Big Four Rivals

Cowdog: Where Were You When You First Shunned The Baby Blue?

Originally published early morning of November 19, 2010 Here’s a great recollection of what it’s like to be a player in the State-Carolina game by long-time Statefans Nation reader and raconteur, Cowdog.  His tale takes us back to the 1972 State-Carolina game, one that older Wolfpack fans will probably never forget.  Enjoy! — Alpha Everybody […]

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The North Carolina Football Family: Rivals Resolved into Siblings

And now for some mid-week, light-hearted football humor.  The following comes from coach13 in our StateFans Nation forums.  Often the lines between various North Carolina football programs becomes obscured by the media and by delusional fans.  Coach13 did an excellent job describing how the major North Carolina football programs can be related in terms of […]

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