Twitter Comments on #McCants

These are actual tweets by folks in response to Rashad McCants talking to ESPN Outside the Lines about how he remained eligible during The Flagship’s 2005 National Title season (original SFN column here).

N.C. Senator Thom Goolsby (Rep., New Hanover):

Former UNC baller Leslie McDonald:

#Fact: You were quite literally suspended for nine games in 2013-14 specifically because you were GIVEN improper benefits.

UNC Sophomore wide receiver Ryan Switzer:

Perhaps this is because your academic advisers aren’t pointing you in that direction after The Flagship’s own 2012 internal investigation review found 216 known and 454 suspected “anomaly” courses athletes were pushed towards dating back to (at least) 1997?

It only seems “not fair” because accountability isn’t one of the principles of the arrogant, elitism of The Carolina Way.

More to come…

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Home Forums Twitter Comments on #McCants

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  • #52558

    These are actual tweets by folks in response to Rashad McCants talking to ESPN Outside the Lines about how he remained eligible during The Flagship’s
    [See the full post at: Twitter Comments on #McCants]


    Hodge says McCants isn’t a reliable source.


    My interpretation of Julius Hodge’s remark are different. I interpret that he thinks that McCants is a snitch and possibly criminally insane. He did not say that McCants was lying, just that he should have kept his mouth shut.


    My interpretation of Julius Hodge’s remark are different. I interpret that he thinks that McCants is a snitch and possibly criminally insane. He did not say that McCants was lying, just that he should have kept his mouth shut.

    I think Hodge deleted the tweet I’m referencing because I can’t find it now. He actually used the words “not a reliable source”


    This is the closest I can find….

    Regardless, Jules will be on 99.9 at 4 to expound.


    OK, so McCants is a nut job.

    It’s still Friday!


    So the pressure of keeping quiet literally drove McCants crazy?

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