The Ray Rice Issue

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    OK, full disclosure…for those of you who don’t already know, I am a Ravens fan. Having said that, I don’t for one second defend what Ray Rice did, nor the paltry original 2 game suspension he received. Furthermore, as a fan of the team he plays(ed) for, I’m glad he’s gone.

    HOWEVER, playing devil’s advocate….just a couple of weeks ago (at most), the NFL put forth a new domestic violence policy which announced a 6 game suspension for first instance, indefinite/lifetime suspension for second instance. So how does additional video of the SAME event, now surfacing publicly, warrant an indefinite/lifetime suspension? At most, it should have been upped to 6 if the NFL was following its own new guidelines.

    And that’s not even taking into consideration the arguments that Rice’s instance occurred before the new guidelines were in place, or that the new policy was not agreed to by NFLPA/CBA.

    Like I said earlier, I’m glad the Ravens gave him a pink slip, and I think the indefinite suspension is probably warranted as far as punishment fitting the crime. But why set new guidelines if you’re not going to follow them?


    Roger Goodell should be the next Chancellor at unx…


    So how does additional video of the SAME event, now surfacing publicly, warrant an indefinite/lifetime suspension?

    Because there’s a video. Pictures, sound bites, and bumper stickers are powerful. They’re about as deep as the comprehension level of the disengaged American public goes. If just words and facts, the limits of the intellectual processing would not have required it.

    Goodell is a coward, but I don’t think that has anything to do with the Raven’s actions in this case.

    Yes, it was the only move for the Ravens. Ironic, from the victim’s perspective. Now she has an unemployed husband. I don’t think that’s gonna help too much.


    Raven’s claiming Rice lied to them too, that what he portrayed was proven false by the video.


    ^ That’s what I thinking about the league office, too.

    If he lied to the Ravens, he BSed Goodell.


    It’s all about being lied to – Ravens and Roger. That and the PR nightmare that was about to ensue if he took the field in a week.


    Ray Rice’s attorney was out there implying all sorts of provocation on the part of his fiance as “justification” or mitigation for what he did. The Ravens have largely been supportive of Rice up to this point. Now that the video is out, which I haven’t seen, but is described as him essentially knocking her out and not even bending over to check on her as she laid on the floor of the elevator.

    The NFL was either incompetent or complicit with respect to the elevator video and so were the Ravens. If they trusted Ray Rice on this subject they were fools. They both have to scramble now and do damage control before they get in too much PR trouble.


    The video is shocking. He cold cocked her, knocking her cold. The NFL and Ravens claim they never saw the video, and Ray never fessed up to what he had done.

    This is despicable behavior even had the victim been a man. Clearly assault, if not worse.


    Ok…backup for a moment and consider this…as long as the NCAA allows the crap that goes on in Orange County to continue, the UnC Board of Governors is complicit in the coverup, the Secretary of State of North Carolina, the SBI, the politicians and the voters of North Carolina roll over and play “possum”, then the Ray Rice types are nothing more than “what the aforementioned have created”…We’ve let the thugs take over the game when they don’t go to class, have no interest in an education, and frankly thumb their noses at you. Right, PJ..??? At least McCants admitted it!

    The soul of college athletics has been sold for bragging rights! How many skunks like Ray have matriculated through the NFL or still play there!

    And Emmert plays his fiddle and we still keep buying tickets! Gladiators and Lions might be a better spectator view!

    As much as I love the game, I’m sickened by the literate and illiterate fans who just don’t give a damn! Win, at all costs!

    "Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!


    Not Goodell’s finest moment. In fact, it looks awfully suspicious. My take is if the NFL wanted that tape, they could have got it. Something tells me they saw it, so they just went to damage control.


    Bombshell Hazing Lawsuit Hits Clemson Women’s Soccer Program

    Keep in mind, “Everybody does it’!

    When is enough gonna be enough!

    "Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!


    These are some of the items I read today.
    1. First I read that he told the Ravens all the gory details when it happened. I hadn’t heard he lied to them. C. Mortenson on ESPN said that a person within the NFL (source)said the tape showed Rice’s girlfriend hit her head on the railing. This was in late june or july. So if the NFL has not seen the video until today then how did they know that information.

    2. Second I think the NFL cannot go back and suspend him more games based on the same incident. The information hasn’t changed. I think this is in the CBA. The only option they had was to cut him since there are no guaranteed contracts in the NFL.

    3. If it is determined that Goodell has seen this video moths ago his time as the Commish is over.


    This was a team action, not a league action. There’s a “morality/actions detrimental to the team” clause in every contract.

    Then the league suspended him. The CBO gives Goodell unilateral autnomy to act however he deems fit in dolling out punishment.

    If Goodell did NOT see the tape before today, he should lose his job for incompetence or
    dereliction of duty. Either way, he should be gone. But I have a bias, I despise the arrogant hypocritical pr!ck.


    The NFL has suspended him indefinitely. That is league action. The team cut him, as they had the right to do once “new information” came forward.

    If Goodell thought he had a PR nightmare before, you just wait.


    Why would Goodell protect Ray Rice and the Ravens? He isn’t a superstar like Brady or Megatron. If the commish had seen the video, why would he play dumb for so long? He already has a reputation as hard liner, so why would he break character for RR? He has enough to deal with in Week 1.

    The Security Guard saw that tape and sold it to the highest bidder. Ozzie and Roger must not have been at the auction.


    First the team cut him like any player who they deem is not good enough anymore. Secondly since he didn’t start the season on the active roster the Ravens are not on the hook for his salary. After he was cut the NFL suspended him based on “new information”. That would have been appealed by the NFLPA and they would have won. There is no new information. That point becomes moot though since the Ravens cut him.


    ^^ Because he’s an arrogant pr!ck who doesn’t get it. He’s a coward who is not guided by principles, but rather outside pressures. He follows the path of least resistance.

    Early on, the status quo and path of least resistance was a 2 game suspension. Rice is not the first player to ever hit a woman. Domestic violence ‘blew up’ as a sensitive issue, so he’s reacting.

    What Vick did was worse. What Ray Lewis allegedly did was worse. How many have been killed by drunk NFL players behind the wheel?

    Would be nice if the “knock out game” got a fraction of this attention from the media. Yes, it continues. I’d argue it is worse in some ways. But the media sees that as a borderline race issue so it steers clear.


    With all of the resources the NFL has, it is peculiar that they couldn’t/didn’t find a way to get a looksy at that tape. Pay somebody off, at least. TMZ accomplished what no one else could.


    …it is peculiar that they couldn’t/didn’t find a way to get a looksy at that tape.

    Oh, they got a look. Either that, or knew what was on it so made a concerted effort NOT to view it. Plausible deniability. They pursued truth and evidence with the same vigor and purpose as u*nc’s first few rounds of ‘reviews’.


    Yeah, I’m not buying the inability to get the tape either. If they didn’t see it (which I doubt) then they didn’t want to. But the nature of the punishments (plural) following the public outrage wind is what bothers me the most.

    Not that it surprised me, or that it’s anything new.

    The public hates you even more now Ray, so we have to move you straight to double secret probation so they hopefully won’t ask questions.


    FWIW, Dilfer and Berman currently fellating the league on what a great job they’ve done handling this.

    Their jobs are safe.


    Does every J-school graduate sell their soul before the diploma ink is dry, or just the ones who work for Skipper?

    EDIT: Overall, seems pretty cut and dry to me. Goodell should be unemployed, and Rice should be in prison.


    Is this really new information? Didn’t we already know what happened when we saw him dragging her out of the elevator? I mean, is there really anyone that didn’t put two and two together BEFORE TODAY? “Perhaps she fainted and they felt the need to get that awkward press conference” :/ I think that everyone’s sudden shock seems a little disingenuous to be honest. Not that I’m condoning it but to all of a sudden pretend to have a stronger opinion than you did before is kinda lame. Where was all this Raven outcry when Ray Lewis got away with murder, covered it up, became the spiritual leader of the team, retired a hero, and got a broadcasting job beside Steve Young. He’s as innocent as OJ yet celebrated by most even with the limo driver’s testimony that he heard Lewis telling all of his boyz to “don’t say nuthin” in exchange for him taking care of them. And he also testified that he made a stop to dump bloody clothes in a dumpster. Anyway, I think that this Rice thing is nothing but an attempt by the NFL AND media to PRETEND that they care — they had all this same info when they punished him before. The Ravens have to be the worst, most hypocritical organization out there. Public perception is the ONLY reason they are doing something different now with NO NEW INFORMATION. Same situation, Rice does it and the general public doesn’t know (but they do), he serves no suspension. If there were only a tape of him dragging her out of the elevator under “mysterious” circumstances, he gets a 2-game suspension and standing ovation at practice (happened). Show on SportsCenter [with no bigger current controversy] what we already knew — released from the team. See, they don’t care about what really happened, they just want to pretend like they care. That’s the problem I have with it.


    Why would Goodell protect Ray Rice and the Ravens?

    It is a fair question. I have no idea. My best guess is Ray Rice impressed him in their talk. He was remorseful, yada yada yada.

    If the NFL wanted to see the tape, they could have. If they did see it, Goodell should be out of a job.

    Rice is lucky her jaw was not fractured.


    Steve Spurrier takes a hard line on domestic violence:

    I’ve had a rule ever since I’ve been here that if you ever hit a girl, you’re not going to play on our team. You’re finished …

    We’re not going to have any player on our team that’s done that. I can’t understand why every coach doesn’t have that rule and why every company doesn’t have that rule for their employees. I think it could put a pretty good end to this stuff. Really, it’s amazing that America has sorta put up with it or compromised, but that is something that should never happen. Our players know that they’re gone if they hit a girl. They know it.

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