Non-Wolven College Footy (5 Sept 2015)

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    Good late morning, fellow wolves! For those of you glued to the couch today (like me), we get the bonus of having other games to watch in addition to the marquee matchup in West Raleigh. LUCKY US!!!

    The Thursday/Friday games have been more than a little rough, as is often the case for JV NFL games played without the benefit of exhibitions or a pre-season. Que lastima, viewer. BUT IT’S STILL FOOOTBAW! ON THE TEEVEE!!!

    2015 brings certain changes as well. Dunno how many of you followed the NFL/humor blog “Kissing Suzy Kolber” but it basically got swallowed up by a corporate entity that ruined it and ran off 99% of its creative genius. But the the commenters (myself included, in a very minor supporting role) revolted, rose from the ashes and created DFO – a new football/humor site inspired by the old KSK spirit.

    It’s a long way of saying that I regularly preview English Premier League and college football on Saturday mornings there, so rather than cut and paste, I will just post a link. Think you guys will appreciate my DFO handle:

    Inaugural JV NFL Saturday Open Thread

    The new site also gives me an excellent platform to evangelize (in my typically annoying fashion) for NC State and European footy NC State (aka Everton), which I do mercilessly. I also previewed the Broncos a few days ago, and will have the Panthers preview up Monday, if interested. Uncle Joe Stalin may have also made an appearance…


    Oh, and I will still rant about the games here!


    Nice work over there BJHippo….


    It is BJD’s world…the rest of us are just supporting cast.

    I hate I missed the entire KSK birth/rise to infamy/death spiral. I had always intended to jump in over there and make an ass of myself. Perhaps the phoenix of sorts known as teh DFO will be around long enough for me to finally get around to it.

    The irreverance seems comparable, so that’s a plus.

    LOL’d at “Go Meteor” re: Tejas/ND, btw. That guy knows.


    Don’t forget, Purdue and Marshall are playing pinball this afternoon! 17-14 Herd after 1…


    Purdue’s QB went beast mode on their 2nd TD


    Never got a good feeling about James Franklin…always struck me as something of a blowhard (I remember Chairman Yow really liked him). Looks like they are already bailing at Sandusky U:


    Wow, no idea Franklin was/could get into hot water THAT fast.

    Hackenberg is as overrated a player as I can recall that didn’t play for Notre Dame, Ohio State, or Michigan.


    I’m gonna go ahead and say tOSU is gonna roll on the Hokies tonight. Granted, as I’m typing this they’re already up by 2 touchdowns. But it’s apparently more of a mismatch than I even already thought.

    I’m struck by how much bigger, faster and stronger (on both sides of the ball) tOSU is. Not to mention their skilled guys are way more skilled. And they’ve got more of them.

    VT might still make some noise in the ACC I suppose, as I think the look of this one unfortunately has more to do with how good tOSU is than how bad VT is.

    Of course, maybe the first 10 minutes is an outlier.


    Ha!!! Can I swing mojo or what?

    And bonus…nobody around this ghost town to give me shit about my last comment.

    Hey look…a tumbleweed.

    *grumble grumble*


    I once thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.


    I thought Va Tech showed pretty well. Ohio State is loaded, stacked, and likely won’t lose more than a game all year. Losing the starting QB certainly hurts. Their offense was nothing to write home about anyways. But I see the Hokies being competitive in the Coastal. They’ll be a tough out.

    A record 10 SEC teams are ranked in this week’s poll. Not too shabby. Looks to be a bounce back year for that behemoth of a league.


    I dunno, South Cakalaky looked AWFUL last week, as did Vandy and Kentucky. Auburn got really lazy (I thought) and let an overmatched Louisville team hang around far too long.

    tOSU completely lost focus in the 2nd quarter, and I suspect that will be a frequent occurrence through the rest of their paper mache schedule. VPI did not appear very athletic even by ACC standards.

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