NCSU Coaches show

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    It’s been quite some time since I tuned into this but I was surprised at the changes to the show. It’s much better than it was before. Actually quite professional, a significant upgrade. If you haven’t seen this past weeks show I’d invite you to give it a look, some really good stuff IMO.

    Smarter than the average bear




    Two terms that could NEVER be used to describe N.C. State.

    What did they do? Ask someone to brush their hair and look at the camera?



    I’d like to add, I really liked our commercial (TV) during halftime last week. It was very very good. Not the creepy guy that looked at the backside of the patient in a hospital gown they had before. This one was well done. Even my wife, not an NCSU grad, commented how professional it was. Kudos to the marketing team there for sure.


    You have seen them before. It seems that every community has one. You can usually spot them in their loafers, white socks pulled up to where they almost reach the bottom of their shorts. The thing that distracts you from the hair sticking out of their ears is the careful comb over. They patrol their front lawns with vigilance and when not outside you see them keeping watch through their blinds with the hope that someone would dare trespass on their sidewalk.

    You know that the air of miasma that surrounds them springs from a vast well of bitterness waiting to infect any who cross their path. Wait what’s that sign post up ahead, you have entered the McCallum zone.

    Is this considered poking the bear or was it too much? : )


    I hope your diet, sugar free, Code Red Mnt Dew is flat.



    May the fleas of 1000 two humped camels infest your armpits, after they fit you for your strait jacket.


    Is Nick Pond still the host?


    McCallum, here’s a shot of the updated show. You should really check it out.



    Been busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest since I wrote the opening and just now returned to see the retorts. freshmanin83 I have to say I REALLY had no clue where you were going until the very end and it’s a good thing I’d just swallowed that sip of coffee or I’d have been cleaning up two monitors and my laptop screen (I’m quite sure you can use that statement against me, have fun). And thanks SO much for the hearty laugh to all of you who contributed.

    Smarter than the average bear


    Yogi, Thanks for the thread. And I didn’t get the freshmanin83 comment until the end. And no, I didn’t spit my Geritol on my laptop monitor, either. šŸ˜‰

    If I’m not mistaken Debbie said that everything football comes under Dave Doeren. He’s the CEO responsible for all these changes we are so often these days talking about. You know the new, state of the art video production facility is in the Murphy Center, right and DD is responsible for that. I’ve read that he walks around once a day speaking to the staff working in Murphy Center.

    BTW I thought I was the one poking the bear with my posts like the paragraph above. I seem to get a rise out of several folks. I never thought I would hear the negative nancies saying “Wait ’til next year.”


    Note to CEO: fix red zone offense




    Hmmm, Mc, that’s a pretty short list. Important one yes, but the list is significantly shorter than in a LONG time. Personally I’d add KICKER. Find a female kicker and let her drive the competition.

    Smarter than the average bear


    Drive the competition….SNORT.

    What do unc co-eds and NFL players have in common?

    They both go to their knees for attention.



    Every good comedy team needs a straight man. Glad I could set that one up for ya Mc

    Smarter than the average bear


    The only top level Coaches Show I want to see is on the field on Saturdays….

    look left — I am The Bear… but I’m a happy, old Bear… at least most of the time….

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!



    Every good comedy team needs a straight man. Glad I could set that one up for ya Mc

    Wait, which one is boo boo?


    Note to CEO: fix red zone offense


    Note to McCallum: In all your wisdom I thought you would know fixing red zone offense is not his job. That task delegated to Drink and O staff.
    They are persevering. (Perseverance: steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.)



    Note to those who are concerned about kicker: Check to see if the root of the problem is with the SNAPPER. Fix that and the problem with the KICKER might just disappear.

    The Special Teams coaches are persevering with the kicking issue. New parts have been ordered. Will arrive in time for 2018 season. šŸ˜‰


    fixing red zone offense is not his job.


    Ultimately it is his job. In the end, failure to address that issue is the same as the failure to address the kicking game and somehow youā€™ve missed that salient point. Same with successfully addressing points, he makes the move and he gets the credit.

    Let it not get fixed and letā€™s see how it works out for Dapper Dave. Iā€™m sure there will be much blaming of ā€œothersā€ but in the end one person is in charge and that person did the hiring.

    But since he has time for ā€œwalking around the Murphy Center once a day speaking to staff that work thereā€ he appears to have a little time on his hands.

    The remoteness of your tone about coaching, responsibility and ultimately leadership is something of note Grey.



    His program and his issue to correct. Maybe not “hands on” but if he wants to move forward he has to get a handle here.


    If history repeats itself….so far it really hasn’t post Cocks game but if it does, Drink and the crew will come out with the most vanilla offense come Sat. in Pittsburgh and we’ll lose to a crappy Panthers team. I believe those goofballs in the press box are 99.5% responsible for the crap we see, red zone and all


    My Goodness! Such positive vibes from everyone so early in the morning! Since we all have so much control over what we perceive to be wrong with the team, just go back to thinking about how much of a raise the AD will give DAD.


    Sorry, fat fingers.. I meant DD.

    gso packbacker

    I love that BOTB’s avatar is a bear. How apropos.

    On that note, as much as McCallum injects his commentary, how can he possibly have no avatar? How vanilla of you McCallum!

    Of course, we know McCallum won’t change it on his own (they taught him that in Curmudgeon 101), so how about a wager where he doesn’t have to eat his shoes (really, who wants to witness that?), but alter his avatar. If he wins, he can make it J. Jonah Jamison (a hipper curmudgeon of his era), but if he loses, we get to choose. šŸ™‚

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