ACC Media Picks Pack Roundball 8th

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    The members of the ACC Media have cast their votes and the consensus is that the 2015 version of NC State Basketball will finish right smack in the mi
    [See the full post at: ACC Media Picks Pack Roundball 8th]


    Cuse is officially Old Scratch?

    I’d be quite surprised if the Pack is outside the Top 5.


    Terry Henderson will decide that.
    I’m optimisitic [sic].

    Then again, I picked State to beat Clemson on a Bambard gamewinner.


    Disagree. I think this team has a real shot at the top 4 in the league. With me there cheering for them at all the home games, how can they miss?


    I pegged us between 6 & 8 in a previous thread and I’m sticking with that especially as tightly clustered as the 5-8 group is in the media poll. This puts me on the record as being less optimistic than Rick and BJD which has me very concerned.


    Yep, looking at Basketball because I’m not very optimistic about the outcome on Saturday…..

    WOW, so I guess “what’s his name” was that much of our offense?
    Anyway…… I disagree with the mid level projection and hopefully every 20 years, I’ll be right!!!


    Been saying since last year the ACC going to be lights out this season so I don’t think this projection is that far off.


    also no way Vtech finishes that low.


    Good. Now prove them wrong Pack. Is Ingram that good to be 1st team?

    Alpha Wolf

    I think Notre Dame won’t be anywhere near the same team without Jerian Grant, and Miami and FSU and 5 and 6 is really optimistic as well.

    Move Louisville and State up a couple of spots and you’re probably closer to what the standings will look like in March.


    It is not grossly off but it does seem a tad low. I think we’ll finish around 4-6. I look for Wake to make some good strides this year.


    IIRC, CD said top 4 BEFORE Gott signed Kirk and Mav. I’m still willing to pay a grand to see State at 4 or higher.

    I wanted to catch World Series highlights but instead ran into Roy playing his banjo on ESPN at 9am. I’d pay 10k to see those dbags Come in last.


    ACC Media Members. How fitting.


    Preseason rankings mean jack sh*t. With that being said, I expect us to finish 5th šŸ™‚


    ^ No, no, no. Official media rankings are meaningless. Fan projections are infinitely valuable.

    Anyone know off the top of their heads how Gottfried’s teams have finished compared to how they were projected? It seems they typically finish higher. On the one hand, I understand why you would pick a team like State to finish in the middle at the highest – they lost a big part of their team. However, why are they not given the benefit of the doubt as others as far as how the new players will contribute? In other words, if they consistently bring in new players who are able to make up for the lost production and you know they have a good player or two coming in, why not factor that in and bump them up a bit? Clearly that is factored into the decision of other teams. But, since media projections are meaningless, who cares anyway. Certainly not me.


    Hmmm… If I were a betting man, I’d go with UVA to win the regular season, which is what I think this poll is about. UNC is getting a lot of national attention so I can’t blame the media too much for putting them first.

    Teams that were a little too high:
    – Louisville: Lost key parts and they’ll have scandal around them all year.
    – GT: They should be down at DFL as long as Gregory is coach. No way they finish ahead of VT and they may not finish ahead of BC.
    – ND: I can’t see how that team minus Grant is going to finish this high.

    Teams that I think are a little low:
    – NC State: If I were predicting, I’d slot us at 5th, just behind Miami. We have good guards and a defensive presence in the middle. Those two things win in college basketball.
    – VT: Buzz is a great coach. He just needs some horses. I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see them eek out a 10th place finish and would probably put them 11th.
    – Syracuse: The storm is mostly past at this point. Love him or hate him (and I am in the latter category), Jim B. is still the coach. They’ll always play stall ball and that zone and that’s good for a 6th – 8th finish.


    Agree with consensus on Notre Dame. Not only did they lose their best player Grant, they also lost their second best player Connaughton.

    Agree Louisville looks a bit high as well. They lost a number of starters and they might actually lose Pitino before season end.

    I expect State to finish in the 4-6 range.


    I see 12 conference win. Personally, I see a lot of parity in the ACC this year; could be very little difference in teams between 3 and 10.


    A quick Google search reveals the following:
    2014-15 predicted finish = 9th
    Actual finish: T-6th

    2013-14 predicted finish = 10th
    Actual finish: T-7th

    So yes…there’s a definite trend, hopefully it continues. I think we know the reasons. Of course, we should probably thank them since we don’t handle success well.


    Good work, Chop! I most definitely DO think the media consistently underrate MG’s ability as a coach. He’s not exactly a master strategist…but neither is Ol’ Roy. Recruiting matters, and so do motivation and man management (as the Brits say). My take is they don’t know what to do with an “outside the box” thinker, especially at an “outsider” university.

    Plus, there’s still the residual effects of the two “bandwagon” seasons when folks prematurely declared us great, and we flopped (Lowe and MG’s 2nd seasons). Rather than realize their own errors (as I did in the post-mortem), many of the media just decided to never give us any benefit of the doubt ever again.

    Lazy thinking, but that’s modern media for ya.

    I actually think it will be a rugby scrum of 4 or 5 at the top, and we will be in it. I think the Holes are nowhere near the worldbeaters they have been anointed as, and will fall back to this pack. They could even fall a step behind, if they react poorly to being punched in the mouth (as Ol’ Roy teams often do). And the middle class of the league won’t be easy outs, either. That’s GREAT for the league, and especially for US. Maybe we can and hopefully will stay in focused tournament mode during ACC play as a result.

    1.21 Jigawatts

    I think the pre-season prediction is accurate, probably finish with a .500 acc record plus or minus a game. Remember that just because Team A may be better than Team B, with the unbalanced schedule Team B may finish higher in the standings. As for State I think the reasons behind staying in the muddy middle are simple, we have averaged an Adjusted Defensive Efficiency of 99.2 under MG which says you’re an average defensive team nationally and I don’t think we’ll see a consistent change in that this year or any year under MG. We have also steadily decreased our tempo under MG during his 4 years at State, from 68.0 adjusted possessions per game to an average 64.3 adjusted possessions per game. So being average on defense and average at pace doesn’t equate to a top level team.

    Sure this team can be different as each season is a new team with a new identity but we aren’t bringing in a superstar freshmen class that drastically changes who State already is as a team.


    ^ As a reason for why the Pack should be predicted where they are, I can buy that. As a reason for the media picking them there, somehow I doubt that much thought went into it. Maybe I’m misunderestimating them.


    Fair or not, I think Gott’s 2nd team tanking (as compared to preseason expectations) is still following the program around as far as the media. Fortunately, not so much in recruiting.

    Barring unforeseen circumstances, Gott will have the chance to prove himself as a real program builder over the next 2-3 yrs.


    I pegged us between 6 & 8 in a previous thread and Iā€™m sticking with that especially as tightly clustered as the 5-8 group is in the media poll. This puts me on the record as being less optimistic than Rick and BJD which has me very concerned.

    I have us in the 9-10 win range which would place around 7-8. Gott teams float around middle of the pack and make a run at the end. Our wings and things style of recruiting gives me pause. Losing our “end of game” player makes me wonder who will be that person and how will they perform? Lacey was clutch most of the time. With Lacey I think we are top 4. Without him there are a lot of questions that have to be answered and that seems to take at least half of the season under Gott to iron that out. Thus it takes a run at the end to make the tournament. The one thing I hate about preseason media predictions are the “we performed better than expected” cries. Who gives a flip if we performed better than a bunch of hacks thought we would.


    I think this team will be better than last years. Whether that equates to a better record depends on our improvement relative to our peers. I recongnize lacy made some key late game shots but I thought he hurt us at times with shot selection, and he was an indifferent defender. This team could be gottfrieds best on defense–and I mean top 40-50–which isn’t bad. They really need to pick up the pace and not fall off in efficiency on offense. We go as cat goes. We need him to dominate. 18pg, 7apg.

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