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I watched the USC game right after coming home from the WFU Fiasco. Guess who was officiating. KH of course. I guess that the SEC was more forgiving. I would have thought that Jamie Luckie (not for us) would have been more “prejudiced” and taken out Karl’s wrath on Mr. Manning and company since if was WFU that got him Personna Non Gratta in the ACC ranks.

He had his usual crazy sideways side saddle gait…..and his “presence” was like a shining meteor (Right before it hit Planet Earth)….

BUT, I did, for a few fleeting nanoseconds, long to see him again….or perhaps INSTEAD of Mr. Luckie. With our luck, we will have Mr. Luckie tonight so that the ACC would not have to incur additional travel.

It ain’t gonna be purty… way….