Reply To: Top motivational speaker who isn’t Wolfman Jack speaks to the Pack

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Hungwolf — Based on all of the things you choose to remember (the excuses & only the godo stuff) every college in America should’ve been scooping O’Cain up as their next head coach. What do you think was their issue? It’s weird that MOC was such a fabulous coach that he never sniffed another Head Coaching job and even spent a couple of years selling telephones in between assistant gigs at Clemson and Virginia Tech. But, what do Athletics Directors know about football coaches!?!

I’m sorry for any confusion or miscommunication on this topic. I would’ve thought that everyone naturally understood the obvious difference between having someone come speak with your team vs having to turn to a permanent human resource who was with the team at all times. Hust so that I am very clear I will be more direct —

(1) I am not criticizing our staff in any way for having Eric Thomas speak to the team.

(2) I think it makes total sense to have outside speakers come address all teams on a myraid of topics and it looks like Thomas was as super selection.

(3) I do think that if the staff had to turn to an outsider to effectively outsource motivation for two seasons would be a topic worth exploring.

(4) In Mike O’Cain’s case, the fact that he needed help by way of a PERMANENT HIRE with this particular shortcoming was an indication of a larger structural deficiency in his coaching ability. There was CLEARLY an issue with his ability to deliver consistency both from the coaches and the players. Just as Hungwolf so optimistically pointed out a few of the highlights of MOC’s 7 years, she/he omitted an 0-7 record vs UNC despite being favored in 4 of the 7 games, a losing record vs ECU, and an inability to beat a middling Georgia Tech amidst strange losses to the likes of Purdue, Baylor, Virginia and others.