#7 NC STATE vs #3 DUKE Preview (ACC Tournament Edition)

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    Game over.


    Nope…Duke just played its Nat Champ game today.

    Pure and simple.

    … and so did Coach K…
    there is a reason he has won all those games…

    We GOTT nothing to be sad about… today.

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!
    ldr of the pk 75

    NCAA thoughts? ESPN had us in a second 4 out. I think we’re good enough, barely.


    It was great while it lasted – We’ll be seeing Buckets in a pro uni next year. Can’t blame him with all the $ out there.

    It will be interesting to see what sort of team State has next year. I know the recruits are supposed to be hot, but you never know until they show at school or even actually get in to school.

    But, congratulations to Coach Got and the Wolfpack. They certainly exceeding most fans expectations for the ACC this year.

    NCSU class of '76
    Jacksonville, FL

    1.21 Jigawatts

    Something about the color Red set Duke off into Championship Mode.

    Even with the bad second half shooting by State they still played great minus the lack of defensive rebounding as usual.


    NCAA thoughts? ESPN had us in a second 4 out. I think we’re good enough, barely.



    Not a bad effort. I think we will be a smidge short of The Big Dance.

    1.21 Jigawatts

    NCAA thoughts? ESPN had us in a second 4 out. I think we’re good enough, barely.

    We’re clearly out. The best projection was 2nd out by the Dance Card and losing doesn’t improve your stats.


    The Pack left nothing on the court..I’m proud of them….


    We’re out.

    Good effort. Just ran out of gas in the second half. We had no answer for all the weapons Duke has, and they shut Warren down during the decisive run. Still a solid showing in the tourney. Guys played hard but we fell a little short. Nothing to be ashamed of.


    Anyone criticizing the players and coaches today should be ashamed. We played our ASSes off against a clearly superior Duke squad…unfortunately they played close to their best as well. And third game in as many days is no trifle, as the fatigue was evident especially on shooting in second half.


    And eye test indicates we should be in, but we all know that’s not how it works.


    We match up very poorly against Duke.


    Very proud of the effort…But very surprised by some of the schemes and rotations out there given our defensive limitations and matchup problems with Duke.


    … and for the rest of the “half-full” guys…

    First … think about the first Dook game… then…


    Tyler and ANTHONY had TWO turnovers, 6 assists and 12 points..
    Freeman GOTT 13 points and 9 rebounds…

    ^This… by two freshman against the same Dook team AND in the ACC Tournament.

    The game was tied at 45 with 15:30 left in the second…
    Jefferson, who will haunt us until he graduates… hat tip to Jefferson,Sr. for that…
    dunked at 13:48 mark to put the Devils up by NINE 45-54….

    The rest of the game was basically even…. for thirty eight minutes… if you count the last five…
    If you don’t it really doesn’t matter… you can just be satisfied saying we played them even for 31 out of the first 33 minutes.

    Among other things… this points out clearly what, for lack of a better phrase,
    the margin of error is in big, important, do or die games.

    And you have to play at least that good to beat Coach Rat when he doesn’t want to be beat.

    First.. he went 100% Parker the first three and half minutes which surprised everybody on our end of the floor and got them thinking…

    Then… he saved the TJ special D — until the second half … when he needed it most.
    He saved his defense for the second half when it mattered..


    Our Coaches GOTT 100% of what they could out of our kids… unfortunately someone somewhere won’t be 100% satisfied with that.

    for the stat guys..

    Our RPI ought to go UP with a quality loss (8pts) to a legitimate Top Ten team…. shouldn’t it ??

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    Agreed, we’re out. Just didn’t do enough damage.


    So proud of this team. I think were headed to a game at Reynolds next but who knows? I think the almighty eye test could help us out and give us a possible first four play in game.

    Great effort. Go Pack


    If UVA loses by double digits tomorrow, we sneak into the dance — barely.

    No harm in bold predictions, right?


    Matchup nightmare for us. Don’t take this as criticism of players and coaches, it’s not. But because the margin for error was so slim, we needed to counter punch Coach K and crew in the second, and we didn’t. I’m just surprised we didn’t at least see a little more Warren on Parker, particularly in the second when we weren’t in foul trouble. Zoning Duke with the 2-3, with Warren and two bigs on the back line who move slowly and don’t rebound particularly well was a recipe for disaster, and it was. There was simply no way we could win that game once we stopped shooting 65% when we went to that defense. That was searching in the wrong place.


    We couldn’t stop them all day, man or zone. Parker was firing. As was Hood. And Sulaiman was breaking us down. Just too many scorers. We went cold a few minutes and that’s when they made the run. They never looked back. I’m just not sure what else we could have done. Sometimes you just tip your cap. Wasn’t our day.

    1.21 Jigawatts

    Our RPI ought to go UP with a quality loss (8pts) to a legitimate Top Ten team…. shouldn’t it ??

    You’re confusing RPI with KenPom. Points don’t matter in RPI, just wins, losses, location, and winning percentages. So State’s SOS will improve but it’s only a small portion of the equation. Losing is losing and doing it on a neutral court to a Top 10 team late in the season pretty much is zero effect at best. If State’s RPI ranking does go up it’s because those ranked ahead of us are really close and they drop just enough to allow State’s RPI ranking to improve. Remember RPI is a value and then they rank each team by that value so there could be a slight difference between 50/51 or there could be a large difference between 50/51, you just don’t know by looking at only rankings.

    The Pack simply didn’t do enough during the season to warrant getting in when compared against the other teams on the bubble and that’s what you’re really comparing at this point, who else is on the bubble and what are their resumes.

    Maybe this will impact the younger guys in realizing that every game in the season is important, even against teams like NCCU, and you can’t afford to let One Loss become Two Losses (the Hangover Effect).


    I’m pretty sure i speak for most everyone here when I say how proud I am of this year’s team. Not the most talented we’ve had but they played their hearts out. Coach Gott had his best year coaching since he’s been here. He put us in a position to win in most all our games. Just a few plays short of the Big Dance.
    I don’t think I need to say anything that’s not already been said about TJW.
    Remember the beginning of the season when we didn’t know if our PG’s could coexist. Somehow the coaches found out a way to get the best out of Cat and Lewis.


    One Loss become Two Losses (the Hangover Effect).

    The Miami and Clemson losses hurt. We got blown out in both. It is understandable following the devestating losses to Cuse and UNC. Had we won one of those (Cuse or UNC) I think we are in. Sucks.


    ^Exactly, but look at the personnel..Had to match Duke defensively because there was no way we’d continue to shoot at the same clip. Our response late in the first and in the second, for long stretches, was to go to really bad zone with the wrong personnel, or man with a similarly bad personnel. Thought all year long our best lineup was with Warren at the four. Against Duke, the only chance we had was Hipster Cat playing at the same level he did in the first half, and Warren playing at the four. Only chance.


    Really enjoyed watching these guys play together. Much more pleasurable year of watching when compared with last season. I still think Gottfried has loads of work to do the defensive side of the ball. Don’t have to be great but need major improvement. Testament to how good Warren is, this year, and the improvement of the bigs, that we achieved what we did.

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