We meant to link this up on Thursday morning but forgot. It is a really nice read from one of our favorite ADs, Terry Holland. This last comment really stood out. Holland said it bothered him that N.C. State would travel to play C-USA team Southern Miss this weekend while “depressed” eastern North Carolina would […]
NC State Administration
ACC Football Prospectus
The ACC’s annual football prospectus has been released and is available for your download (into Adobe files) at this link. For years, most of the Sports Information Departments in the Atlantic Coast Conference have digitized their annual media guides and make them available to the public on their official websites (Like GoPack.com). Unfortunately, something like […]
CLC Licensing Rankings
Link to interesting information. The University of Texas at Austin made collegiate licensing history in 2006 by generating the most royalties ever by a college or university. Last year, UT was ranked third in the final year-end tally. This marks the first year the University of Texas at Austin has been ranked #1 in the […]
Tailgating Policy, Part I
SFN will have a lot more to say on this quickly boiling topic later. For now, I will direct you to this excellent, thorough piece from our blogging friends at RAWFS. In short, I think this is the worst kind of administrative nonsense – a solution in search of a problem. I’ve been going to […]
Best Statement Ever – Nebraska AD
As you remember, the University of Nebraska was recently forced to hire a new basketball coach when Barry Collier chose to return to his alma mater as Athletics Director. Steve Pederson, Nebraska AD, issued a statement that can be found at this link in its entirety at the beginning of the process that we think […]
$500 for…what?
Wolfpack fans can buy &/or renew season basketball tickets for the 2006-2007 season at Gopack.com. Interestingly, NO SCHEDULE for the 2006-2007 season has been released as of yet. (Click here for an informative, related conversation about what we do know of the schedule.) Not to be overly critical here…but, isn’t this a curious situation? Have […]
(Insert School Here) Dreams Only One Hire Away
I ran across this piece tonight on CBS Sportsline and just had to highlight it. (Don’t worry…it isn’t a Greg Doyel article). (Link) OK, Nebraska. No excuses. Just go make the hire. Don’t assume Kansas and Texas are too far ahead to catch in the Big 12. They’re not. Don’t assume a football school can’t […]
SFN: What A Year (thusfar)!!!
Excerpt: “In the first seven months of the year, SFN has attracted almost 150,000 different visitors from around the world, generating just under 8 million hits and 2.5 million different page views of unique SFN material. We couldn’t be more proud of the breadth and depth of our growing reach considering that we are just […]
LOL! Leave it to Lee!
There is not very much in this “Q&A with John Swofford” of that much value. But, of course, we couldn’t help ourselves when we saw the ‘chosen’ Athletics Director running his mouth in the public forum about the conference’s finances. Our critics will undoubtedly find ways to criticize us for being hypersensitive on the topic; […]
RBC Center to Get Upfit
Remember how much of a bitch that it was to get the ESA (now RBC Center) built? Remember how many local news media – including the News & Observer – decried the scope of the project? Remember how every Tarheel in the world criticized the building? Remember all of the jokes about hockey never making […]