“Chad Grier wouldn’t confirm what supplement his son took, but said this: “You can walk in the store and buy what he took yourself. For guys that train hard, it’s a common thing. He buys supplements just like a lot of his teammates do and he had a reward card and he had some extra points and the guy helping him said, ‘Hey wanna get something else for your points?’
“Will said, ‘I’m trying to add weight and size,’ and the guy said, ‘Try this, it works great.’ Will took it for two weeks and threw it away because he didn’t get anything out of it.”
This isn’t the first time Chad has had to comment on one of his son’s mistakes.
I have been following Will for years and have read countless articles about both him and his father, Chad. There’s no doubt that they’re a GREAT family and I admire all of them, and Will is a great young man. But I’ll tell you this, if anyone knew what he was taking I have to think Chad did. I don’t think Will would have done this on his own. They obviously have a very close relationship. Go ahead and shoot me down, it’s just my hunch and opinion.