and strong marriages. Any documented “events” or hints of impropriety (such as getting caught with a young female) would have disqualified them for the Original 7. Good thing that rule is NOT in place, otherwise, some coaches would be “disqualified….but I digress. It has been confirmed that many of them succumbed to the groupies, some in mass and some in groups of groupies.
The astronauts families got a $500,000 Life Magazine “Contract”, split equally. In 1960 or so, a plant manager in NC with 250 employees was making about $7,500….I worked that summer making boats and earned the unGodly hourly rate of $1.25 per hour….almost as much as my parents were making. So, the Astronauts families got 10X what a senior plant manager was making….for having their pictures made. The Astronauts all got “GM Incentives” on cars. 6 of them drove Corvettes….for, supposedly, a $1 per Year Lease. However, only ONE person chose a station wagon as he had a family.
If you visit the Corvette National Museum, I THINK a couple of the cars are on display and there were ads showing the Astronauts sitting on top of their Vettes….the 50 Anniversary of Glenn’s flight was celebrated with a parade of all of the Astronauts….and they ALL were riding in Vettes…..each one chosen to match the years of their service….a LOT of classics were trucked in.
John Glenn, the Boy Scout, passed away today at age 95. He NEVER (and he was a PRIME target) strayed from his marital bonds. Or at least that is what most of the articles and personal accounts tell up.
We lost ONE of a kind….we lost some of our best….However, lest ye think that these were our BEST and BRIGHTEST….guess who was NOT included in the Original 7….and was probably the most acclaimed test pilot in history? Chuck Yeager. Chuck did NOT have a “degree” or BS in Engineering. He was the most qualified, according to many on the selection committee when it came to flying….they thought he would NOT comprehend the high level of physics and aeronautical engineering that NASA demanded of the original 7. Read his story sometime. He was the Sully of the test pilots….
RIP, John Glenn….we loved you and still admire you.
Thanks BOTB for starting this thread…..time to see if Amazon Prime has “The Right Stuff”…or maybe read “The Cape Cookies”…
Get Jim Harrick’s email address. Send it to him. He is our “consultant” and the only one that Gottfried will listen to.
This was a great analysis…..not to put it down….but if you break BOTH of your legs (Compound puncture fractures) and are laying on the concrete, then you are NOT going to get up.
Now, the EMS CAN go into an explanation of WHY you can not stand. He can also cite many years of observing folks with broken legs.
Question is….as many have opined….now does you FIXIT?. The answer is simple. Herbie had a set routine and did NOT deviate. GOttfried is a shooter and an offensive “exhibitionist”. If we had hired Whittenberg instead of Lowe, we would have had a team of SHOOTERS and not passers or defenders. You teach what you KNOW (instinctively) and you NEED someone to compliment you. We had (although some would say ineffective) that in Bobby Lutz. Defense and Scouting were HIS assigned duties….BOTTOM LINE. Somewhere, the personalities got into a clash which resulted in shouting matches and name calling in practice….and in the locker room. Every watch a family try to teach or discipline a child when BOTH have different approaches and agendas and then ARGUE about who is right? Are the kids confused? OF COURSE. SO, the axe fell and Bobby is in Chicago or somewhere….and our Defense is still in the box of personal effects that he took when he left the Dail center.
No ONE KNOWS it is missing. NO ONE KNOWS how to teach or coach defense. We went with RECRUITING….of OFFENSIVE stars. The theory is simple….if you score enough, you do NOT have to defend. Ask ORW or Mikey if THEY subscribe to that theory. Jimmy V was a master at sizing up a team (he did not do enough prep) and then adjusting as the game went on. That came from his first years as a Freshman or JV coach. You did NOT have video (back then, film) of your opponents… you tried to stay above water during the first half and then make adjustments at the half.
What is happening, in my opinion, is that we are NOT adjusting at ALL during the half and the OTHER coach is adjusting his Defense and Offense….so we score less and they score more.
However, the stats are great….they show, statistically, what the deficiencies ARE….on paper. They then substantiate the GUT feeling….
12/26/16Pregame: 3:00pm
Kickoff: 5:00pm
Gameover: around 8:30pm… if the Pack wins… otherwise, earlier…
Most everybody back home: before 11:00pmWork the next day, if you GOTTa go… not a big deal…
Why Not???
Still trying to set up a website to sign up. Wife says she has first right of refusal. Don’t worry about the “Privacy Agreement”….the outside firm that will do a credit check and also a “records” check said it was “innocuous”. Please make sure the Credit Card numbers (two required due to HOA rules on “casual guest”)….again….just a formality…
I DID have one relative ask me if I was going to LA? They have some nice CF seats due to social connections. They have NOT, I think though, actually been to a BOWL Game….and that is where their lack of worldliness shows. Their lavish tailgates at CF are extensions of their neighborhood “social” gatherings. Stock tips, skin care, pet care, etc are the topics of discussion.
They DO drink, though, so they have some redeeming personalities and one of the ladies bought a “cooler” or something like that is is the “Swiss Army Knife” of coolers. She then researched the company. Bought the stock for say $10….and it is at $100….never KNOW where a financial opportunity will present itself…
I will NOT go into details about missing the “boat” on robotic surgery….some 9 years later, the stock has quintupled…..and me and my Urologist are still having a beer on the dock…as he, too, “Waited for it to drop back and consolidate”….
Will post the Website URL when it is running….the guys in tech support in Albania say it will just take a few more days…
ParticipantRoses are RED,
Violet am Purple,
Patty just melted away like Maple Syrple….
Say Good Night (Fill In The Blank)….
This will be interesting. Patty had his faults….not doubt about it. But he could not control the “We just took over” Bunch in 2012. Now with one of them “Liberal ISM” lads in the main chair, it will be interesting to see the power struggle….
Rev BB will be called in to do a flash crowd scene at the GA….Moral Monday will morph in to Tantrum Tuesday, Whiney Wednesday, Thankless Thursday and Frequent Friday…..not on the weekends….the Rev gotta Rest Up and TCOB at his church…
Since the GA meter only moved 2 notches (Memory) on the House side and 1 notch on the Senate, things ain’t goona be much different….except that the page of the Official GA and GOV Dictionaries had the page with COMPROMISE ripped out and burned…
We shall see….and it will be fascinating….especially since the Council of State swung MORE to the GA side of the table.
Wonder if Roy had a sweet land deal like Mikey had? If so, then dust off the Watergate files and we might just impeach ourselves a Gov. Has THAT been done in NC History? My technical education at NCSU did not delve into such details…
ParticipantSince TP is scarce in certain countries……why do you think they call it a “MUD” Cloth Cushion?
DO you have any data or see any of the “post” election polls? I wonder how WRAL’s viewership is doing. Being an Ex RAL’er, I wonder if folks that turned off WRAL, like I did, during the election cycle are coming back. I probably watch RAL about two hour a week….and that is on the DVR.. Watch the BlackList and sometimes surf the Coach’s shows and then a little on the weather.
If the Chargers or Seahawks are on, I will watch it then. Jimmy G made a LOT of $$ on this election. He provided FREE endorsements and stories for HRC with his little “hit squad” tried their dad gummedest to convince folks that HRC was a strong leader, a community pillar and your aunt Minnie rolled into one. Their shot setups downplayed Trump’s mega turnout rallies and then did tight shots and lied about the sparse crowd that were at HRC’s.
I think that the MSM and folks like Limo Lib Jimmy G. will eventually find that their viewership took a hit AFTER the election. Like the SF QB….they turned people off….and now folks are NOT in the habit of watching them.
Just curious….I just turned on the TV and switched channels to Fox. David Crabtree was LIVE (dancing) reporting on Patty’s concession…
ParticipantYogi, et. al.
Lest ye think that my superior education at NCSU was in vain….I ain’t going to Shreveport….I have had some GOOD bowl experiences…very few…but interesting none-the-less….and some really ugly ones.
I will NOT be texting updates from LA. Been to S’port on business and NO desire to go back. Froze my bottom off in 1963 at the Liberty Bowl where we had about 1000 folks, including the bands, teams, cheerleaders, etc. I think that the REQUIRED attendees outnumbered the optional ones….and then the university would NOT let us back in our rooms that night….got in around 2:00 or so and had to drive 3 hours home….and it started snowing….and my dad was a DOT worker and had to go to work and I did not see him for about 2 days. I do have a VIVID memory of that.
Been to Florida for a few bowls, maybe 3. I THINK that we are about 1 for 3 on the wins there. Was in Orlando when I hitched a ride into the stadium on a WP Charter bus. The driver, so lively and quick, was a dead ringer for St. Nick…
He was around 80 and walked with a cane. He pushed his way through traffic and we went by the bottomless places and saw the hookers setting up shop around the stadium. We LOST..
Did the Gator bowl twice….once was the FOG bowl. LOST. Was there when we beat ND….great experience.
Did the Belk or Tire or whatever bowl twice….last one was in the rain and we got CREAMED….we did win one against Louisville before in the Panther lair.
AND, last but not least….the Papa bowl in Birmingham. We were in the parking lot in a Motor Home and the cops came by and said….”If it were me, I would NOT spend the night here….all the private security left”. I had personally talked to the ESPN bowl director (ESPN ran it). We were promised overnight security AFTER the bowl. SO, we found a Truck Stop.
Have made a few of the BB trips….
BUT, I did NOT call WP Travel and make sure that I had an early priority number. It is ALL UNC’s fault. They had a team meeting and decided that they wanted the HAT back. SO, they threw the game. They also knew that if we won, then the 11 commandment (have you ever turned over the two tablets of stone?) said….Ye shall NOT fire a coach, regardless of how bad the season is, IF he beats UNC.
Ask TOB and CtC about that….
I will do a small survey of my loyal WPC buddies and see how many of them are going. NOW, if I wanted to go back to NO and were driving the MH and state were playing….I might consider it….but that ain’t going to happen.
We need to find our “in the field” correspondent….
I was STILL hoping for the Deplorables Bowl….the one that is held in Podunk….where a clean pickup is a violation of local ordinances….and you also have to have a two gun rack….and one has to have a fully auto AR-15. Now THAT would be my bowl of choice.
The Whine and Cheese crowd is going to happy that El Paso is a “Sanctuary” city….the only good thing I remember from my trips there where we met with the architects and developers and contractors to build a plant in Mexico….(remember, I am ONE of Ross Perot’s Great Sucking Sound enablers)….There is local BBQ joint called “The State Line”. Nothing fancy and the locals love it. That is all I remember….as there ain’t NO place that it was safe to go in 1999 and I’ll bet it is WORSE now….
I had friends that worked across the border and they were planning on leaving when they retired….
12/03/2016 at 10:29 PM in reply to: Do the Terrier Dance! Game Thread (4:30, FS Carolinas, Fox Sports Go) #111796Adventuroo
ParticipantWas in the stands today, as usual. The advertised (SOLD) attendance was over 15K. There MUST have been a lot of people that needed to wash their hair this afternoon as I think less than 10K (if that many) showed up. The noise level was “yawning” of the Wolf-O-Meter.
Good news was that most folks brought a LOT of toys (Toys for Tots Day). There was almost $10K donated….WPF are generous and caring….The lady Marine said that there were more checks this year, as I handed her ours….and fewer Greenies….and it counted up.
A buddy in front of me yelled….”Where the HELL is our defense?” My wife quipped….”Bobby Lutz packed it up and it left when he did….”. Now, I do have a slightly non-objective opinion of Bobby….he is from my home county and shares, very passionately, my political viewpoints….based on a few “funnies” that I got in emails from him.
However, he was the DEFENSE. When we went to our Zone Junk and one of the coaches was directing traffic earlier, I had some faint hopes. Now having a good defense is about as likely as Jill Stein getting HRC elected….
Wonder if Jim Harrick is “consulting” on that. He has been at every game (including the trip to the Virgin Islands).
Maverick was in a “warmup” today….not an NCSU issued one, but a Red top and Black bottom sweat suit. Each game costs us development. He will be out of sync and also not physically conditioned. I CERTAINLY do not want him back until ALL the folks clear him….but he will take a while to get back up to speed.
Yurtseven….Only saw him twice in the Exhibition games. By the time he hs cleared, he will be a month behind….so I do NOT hold out much hope of him being the “Silver Bullet” that we will need. (Is it OK to say that today?) YES, we need some big MAN help, but he looked a little perplexed about “How you play the college” game” Will have to adapt to Gottfried’s style….which seems to NOT include defensive drills.
Teddy the Terrible. He played 17 minutes today. He fouled out. I was doing a mental count or clock each time. He hit my average of about 3.5 minutes per foul. SO, he was effective, but we need him out there more. He needs to DOUBLE his Minutes per Foul stat.
Dorn and Henderson were awesome. Smith was a little streaky….and finally came around. He DID play the Offense in the closing minutes and NOT to decide to do his ATLAS routine (like Cat and CJ) and “carry” the team and drive and jive on every play. Johnson was cool and effective. Needs to work on scoring…but very quick and has a nose for the ball.
Abu was off a little, but played a pretty solid game. We are STILL short….on depth that is.
BJ, what can I say. He did a “Lurch Hook” today….NOT to be confused with a Jump Hook. He did not clear the floor by more than a genital hair’s width….and there was NO thud when he came back down. FACTOID….Our two lightest players are Corch and Cameron (GOTT). They weigh 363 Pounds. By the end of the season, BJ will have taken his roster weight of 344 and surpass them. SO, we have ONE player that will be equal to TWO OTHERS….
Speaking of Cameron and Corch. We should have had in the scout team at the 5 minute mark with a 20 point lead over BU. Instead, we allowed them to make it a game and scare the digesting overpriced PNC food out of us….
The opening games are NOT giving me much to cheer about….I am updating Santa’s list as we speak….I gave up personal items and, for the good of NCSU, am asking for things like “BB Defense 101 Videos” for every squad roster player…and the “Dummies Guide to BB Defense….Advanced Course” series for Coach Gottfried.
Will Clemson hang on against VT? Probably. Mr. Shoe In Heisman, Bo Jackson’s kid, is NOT playing in the ACC Championship game…
We both post on another site and the owner sometimes disses me and says that I have Navajo bloodlines as I write in “code”. I don’t know….but would balk at being like Fauxahontis Warren…and use some “non detectable” DNA strain to PROVE my Native American roots for my own personal gain and get an entrance into an ivy league school as a “minority”. Besides, I am as fair skinned as the proverbial Snow White and have the Basal Carcinoma scars to prove such.
“I shall attempt to voice an opinion as eloquently, with thought, as I am equipt to do. Hang on, for Adventuroo has nothing on me, when I wish to put’er in gear.”
Maybe you could translate and save me the bother of sending it to my Navajo Code Talker friend in Monument Valley, Clint, the brave of light. Exactly what are you putting in gear….a car, your computer or brain?
I sort of lost your message….For a moment, I thought you were referring to Joe Biden drag racing Colin Powell. Joe has a restored C2 and Powell has a current 460 HP C7 Z51 Vette. Biden told him he could take him any day WITHOUT a head start….RIGHT.
Don’t dispute that Politics brings OUT stupidity, especially in some folks…..especially the enlightened ones that will NOT read any fair and balanced and researched (documented) article that did NOT appear on CNN, MSNBC, MSM, PBS, WP, NYT, etc. I will not label those as “stupid”….they fall into the basket of “ist” as in Elitists….who are superior in their intellect and everything that they do is “For the Children”.
Said Children are NOW the Snowflakes that will one day wake up and have to deal with issues such as you have….Some of your scrapes with coaches that were the “Toxic Male Dominant” personality would have lead to permanent injuries (or lack of teeth) if you had been of the “Snowflake” mindset…..
Picturing you as a SNOWFLAKE is the funniest image that I have seen in my mind lately….I want the TV and screenplay rights to that…
ParticipantMy list, like some folks private parts, is long and distinguished.
1>> History courses that teach that Kwanza is not a traditional celebration that dates back to the roots of Africa….but a holiday promoted in the 60’s by certain politically motivated individuals to provide a “rallying cry” for the Black Power movement….which has morphed into the Black (but not white or police) Lives Matter. Tyler Hansbrough, through his extensive command of Swahili, which came from the course he took at the recommendation of one of ORW’s advisers would translate it as follows. Fruits of the First Harvest or First Fruits. There probably is NO truth that Kwanza was an Afro American ethnic term for deflowering a virgin (sacrifice and sometimes selective by race) and that is is actually based in the Islamic scriptures of 40 such virgins in paradise….but only if you are a martyr.
2> A Do Over for our Football program wherein we hire consultants such as Monte Kiffin, Jon Gruden, Bill Cowher, Tony Dungy, etc. They can critique our staff and then provide a “vision” of what we need to do and focus on. Visioning is the current or trendy name for the old fashioned “Outside Consultants”….the ones that you pay to tell you the time after borrowing your watch. BUT, a makeover MIGHT be in order.
3> A defensive guru for Coach Gottfried. He seems to be more focused….but our poor and FUGLY showing today indicates that we will not control many of our ACC foes….and it will be a LONG season. As one fan at today’s game asked….What happened to our defense? My DW and another person in the group quipped….”Bobby Lutz owned it and packed it in his briefcase and took it when he left….”.
4> Jessie Waters to do a Water’s World special in Durham, Raleigh and Chapel Hill and ASK the celebrants in their ethnic garb (which has no historical or design roots going back to the mother country)….”Can you tell me the roots of Kwanza and how it was practiced in the late 1800’s compared to today. HINT, it was NOT celebrated in the early, middle or late 1800’s, but I’ll bet that someone has rewritten history to provide a “Thanksgiving & Pilgrims & Native American” type of image.
5> Finally, a respite from the Kool Aid comments that sometimes pops up here…..the ones like…”I will NOT read or acknowledge any source or article that provides evidence that my CNN & MSNBC & WP and NYT opinions or “facts” are wrong. That is for those that refuse to read BOTH sides and debate and discuss issues based on facts rather than the MSM’s writings. THAT would make me VERY happy….
ParticipantWas at game. Reynolds is a jewel. Lots of memories….so the ambiance is there, but it is up-to-date and the displays draw crowds. The wolf SS statue going up the steps is still a favorite.
Ladies jumped out and dominated (no whips or nip clips) the IU ladies. Up by 18 a the half. Max, I think, was 19. WM substituted and the IU ladies took advantage and almost escaped their bondage. The lead dwindled down to 3….and it was CRUNCH time. I think that we were 6 minutes into Q3 BEFORE we scored….and that was a FT. The lid went on the basket.
Finally got old MO back…..the mass challenged diva with the bosoms (if left unrestrained) would drag the floor finally sat down on our side….but she was jogging back and forth. She sang with about 2-3 minutes to go. Ashley Williams, our walk on from Cary that FINALLY got a scholly was really off. She had 2 or 3 points and that was LATE in Q3 or maybe Q4.
IU had a shooter…Tyra Bus. #3 kept putting them up. Her numbers….10 for 14 FG; Can you say 71% boys and girls? She was also 4 for 6 from the 3 arc….and finally, 14 for 15 from the FT line. Had 5 rebounds. Did I mention that she scored 38 out of the 70 points that IU had. Fouled out with a minute to go. Played THE ENTIRE GAME. Had 5 RB, 3 Assists, 4 Turnovers and 2 steals. Did I mention the 38 POINTS… We cheered and it was NOT that she was fouling out. It was out of respect. There were none of the “goodbye taunting. Really quite a show….or maybe NOT from our defense.
Coach Moore was still ranting about the 1 point loss to LSU in the Virgin (how many are there over 16) Island Tourney. He was rather blunt and critical of the players that did not meet his expectations last night. The chorus line during the Almaa Mater is really cool and I certainly WISH that the men would learn.
Treat yourself to Reynolds. Bring the wee ones….they will enjoy the displays. So much history is packed into the front entrance.
GO PACK….looking forward to the upcoming Men’s game there.
ParticipantFactoid of the day…..probably a repeat of what may have been posted before. There are two recognition nominations pending….
Paul Hewitt, GA Tech BB Coach, was fired at the end of the 2010-2011 season. He had a “Rolling Automatic Extension” clause in his contract. So, each year, he always had 6 years left….@ $1.3 MILLION. His Agent will be a shoe in, after the mandatory 5 year waiting period, for the Sports Agent’s Hall of Fame.
SO, Paul is receiving $1.3 Million for this season. Remember, he quit coaching there in 2011.
Bryan Gregory was the coach following in Paul’s footsteps….and he had a contract that was NOT at lucrative. His buyout clause had a sliding scale in the later years. Perhaps that PROTOCOL should be noted by ALL AD’s…
He had a descending value buyout. So for 16-17, he got 75% and 17-18, he got 75%. His base is $1.075 Million.
Bryan was stripped of his Yellow Jacket credentials in March, 2016. The “Kid” is now coaching after a stint in Memphis….where they refuse to acknowledge any coach save Cal.
Therefore, this year, GA is writing checks to Hewitt for $!.3 Million and to Gregory for $806 Thousand or around $2,3 Million. that is close to the TOTAL that we would have been out is DD was let go ($2.52 Million).
Next year, Paul’s Christmas list will be pared down due to lack of funds. However, Gregory will get $538 Thousand.
In total, the TWO buyouts, in the KID’s first two years will be $2,644 THOUSAND…call it $2.65 MILLION….
IF you add in the $6.5 Million that Hewitt got when Gregory was coaching, the total is $9.15 MILLION….
If the KID has a poor outing, a nomination to the Harvard Business Review will be submitted for “Worst HC BB Contract in NCAA History…”
Hope that makes you feel better…as you cheer up, things COULD be worse….I think…
ParticipantFortunately the need for a cat nap overcame the need for more pain and agony….so I dozed off and caught the score later.
BB, I think, is easier to Arm Chair Coach than FB as you only have 5 players to watch.
If you look at the raw box score, we should have won. Both teams shot 50% or so and 38% from the 3 Pt Arc. We hit 92% from the line and they only hit 80%. Why did we lose….they went to the line 26 times and we only went to the line 13. BJ played 6 minutes, had 3 PF and 2 TO. I rest my case….
>BJ is totally ineffective this year. Not as bad his Sophomore year, but certainly not a good as he was last year. He needs combo GPS and Sensory tracking arm bands with the wireless Ball Shocker. If he goes into a Mickey D’s….and if he reaches for fat or fast food, the bands detect is and trigger the Ball Shocker. Need to create a Pavlovian response so he does NOT eat…
>Smith. Great talent. Plays well. Needs Maturity. His ball handling, to me, looks a bit sloppy. He seems to have a wider envelope of sphere when he dribbles….which probably allows him to make moves. He looks like he keeps the ball further out and his arms are more extended. That gives more “pickpocket” room and also when he cross dribbles, the distance is greater. Needs to know when to PASS to help us score.
>Abu. Still improving. Seems to take a while to get “in his groove”. Great potential.
>Kapita. A bit foul prone. He set a bar too high in his one exhibition game. He really does have talent and showed that he can score and rebound. I hope that he continues to develop and I think he will be one of the “keys to the game” points in the future. Seems to be a bit of a whiner in that he never committed the fouls….but I was not on the court. Needs to let go of fouls or misses and focus on learning from that play and improving.
>Henderson. Raw shooting talent. He SHOULD mature more quickly than the rest. He has been off the court for two years. Not amount of practice against folks that you “know” is equal to real, diversified, game experience. Needs to keep his confidence up and grow.
>Johnson. Probably one of the bright spots. A defensive tiger. Smith needs to make sure that he does NOT view Johnson as competition, but as a teammate.
>Kirk, Hicks, et. al. A little too early. Kirk was not much of a contributor last year. He shows promise….hope that he gets enough PT (where he is EFFECTIVE) to get a good rotation…otherwise, he may pull a Martin Twins move.
>Maverick. Was in the PNC when he got popped. Really am concerned about him. Want him to heal and come back @ 100% and not be pushed. However, he still needs to get game experience. We obviously need his perimeter shooting.
>Dorin. He continues to improve. Falls into the Henderson category. Will take at least the month of December to get his “game legs and persona”. He will be fun to watch.
>Y7. Do not, based on 2 Exhb games think that he will be a contender this year. However, if he resists the $$ and bling, he will be solid next year. He will definitely be WAY BEHIND thanks to the NCAA’s idiotic logic. Developmental wise, he will only do about 60% of that this year….he may get some quality minutes and we certainly need his height….at least he can jump and run instead of stretch and lumber.
>Gottfried. The team has no continuity. There is a synergistic flow of the game….if you are hot offensively, you have more confidence on defense and it shows. Now, it DOES take more energy to play aggressive defense than to score. It seems to me that we have flashes of brilliance on both ends. However, we are also suffer (and it shows quickly) from UNDER CONFIDENCE. If we miss a sure score, we tend to “replay” that and need to FORGET IT when we cross midcourt. It goes both ways…..we let a bad play on one end mess with our psyche on the other end.
When we function as a team….and there have been (as always) stretches where we looked that well oiled, mean, lean machine, we are totally awesome. Probelmatico…as my Mexican Plant Manager would say when I came up with a brilliant scheme….
We only seem to do that when there is little competition. Thus, when we play a team that is of the same skill set as our scout squad, we are brilliant.
Overall, we should, I think, have had a better showing last night. I do NOT think that with the talent that is available, we should have lost that game. Maverick adds another punch or facet….but we have a lot of tools in the box that we either under utilized or did not use.
Defense is STILL our Achilles heel. My DW said….”we look like every other Gottfried team”
ParticipantTurnovers killing us.
Any word on Mav on the radio? When he might come back?
ParticipantI think the dye was cast (whatever the Latin phrase is) on AD Yow. Unless there is a major move afoot by the Mega Donors who were ready to step up to the plate and help form an a burner entity that could buy out Doeren, then the contracts will be in effect.
Dr. Woodson has to make a macro decision. The advances in the Non-Revenue sports and our Directors Cup rankings are, in effect, a GOOD UNC Victory….for DD. So, by constantly improving our overall record (Director’s Cup) standing, then there will be little impetus to replace (buyout) AD Yow early.
However, I COULD BE WRONG… IF BB and Title IX sports continue to improve, then AD Yow will not leave, unless it is HER call.
Therefore, she WILL have to made the performance call after the 2017 Season.
Remember the dates. AD Yow’s contract is 6/30/19 and DD’s contract is 12/31/19.
She MAY pull the pin on him next year for NOT meeting the expectations. He (per well placed sources) did not meet them this year, but got a FREE PICK from the Community Chest pile, the card he picked off the top said…
Someone did a Monopoly Card that had been doctored with those words and his picture….
That is what happened….next year, I suspect the bar (and I would HOPE SO) is higher….so he MAY not have the option of even drawing a card… If you follow the Monopoly correlation, he is out of $$ and has some nice properties with houses and hotels, but the board is loaded with “other owners” or opponents. He is going to have to avoid those spaces next year. They are the LOSSES and will eat up his remaining capital….and he will be bankrupt by the time the season is over and will be dismissed from the game….except, he walks with $840K for two years.
I STILL wish that as part of his continued “employment” he would have given up a year’s severance….but AD Yow did not take up my offer to consult with her on this matter….