When I was at State in the late 1980s and early 1990s I had two fraternity brothers from West Jefferson, NC that became two of my closest friends in the world. (Even today these gentlemen and their families live just a couple of miles around the corner from my family). These two guys were notorious […]
NC State Administration
SFN Garners #2
StateFansNation experienced quite a year of growth and popularity in 2006. Included in our growth was a significant amount of public recognition, most recently evidenced by our #2 finish in the ACC category in the College Football Bloggers Awards. Link to story State Fans Nation is one of the most vibrant, interactive communities on the […]
Technician to Stafford: Improve or Retire
Please DO NOT disregard this blog entry as some non-sports entry in which you don’t have any interest. If you are, were, or may be a student at NC State at some point in your life, then the topic of “The Student Experience” at NC State should be of extreme importance to you. Unfortunately, the […]
Should editors make these comments?
Check this out Is this a joke? or am I off base? But…isn’t it a combination of odd, inappropriate, stupid, and ridiculous for a SPORTS EDITOR to pen a quasi-article that proclaims, “I don’t particularly care for (the largest public university in the state in which I cover sports”)? Seriously. Tell me if I am […]
GoPack Tries to Pull A Fast One
Check out the picture of the Pack celebrating from today’s game. Oh wait. That picture in today’s article has the Pack celebrating on the sidelines while wearing white uniforms. You know, the uniforms that State wears when playing home games. As you know…State played in Winston-Salem and wore red today. Classic! Gotta love the consistent […]
Murphy: “The consultant did the work”
Love it. Read into it what you will…but Murphy’s comments are pretty spot on. This is from ACC Sports Journal’s website: “(The NCSU football search) was done professionally, and it was done quietly. The consultant did the work, Lee (Fowler) kept it quiet, and no one was tracking my airplane on the internet. … I […]
A Word About Saturday / TOB Staff Coming into view (Updated 4:30pm)
As NC State’s Basketball team gears up for a key home game against Boston College, Tom O’Brien’s coaching staff may be come together. * We discussed TOB’s staff in this entry earlier in the week. The N&O followed up with the following today: Although O’Brien has not officially announced new staff additions, those from his […]
Two-Sport Standouts
This piece at ESPN snuck through during the holiday season and we wanted to make sure that it didn’t go totally ignored. ESPN’s Pat Forde used Jeff Sagarin’s ratings over a five-year period to come up with a ranking of the two-sport schools over the last five years. The results are interesting. NC State logged […]
Mandel: NC State is ‘That Kind of Place’
Just your average, Wolfpack-promoting entry here. This one is brought on by CNNSI’s College Football writer, Stewart Mandel. Mandel runs a ‘mailbag’ column every now and then and this week he was asked the following by Mike E. in Ringwood, N.J.: It strikes me as curious: Why would Tom O’Brien leave BC for an intradivision […]
Neinas in the News
A fantastic piece on Chuck Neinas and the general concept of hiring ‘search firms’ in college athletics from USA Today. The president of Neinas Sports Services in Boulder, Colo., has handled six coaching searches this season alone. He’s leading the hunt to fill vacancies at Alabama and Louisiana Tech. He recently has completed four coaching […]