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    Thanks for that correction…..I don’t think the guy that made the comment was BUZZED….I guess there are too many BUZZES out there.

    Sorry for not verifying….


    Comments from being at the game.

    It was “90’s” night. A little Hokey (Rim shot), but sort of cute. Now, no one ever used the work CUTE and Duke (Mikey) Basketball… in the same sentence without a NEGATIVE in it.

    BUT, the crowd was pretty good for a 9:00 game on a school night. We had my daughter (a teacher) our our 13 YO GS, so we were concerned about the length and had a plan for a blowout.

    The pregame crowd stuff really was pretty good and the fans were “loose”. NOW, the video guys had really done a great job of getting some “dancing and grooving” shots of Anya and the team. They superimposed them over some 90’s footage. Bib Boy looked cool in his shades and really loose. Maybe they worked on their moves and forgot to practice before they went to THE U. BUT, they also interposed the dancing shots into the intro.

    Bottom line…..the TEAM seemed to be RELAXED. I KNOW that others had better stats, but Anya played a major role in the game. He came in early and then was in and out like a Whack a Gorilla game. He altered a LOT of shots. NOW, we did lose about 8 seconds on each possession for him to lumber down the court.

    I quipped that if we took the entire bench (players, managers, coaches, consultants, trainers, whoever) and lined them up on a sideline and let them run the court…..Anya would finish next to last. Jim Harrick, who has been at EVERY game would be last as he has a hip and age problem. Rob Moxley might give Anya a run. BUT, despite the Wendy’s Guy (THERE’s the BEEF) loping up and down, he was loose and other than the untimely technical, was sort of the “fan favorite” of the team. His dribbling in and getting 2 points got the largest cheer of the evening.

    Bottom line, it was really a good game from a fan’s enjoyment. The outcome, after 5 minutes, seemed pretty straightforward. YES, we did get a little sloppy at times. YES…DOUBLE YES….we were not focusing on FT’s like we should have been. BUT, we did look awesome. We were watching the Duke Mugging of GT (the team that whipped ORW’s boys) on one TV and the Pitt guys manhandling Tony Bennett’s boys. It was really a study in “WTF” of ACC. ONE did wonder WHICH VT team was going to show. Our Leave Early if Blowout had two scenario’s….We left at 5 with a 20 point margin.

    Maverick looked like he wanted his starting job back. Real Monster, but he also had a couple of showboat turnovers….pretty behind your back passes MUST be completed. He did have some assists (actually has the SECOND most behind DSJ) and was rebounding. He also had the FOURTH “most minutes”. He MAY BE coming back….

    Great GAME. I am not a believer in “Theme Nights”, but if it loosens up the team and gets us off to a good start, then start planning them now.

    One of our group pointed out that Buzzy was MJ’s UNC Roommate. MJ was also Buzzy’s Best Man. Last night, he needed MJ back in uniform. However, if you look at the stats, VT did have 4 guys in double figures. BUT, they were lower numbers. We had 4 in doubles….and TWO with a “Double-Double”. DSJ’s numbers and show were unbelievable…..he seemed to look up at the crowd and say…”Any Pro Scouts here tonight?”

    The listed attendance was 16,185. There certainly was NOT that many there. The Announcers side was SPARSE….but the crowd was IN IT….as well they should have been.

    Probably have to mush over to the Nose Cone on Saturday. Looking forward to going to Reynolds tonight….Lady Pack is on fire.

    in reply to: ACC Basketball Opener – On the Road at daU #113479

    I apologize for the STRONG or BOLD italics. That was NOT my intent. It was for the quoted text. I tried to edit and that function is gone since I switched pages…

    in reply to: ACC Basketball Opener – On the Road at daU #113478

    I did not participate in the “events” or post during the game and let things slide a bit. I did watch a bit of Gottfried’s show early this morning. To sum it up…in the original story line of your autobiography…

    It was a Dark and Storm day when I first put my young and inexperienced (numbers were quoted) team into their opening ACC game…..

    I think the comments sum it up….especially this one….

    Unless you are a micro-manager of an in game coach (see Sidney Lowe) then 95% of coaching is done prior to games. We can see who did a better job coaching prior to this game.

    The other is comments about our talent dwarfing their’s and their coaching dwarfing ours.

    I would point out a bit of history. Jim Valvano was probably the WORSE coach, from a practice and planning standpoint, that we ever, ever had. If you read the comments in his books and also the comments and stories in the books written about him, practice was sort of a bonding and necessary evil.

    He was NOT the taskmaster that Gottfried is. Gottfried’s practices are literally controlled to the minute. Can’t recall if he is using note cards or an iPad or a big video display, but he and staff lay them out and those that are responsible (assistants on defense or scout team scrimmages) MUST have the same military preciseness in their sub sections. He DOES do a tremendous amount of scouting and that focuses on how to DEFY their potential defenses.

    Sidney Lowe was a product of Valvano. Valvano’s approach was impacted by his early years as a JV or Freshmen coach. You had NO game film. You called a few coaches and tried to weasel out of them HOW your opponent was going to play. Then you let the game sort of “FLOW” during the first half. You were more involved in studying the team during the first half. You did make some subtle changes to keep it as close to even (if you were dominated).

    THEN, during the half, it was a crash course in CHANGES. Once you had the team in the “This is what we’re gonna do…” mindset, THEN he became the maestro on the sidelines and “conducted” the team. He was a brilliant defense strategist. He was also a motivator that understood HOW to get the most (O and D) from his players.

    I would NOT say that the current staff is endowed with such talent….

    I guess that we shall see how well the “Young and Inexperienced” team is COACHED and MOTIVATED for subsequent outings.

    DJS reminded me of CJL….I am the STAR….I GOTTA take control. There was only a brief 5 minute time during the game when we actually followed the “Bob and Weave and Pass and Shoot” philosophy that is preached from the Gottfried Pulpit on oh so many occasions.

    I do NOT disagree that MOST of the successful programs do 90+% of the coaching PRIOR to the game. But, that is NOT the case here and Gottfried is NOT the game coach that Jimmy V was.

    in reply to: Don't Forget! We Play Footy Today!! (5pm, ESPN2) #113119

    Observations….took time off to eat a peaceful meal (NOT LEFTOVERS) and watch the game.

    At one point, I was about ready to send AD Yow a note about Coaching Management…ala Florida Panthers and to make sure that Coach Doeren had a LYFT or UBER App on his phone.

    We actually get a WINNER’s Trophy and NOT a Participation one.

    Despite Coach D’s ranting at half, I wonder if the team votes the Ref’s for the “Game Ball”? YES, they missed some, but we really far out on the LONG end of the stick on this game. A rarity…

    Got a little sloppy, but all in all….a good performance and certainly the best way to conclude a season that has been less than stellar.

    The two folks that voted and said they DID know someone in LA, then text them the message….Will the Last WP Fan leaving the stadium please turn out the lights.

    Twerps got beat….not a bad night….

    Trying to decide on my celebratory evening adult beverage….JD straight; JD & Ginger; Crown Black on the Rocks; Rum and Coke; Black Russian? Decisions….decisions…..maybe have to sample each and see which one I liked better

    Outta here….you guys did good. 10 pages….for a not very highly ranked bowl game….

    in reply to: Don't Forget! We Play Footy Today!! (5pm, ESPN2) #112993


    Post your phone number and I’ll let her explain to you why she is pooped from making Christmas presents, cooking, wrapping, putting up me, hosting a houseful yesterday and helping daughter host the desert afterwards.

    She ain’t in NO mood for company. If we had a dog, he would hiding under the bed in the far corners.

    However, she and our Mr. Wolf Stuffed animal with a Red Scarf are cooling it and watching the game.

    in reply to: Don't Forget! We Play Footy Today!! (5pm, ESPN2) #112983

    Wife just came up with our best strategy….since we can do FECES when we are in the Red Zone…..bypass that puppy and go for the jugular. Works for me.

    That was a nice catch and a spectacular run…..

    in reply to: Don't Forget! We Play Footy Today!! (5pm, ESPN2) #112978

    Do we get a take of the BC upset of the “we left the ACC for a REAL FB Conference” Twerps? Had it not been for our lack of enthusiasm, the Eagles would not be flying today.

    I GUESS Coach Doeren is focusing on “Dodging Bullets” today and that is why he don’t need his Vest….like Coach of the Commodores needs.

    It’s a good thing that we already had a team name before Wendell Murphy adopted us….otherwise we could called the “Little Piggies”.

    in reply to: Don't Forget! We Play Footy Today!! (5pm, ESPN2) #112939

    Gotta give Drink credit for mixing up the Offense. McGaster has given us more yards than any of our backs or receivers. We actually look organized and act like we know what we are doing.

    Thank God, Thank God; Thank God Almighty that we are NOT in some Black uni that matches the Vandy Coach’s Bullet Proof Vest.

    The Red and White really looks sharp…

    in reply to: Don't Forget! We Play Footy Today!! (5pm, ESPN2) #112932

    Not to belittle the loyal WPF that DID make it to the game, but after that semi crowd shot, I remember there were more folks in 2005 at the Hendrick Hummer grand opening in Cary. Hope our piece of the gate is NOT based on attendance….

    in reply to: Don't Forget! We Play Footy Today!! (5pm, ESPN2) #112912

    Oh FECES. Time to add some Crown to my Tervis cup……empty the water and cover the ice….

    in reply to: Don't Forget! We Play Footy Today!! (5pm, ESPN2) #112908

    I KNOW that LA is dangerous….but does the Vandy Coach REALLY need a Bullet Proof vest on the sidelines? Did anyone arm DD?

    in reply to: Don't Forget! We Play Footy Today!! (5pm, ESPN2) #112907

    Oh Wise Keymaster…..please do not think that I was in any way trying to cause you mental distress. Please call tech support and do not labor over my illtimed and ridiculous requests…..

    GO PACK.

    in reply to: Don't Forget! We Play Footy Today!! (5pm, ESPN2) #112901

    You guys beat me to it. Listening to the Pre-Game on Radio and the Alma Mater. OK, I am totally in red and drinking plain water in my WP Tervis Cup. Christmas tree done in Red Lights this year and I got a lot of WP clothes, including a Corduroy dark red blazer. SO, I’m ready.
    I took a poll over the holidays. Our imediate family has 8 NCSU Grads ranging from 1968 to 2012. If my wife’s cousins were invited, it would be 4 more. NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE knew anyone going to Shrevport. NADA ONE. And THAT includes a broad array of other friends and co-workers.

    I am PULLING for the Pack. I am NOT THERE. Fixing to turn on the TV. All I can say, iF you know someone in the Stadium, text them and tell them that there will be a WP Store Gift Card to the WP Fan that turns off the Lights as they are leaving Independence Bowl Stadium.

    Weather sounds like a mini version of the ND romp.

    Go Pack…

    My mini poll is…..Do YOU know anyone or have you heard anyone say that THEY or a friend or relative is going to LA to follow the pack….>

    in reply to: Ding Dong the Wicked HB2 is DEAD – MAYBE #112714


    Guest Keene Nettleford is actually a rather big deal. They are a leading auto supplier. I had many friends that worked for them and they paid excellent wages and had good working conditions and great benefits. They expanded from their original Sanford NC plant and also bought a Gear company right down the road from my parents home in Catawba county.

    YES…it will be great theater. The deal PROBABLY would have gone through save a few things…

    Charlotte pulled their little “Shenanigan” about only taking out SOME of their stupid bill….which WAs voted down….and there MAY be some challenges to the city council. Elections DO have consequences and the Holier than Thou Mayor has really done doneded it to NC.

    Second, the Gaystopo Commandants were out in full force on CNN and MSNBC and the like. Bragging that THEY would get THEIR troops rallied and every small burg with at least 1000 citizens WOULD PASS THE CHARLOTTE Resolution….and then sort of said….UP YOURS, NCGA. That type of gamesmanship did NOT set too well in Raleigh.

    Again, if you read the articles….guess who is fighting it the MOST and DOES NOT trust the Charlotte City Council….the Reps from the surrounding counties.

    Ole’ Roy is already on the tube….the MSM is forming a TRAIN for him to perform for….and he will NOT say NO….he will keep opening his mouth.

    It AIN’T gonna be pretty when the Legislature meets. Old Roy Cooper will have to go hat in hand just to get TP for the Governor’s mansion. However, if you follow NC’s history, that is the SAME tactic that the OTHER side used on every Republican Governor. They would STRIP out his perks in a late session….then when THEIR KIND was elected, go in and restore them all.

    I have a relative that was “RIFFED” from the DMV when a Republican came in. She actively campaigned ON THE JOB and was given TIME OFF to do political stuff. Her lad did NOT get elected and she got “ratted on”. She was personna non gratta. The Wake County DNC took her in and she worked for them. BINGO, after the Republican was OUT, she got rehired….promoted and worked in the same office. THAT is why I feel a bit strongly about partisanship stuff….

    Charlotte will still bear the BRUNT of their little skullduggery….there was also a tidbit about one of the PUSHERS of the original Charlotte ordinance having to “REGISTER” every time he moved…..but I did NOT followup on that….

    Maybe he was one of the mouthpieces on MSNBC or such….

    in reply to: NCAA Releases Amended NOA For The Cheaters #112704

    For those of us that remember the comic book ad’s, maybe the Skinny Guy (NCAA) did sign up for the Charles Atlas Course and got the “workout goodies” and is now ready to kick the Bully’s U-NO-WHAT (UNC).

    However, with the time line, don’t expect to set off the July 4 fireworks with the dual purpose of celebrating the birth of our nation and the death of “The Carolina Way”.

    The real story will be “HOW does the ANOA (rev2) differ from the ANOA (Rev 1) and also to the NOA (No Rev). That will be the question….

    in reply to: Minnesota Gophers Football Boycot #112675

    This discussion is interesting. I recall a similar case at FSU involving J. Winston. I THINK that the “victim” filed suit against him and don’t know if that was ever settled. It may well be, now that he is a BT player, one of the MOST expensive encounters since Paul McCartney had to settle with Linda. Someone figured that if they had relations 2X per night for every night they were legally wed, that he paid about $100K per climax…..

    Will be interesting to see if the victim in MN files a suit against SOMEONE….

    She may have had Buyer’s Remorse in that she was BUYING whatever they were SELLING….but that does have limits.

    The team looks rather “limpid”. They did NOT get any demands and only brought noterity to the school and further inflamed a delicate situation. In the end, I THINK that $$ overruled and their “confidential” meeting discussed the schollys and that a boycott was a “breach of contract”. NO ONE WANTED TO FORFEIT THE BOWL $$’s.

    If I were UNC, I would be suing Stanford in that McCaffery’s “Don’t hurt me….it might mess up my pro chances” stunt WILL cost ticket revenue. UNC and the ACC’s take will be LESS. If you are healthy and have NO issues, then ducking out of a game to keep your body healthy is a BAD example. He seems like the current crowd of Sore Losers (or in this a Sore Winner) and really is all about himself….than team.

    in reply to: Fairfield Stags come to Raleigh #112669


    Unfortunately, I had to abandon the website for “Br Roo’s Yard Party”. The Albanian Website Services that I was using sent me a WONDERFUL alternative. Even though, I have already benefited from the “TRUMP Rally” and now have a new TOY as a remembrance of the 2016 election, I am ALWAYS open to business ventures that require minimum capital and resources and have high Rewards.

    The Albanian Website Developers have secretly, due to my NCSU connections, alerted me to a recent trend and will help me get in on the GROUND FLOOR. They are the “back room” developers for the following….

    They are NOW working on a Fund Raising site for Senator Warren. It will be used to raise funds for Senator Warren, much as the Jill Stein site. This will be the main theme of the site….IMPEACH or IMPEDE President Trump. The logic is that due to the Post Election Traumatic Stress Syndrome, there is a fertile population that have such hatred for THEIR perceived “impending doom” of our country….despite all the economic, social, confidence, surveys to the contrary.

    Elizabeth Warren Just Filed A Bill That Could Lead To Trump’s Impeachment

    Therefore, the Albanian Group is currently developing several sites for the unprecedented fund raising opportunities. They said that the “marketing consultants” advising Ms. Stein, Ms. Warren, etc. have surveyed the Liberal Limo Elites and that they are VERY open to funding ANY CAUSE that will disenfranchise the American Public over the election of President Trump. To quote them, we have NEVER seen such a golden opportunity. Our focus groups have determined that with the right message, the overt hatred for “TRIGGER” words will result in massive donations to cleanse the USA of this cancer. They include “Deplorables”, “Trump”, “It’s NOT Fair”, “We are NOT Sore Losers”, etc.

    SO, I am diverted my Albanian team to set up a PAC for the intended purpose of preventing President Trump from taking office or thwarting him and his regime at every critical juncture. NOW, unfortunately, my consulting fees will probably absorb 99% of the revenues (perhaps 100%), so the actual IMPACT of our PAC will be sort of “Limpid”….

    Therefore, the Double Credit Card registration site for the Party has been scrapped.

    I will be sending you an email so that you can donate to my new PAC…..

    Ain’t America a Wonderful place….a recent pundit said that folks that really don’t have a clear vision of our country and what happened are willing to part with vast amounts of cash to further their “divine visions”. PT said it better a long time ago, but I would NOT want to besmirch the sainted name of SUCKER….

    in reply to: Fairfield Stags come to Raleigh #112652

    Report from the balcony. It looked a little ragged in the first few minutes. Fairfield (is that the name of the “Safe Space” where all the students can go because it is LEVEL and NOT have to listen to “trigger” words) looked pretty good for a few minutes. Their outside shots were falling and we were struggling.

    Later on, in comes Y7 and the tone of the game changed. NOW, understand that Henderson was ON FIRE. That puppy was in the groove.

    From there is started to look better. The PNC flashed up the stats. Safe Place (Fair FIELD) hit EVERYONE of their first….and SECOND half free throws. They had ONE MORE FT attempts in the first half. NOTE. NCSU had NARY a Whistle or Infraction for over 10 minutes of the FIRST Half….and the “Usual suspects” were on the floor. Abu, Anya and Kapita (what a WONDERFUL name for a Law Firm) played with intensity….but no “whistable” offenses.

    HOWEVER, the fly in the ointment was the TURN OVERS. But that was the only downer. We LOOKED like a team. We PLAYED like a team. We actually REBOUNDED like a team….

    If you listened to the post game on the radio, Tony had some interesting comments. Fair and Balanced Field (where never is heard a TRIGGER word) put up 42 TREYS….that’s right…..they bombed the PNC worst than what a certain nation did to the USA on 7 December, 1941. Only hit 11 of them.

    NCSU put up 25, but 13 (2 MORE) went through the net.

    NCSU also did an excellent job of getting Defensive Rebounds (I guess with Abu, Anya, Kapita and Yurlseven – a newly added Jr. Partner), the fearsome foursome grabbed a bunch of errant shots. SO, Safe Space had little opportunity for second shots. THAT was a MAJOR improvement.

    The team really looked like a TEAM in the second half. We passed. We assisted. We hit. We defended.

    We actually got ONE more FT point than they did. We got 18, but it took 23 attempts. We shot 78%, so that was OK….need to get into the mid 80’s which would have been nice.

    Came away with a more positive feeling. Also owe Y7 an apology. HE DID look good and he seems to provide some “continuity”.

    Next Thursday, we play McNeese State. NOW, that reminds me of Liver Pudding, for some reason….or for BTOB, Grey, Yogi and the OTHER old codgers here…..LIVER MUSH. It was a staple of my morning breakfasts as sausage and ham and bacon were for SPECIAL occasions as they were REAL meat….not Corn Meal flavored with what came out of the Hog’s intestines. BUT, if you salt and pepper it, it ain’t bad. Sort of an acquired taste…. grew up on that and a toasted Bologna Sandwich….with LOTS of Ketchup for Breakfast. SOME say that impacted my DNA and Mental Prowess….to which I reply….OINKETY OINK OINk OINK….

    GOOD JOB by the PACK today…..we GOTT it DONE….

    in reply to: Tickets for McNeese St and advice needed #112604


    Put an ad in the Raleigh Craigslist for tickets. NOW, as a owner of 4 LTR’s in the Champions Club, there is someone ELSE that also has the same number and is selling individuals. 210 – 214 is the Champions Club. Section 217 is right around the bend. We have excellent view from our 214 seats. Don’t know what they are asking for 217, but you can check out the following.

    The Champions Club tickets have a FACE of $65 or so. That includes two buffet lines, desert line, soft drinks, popcorn, etc. in a “lounge” setting with tables and such and TV’s. There is also a Cash Bar for adult beverages. The seats are a bit “larger”.

    Just depends on what you want. I have spent upwards of $20 per person on my famished GK’s when we went to the Exhibition games….so the added cost of the meals is really not that much more than regular face for the lowers plus food.

    You will pay a FORTUNE for the Stub Hub tickets. I needed an Extra Champions Club one time and it was $100 or so on Stub.

    Put in McNeese as the search….

    Also put in Champions Club. There is at least 2 listing for “tickets”, but they are usually for 2 or 4. You MIGHT, since this is Christmas and the demand (due to parties and travel) may be low, be able to negotiate.

    Have you tried the Wolfpack Club. They advertise all the time on the Jumbotron….

    OK….go to the Wolfpack Club site (or you can call them on Monday). They have a TON of seats for the game. Some are floor and they are $36. SO, the additional $24 for the Champions Club is really a better value….assuming that you need 2 or 4 as most folks, like me, do NOT want to break up….either 2 or 4.

    Good Luck….

    in reply to: Minnesota Gophers Football Boycot #112574

    Reminds me of some of the “shenanigans” that went on in my neighborhood when I was on Horne Street (where the post office was/is). We had a large parking lot for our building. But, the apartment building next door was a bit tight. There was a young lady who had some friends and THEY ENTERTAINED the FB team. SOME here may have participated….so I am NOT casting stones.

    On Saturday nights, the lady’s would invite a few (sometimes the first string O & D) guys over for some “formations”. I had a friend on the team and it was widely known. SO, this is not some dug up internet tale.

    Orgies and multiple partners existed in the 60’s….and they will probably exist 50 years from now. There was a little alcohol, per my buddy, but it was NOT a drunken bash (clash)….the ladies ENJOYED the attention and they craved multiple partners….to satisfy their libido.

    NOW, did this happen in Minnesota? Who KNOWS….the stories that each news source has seem to indicate that it was more consensual….right up to the point where the alcohol started to wear off or maybe some of the “Thrills were GONE”.

    The libs thought it was WONDERFUL when Mizzou TOOK A STAND against whatever….along racial lines. NOW, the FB lads feel like the Duke LAX team. That is probably NOT a fair comparison as there was no “acts” at Duke. BUT, this started off with some “permissions” and it got a little carried away.

    The fact that there is video corroborates two things…..Consent….and Debauchery. I wonder if the video was only kept on ONE phone….RIGHT. That probably touched off the fire storm.

    U of MN has a real issue. Having worked for a couple of years, on a casual basis, in MN, I can tell you that the boys (MEN) are outdoors types and very MACHO. They will go off to the BIG WOODS to hunt every fall or ice fish (did NOT say they were smart). On the first day of hunting season or the night before….the bars of most of the little towns and villages are packed with wives and girl friends….wanting THEIR night out.

    I can NOT speak from personal experience, but my younger traveling partners were usually “rewarded” and sometimes not too coherent the next morning.

    This will be an interesting playout…..or perhaps NOT playing….

    in reply to: Happy Appy Time! (7pm, ESPNU) #112554

    Had GD Christmas concert to go to, so 4 other SF GOTT to enjoy PNC coming out party for Y7. Watched a little on TV when we got home.

    Rado Trivia or maybe TV trivia.

    Who posted a perfect SAT Math score of 800? My nephew’s wonderful bride and Yurlseven.

    At least, that’s what I thought I heard.

    Y7 certainly did look more impressive that exhibition outings.

    Go Pack

    in reply to: We're No. 1!!!! #112550

    I don’t get paid to be a pundit, but IF I did, I would classify the NCSU v. ND as one of the BEST. It was a hard fought contest. It was miserable….but I stayed for the entire game. I would do it again.

    I am reminded of two winters in NW PA. We shot skeet regardless of the weather. When there was a front coming through and the wind was howling, attendance was at a PEAK.

    The “birds” were unpredictable in that they would dip and dive due to the wind.

    SO, call it like you want to see it….

    in reply to: Eggnog, fruit cake, etc; what the hell? #112473

    Final (OK, not a promise, fingers crossed) nostalgic post. Fruit cakes are TYPICALLY inedible. So are Ginger Bread houses and structures. I have pictures, as well as memories, of construction and decorating ginger bread houses in the late 70’s with my children.

    When the GK’s were born, the tradition was resurrected. I think the oldest was around 2 and barely capable of holding on a peppermint for a wheel decoration while the icing set. He is 13 now.

    We picked out a tree this past weekend. He helped secure it in the stand and “align it”. BUT, when I got ready to get up (was laying on my side), he quickly offered to “assist me”. I retorted with I had NOT fallen and had not pushed my HELP ME button and could GET UP by myself but he kept wanting to pick me up. Wonderful sentiment and consideration….but very ILL TIMED.

    Later on, we realized that we had discarded the lights last year and CRS had hit and we did not replace them. NOW we have a RED tree this year. Maybe for NCSU or maybe to celebrate a Red State Victory….who knows.

    BUT, after it was decorated, we went to Reynolds for the game. On Sunday, they were back and we did our annual Ginger Bread Habitat build. This time it was both a Train and a House. Wife splurged (feeling more affluent) and purchased a tube of RED icing so we did not have to make our own and color it.

    The connection….if you think eating a fruit cake is TOUGH….try demolishing a Ginger Bread house (or train) and recycling the materials. Now THAT is dry beyond all measures…but they GK’s do that every year and it is one of the “treats” after the BIG DAY.

    in reply to: Matt Canada Calls Out Coach DD #112471


    Don’t know about the “why I’m leaving Pitt” motivation. If you go back through the Matt Canada GOTTA GO threads, he was looking for a job when he came here. He interviewed for Ruff’s position at ECU and maybe one or two others. He was in the $500 – $600 K range and he got (base) $560K at Pitt.

    LSU was after Lane Kiffin (now why does that name ring a bell and I think of the William Tell Overture). Kiffin will go to Florida Atlantic as a HC. He WAS Alabama’s OC and making in the $1.5 MILLION Range and LSU was ready to give him a raise. So, Lane’s departure BACK to a HC job probably cost him about $1 Million as he is around $950K at FL Atlantic. He says they have done an “Update” on his personality and that you will see Lane Kiffin, Rev 3 or maybe Lane Kiffin 4.0 and wants to establish himself as a REAL HC type of Power 5 guy.

    SO, you GOTTA figure that with Canada’s new found status, he will probably double his salary. Time and today’s headlines and leaks will tell.

    It is interesting….my DW, not a FB freak, commented that we had gotten lazy and conservative and that Coach Doeren was more spunky and unpredictable in his first year.

Viewing 25 posts - 301 through 325 (of 1,157 total)