Trevor Lacy Arrested – No GUNS on Moped

Home Forums StateFans Basketball Trevor Lacy Arrested – No GUNS on Moped

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    First serious: The kid should have gone to court and did the plea bargaining thing with the ADA before court actually started. If first offense he probably gets PFJC.

    Is that all Barney has to do, ride around ticketing kids on Mopeds without a helmet on? Come on Andy, get this under control. There’s plenty of bad sh*t going on for the Keystone Kops to keep busy. Turn his ass in to the Honor Court. Let the Student DA handle it. Jesuschrist on a moped! Come on Mr. DOG. I know I screwed that line up. 😉


    JesusHchrist ina sidecar!(Moped works,Mr.Grey)

    If yer bonehead enough to let a speeding ticket try to magically disappear,ya just might be bonehead enough to dribble into the double team.


    “…ya just might be bonehead enough to dribble into the double team.”

    Looks like he just did.


    Well,now. I might have to backstep on the double team.

    Lawyer lost the ball in the lane.


    Or Lacey fouled out.


    Did King Karl slap him with both techs?


    Maybe “it’s in his GENES”. By that I mean thinking he can “MISS” a court date. After all, we do have a PG that thought it was OK NOT to pay his taxes. Most of you know that I have the greatest love and admiration for Sidney…..but SON (er, Man), WHAT were you thinking? Now is that for Sidney or Trevor….seems appropriate either way.

    Perhaps Trevor was given the “How to Act Like Jameus Winston” for DUMMIES book and got caught up in it. I guess he missed the FIRST chapter….Step 1, Win the HEISMANN. Forget that one little step…and BINGO, you are doomed for failure.

    Seriously. This little incident seems trivial and DUMB. Maybe in Alabammy….you COULD miss a court date. Lorenzo Charles said that “Stiffing a Pizza Delivery Guy” was considered bad manner, but NOT a crime in NYC. SO, you gotta check out the boy’s “past social and civic environment” before you castigate him. I hope that Coach G threatens him with a similar sounding WORD….maybe one our “walk on’s” can translate for him.

    I agree with the poster….Barney should NOT have been up that late at night….or he should have been cruising for the sexual predators that frequently roam the campus….or should have been at KK getting his early morning snack.

    The beat will go on….time for some FOOTBALL….Coach G and Debbie will have to sort this out. Maybe that is the punishment….put him on probation….and make Debbie the PO. WOW…I think that I would serve hard time to avoid that…even if it really did involve….(fill in the rest).

    GO PACK….let’s prove that Jameus should be out snatching Crab Legs or coming up with a really UNIQUE Female Derogatory Remark….rather than the canned one that he quoted.


    NCAA should be knocking on our door soon. Hopefully they won’t discover that a disproportionate number mopeds where given to student athletes verses the entire student population dating back to Norm Sloan days.


    WTF is Jameus.


    NCAA should be knocking on our door soon. Hopefully they won’t discover that a disproportionate number mopeds where given to student athletes verses the entire student population dating back to Norm Sloan days.

    Have you seen the car Lacey drives? If there’s an issue, I don’t think it will be mopeds.


    Cozell McQueen rode a moped – won a national championship. Just sayin’


    I’d pay to see Anya, esp. circa 2013, on a moped.

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