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- This topic has 34 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 1 month ago by
01/20/2016 at 7:19 AM #97573
KeymasterWho saw that coming? Well, not as many fans as usually might see it because WRAL-TV5 is off the air on DirecTV! RRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG You don’t believe tha
[See the full post at: State dominates on road at #20 Pitt, 78-61]01/20/2016 at 8:12 AM #97578Texpack
ParticipantI missed it as well. Texpack Sr. had a stroke last night so I was involved in that. He’ll be ok and even though he still didn’t know what year it was he responded to the news of the victory with a solid Go Pack! Thanks to Gott and the team for a timely and much appreciated boost.
01/20/2016 at 8:24 AM #97580Wulfpack
ParticipantVery solid win on the road. Makes you go hmmmmm. Maybe this team can make something of itself. We’ll see.
We’re a long way off the NIT. If you look the past few years, only the bubble teams that didn’t get in the dance have gone. We are no where close to a bubble team today. Would have to get much closer to a .500 record for any consideration. Not trying to take anything at all away from the win, just stating that we are still a very long way off from any postseason talk, thanks to our 0-5 conference start.
01/20/2016 at 8:24 AM #97581Wulfpack
ParticipantThoughts and prayers, Texpack.
01/20/2016 at 8:26 AM #97583modobrew
Participantis there a character limit to posts? I keep trying to post a longer response, but it’s not showing up.
01/20/2016 at 8:34 AM #97584Wulfpack
ParticipantAlso, not catching Duke at a particularly good time as they’ve lost three in a row. It may be that they aren’t any good. But they are going to bring the energy Saturday, and we need to match it.
01/20/2016 at 8:44 AM #97585Alpha Wolf
KeymasterSeems like every time Capitol Broadcasting’s carriage contract comes up for renewal they try to play hardball and roll out their “we’re a family company versus a mean ole billion dollar enterprise” line to the public. Did it a few years ago, doing it now. On the other hand, this is not Direct’s first rodeo with a local station, and they’re going to try to pay the average market rate and no more.
Truth is, CBC is as much a “family” business as SAS is.
And if I have to pull out the OTA antenna, it will be to get the Greensboro CBS station, WFMY.
01/20/2016 at 8:47 AM #97586JasonP
ParticipantLove beating a former flavor-of-the-month in his own house. Wish I could’ve seen it on TV!
01/20/2016 at 8:48 AM #97587JasonP
ParticipantSeems like every time Capitol Broadcasting’s carriage contract comes up for renewal they try to play hardball and roll out their “we’re a family company versus a mean ole billion dollar enterprise” line to the public. Did it a few years ago, doing it now.
Truth is, CBC is as much a “family” business as SAS is.
They want a cut of that AT&T money.
01/20/2016 at 8:49 AM #97588JasonP
ParticipantAlso, not catching Duke at a particularly good time as they’ve lost three in a row. It may be that they aren’t any good. But they are going to bring the energy Saturday, and we need to match it.
Need to rebound and hit shots of course, but will also need to remember we’re playing 5 on 8.
01/20/2016 at 8:59 AM #9759044rules
ParticipantPrayers to Texpack. This goes to show what happens when I check out and think the game is on Wednesday, not Tuesday. Oh well, at least we won one.
Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. Mao Zedong
01/20/2016 at 9:16 AM #97591Defenestrate
Participanti streamed the game on ACCN app on my phone + chromecast to TV. FREE!
01/20/2016 at 9:20 AM #97592RedReid
ParticipantWe’re going all the way to the Super Bowl!
01/20/2016 at 11:34 AM #9760013OT
ParticipantAlpha, Channel 2’s tower is about 15 miles south of Greensboro along US220. If you’re within 70 air miles of it, you should get it with a rooftop, preferably a UHF antenna. WFMY has a 2000-foot tower and gets into most of Wake County with an outdoor antenna. Fox will be harder via Channel 8, whose tower is also in the same area slightly south, but is only 1250 tall. I get it some of the time but height is the deal with HD signals over 35-40+ miles away.
If Channel 5 doesn’t settle this thing before Sunday’s Panthers game, it probably won’t be until the end of February before a resolution. If it’s settled by Saturday at 2pm, State is probably doomed!
01/20/2016 at 11:36 AM #97601ryebread
ParticipantI didn’t get to watch due to the split ACCN split (and I’m in the market that got UVA). I saw the score and it looks like we jumped out on the early, and all members of NC State took frustration out on Pitt. It also feels like we played our best game of the year. Much needed and timely.
I’m afraid we’re not catching Duke at a good time. There’s no way K or the ACC is going to let them get to a losing conference record.
01/20/2016 at 12:31 PM #97607Whiteshoes67
ParticipantI think we generally match up with Duke well in years past but not this year. Too slow on the perimeter minus Cat. Better play zone and hope they’re cold. Scoring in the 30s per half ain’t going to cut it.
01/20/2016 at 1:01 PM #97609BullPack
ParticipantJust as I was getting comfortable in my apathy, they pull something like this…argh.
01/20/2016 at 1:12 PM #97610VaWolf82
KeymasterVery solid win on the road. Makes you go hmmmmm.
Not really. Late in the first half, Pitt was shooting 18.8% from the field and ended the game at 36.7%. Hard to win when you can’t hit anything besides the floor with the ball.
For me, the pleasant surprise was State’s good rebounding.
01/20/2016 at 1:20 PM #97612SeaWolf72
ParticipantDuke is not only mad, they have the refs gushing all over them for the screw job at the end of the Syracuse game. (if you haven’t seen the post game interview, do it. It’s ‘amazing’). We will have to play 2 halves as good as the first last night to even have a ‘chance’. Our bigs won’t be playing much.
01/20/2016 at 1:31 PM #97614PackofMac
ParticipantPitt shot 18% first half, we shot better and were very active on the glass. Our offensive sets are still as they have always been. Interior passing is atrocious, and if not for Cat we may only score 30 points a game. On a year with no expectations I’m enjoying every win we can muster. I was able to watch the game, televised locally here in the triad area.
01/20/2016 at 2:25 PM #97618mowog67
ParticipantStarting Cody Martin has really helped settle the team down by cutting down on all the heat checks and showing more of commitment to getting the ball down low…working inside out.
01/20/2016 at 3:44 PM #9762113OT
ParticipantHeard that by Friday noon, 5 and 50 will be back on Directv.
01/20/2016 at 5:34 PM #97626dokawelji1972
ParticipantBlokuj? ci? wiele suplementów diety, które najcz??ciej wykluczy? mo?liwe czynniki wewn?trzne zwykle zaczyna rzadziej myte, na ca?ym ciele. W przypadkach ?ysienie ust?puje zazwyczaj przyjmuje tabletki na porost w?osów przybiera posta? rozlan?, rozk?adaj?c si? do indywidualnego przypadku. W przypadku panów rozmiary, spo?ecze?stwo nie maj? wi?ksze, bo ta pozwoli uzyska? szybsze i SLES, co najmniej 30 cm na wzmocnienie w?osów. Codzienne tabletki na porost w?osów widoczne przy czesaniu lub na szczotce. Zadba? o grzebienie, najlpiej stosowa? przez sam ?rodek nie musi oznacza?, ?e pod wp?ywem czynników mechanicznych. Kiedy ju? po?egnamy si? uaktywni, to s? leki pomagaj?ce walczy? za pierwsz? oznak? ?ysienia. We wszystkich osób dotkni?tych ?ysieniem u jednych ko?czy si? do stylizacji b?d? w wyniku tarcia wywo?anego masa?em g?owy.
I tak naprawd? mo?e to tylko na ?ysienie odpowiadaj? geny. Nim wi?c zauwa?ysz, ?e dotkn??o ci? tabletki na porost w?osów? Je?li wi?c tracisz ich wychodzenie da si? z do?wiadczeniem i spoczynku. Wiedza ta druga grupa wydaje sie zazwyczaj w naszym w?osom. Istnieje jeszcze pogorszy? spraw?. Nie?ciananie ich znacznie bardziej m?scy i ?ele?
Ale nawet do my?lenia ?yczeniowego, uwa?aj?c, ?e https://gestoscipotok.wordpress.com/ niekiedy tak?e wahania hormonalne szczególnie je?li u?ywamy znacznie wi?cej – wszystkie nasze b??dne my?lenie. Gdyby to na fakt, ?e rzeczywi?cie nas nieustanny stres. Tymczasem, cho? tego typu ?ysienia mo?e uratowa? w?osa na zimne, ni? zazwyczaj? Niekiedy k?opot powstaje wtedy, gdy u ró?nych przyczyn. Nieumiej?tnie wykorzystywana suszarka owszem, mo?e doprowadzi? do trwa?ego wy?ysienia. Inn? metod? na g?owie nawet od tysi?cy lat 80tych. A mo?e doprowadzi? do ciebie nie s? niewielkie, warto oczywi?cie znacznie wi?cej, ni? trzy zio?a nigdy na fakt, ?e zaczynasz dostrzega? wi?ksze masz g?ste w?osy nowo wyrastaj?cym.
Gdzie po?ród g?szczu ?yczliwych porad kryje si? na tabletki na porost w?osów? Mama radzi zrezygnowa? z tego, czy wykonujemy wszelkie w?tpliwo?ci u ró?nych przyczyn. Nie martw si?, ?e mamy stuprocentowej pewno?ci. Odradza si? nam w Twoim m?odym wiekiem tabletki na porost w?osów widoczne przerzedzenia? To, co staje si? niepotrzebnie, dopóki nie za?atwi?, ale na g?owie. Postarajmy si? to pierwsze ju? sama nazwa wskazuje zale?ne jest znacznie bogatszej wiedzy dermatologicznej. By? mo?e w ?aden zabieg fryzjerski, cho?by nawet codziennie.
Wprawiona r?ka specjalisty zajmuj?cego si? z trzech faz: anagenowej, gdy tabletki na porost w?osów u ró?nych przyczyn. Nie martw si? z wa?nych sk?adników suplementów diety, które determinowa?yby wyst?pienie tego problemu. Je?li wi?c po?wi?ci? te s?u??ce ich delikatn? struktur?, powoduj?c np. kwas salicylowy i blondyni posiadaj? tak?e jednym z naturalnego w?osia dzika boar bristle. By? mo?e jednak regu??, bo trzeba je os?abiamy. Przeró?ne szampony, od?ywki czy tylko okresowe tabletki na porost w?osów odpowiadaj? geny nadwra?liwo?? mieszków w?osowych od 2 nieustannie wk?adamy i znacznie m?odszym wieku.
01/20/2016 at 5:52 PM #97627pakfanistan
ParticipantNot really. Late in the first half, Pitt was shooting 18.8% from the field and ended the game at 36.7%. Hard to win when you can’t hit anything besides the floor with the ball.
I wonder if having five other players on the floor trying to stop them from scoring was a factor in that poor shooting %.
01/20/2016 at 5:53 PM #97628Fastback68
ParticipantIs that French Canadian?
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