CNN catches The Flagship in another “shocking” lie [Updated 7:30pm]

You may recall that CNN’s Sara Ganim was the one who broke the Penn State story in 2012 while she was with the Harrisburg Patriot News. She won a Pulitzer Prize for her reporting on that scandal.

Now, she’s caught The Flagship’s PR Machine in just another of a long series of lies. This time, UNC claims university officials didn’t have access to Mary Willingham’s research data and therefore hadn’t reviewed it (CNN):

UNC issued a statement Wednesday night saying it did not believe Willingham’s account of a basketball player who could not read or write.

It went on: “University officials can’t comment on the other statistical claims mentioned in the story because they have not seen that data. University officials have asked for that data, but those requests have not been met.”

As well as questioning UNC many times about the story before publication, CNN also detailed Willingham’s research and linked to her full study online.

And purported e-mail exchanges obtained by CNN since August show that Willingham did share her findings at least twice — once with Executive Vice Provost James W. Dean Jr., and once with a member of a university committee on academics and athletics.

In addition, Willingham says her research on the students in the athletics programs that make money for the university was done based on screenings that the university itself paid for. And, she says, she has gotten permission from the university several times since 2008 to access those findings to continue her research.

“It’s already available to them,” Willingham said. “It’s in their system. … They have all the data and more. It belongs to them, and they paid a lot of money for it.”

Last year, when CNN asked UNC for comment on Willingham’s research, officials initially denied knowing about it, and said: “Such analysis is not part of her job duties at the university.”

Then, after being shown the e-mails, a spokesperson admitted that Willingham did share her findings and did have permission from the university to do the research in the first place, and said a meeting with Willingham was being scheduled.

Apart from Wednesday’s statement, UNC has not responded to CNN’s request for an explanation.

For context, here’s the denial in question (WRAL):

UNC administrators questioned the accuracy of the CNN report, including a quote from a source who said a former basketball player who could not read or write. “We do not believe that claim and find it patently unfair to the many student-athletes who have worked hard in the classroom and on the court and represented our university with distinction,” the school said in a statement Wednesday.

Now, as one of the SFN resident lawyers pointed out, UNC saying it “we do not believe” Willingham is careful phrasing different from saying it was untrue.

Another point worth noting is that in 1989, N.C. State University held itself accountable by self-imposing crippling sanctions for what the NCAA, Poole Commission and SBI all found to be “minor infractions” nowhere near the scope of the UNC Scandal. There were no implications of players cheating or improper assistance by tutors or advisors under Jim Valvano. There was no University-sanctioned institutionalized academic fraud. There was no grade-fixing or faux majors and there were no no-show classes. Some players had poor grades and poor reading skills, but those who did not deserve to matriculate or graduate did not, in fact, matriculate or graduate.

Compare the response of N.C. State in 1989 — before swollen multi-million dollar athletic department budgets — to the arrogant elitism of The Carolina Way over the past few years: they’ve denied, stalled, scapegoated, and flat out lied every step of the way.

Remember how the scope of the farcical Jim Martin investigation reached all the way to the arbitrarily chosen year of 1997 – the same 1997 that just coincidentally was the exact year that Dean Smith retired? It did not matter to the super sleuths at ‘The Flagship’ that Julius Nyang’oro, one of the two masterminds the University alleges pulled off decades of academic fraud all by themselves and for no apparent reason or benefit, started teaching at UNC a DECADE earlier..or that Nyang’oro became the first and only chairman of the African and Afro-American Studies six years earlier in 1992. With this as a backdrop, does anyone actually believe that the administration and faculty REALLY want to objectively look into the depths and breadth and timeline of the academic fraud at UNC-Chapel Hill when they don’t know which of their idols might ultimately be implicated?

In other UNC-CHeats news, it was confirmed today that PJ Hairston is no longer enrolled at UNC. Remember how UNC played John Blake? Now that PJ Hairston is no long enrolled, he cannot be compelled to speak to the NCAA. How convenient.

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Home Forums CNN catches The Flagship in another “shocking” lie

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  • #36429

    Boy, ain’t that the truth, Beej. Belief will forever be its own reality.

    Mr. Bill’s tan over maroon, Chrysler Newport 440 and the white w/red interior Corvette, were leases.

    Don’t ask…Don’t tell is not a recent catch phrase. Darned shame about that Chrysler. It held a lot of passengers.


    Roy is deeply saddened at how unfair all this is to his fine student affleets.


    Just another buried turd in the already overflowing litter box that is chapel hill!


    MSM can write as many articles as they want, with as much damning evidence as they please, but until an independent investigation is called for and had…. nothing will come from this.


    I think everyone should start pestering their local sports writers. I know it won’t do much good, if any, but at least it will annoy them. I know that here locally, Brett Friedlander has just posted the company line that he is given from UNC without ever asking any hard questions. He deletes all of my comments on any of his articles, but I know he reads them, and I also know that he reads State message boards, at least PP. When are these local scribes going to step up and be real reporters and stop regurgitating the lies from the PR team? They are being scooped on this by reporters in New York for crying out loud. They are all too afraid that they will lose their little scraps from Roy’s dinner table.


    ^^^^^ Back in the day… all those ‘nice rides’ were “leased”…. one or two years at the most.
    Better for the ‘dealer’ and less of a paper trail.

    Now… it appears that in some places riding in the same ride for a year or more is passe’
    It’s way more cool to have multiple ‘nice rides’ or just to “borrow a rental” for a few days when needed.

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    I loved Roy’s answers to the question about the CNN story following their game against UM.

    “I don’t believe it”
    “It is not fair”
    “I’m proud of all our kids we brought in”
    “In the ten recrutitng classes I had, we have not had any kids like that”
    “In the last ten years we have only had one senior not graduate”

    The last statement is probably true, it is easy to graduate when you can take multiple phantom classes!


    “In the last ten years we have only had one senior not graduate”

    That “stat” is a constant source of amusement. Just listening to graduate Tyler Hansbrough struggle with “Chicken Little” tells you all you need to know about the rigorous Public Ivy education he received.


    Here we are 4 years later and the scandal marches on. They continue to heap layer upon layer of lies.


    IMO the only way this has gone on this long without a TRUELY INDEPENDENT investigation is that the BOG and other responsible state government entities are complicit in it all. And that, for me, is easy to believe!


    Well, the headlines abound on all the internet sites. I seriously DOUBT that anything will come of it all. Johnny Swofford and Dean Smith set up AFAM, which is what Kansas had, and Old Roy brought Wayne Walden with him. Remember, in his book, ORW said that Walden was MORE important than any assistant coach. Google Wayne Warren or look at this.

    SO, ORW is feeling the heat. Maybe death by a thousand cuts is happening. Butch, Baddour, Thorp, Crowder, Uncle Julius, et. al. are GONE. He’s the only one LEFT with a new administration (if that REALLY means anything)….

    ORW seems to look depressed….remember the TWC guy who has NO CABLE….

    I also thought of the line from an Eagles favorite…..”You can’t HIDE your lyin’ eyes”. With that, I offer a parody solely for entertainment….yes, we retirees DO have WAY too much time on our hands….

    The inspiration for this is from my DW and dedicated to her.

    Lyin’ Carolina Eyes (to the tune of the Eagles Lyin’ Eyes)
    Carolina coaches just seem to find out early
    How to keep players eligible with just a smile
    An AFAM Chairman is a fine old man
    And coach won’t have to worry
    He’ll dress up all in light blue and go in style

    Late at night the big old Dome gets lonely
    I guess every form of refuge has its price
    And it breaks his heart to think his team is
    playing for another banner regardless of the vice.

    So coach tells the AFAM Chair that he needs more talent
    To comfort the light blue fans who are feelin’ down
    But he knows where this will take him….as he’s leavin’
    Coach is headed for the cheatin’ side of town

    You can’t hide your lyin’ Carolina eyes
    And your smile is a thin disguise
    I thought by now you’d realize
    There ain’t no way to hide your lyin Carolina eyes

    Next year a banner should be waiting
    with false dreams time only steals
    He recruits in the off season anticipating
    In hopes of another ring for his Heels.

    He rushes around and talks crazy
    to any reporter who might be lazy
    Coach whispers that it’s gonna happen this season
    But the reporters think, Old Roy, have you lost all reason

    You can’t hide your lyin’ Carolina eyes
    And your smile is a thin disguise
    I thought by now you’d realize
    There ain’t no way to hide your lyin Carolina eyes

    Coach Roy wonders how it ever got this crazy
    He thinks about another Coach he knew in school
    Did he get tired or did he just get lazy?
    He’s gone so far, yet he feels just like a fool

    My, oh my, you sure know how to arrange things
    You set it up so well, so carefully
    Ain’t it funny how your new AFAM team didn’t change things
    You ain’t the same old naive coach you used to be

    You can’t hide your lyin Carolina eyes
    And your smile is a thin disguise
    I thought by now you’d realize
    There ain’t no way to hide your lyin’ Carolina eyes
    There ain’t no way to hide your lyin’ Carolina eyes
    Roy, you can’t hide your lyin’ Carolina eyes

    And to all….a GOOD NIGHT.


    As for you “out of the area” wolves….
    BOG response is here:

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    CNN’s analysis sadly is what many have thought was the case at many schools, not just UNC-CH. Institutional denial to a newspaper article is not surprising, frankly you would expect it. Coach Roy’s comments however, show to me that he is out of touch with the issue when he questions the validity of the article and denies that the school has accepted student-athletes with such low academic capabilities. Can someone explain his statement about allowing any of his players to look after his grandchildren? The question here is not about the content of the student-athlete’s character. The question concerns their academic accomplishments and ability to do college level work while playing a physically and time demanding sport.

    NCSU class of '76
    Jacksonville, FL


    In good news Friday, I’ve seen the CNN article linked a non-sports blogs as a topic of discussion.

    The message is getting heard about the corruption in Chapel Hill (and college athletics in general) and pressure will mount on the GA and BOG to do something.


    It’s interesting to me to hear ORW whine and cry and pout about how unfair all this bad press is. He says his team is not being treated fairly. Is that not ironic? He demands that the press not highlight how stupid his players are. Yet the Carolina Way, as we have learned, is specifically designed to allow unqualified “students” to enter the university so that they can help the athletic department compete with an UNFAIR advantage! YOU CHEAT ROY! THAT IS NOT FAIR ROY!


    I completely agree that regardless of whatever circumstance is available to all programs that there is integrity and that Carolina has proven that they have none. Regardless of how long kids stay in school if the Universities want to tamper with grades to keep them eligible for play, it can be done. Carolina has been doing it for years obviously.

    I know that “one and done” is not enforced by the NCAA and technically kids can go to Europe for a year if they would like vs going to college for a year. I just have a problem with bringing kids to college that have no intentions of graduating, nor does the University have belief that they will.

    I’m pretty sure at this point the NCAA has all they need to put serious punishment on Carolina. But they haven’t. The NCAA knows Carolina is a “cash cow” and so does the ACC. Swofford is dodging the Hell out of this. When will big programs have to pay the price for these things? They just seem to come back stronger. Carolina still has 3 of the top 25 recruits in next year’s class. Why don’t they take away scholarships and make Carolina go through what we did in the early 90’s? I think we all know the an$wer…


    I live in NYC and appreciate the national news but no one outside of NC gives a damm. NCAA has provided a slap on wrist. Nothing else to see here unless a story so compelling occurs the NCAAs hand is forced. Not likely.

    Big question is…who cares? We know all schools, with few exceptions, successful in sports “cheat”. It’s the equivalent to taking steroids in 90s. It’s only illogical not to “cheat”.



    You nailed it, however your geographical area is a LOT smaller. How about within 50 or so miles of the Cess Pool.

    Supposedly one local writer and stand-up comedian and “green beans & chicken” circuit after dinner (lunch) speaker talked to the Kiwanis club in Hickory, NC. Now, being from Catawba county myself, Hickory was THE PLACE….compared to my 2000 population home city. It is 21st largest city in NC, ahead of Apex at 22….2010 census. NO ONE in the room knew who Jennifer Wiley (Thompson) was. Now was that an embellishment since The Charlotte Observer is published about 50 miles southeast. Hickory DOES have Lenoir Rhyne and boasts that Tricky Ricky Barnes hails from there, so it is not exactly in the boonies and it does have I-40 running through it and has produced the Jarret clan of NASCAR fame.

    The NCAA has almost a BILLION ($1,000,000,000) of “reserves”. Most are invested at Vanguard and the portfolio is diverse with a large amount of “equity” funds. WHY do they need that much petty cash? What is the rainy day they are saving for?

    If the NCAA comes down on UNC and the facts get out that Johnny Swofford was involved, then how will all the OTHER commissioners feel? Will they shun him and not let him play in any reindeer games?

    Books will be written….white papers will be published…..but I doubt seriously, as you do, if anything resembling a wrist slap comes about.


    Friday Meme


    Unx to build the Roy Williams center for players wwho can’t read good and want to do other stuff good too.


    Bill, Bragaw was on the “otherside of the world” when I was there(the first time)..the only reason “that side of campus ever came into play” was when the put “women out there”! I’d made it “worth the walk”…

    “Ride’s” weren’t even an issue then cause there was “no place to go”. And fewer places to park!

    I can guarantee my “ride” after Army was better than most of the players…A 1968 VW Beetle!

    "Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!


    Cool lyrics, there, Adventuroo…saw the Eagles concert in Charlotte a couple of months ago and probably “wreaked havoc on a Tar Heel Walmart fan” who couldn’t “hold his liquor”! He never knew what “hit him” until a couple of security guards grabbed him by the elbows…Holes can’t sing either!

    "Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!


    Unx to build the Roy Williams center for players wwho can’t read good and want to do other stuff good too.

    What is this, a center for ants?


    “Unx to build the Roy Williams center for players wwho can’t read good and want to do other stuff good too.”

    Roy feels like he’s taking crazy pills! He invented feeling sorry for one’s self. HE INVENTED IT!!!

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