Stat of the Day

NCAA Tournament Teams That Get All The Calls – Carolina, Connecticut and Chattanooga?

During our ACC Tournament viewing party, the subject came up of how much more North Carolina goes to the free throw line than their opponents. One of the excuses we had always heard was that their talent level discrepancy leads to the free throw discrepancy (and absolutely nothing to do with biased officiating…) This led us to wonder about a team like Memphis that utterly dominates Conference USA and is head and shoulders above the rest of the league, what sort of free throw advantage do they have?

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SMD: The Gap Grows Greater

SFN:  Long time readers may remember some of our old entries (from 2005-2006) that we named “Perpetually Disappearing Pie”.  We won’t link them here since our most recent server transition removed the key graphs from the entries.  Today’s entry is a special submission from one of our long time contributors, SMD, and brings with it […]

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