ACC Weekly Update

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    After the soul-sapping game on Sunday, I’m not in the mood to dream up a snappy introduction to the weekly conference overview. So let’s jump in straight to the good stuff (ie RPI Rankings)
    [See the full post at: ACC Weekly Update]


    Thanks VaWolf appreciate the update.


    In other breaking news, State College surrendered to unc faster than a Myers Park blonde during freshmen orientation at chapel hill.



    Well-written piece and puts everything into perspective. I was happy to see the Sunday beatdown didn’t destroy us.

    It is true that the next four have to be W’s. But I hate having to play frigging Wake. What the hell is it? Some kind of Reynolds family curse?


    I’ve mentioned it in previous posts. NC State seems to be one of the top Division 1 schools in college athletics at obtaining dubious honors. My question is, how does this happen to us constantly? We all see the same things year in year out. This Clemson game just ticks me off even more. I thought we were pretty dominant against them, and had we sent out solicitations for and suited up almost any previous high school kicker enrolled at State, Clemson would not have been playing for a national championship. But not a big deal, we lost a close one to the eventual national champions. That said we barely made a bowl game and lost to BC who was horrible. I look at the last basketball game, 51 point loss, after beating VT handily.

    It’s more than inconsistency. You lose games you should win, ok. But we do it in such grandiose manner. Is someone paying our athletes to have horrible games randomly to an embarrassing degree? It would make more sense to me. Again, it’s not the upsets, it’s how bad they are. Is there a curse lingering over our campus? Should we consider an exorcism? Some black magic?


    And Roy is now 31-3 vs the Pack. Really sad! And on another note, Clemson owes Bambard a debt of appreciation for missing the FG, which would have eliminated them from the championship playoffs.


    I love how people make assumptions.

    Who knows what Clemson would have done after our game. The loss to Pitt appears to have lit a fire.

    And please, I know empathy is a rare emotion on the interweb- but think of our kicker as your son, brother or grandchild. Then again, perhaps some folks are incapable of this.


    Sorry, but the kicking game doomed us in several games, and that was on both kickers. If we don’t find another more reliable kicker for next year, it will do the same thing. Even the coach acknowledged that, by not going for FGs, in obvious FG situations, in several games.


    NOLES giving the K-less Dookies all they want down in Tallytown…

    NOLES up 5 with 12 to play…

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!
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