Reply To: The Morning After

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Great takes on the ebb and flow of the game. Knowledgeable, one might say.

Speaking of knowledgeable, someone found it necessary to point out that I attacked a few people’s intelligence, last night. No…I questioned their knowledge.

Big diff, especially if one quotes out of context, and uses said quote to personalize a criticism of one’s own.

Trust me. If I were to attack someone’s intelligence, you’d recognize it immediately.

I try to post as if we were watching events at the same Sports Bar. My takes would be no different pint to pint, face to face.

Now, you may enjoy my company, and I yours, or not. The difference is only in whether or not I’d care to buy you a beer, or you one for me. It works both ways. Just like opinions on refs 😉

I truly apologize for placing a response in a new thread.