Ya’ll know this is all our fault – mine and yours – right? It’s simple, really. There is a profound dichotomy to the average State fan, a great paradox that makes each of us our own worst enemy: we are intensely loyal…to a fault. As long as we continue to feed this monster, improvement won’t […]
NC State Administration
World’s most shocking award
Lee Fowler is garnering media attention….again. Can you believe it? I guess this is the appropriate spot where we will add one of the dozens of links that we could add on the topic of Lee Fowler’s name being in lights! This time the News and Observer showers him with praise for his availableness and […]
Chancellor statusquOBLINGER Tabs Fowler with Award for Excellence
“This is the adult equivalent of when ALL the kids got a ribbon in PE” — Friend of SFN We do not want to take away from the important entry below, but we wanted to chronicle this dumbfounding news as reported at gopack.com. Maybe it isn’t so dumbfounding, afterall. Lee Fowler would represent EXACTLY what […]
Fowler’s Failures Manifests into a Pearl of a Jewel
Sit back and get dedicated for a moment. You can’t skim this entry. You can’t loaf through this one. This is one of those to which your mind must be committed to absorbing and investing the time to read the links and the text. In the early part of this decade our blog followed some […]
Wyrick moving up and strengthening his resume
NC State alum and former Wolfpack Club employee, Chris Wyrick, is on the move. In light of the diversity of experiences and connections to Raleigh, Wyrick – along with App State’s Charlie Cobb – would most definitely be leading candidates for the NC State Athletics Directorship if we would ever be so lucky as to […]
Campout Fiasco (Updated)
‘Crisis’ averted. Friday morning update – “After much consideration and work by student leaders, specifically Jay Dawkins, an agreement was reached with Dr. Tom Stafford. The agreement was reached that all 2,847 tickets will be allotted to Campout.” The following was our original entry on the topic as of Thursday night: For the years that […]
SFN Celebrates New Year with NC State Magazine Feature
HAPPY NEW YEAR! This entry will remain posted near the top for a couple of days…so, if you are visiting the site for the first time or if you are a frequent visitor please don’t ignore all of the entries below. For example, VAWolf logged an awesome statistical post that follows this. We just wanted […]
Fowler Says Pack Will Work It Out While Implicitly Criticizing Himself (Updated 2:45pm)
Surprise, surprise…”Coach Fowler” is talking. At the Raleigh Sports Club on the same day that he called into 850TheBuzz, Fowler noted the Pack will be playing just its third home game Saturday when it comes off semester exams to face South Carolina State at the RBC Center. “Has any other State team played five of […]
Lee Fowler’s Idea of Improvement
I won’t make this long because it hurts my head too much to type. When Lee Fowler wanted to earn political favor with the more respected and poweful Terry Holland Fowler foolishly scheduled a road game for the NC State Basketball program in Greenville – where: (1) NO other NC State basketball team had ever […]
Toddy Turner Fired Again (call it a resignation if you want)
Have you seen this? (And people criticize NC State fans for being crazy?) As an NC State fan, I firmly share the educated perspective that Todd Turner will forever be one of the two men MOST responsible for the destruction of NC State athletics in the 1990s that has contributed to a long-term deterioriation of […]