SFN Stuff

SFN in the Blogosphere

It’s always nice to be recognized by your peers, and StateFans Nation is proud to be nominated for three College Football Blogger Awards. We have been nominated for “Best ACC Blog,” “Best Community Interaction Award (see, you faithful readers and commenters do play a vital role here – fittingly, we found out about these nominations […]

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Look lively, chums, Bob Lee’s reading this!
(P.S. UNC-CH still stinks.)

StateFansNation has a fan in Bob Lee Swagger, local UNC-Chapel Hill sports fan, “loud-mouth conservative,” and scourge of “message board loons,” “nutty faculty squirrels” and inept, kneejerk “politically correct” chancellors with bald heads who play organ. In his 2006 “close-out special” column — just prior to ripping UNC-CH figurehead admin John “The Voice of the […]

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