Is it 7:30 yet? This day is just creeping along. Leaving work around 5, grabbing a pint at Southern Pines Brewing Co (next door to my office), then making the trek back to good ol Garner for the tip-off! I may have to stop and pick up a few cold ones on the way home…or maybe I’ll i just stick to some liquor. I just hope we have the juju going and the Pack pull off the win.
Alpha, glad to see you’re still brewing. I’m in the process of converting my brewery to all electric (20 gallon). Also in the process of leaving your area to move down closer to work (Pinehurst area). If you haven’t tried and of the beer from the aforementioned brewery, you definitely should. Their brewmaster sure as hell knows his sh*t. Great group of guys as well (former 3rd group guys).