NC State Administration

AD Quote of the Day: ‘Performance-based profession’

Back in September we made a really big deal about Coach Tom O’Brien’s comments regarding his program’s position as a ‘Performance-based organization’. The entry and the good conversation that resulted can be viewed by clicking here. “McKeen played very well. He’s got a lot of pass rushing ability. I think he performed better than Markus […]

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You thought we had bad attrition? or, Todd Turner is not a sports handicapper

As we highlighted in this entry last week, injuries and attrition have been a major topic in WolfpackNation over the last couple of years. Our numbers are not a pretty sight; but, we’ve surprisingly found another program that has had it worse.  Of course, that program has fired their coach (who will stay on until […]

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Another ‘shining’ moment for simpleton, Fowler – Terry Holland Issues Scheduling Statement (9pm Update)

As much as we enjoyed the ironic twists in Lee Fowler’s comments today (highlighted here), we also knew that Terry Holland wasn’t just going to sit back and let Fowler get away with it. Earlier in the day I actually got an email from a buddy at NC State saying the following: “What is Lee […]

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