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- This topic has 510 replies, 37 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 3 months ago by
12/11/2016 at 10:28 PM #112344
ParticipantOff track… for a variety of reasons…
1. ALL societies have classes… democratic, republican or otherwise.
2. That’s the ruling class – the middle class – and the lower class.
3. Mr. Trump won the Election by the rules…so don’t go there.
4. Mr. Trump is in the Ruling Class….. by default, regardless of anything he says….so don’t go there.
5. The Ruling Class did NOT lose the election…. so don’t go there.
6. There are no Societies without Classes… so don’t go there.That said… the Ruling Class may not have gotten who they wanted, but it’s 100% their own damn fault… for whole lot of reasons. People will write books and make money about this.
But there’s only two real reasons… Too many lies, Too much greed… by the Ruling Class.
And for those reasons, The People, by the SAME rules, spoke with Authority.
So now what, you ask???
Who the F#ck knows. Odds are 100% more of the same only different.
May God bless his people.#NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!12/11/2016 at 10:39 PM #112345pakfanistan
ParticipantSo now what, you ask???
Who the F#ck knows. Odds are 100% more of the same only different.
I pray that you’re right. That would qualify as a best case scenario, IMO.
12/12/2016 at 4:44 AM #112348McCallum
ParticipantPrayer from a heathen!
Now that’s progress!
12/12/2016 at 5:48 AM #112349YogiNC
ParticipantActually, the republicans have the house in part because of some very effective gerrymandering combined with political polarization.
WHAT? The Dems in almost every case of what they considered gerrymandering had that overturned in their favor. You cannot admit the truth. DEMS LOST because they did not have a clue! Hillary won the popular vote ONLY because of 7 cities vs the rest of the country. Take those away and she loses by 8 million votes. THAT alone is more than reason enough for the Electoral College. Those cities contain the greatest percentage of those who get the highest amount of freebies. Take away federal funding of NYC and see what kind of ghost town it become in a hurry. The majority WANTED CHANGE.
Obama care is killing middle america wage earners. IT is a TAX, plain and simple. Tell me how a family of 4 making 60 grand a year BEFORE taxes can afford 400 per month for health insurance with a deductible of 5 grand. That’s 10 grand for health care. And those are REAL numbers. I work with those people. More and more entities with health care for their employees/retirees are defunding to some degree how much they will pay next year. This is hitting retirees especially hard. And you really think we want more of that? Kill Obama care and illegal immigration is what got Trump elected more than anything else. Get a clue pak. Obama promised hope and change we can believe in, he did NOT have a clue.
Smarter than the average bear
12/12/2016 at 6:15 AM #112350McCallum
Please don’t drink all of the kook-aid.(yes I know they actually drank flavor-aid)
You sound like a party shill.
Most people don’t care about sacrifice, virtue and all that Homeric(as in the poet not the tv character) stuff. They want something to eat, something to screw, a comfortable shoe and a warm place to crap.*
*credit to Earl Butz
12/12/2016 at 8:25 AM #112356YogiNC
ParticipantSorry McC, this has nothing to do with parties or being a shill, it has to do with survival of our country, plain and simple. I’m a taxpayer, I’m also fed up with Progressive (soci alistic) focus that feeds the principle of mediocrity of the masses. Obama care was a disaster from it’s beginning. The up front platitudes of what it would accomplish is now looked upon as pure fantasy (which a great many knew it would be). To those who pay nothing it’s great, but step over that threshold and stand by. Personally I would have rather seen those without coverage who really can’t afford it be covered by Medicaid. Also illegal immigration is killing our country (and the repubs are just as much to blame as anyone). Trade agreements that send our jobs overseas sits squarely in their laps by my account.
A SHILL I am NOT! My thought processes on the things wrong with our country may make it seem like I’m a republican but I’d fire at least half of them right now. By that same token I WILL NOT agree with anything of a soc ialistic focus. Call me an a hole or whatever but I’ve worked all of my adult life. I started “working” at 11 cutting grass in the summers to have money to go to scout camp and to get clothes in the fall. I’ve never depended on anyone to take care of me and as long as I am able that’s the way it will be. I’ve saved up for the end of life times also. Now, I know there are those who do not have it easy, trust me from the time I was 13 to adulthood my grandmother and I had it pretty tough, many times more month than money, so I know precisely what that is like. But deep inside of me is the thought that if you want to eat you need to work unless you absolutely cannot. Plain and simple. it’s a complex subject and there are no easy solutions, but what we have done over the past 50 years has NOT worked. I remember all too well the promises of the great society. It’s done nothing to raise people out of poverty and in many cases has created an environment of greater poverty. It has also created more fatherless homes which has it’s own penalty on society.
I look to other nations of the world that have taken on progressive agendas and they have simply not worked. Marx was 100% wrong (see principle of mediocrity of the masses that I already stated). This country was never founded on those principles and any other direction than 100% non progressive is foolishness. There is not one society that has ever existed in which social istic principles have ever resulted in greatness or long term success. PERIOD! No matter what you expect to accomplish the great society does not work for one simple reason, the haves look upon the have nots with great disdain and only one of two things happen as a result. If the haves continue to be taxed or forced to care for the have nots eventually they will find a way to circumvent it or join the have nots and eventually there is no one to produce the wealth that it takes to care for the have nots. That is human nature 101 and that principle will NEVER change.
Smarter than the average bear
12/12/2016 at 9:01 AM #112360Adventuroo
Maybe we ought to do that. Then HRC would have won the election. OK, I’m for that. NOW, if I’m FOR IT, then of course those that support it would be in favor of the same…
Snowplow tax. The Federal Government will take over ALL US Snow Removal. That will be in the cities and urban areas. There will be a 10 Cents per Gallon Federal Fuel Tax added to EVERY gallon of fuel (Diesel and Gasoline). That will then allow the CITIES (the Magnificent SEVEN) to redirect their failing tax revenues to the INNER CITY Residents. That will help Chicago and Philly and LA and NYC MORE money to spend on FREE STUFF.
BUT, wait, what about the retirees in Florida and Arizona? What about the Southern California Residents and Louisiana? THAT would be UNFAIR. BUT, if you added this as a NATIONAL Referendum on it. Lets assume that ALL the HRC Voted for it….then, since it is “the POPULAR VOTE”, it wins.
OK….you don’t buy THAT logic. I have another one for you. Under, Hypothetically, the HRC Regime….there is a LAND TAX. Any LANDOWNER must pay a tax. Does NOT matter what the value, it is based on square footage. All the ranchers and homeowners in the USA will pay a flat $2.50 per 1000 Sq Ft tax. My 1.1 acre homestead will be about $120. That was also a special ballot issue that was included with the Presidential Election. The same folks that voted for HRC overwhelmingly approved it….
SO, That is why we need the Electoral College.
BUT…WAIT….WAIT…..these are all hypothetical situations……YES….but how about what happened in Wake County. There was a Transportation Tax Referendum Tax on the Ballot. It passed. Now, that will cost me about $300 per year. Anyone that comes to Wake County for an NCSU Ball game and purchases goods and services (souvenirs or food) will pay MORE tax. In my case, I will pay at least $250 MORE per year. I will also pay $40 MORE for my vehicles. There is a $10 per Vehicle INCREASE in the NCDMV Registration.
The new LIGHT RAIL….will NOT, I REPEAT….STOP at the AIRPORT. That would hurt their Parking Monopoly. SO, the Light Rail will move folks more efficiently from Garner to Durham (Don’t ask me HOW Durham got into this mix….but all the articles touted it…). I think it should be named…
MLRTW. That stands for Moving Liberals Rapidly Through Wake.
12/12/2016 at 10:54 AM #112365Adventuroo
ParticipantYogi and all who are interested…..seems like we get “new conspiracy” theories all the time. The RUSKIES doned it….is the latest.
Two interesting articles from the Fair Haired Homosapien MALE ROCK STAR forecaster, Nate Silver. Read them in order….did I detect that Comey was NOT going to be an influence….and THEN he wuz…
Nate Silver: Clinton Would’ve ‘Almost Certainly’ Become President If Not for Comey’s Letter
Now Mr. Silver (unrelated of course to the Lone Ranger or Monty Kiffin’s white steed) says COMEY done Dunned her in….
Comments are always appreciated….
12/12/2016 at 11:05 AM #112366StateRed44
ParticipantThere is no such thing as the “popular vote”. The witch lost, get over it.
12/12/2016 at 11:10 AM #112368StateRed44
ParticipantRepublican party is only a means to an end. Trump ran against Bush, McCain, and Romney too.
12/12/2016 at 11:19 AM #112369StateRed44
ParticipantAnd THAT IS the problem McC. For those who live our lives and do our best to live by the rules it galls us to no end for those in power to thumb their noses at the rules. AND THAT is why Trump won. Those who are tired of that crap said “enough!” Will Trump be any different? I have no idea, BUT I know Hillary would be the same as the last guy only worse.
Trump is gonna make America great again. So, yeah, that’s different than, “Progress, comrades”
12/12/2016 at 3:52 PM #112375SqlWolf
ParticipantTrump is gonna make America great again. So, yeah, that’s different than, “Progress, comrades”
I wonder what the basis of comparison is for “great.” When was america great? What is not so great now? What is your definition of “Greatness?” I really would like to hear the opinions of SFN folks.
I personally think America has not lost its greatness. But perhaps I am thinking of greatness in terms different from others.
12/12/2016 at 4:39 PM #112378pakfanistan
ParticipantMMMMMMmmmmmmm, Trump keeps appointing banking execs, billionaires, and career politicians.
I think we have three or four Goldman Sachs execs now, a Rothschild exec (and billionaire dealer of distressed assets), a BoA/Citigroup exec, and the the billionaire wife of the billionaire CEO of a pyramid scheme….
Way to show those elites who’s boss guys.
12/12/2016 at 4:46 PM #112379Heelh8r
ParticipantI really would like to hear the opinions of SFN folks.
You’ve come to the right place. All you have to do is scroll back through the previous 19 pages.
12/12/2016 at 5:25 PM #112381McCallum
The 14th Amendment gives the central government unlimited power. That unlimited power comes from section 1 of the 14th Amendment, in the name of making access equal the government can trump any and all pre existing laws or precedent.
What you are raising hell about is the slow evolution of the republic from one “of liberty” to one “of equality”. That is the Jacobin spirit of the French, not American, Revolution.
The initial effort to blunt this evolution took place with the legal secession of the lower southern states in 1861. The upper south followed only after Lincoln indicated he would violate the sovereign states by applying powers never granted him by the states or the constitution.
It’s over Yogi. The only thing that can preserve and protect local liberty of the respective people, the states, is the disoloution of the union.
12/12/2016 at 6:00 PM #112384pakfanistan
ParticipantLiberty and equality are not mutually exclusive you know…
12/12/2016 at 6:02 PM #112385StateRed44
ParticipantTrump is gonna make America great again. So, yeah, that’s different than, “Progress, comrades”
I wonder what the basis of comparison is for “great.” When was america great? What is not so great now? What is your definition of “Greatness?” I really would like to hear the opinions of SFN folks.
I personally think America has not lost its greatness. But perhaps I am thinking of greatness in terms different from others.
How about when opposing collectivism wasn’t described as racist by a sitting president? I for one will feel America will be much greater with that jackass out of office, in fact I felt much better on Nov. 9.
12/12/2016 at 6:02 PM #112386McCallum
ParticipantThey certainly are exclusive terms.
John Randolph of Roanoke spells it out plainly.
12/12/2016 at 6:04 PM #112387StateRed44
The 14th Amendment gives the central government unlimited power. That unlimited power comes from section 1 of the 14th Amendment, in the name of making access equal the government can trump any and all pre existing laws or precedent.
What you are raising hell about is the slow evolution of the republic from one “of liberty” to one “of equality”. That is the Jacobin spirit of the French, not American, Revolution.
The initial effort to blunt this evolution took place with the legal secession of the lower southern states in 1861. The upper south followed only after Lincoln indicated he would violate the sovereign states by applying powers never granted him by the states or the constitution.
It’s over Yogi. The only thing that can preserve and protect local liberty of the respective people, the states, is the disoloution of the union.
Depends on who interprets said constitution. “Don’t give up, don’t ever give up.” Other than that, I appreciate your posts, go easy on the defeatism. There is still much to salvage and roll back.
12/12/2016 at 6:09 PM #112390McCallum
ParticipantYou are quoting the wrong Italian when it comes to the constitution.
I call it reality not defeatism and if you have failed to notice, the federal government NEVER cedes or reduces its impact, power or control.
12/12/2016 at 6:24 PM #112396StateRed44
ParticipantNo, I agree 100% usually. We’ll see what happens on healthcare. There really are no solutions which will give the free “full court press” to the sickly who don’t contribute AND that will be affordable for all. So lets see if someone smarter than me of course can walk that tightrope. I think this is our last shot and quite frankly it was a hail Mary that connected in a big way. I pray he will do the right thing. We shall see. IF he ONLY builds a wall and fixes illegal immigration I would still count his time as a monumental success moving forward for my children.
12/12/2016 at 6:28 PM #112398McCallum
Psalm 146:3McCallum
12/12/2016 at 6:55 PM #112400StateRed44
ParticipantHe’s a different cat though. I mean, how many times in history would it be viewed as a strength by patriots that he be owned by Moscow rather than DC? Which I don’t even know or even care if it’s the case lol, just for arguments sake. That’s how bad it is IMO, and that’s why I will remain somewhat optimistic.
12/12/2016 at 7:43 PM #112401bill.onthebeach
ParticipantPsalm 146:3
… plus Psalm 146:4
Psalm 146:5… should be the sole source of our hope and confidence in the future.Bill
#NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!12/12/2016 at 8:07 PM #112402YogiNC
ParticipantWorks for me Bill.
McC, I can still hold out hope. I don’t have many years left, but MAYBE this could be the turn around many of us have hoped for. Where is Ronald Reagan when you need him? I digress.
Smarter than the average bear
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