
Media Watch: The Pulse Of The Wolfpack Fanbase; CNNSi Cheerleader of the Week

A couple of interesting things in the media for you: Dessert before dinner: we don’t often talk about the cheerleading or dance squad teams here at SFN, but these folks work hard to represent NC State well, and in the case of the cheerleading team, are former national champions.  In short, there’s a lot more […]

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Holland credits NC State for allowing ECU athletics to stand on its own

Thanks, Terry! “both of you (Lee Fowler and Dick Baddour) have been extremely cooperative in helping us in ways that have given ECU Athletics an opportunity to stand on its own” This whole pissing match between the embarrassment that is Lee Fowler and the AD too-good-for-his-current school (Terry Holland) is too ridiculous for words. Since […]

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