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- This topic has 95 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 6 months ago by
09/21/2016 at 7:39 PM #106889
ParticipantBasic rules
1) no apologies
2) use turn signals
3) no ketchup on hot dogs
4) no roll on deodorantsEverything else will take care of itself.
09/21/2016 at 8:07 PM #106892TheCOWDOG
Moderator#3 is the key, but it doesn’t mean squat if that hotdog is what they call skinless.
No casings! No dice!
09/21/2016 at 8:26 PM #106894McCallum
ParticipantI used to a be Carolina Packer man CD.
I subscribe to Cooks Ilustrated and they did a taste test on hot dogs and declared Nathan’s the best.
Nathan’s, a yankee product, aroused my suspicions but the damn things are goodt.(yes, goodt)
09/21/2016 at 8:59 PM #106895wolfpackdawg
ParticipantRick must have gotten laid recently.
09/21/2016 at 9:14 PM #106896TheCOWDOG
ModeratorPost of the day, dude.
09/21/2016 at 10:30 PM #106901Adventuroo
I am usually with you, I THINK…..but I draw the line at the Hot Dog. Being of the southern persuasion, specifically the Piedmont, I have had the opportunity to do a statistically significant sample of HD’s in that area. That probably encompasses 50 counties or so. The HD, was, by local tastes and definition, served as follows….
All the Way. Bun, HD, Mustard, Slaw, Chili, Onions and Ketchup. You had to say….HOLD the onions if you were going to church or on a Hot (Hopefully) Date. That was the standard. We did not question what kind of meat or what portions of the animal’s body was used in the HD.
Having lived in NE PA for several years, I took my wife to the Lake Erie shore during the two day PEAK of Summer season there. I ordered hot dogs at a local stand and told the slightly overweight waitress that I wanted Mustard, Chili, Slaw and Ketchup. She publicly humiliated me by shouting my order out to the short order cook and then kidding him about throwing up if he fixed them as ordered. I settled for Mustard, Ketchup and Chili and declined the foul smelling pickle relish.
Later, about 3 years or so, my DW in the late stages of her pregnancy would consume 4 HD’s at dinner, which she would roast over our fireplace. So, HD’s are part of our lifestyle. BUT, the best HD story was set in 1995 when we visited Australia and New Zealand. We were on tour and usually ate at 5 star restaurants each evening and we only paid for our alcohol. Whatever we wanted on the menu, including a caviar appetizer, was provided. One night, we were on our own and it was the Futball NIGHT of the century. The Australian team was playing and the streets were deserted. We ended up at a Hog’s Breath (not associated with Clint’s CA version). We kidded the waiter and asked if they had HD. He quickly left and the Chief Cook (Chef?) came out. He LOVED American HD’s and had them for special Aussie customers. HE took our order and we had a grand time.
SO, HD without Ketchup would be like UNC without some type of academic or athletic irregularity…..
09/22/2016 at 4:33 AM #106902Greywolf
ParticipantGreywolf, do I sense a note of humour? You old bastard you!!!
But the defensive issues worried me much more than the QB or receivers situation, which was worry enough.
Yeah, defense is worrisome but it may be early for real concern.
Consider this: 2013 we were in a 4-3 defense. 2014 we switched to a 4-2-5. Very different. 4-2-5 is new for EVERYONE, coaches included. 2015 should have been a better year on defense but it didn’t turn out that way. IMO our problems on offense kept our D on the field far more than it is reasonable to expect. The problem with Shad and the injury to Dayes took a toll on both sides of the ball.
This is 2016 and we should be in better shape. Already our number 1 D is playing far better. Our #2 D isn’t playing as well as I would like to see.
Sounds like a lot of excuses and there is that. 2017 there are no reasons or excuses. The only reasons to be in 2017 will be talent (players) and scheme (coaches).Our sisters in Chapel Hill have a poor defense. They have one of the top DCs in the business. good position coaches and a lot of 4-star players yet they are a poorly performing defense. Fedora started out with the 4-2-5 for the same reasons Doeren did but he bailed on it and brought in Cheezstiks and went back to the 4-3. Offensively that’s comparable to bailing on a spread type offense and going back to 2 WRs because you have some breakdowns in installing the spread type offense.
The holes have had more success in scoring defense. There’s a simple explanation for that. In the red zone the 4-3 is less vulnerable vs the spread type offenses.
The above is no more than a likely story but a story that has me enjoying the Pack and what Doeren is doing far more than a sad story. 😉
Don’t give up on the Pack. We are going to catch a break or 2 this year. God knows we are due.
09/22/2016 at 7:56 AM #106904bill.onthebeach
ATW === Mustard, Chili, Onions && Slaw
/Dog must be well done/
/Chili must be Jesse Jones or Texas Pete/
/Not too much slaw or chilli/Zacks in Burlington!
There used to be a Hotdog Stand on the North side of White Lake…
The guy who owned/ran it was from Connecticutt…
He made his authentic North Carolina dogs upsidedown — everything in the bun — dog on top…
Never saw that anywhere else…So I asked him, “what’s up with that?”
His polite reply was “That way you don’t get everything else on your face and your shirt when you eat it?”Who says Yankees don’t know nuttin’ ’bout Hotdogs?
Speaking of HotDogs…. that’s exactly what we need on our Defensive Team — a Irving / Amerson kind of Hot Dog.
Now all that seems far away from the OP….
Nobody seems much interested in talking ’bout Moral Leadership which strikes me as interesting….Those that do, seem much more interested in “results”, than “the process”…
We all know, sometimes, the ends justify the means and that there are good lies and bad lies and I ain’t talking about golf.That said — The more important part of my opening question had more to do with how we measure/evaluate these things, not so much about what in our own opinion is right and what’s wrong.
#NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!09/22/2016 at 7:58 AM #10690544rules
ParticipantCD, that’s one of the greatest movie scenes in the history of the universe. But I do put ketchup and mustard on hot dogs. Sometimes add chili and onions if they’re available. Sorry not sorry.
Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. Mao Zedong
09/22/2016 at 8:59 AM #106908choppack1
ParticipantKetchup is just something used for overcooked meat to get rid of the dry taste. No need to put ketchup on a hot dog.
And when it comes to he’s, Nathan’s are very good. I like Hebrew national.
Regarding moral leadership – it’s always pretty basic to me. To me, it’s a core value – hence, you won’t hear me talking about hiring Briles. If this Sandusky crap had broken 30 years earlier – you wouldn’t hear me talking about hiring Paterno.
I will put it this bluntly…if I didn’t like DD’s moral fiber – I would have wanted him fired after ECU. I think with a guy like Bobby Bowden – the line is a little grayer… although he came across as someone who was doing something for the kids (lest we forget he kicked out Randy Moss.)
09/22/2016 at 9:30 AM #106910BassPacker
ATW === Mustard, Chili, Onions && Slaw (No ketchup !! The chili already is ketchup based)
check: Dog must be well done (black crust from grill)
check: Chili must be Jesse Jones or Pattersons (a local company based in Sanford, NC)
check: Not too much slaw or chili (slaw has to go on last or you get overcooked or mushy slaw from hot chili}On my first visit up north, kept seeing signs advertising “Best Michigan in State”. Never heard of a HD called a Michigan hailing from the South. I ordered a couple only to be told only condiments was relish, sourkraut, hot sauce and a runny meat sauce. They looked at me like was crazy when ask for slaw and onions. It was also called a Red Hot which growing up was a link smoke sausage in a bun here, loved them growing up. Not a fan of Nathans, mine has to be full of red dye to be original HD, like Bright Leaf. And not all beef, give me all those pig lips and ears.
09/22/2016 at 10:38 AM #106912Rick
KeymasterAnyone had the Roast Grill hotdogs downtown? Good but not great. There is a decent place in downtown “snicker” Wake Forest.
chili, mustard, onions are my go to but I like to mix it up and add slaw and/or ketchup on occasion.09/22/2016 at 10:39 AM #106913Rick
KeymasterRick must have gotten laid recently.
I am married so, uh…..
However I am sure everyone’s agitation with me will pick up during basketball season.
09/22/2016 at 11:28 AM #106915McCallum
ParticipantRoast Grill since 1940.
Jogged down there all the time back in the day.
Good not great, ran by nice Greeks and don’t ask for ketchup.
6 1/2 Coke in the bottle.
09/22/2016 at 11:46 AM #106918Radman
ParticipantAnyone had the Roast Grill hotdogs downtown? Good but not great. There is a decent place in downtown “snicker” Wake Forest.
chili, mustard, onions are my go to but I like to mix it up and add slaw and/or ketchup on occasion.Shorty’s in Wake Forest. Been there forever. Good dogs.
09/22/2016 at 12:44 PM #106920Greywolf
ParticipantShorty’s in Wake Forest. Been there forever. Good dogs.
You got that right.
I’ve had a hot dog with mustard, chili and slaw and a Bromoseltzer to wash it down at Uzzle’s Soda shop next to Norman’s about 10,000 times. The Bromo served double duty: to wash down the dog and to help with the hangover from last night.
There’s a place on Main Street in Wendell that has great dogs, too.
09/22/2016 at 1:19 PM #106921pakfanistan
ParticipantI put A1 and goldfish on my lite turkey dogs and wash it all down with a room temperature Michelob Ultra.
09/22/2016 at 1:57 PM #106922Gowolves
ParticipantI put A1 and goldfish on my lite turkey dogs and wash it all down with a room temperature Michelob Ultra.
Thanks, I just spit water through my nose. Totally ruined my tofu dog. 🙁
09/22/2016 at 5:22 PM #106929bill.onthebeach
ParticipantGood hotdogs are special… I’ve eaten hundreds of ’em over the years but…
some time back…
I graduated to “Sausages”…Adele’s has some good ones…
or course, you can only eat those at home…
off the grill or in the stirfry with kale and onions and some other veggies…Anybody else down for big fat quality dinner sausage?
#NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!09/22/2016 at 5:26 PM #106930tractor57
ParticipantMaybe the best I ever tasted was at the Nu Way lounge in downtown Spartanbug when I lived there many years ago. A couple good places in Winston-Salem and one I also like in Yadkinville.
09/22/2016 at 5:30 PM #106931choppack1
ParticipantYea bill – had some of those for dinner Tuesday night. A chicken and jalapeno and another one of the brand you mentioned.
Also, I am a huge fan of gameday Johnsonville brats…grilles and bathed in some cerveza
09/22/2016 at 5:54 PM #106934Pack78
Participant^Bring on the Brats-got a real taste for Kielbasa and Italian sausage from living in Michigan way back when-great in a bun or any other way…
09/22/2016 at 6:25 PM #106936TheCOWDOG
ModeratorSpeaking of Polish sausage, and such, here is my last word on morality.
For Raleighites, fresh Polish ropes can be bought here:
http://www.polishmarketnc.comFresh Italian ropes, here:
http://www.capriflavors.com/…And Harris Teeter has started carrying a Buffalo fave, Sahlen Smokehouse dogs. They are cased and snap back.
It would have been morally bankrupt of me not to mention this.
Also, just as wrong to make you inquire, ( beg ) for the old homeland Italian, and Polish sausage recipes that I make. 🙂09/22/2016 at 7:52 PM #106939bill.onthebeach
Participantso I guess… that HotDog v. Sausage thing could be viewed as a “moral dilemmna”….
Do I stick with the thing I’ve known and loved all my life … the way Mama and Daddy taught me….
Do I try something new, the result, in this case, being…. something I like just as much….???
Nobody wants to talk much about “morals”…
The survey says… the reason is…
1. Let he who hath no sin cast the first stone.
2. Morals don’t matter, we’re all sinners — results matter.
3. Morals? — what’s up with that?Enjoy those dogs and sausages, fellas…
Among the candidates, I wonder which one puts the Big Dog and which one likes the Spicy Sausage in their mouth?
#NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!09/22/2016 at 8:15 PM #106940TheCOWDOG
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