NC State Administration

Fowler Hits New Low: A Call To The Board Of Trustees

We’ve all seen (as VaWolf82 summarized) numerous examples of Lee Fowler making thoughtless and insulting statements about the people who, in the aggregate, pay his salary. Fans unhappy with the 8-38 Periclean Age of Herb Sendek, for instance, were a “lunatic fringe” consisting of “50 people on the Internet.” Just yesterday, when asked to name […]

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More on the ESPN2 / Jimmy Dykes Bull*#&^ (Updated 3pm)

Before you read any further, you need to click on this entry that lays the groundwork for comments made here. “Costner, who is 6’9 can shoot threes because he was recruited into Herb Sendek’s system.” * ESPN color analyst, Jimmy Dykes commenting on the secret source of Brandon Costner’s abilities with approximately four minutes to […]

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