ACC Basketball – One Month Left

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    Before we get to our normal tables, graphs, and discussions, we have some background stuff that needs to be covered
    [See the full post at: ACC Basketball – One Month Left]


    Well from this Packs fan perspective I see the blues play on Thursday before unx comes too Raleigh so I am pulling for a quadruple overtime game.


    Hey, Va, it’s obvious to even the most casual reader the amount of work and thought that goes into each of these installments. I don’t take time often enough to thank you, so…..thank you!

    I do think, based on our previous “conversations” that you (like me) just enjoy this sort of exercise, so you’d probably do most of this for your own satisfaction, even without a convenient podium. So I guess what I should actually thank you for is sharing this work with us!


    I do think, based on our previous “conversations” that you (like me) just enjoy this sort of exercise, so you’d probably do most of this for your own satisfaction, even without a convenient podium.

    Thanks for the kind words.

    It’s strange that you mention this as I was wondering just this morning exactly what I would do if SFN went away. I don’t have an answer to that hypothetical, but I would never had studied the selection process as much as I have if not for SFN.


    I’ll echo the thanks above. No way I have the kind of time or knowledge to pull together the detailed information you’ve provided. It’s much appreciated. I’m on travel later this week with a buddy from VT so we’ll be watching together in San Antonio while sipping margaritas. Should be an interesting match up. I think when we pass the ball (no ball hogging) and hit a fair number of three’s to keep the D honest, we can play with anyone.


    Nicely written as always.

    Until I see several good games on the road from this team I will remain very concerned about our chances, because our weakest opponents down the stretch don’t visit the PNC.


    First Dance Card of the season released:

    If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I wrote about them last year:

    The Dance Card

    Here’s their site:


    Yes, thanks VAWolf. Love these write-ups. Even though some of it is above my poor little head …

    Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. Mao Zedong


    ESPN straightened out their issues if anyone cares.

    Here’s their summary for the ACC


    Be prepared for the hype surrounding the first matchup of the Blues this week. The best advice I’ve seen on this game from the perspective of a State fan is to always pull for the visiting team.

    Nope. The answer is that you ALWAYS pull against the Holes.



    ^Without ANY DOUBT !!!

    The Dookies should mortally wound the Holes and cut out their Souls…
    Uncle Roy limping into the PNC with a cane would be a bonus…

    It’s not really that complicated…

    Dook’s BIGS — Bagley and Carter can dominate Maye and Pinson… if they touch the ball enough in the right places…

    Dook’s outside shooters are better than Jo-L… if they touch the ball enough in the right places…

    Cameron Johnson may be the Holes wildcard… but he CAN NOT beat Dook by himself…

    So that game will hinge on ONE THING — whether or NOT Grayson decides to play TEAM ball… and pass the ball to his freshmen in the right places…

    Thus, once again on Tobacco Road, it comes down to Coaching and who wants it more …

    The only people Uncle Roy can get any extra out of is the ‘Whine and Cheese’ crowd sitting in the stands…

    I’ll bet my dollar that Coach Rat speaks to Grayson in persuasive ways…

    with edits… dpaif!

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    Thanks VaWolf82, love your write ups. Long time SFN reader but don’t post much.


    Great stuff as always Vawolf.

    It’s really interesting to see the Delta’s between the old RPI’s and the new socially engineered RPIs. (I say this because the new RPI was created with an intention – and that intent was not to rank the teams as purely as possible.)

    Great news that we are “in” according to dance card. We are kind of at a high point in terms of conference record, so we need to maintain from here on out to stay on the right side of the bubble.


    Great news that we are “in” according to dance card. We are kind of at a high point in terms of conference record, so we need to maintain from here on out to stay on the right side of the bubble.

    I won’t feel comfortable until the RPI is in the mid-50s because alot of my “bad” examples have RPI’s in the 60s.

    I’m afraid that an RPI in the 60s will require a Thursday win in the ACCT. Luckily, no one other than UVA looks unbeatable right now.


    Ya’ll did notice the ‘Cuse did us a favor last night in Louisville, didn’t you?

    GO PACK!!

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    ^ I did notice and also noticed that on Miami’s schedule they still have to play Va. and at Unx.


    Ya’ll did notice the ‘Cuse did us a favor last night in Louisville, didn’t you?

    How so?


    Ya’ll did notice the ‘Cuse did us a favor last night in Louisville, didn’t you?

    How so?

    Agree with VaWolf comment. Syracuse and UL could both be headed for the bubble. If you are talking about the quest for the double bye, then ok. I still think that is Fantasy Island stuff at this point. Talk to me with a week to go.


    Sign me up for Fantasy Island, Tex. I’d love to live there. Beats reality any day.

    Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. Mao Zedong


    A double bye and a tournament bid would be beyond my wildest dreams for this season. I like that we can at least dare to dream about both of these things. The reality is that we need to keep winning to get to both, and there are a lot of games ahead of us.

    Great analysis as always. Beating ND didn’t “help” us because playing them probably hurt us. At the same time, losing to them, given their current tailspin and where they will likely end up, would have hurt us. It was a must win game, even if it wasn’t a resume builder.

    What I look for at this time of the year is who left is still hungry. I think that hunger factor has dropped a bit given we no longer have double round robin. It’s more about what teams have a chance. We will face hungry teams in VT, UNC, Louisville, FSU and Syracuse. There are a lot of tough games left for us from teams who clearly will be giving us their best shot.


    Ha! After we beat the Cards and the Orangemen… ya’ll will understand…

    GO PACK!

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    So the Pack is kind of where most teams are if they want to get to where they want to go they need to stay hungry and win.


    Vawolf without a doubt an RPI in the 60s would mean we would have to win at least 2 games in the ACC tournament.

    However, I also believe an RPI in the 60s means we finished 9-9 vs 10-8. I am not as confident as I once was that 10-8 would get us there… but we will see how our RPI moves if we do that

    Like you, I want us in top 40 in old RPI come selection Sunday. (And per Dance card, we ain’t that far off.)


    The Holes hold on against Dook, so they come to Raleigh with some momentum. Hope the home court advantage is just that. KK needs to get the boys fired up. No easy layups!


    The holes played out of their minds tonight and made everything they threw up there. They play like that again and we are in trouble. That said, they haven’t played like that twice all season. It won’t happen again Saturday. They will be hungover.

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