Athletics Directors

The Lee Fowler Era: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly – Part 3 (The Ugly)

Now that June 30, 2010 has come and gone, North Carolina State has officially parted ways with its athletic director of the past 10 years, Lee Fowler. The past 10 years have been wrought with many more downs than ups, but we want to take some time to look back at the entire Lee Fowler […]

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The Lee Fowler Era: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly – Part 2 (The Bad)

Now that June 30, 2010 has come and gone, North Carolina State has officially parted ways with its athletic director of the past 10 years, Lee Fowler. The past 10 years have been wrought with many more downs than ups, but we want to take some time to look back at the entire Lee Fowler […]

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The Lee Fowler Era: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly – Part 1 (The Good)

Now that June 30, 2010 has come and gone, North Carolina State has officially parted ways with its athletic director of the past 10 years, Lee Fowler. The past 10 years have been wrought with many more downs than ups, but we want to take some time to look back at the entire Lee Fowler […]

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AD search narrows, six left standing

Obviously there is much more to this story than the reports out tonight, but tonight’s development is still worth discussing, even if it’s briefly. Multiple sources confirmed to Jeff Graveley (WRAL) and others Wednesday that the list of possible AD candidates has been narrowed to six. Nevermind the fact that Chancellor Woodson asked for three […]

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Big Fowler Article in the Sunday Observers; headline contradicts information in article

Both the Charlotte Observer and Raleigh’s News & Observer ran a large featured article this morning titled – Fowler’s exit from NC State linked to emails. There is SO MUCH here that I don’t have time to start before heading to church! But, we just had to link it and get the conversation started. (Actually…true […]

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