Why did you come here to read this blog? Think about that while I list some of the things that govern my reading choices: – To find out about what is currently happening in the world. – To learn about something that I am interested in, but don’t know much about. – Analysis and commentaries […]
SFN Stuff
Dan Wetzel – John Calipari the Perfect Coach For NC State
LINK. Favorite excerpt: That tale, the quintessential John Calipari story, is why he is the perfect coach for North Carolina State, and the Wolfpack know it. It is not because of who he would make happy (State alums), but who he would drive nuts, namely Mike Krzyzewski and Roy Williams. That has to be what […]
Caulton, We Couldn’t Have Said It Better
The N&O’s ACC Now Blog posted Caulton Tudor’s Monday article, and it is a must read. Bravo! (As of 9:10pm ET, the N&O’s ACCNow Blog is encountering technical problems.) You are going to love this article! And, some Wolfpackers are going to feel compelled to apologize to Caulton Tudor for some criticisms that you have […]
Thank You Fayetteville Observer!
We’d like to thank the Fayetteville Observer for mentioning us in this article today. Fan clamor to know who will be next N.C. State coach By Dan Wiederer As word of Herb Sendek’s departure from N.C. State spread to the public last weekend, many fans had no idea what to make of the development. Even […]
Billy Packer Kicks Ass
It is no secret that Billy Packer is a personality that attracts a lot of opinion and controversy amongst fans. Our most recent Packer-related conversation can be found by clicking here. But tonight, you can officially throw out almost all of your Packer criticisms. Tonight, Billy Packer enters the StateFansNation Hall of Fame (at least […]
Because We’re NC State
BECAUSE WE’RE NC STATE, AND WE BUILT THIS HISTORIC RIVALRY By beowolf Several sports commentators have reacted to NC State’s ambitious coach search and fans’ expectations with anything from incredulity to outright anger. The gist of their reactions is an old chestnut now to Wolfpack fans. It basically goes as follows: “There is NO WAY […]
Slow News Day
Undoubtedly, you noticed that we didn’t post any news yesterday afternoon. That’s because…there isn’t much to tell. This phenomenon is not limited to us – just take a look at this article from the N&O. It seems to be the primary focus of message board traffic this morning, and it tells you…basically nothing. If anything, […]
Sendek News Finally Hitting the Media
StatefansNation ran it at 7:05 pm. Pack Pride wasn’t too far behind (their articles don’t include time stamps) Seth Davis says it about an hour later on CBS. The Wolfpacker wasn’t far behind. ESPN runs it at 9:41pm. WRAL runs it around 9:30pm. WTVD finally switched their headline from Sendek “may” leave to Sendek leaving […]
RPI & the ACC – The Statistical Book
Well, it’s time for another installment of RPI and the ACC. At the start of the BB season, I did an entry summarizing 2002-2005 and received some fairly lively discussion. There were several suggestions made then that I decided to incorporate into this update (pounding sand was not one that I considered 😉 ). This […]
Evtimov: Sendek Supporters “Idiots�
Here is a quote that I haven’t seen anywhere but here. Sunday, March 19, 2006’s Charlotte Observer included a side panel for the “NCAA at Dallas” written by staff writer, David Scott. In the side panel, the Charlotte Observer included the following: “I’m sorry, but I would have to call them an idiot” * NC […]
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