Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThis has all the makings of being WORSE than the UNC fiasco. The ONLY thing that might save us is if FSU starts making “Sportscenter Plays” and they really get showy and turn over the ball. We do NOT have enough timeouts….
That closeup of the coaches on our bench. If you ever wanted to see the “Deer in Headlights Look”, that was it. We don’t have a CLUE on Defense and we are spooked on Offense.
ParticipantWho will be the first “walk on” to get minutes tonight?
ParticipantDennis Smith knows what it is like to wear a MAGA Trump Hat in Chapel Hill.
ParticipantGottfried left BJ at home. Maybe he provoked BJ so that will be his “reason” since BJ is the only “beef” that can go up against the tall 7′-4″ guy.
Our zone looks more porous than some of Madonna’s crotchless outfits and smells worse.
To add a little spice to it. Jamie (I LUV NCSU) Luckie is one of the Umpires….not the HN Ref, at least. He and TV Teddy Valentine and Mike Eades did a game last night. IT was brutal.
We are giving up the ball on TO’s like there was a K-Mart Blue Light (Black Friday for you younger set) specials.
Gonna be UGLY.
ParticipantIf my memory is correct, FSU has a 7′ 4″ player, officially, the TALLEST athlete in FSU history. Hope and Abu and Y7 are given a good meal prior to the game. BJ may be BIG, but at least he could threaten to sit on the guy.
I am also glad that others observed how much of a bench leader that BJ is. Wonder what got him the Technical?
ParticipantN&O reports BJ & GOTT had words at practice. BJ suspended for FSU game. No traveling.
Unfortunately, he was our best bench cheerleader.
The sad saga continues
ParticipantAbsolutely no input on current situation. In the past, maybe 2 years ago, Anya was toeing the mark on his diet and the nutritionist was reporting his progress.
But on the weekends, he would gorge like an alcoholic falling off the wagon.
With Lutz gone, there doesn’t seem like the same level of player discpline or Coaches control.
ParticipantComment on my “Gottfried” a bad investment. I did NOT (and don’t have the info) add in the revenue for going to the “dance” that Gottfried has brought in. SO, it might NOT look as bad.
BUT, if you also assume that Coach Sendek DID bring in Revenue for such, then Coach’s Lowe’s performance actually HURT the program in other ways.
Bottom line, the attendance GAIN was not substantial…..especially from a coach that can “Quip with the best of them”. He has not been the Marketing Savior that one would have thought.
Like the previous commenters, I spend about $200 – $300 or so on “NCSU Merchandise” each year. That is for me and family and GK’s. This year, we cut back. Likewise, I am NOT going to purchase a Reynolds Tile, which I had planned.
The impact of having a great pool of talent and not producing results eventually impacts the “Brand” value….which AD Yow has done a GREAT job of “selling”. By consolidating it and getting it controlled by the AD, we get more bang for the buck.
ORW and the Hat and many other schools use the coach’s “draw” and let them negotiate their own contracts. All NCSU marketing is centralized….I think that is better….but some may differ.
ParticipantOriginally pulled together the attendance data (from the NCAA reports). Did it late one might. Couple of errors. Here is the bottom line.
Herb Sendek (at the PNC) averaged 14,450 per game (have the total for each season, but since the games vary, used the AVERAGE for his 7 seasons at the PNC)
Sidney Lowe averaged 13.887 or a DROP of 4.1% for his 5 seasons.
Using Mark Gottrfied’s 5 season (2015-16 as last), he averaged 14, 939 or a 7.6% INCREASE over LOWE or a 3.4% INCREASE over Sendek.
If you do the math, using $400 per Season Ticket sale (based on this season upper center deck), Lowe’s years resulted in a $1,126,400 DECREASE in Ticket Revenue (total for all 5 years).
Likewise Gottfried INCREASED Ticket Revenue by $2,104,000 over Lowe (another 5 year period)
NOW….FOLLOW THIS….I may be WRONG….but I have checked my LOGIC….
Lowe was paid $750K or “Guaranteed” that. That did NOT include any incentives.
Gottfried has “AVERAGED” $1,907 or Guaranteed that during his first 5 years. This is based on his original contract, the 2012 raise and the 2015 raise and extension.
SO, we have paid Coach Gottfried $5,785,000 MORE in the past 5 years than we were paying LOWE.
He has “generated INCOME” of only $2,104,000. I guess we can keep selling DIMES for a NICKEL and make it on the volume….
That is a NET LOSS (if this were a business or stock investment) of $3,681,000…..
ParticipantTechnically, and I made the same mistake….we have an 18 game conference schedule….
SO, if we run the table from here on out….we will have a winning season as we are now 3 & 8. Add in 7 more wins…..VIOLA….(or Bass Fiddle), we are 10 & 8.
Not really that difficult….just develop a defense. Figure out what the opposition will be running and then have the scout squad at peak performance so that we are up to “it”.
However, my “ODDS” are that we win 2 more and finish 5 & 13…..but you never know. Some teams get overconfident and look past us…..we need more local articles telling our opponents how easy it is to beat us….
ParticipantYou know, this thread reminds me of what happened across the Orange County Border when the Team got “irritated” at MD and then they went to Dickie (Mr. Cool Tassel Loafers) Baddour and he immediately took them (supposedly in a limo) to the Chancelors office.
They discussed options and the rest is history. I wonder if I was a Pro Scout or a Pro Team Coach if I would want an individual that decided “HIS CAREER” was greater than that of the team. There have been some amazing games where teams have come back from seemingly unbelievable pitfalls (OK, not us….but you can find the clips of OTHER teams on YouTube). Had one or two of their “Stars” said….We are down so much, we ain’t gonna come back and if I go out and try to do things that I am NOT capable of, I might hurt myself and lessen the value ($$) of my franchise.
I certainly don’t besmirch others opinions….but if you look at the Pepperdine game in 1983, that is a prime example of playing it with every last breath and emotional energy.
I certainly do respect CD’s opinions and his insight…..but if you decided….”we ain’t gonna win….why bother”, then if you misjudge that, it turns into a free for all. I obviously am talking about games where there is a minimal chance to win. I have never seen a Roy or Mikey coach team that was getting beat let up. They use that to “experiment” and try to improve their last few minute strategy.
If DJS does do this, then it almost to me, is like Point Shaving….or taking a dive in a boxing match. BUT, Others with high ethical bars might see it differently and I am NOT going to trash them….just stating MY opinion….
ParticipantTo paraphrase Jim Croce….
Now I got them steadily depressin’, low down mind messin’ Watching State Basketball BLUES….
Actually I do have (officially tested positive for it) the FLU. Laddies and lassies, I am in pretty good shape for being a 1968 NCSU Grad (should have been 67), but I can tell you….this MESS will wear your body out. The term…”Creeping Crud” was coined after what I have. I have never been as tired and as weak as I am now. Avoid Crowds (OK BB games are not THAT crowded) and wash your hands about every five minutes….you do NOT want the “real” Doctor Tested Nose Swab Failing FLU….
ParticipantJust curious, where is the contract extension for AD Yow chatter coming from?
She has been pretty straight forward in her career Comments.
ParticipantThere would be NO reason to extend DY’s contract. She has openly said mid 2019. Doeren’s contract runs out 12/31/2019. Gottfried’s contract runs out “End of 2019/20” season.
The Miami thread has an interesting comment from an email that the poster received. DY told him that she would take whatever steps necessary to improve the BB program (not a direct quote). I have been a bit reluctant to write her, but she will pop back, at all hours of the night, with a response.
If we have a 4 & 12 or a 5 & 11, given the talent that we have, then that email made me a little bit more optimistic. I do NOT think that she will shirk her responsibilities….
BUT, I do plan on writing Dr. Woodson later on as the carnage increases….
ParticipantAre you telling me that Matt Ryan still suffers from the TOB Syndrome?
Brady and the Patriots just did something we probably won’t see again.
Problem was that when it was 27, the sound of folks hitting their remotes sounded like thunder.
ParticipantHalftime show cost about $10 Million. That was “expenses”. Lady Gag Gag does NOT get any pay… it enhances here value as a performer.
Thanks for that post. I too, email here on occasion….not to discuss political issues or to exchange BBQ Sauce preferences. IT is usually about a specific situation and I offer feedback or will ask a question.
I HAVE avoided the issue with her as I did not know how sensitive that she might be. She DOES respond, as you know, almost immediately and her responses are curt and to the point.
For those that are now keeping up with the contracts. She will be Outta here mid (memory) 2019. Coach Doeren’s contract expires or runs through 12/31/2019. Coach Gottfried’s contract runs through the “END” of the 2019/20 season…..Of course, both dates are reviewed each year based on performance.
When the Coach Doeren situation came up about mid season, there was a LOT of chatter in the higher levels of the Big Donors and also the WPC members (NOT from Bobby Purcell). The consensus was that she was RELUCTANT to pull the pin on Coach Doeren and eventually she decided to give him ONE MORE SHOT.
I have NOT heard any comments, either way, from these individuals…..but I rarely see them during BB season….I drop over to their tailgates during FB season and it WAS, at the final game, a MAJOR topic….and There was little or any support for Coach Doeren. Seems like beating UNC gets you extra points or tips the scale.
I can NOT believe that Coach Gottfried has any “political capital” left. His personal issues a few years ago soured a lot of boosters and then he and EA (Baseball) becoming roomies was a concern. She, supposedly, called him into her office for a Dutch Aunt talk about his philandering and then again for his “Odd Couple” arrangement with EA. His recent heart issues was supposed to be resolved so that he could focus on his job and his GF seems to be pretty steady, so he does not have to go on sordies for relief….
NOW, I was NOT there, but the comments came from well placed sources that talk to the other coaches and members of his (Gottfried) staff.
ParticipantBe aware that the “FAN DESERTION” that ended Lowe’s career was, average, less than 5%. Gottfried has made that up plus about 0.5 %. Not exactly a triumph.
The PNC real attendance looks about the same as final Lowe’s years.
I would have expected a 10% increase over Herbie. I guess that if we were a top 25 program, it would be. Businesses can’t even give away coveted bowl seatsAdventuroo
Do you recall or remember at all…..the 2002 ACC Tourney that was in Charlotte? I wuz there for the whole stinking thing.’s_Basketball_Tournament
I was wrong about Reddick….I guess he did kill us later on. BUT, we had defeated Maryland that year. Maryland, if you recall, went on to WIN the 2002 NCAA Championship. I have a very good recollection of this as there was a MD fan in front of us who jumped up on every MD basket and then jumped up and booed every NCSU basket or foul. I calmly, but forcefully, put my hands on his shoulders about mid first half and said in a very Macho voice….I am as big a State fan as you are, but you need to quit jumping up like a jack in the box on every play. We cannot see through you. I did that when he was “jumping” and sort of “gingerly” brought *not a slam, but a gentle takedown, him back down in his seat and surprised the feces out of him. He calmed down. My wife and her SIL and my Nephew STILL talk about my “taking control” of the situation and getting things calmed down.
We got the feces beat out of us. Herbie was asked in the post game presser about using some “Junk” defenses against Mike’s non conventional offense. His response….We did NOT practice them, so we were not going to improvise in a game. THAT was the opposite of Jimmy V.
ParticipantThat assumes that THIS year is his last year. I have not seen the Presser on that……
ParticipantWrite your “representatives”
Bobby Purcell ([email protected])
Dr. Randy Woodson <[email protected]>
You can google an NCSU email directory and find Dr. Woodson. Same for the WPC.
My LTR’s are now paid up. I was going to start additional giving (like a Tile in Reynolds)….NO MORE. I will continue to purchase my tickets and pay my dues, but NOT ONE FARTHING MORE….
That also includes NCSU apparrel. I usually spend about $150 – $200 or so per year. THAT is being curtailed.
ParticipantCrowd a little larger. More enthusiastic.
Team lethargic. Did not hold a huddle or PEP session.
Team was cheered, especially Dennis.
Gottfried had very few cheers and a lot of BOOS. BOOS louder that Cheers. First time that has happened.
ParticipantGillon had 6 pts in 37 minutes. White and another dude had 23 each. Only a few points from bench.
Cuse 66—UVA 62
Gillon was never guarded. We should get some rewards from taking a mediocre player and giving him a “record”.
Mikey is tied Literally, at the half. He might pop some more pain pills.
In PNC. Chatty crowd. No one talking BB. Just eating. More at bar than usual.
I think Wednesday game rivaled some of the conference games during his last year.
ParticipantI think the 50/50 is being optimistic. It is more like 80/20 that we DO NOT have a spot open.
The momentum has to be two fold. FIRST (where is George Soros when we need him?), there must be protests and vigils and votive candle ceremonies bemoaning the fact that we are in a coaching death spiral. It has to have some “recognition”. NOW, on a serious side, writing Bobby Purcell and Dr. Woodson would be a good first step for the “many” that are concerned….especially those that wish to give advice.
The other side has to be a push by the BIG GUY$. They WPC can NOT (and will not) FUND any buyout. I have read the financials and have not found any other later data. I have NO insight as to whether any of the candidates has a “Sweetheart” clause exempting them from their penalty. I will leave it at that.
I can tell you one thing, you WILL get a response from Dr. Woodson….and he will probably CC AD Yow and she will definitely respond to you.
I liken the situation as to a semi-successful Rock Band or group where it is “Mark and the Coaches”. Mark got into a tiff with the lead and very talented drummer. SO, when he left, he decided that a Rock band did NOT need a Drummer. He brought in two Bass Guitars, which sing vocals and make his voice sound better, and now fans are howling and taunting them at every gig. HE thinks that it will be just a matter of time before the fans “catch on” and really dig his new sound (Sans DRUMMER). Look at the many successful rock groups (telling my age here). Bob Seger and Billy Joel (google them if you are too young) have had the same drummer for over 20 years or so. Bob Seger also had a LONG run with a lead guitarist. He sold “Like a Rock” to Chevy and could not perform it. After the contract expired, it took him about 2 years to come up with a NEW lead guitarist that could actually duplicate or make it sound “like he wanted it to…”.
Sort of dumb, I know, but some folks can’t understand WHY a HC has to be multi-faceted and have the Offensive, Defensive and also Recruiting talents. We have one that can sell “himself” (professionally and personally) and has some Offensive prowess. He is woefully short on Defense and his “Complimentary” Defensive Coach, Bobby Lutz….which was specifically hired for that purpose, is no longer on staff.
That to me is as simple as it gets.
If you can’t recruit some “role” players with good defensive skills and you can’t “teach” your scout squad how to play an opponent’s defense, then you are doomed for failure….despite all the offensive big guns that you have. Look at the stats….Duke was having an off night….and not hitting the 15+ uncontested shots we gave them. Cuse went through a drought and then came back.
I WOULD point out that Herbie was the same. I sat in Charlotte at an ACC Tourney circa 1999 or 2000 and watched Duke, whom we had on the ropes, totally destroy us and win (JJ Reddick set a new ACC Tourney Record…I THINK). Herbie had NO answer. We had NOT practiced “Junk Defenses” and he never saw it coming.
Shades of Herbie again…..
Write your emails…..
02/03/2017 at 5:39 AM in reply to: The Good Wolfpack Basketball Team Notched Another Huge Win #116237Adventuroo
ParticipantWas a great game. Had a bad vibe that the home Court advantage was shifting old Mo to the Birds.
Last shot was not pretty, but it finally rattled in.
At least ONE of our Revenue sports is a top 25