Brain Bleaching – Non-Dumpster Fire Football Open Thread

Thank God that catastrophe was the early game of the day, and very few people outside of NC saw it. Enjoy the World’s Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party as your bleach-y appetizer course.

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.


168 Responses to Brain Bleaching – Non-Dumpster Fire Football Open Thread

  1. tuckerdorm1983 11/03/2013 at 10:46 PM #

    the chickens have come home to roost. If you go 4 or 5 years with crappy recruiting then what do you expect.

    rankings in recruiting
    2013 53rd
    2012 61st
    2011 75th
    2010 47th
    2009 39th

    Getting a top 25 recruiting class (without cheating) is a job.

  2. choppack1 11/03/2013 at 11:12 PM #

    Not impressed with the results so far but that doesn’t mean anything. The recruiting is the most important thing here now. I like what he says and his enthusiasm. This is a huge challenge for dd and he’ll have to do things he hasn’t done and survive failure. He seems to have the makeup to do it.

  3. Whiteshoes67 11/04/2013 at 9:47 AM #

    When you know you’re in rebuilding mode–check that, building from the ground up–you either go with someone who’s a proven builder, or you go with a young up-and-comer who’s got the work ethic, the smarts, and the personality to build a winner. DY went with option 2. She made a good choice. He’s already established himself in-state in recruiting circles. Heard it firsthand from many coaches, and we’ve seen it with some Freshmen contributors.

    But I’ll say this, and I know we don’t have the personnel, but I simply hate the spread. The best teams control the line of scrimmage. You don’t have to run the spread to be creative. I watched that game on Saturday and I thought to myself, this is the Tecmo bowl generation. Thornton and Mitchell combined for over 200 yards on the ground. That’s the gameplan. Who cares if they know it’s coming.

  4. archdalepack 11/04/2013 at 10:06 AM #

    After 33 years of coming to Raleigh, even a few trips to “hell”, was not angry after this loss. My head knew it was a 50/50 chance for a win. My head knew that we would have to run and not turn the ball over. My heart just wanted a win. Heard this quote years ago, but don’t know who originated quote, “would rather lose with my team, than win with theirs”.

  5. Hawkeye Whitney 11/04/2013 at 12:23 PM #

    A friend of mine who has no allegiance to either team helped put Saturday’s game in perspective for me, with neither team looking very good:

    “It’s like watching two mules fight over a turnip. It doesn’t much matter which one wins.”

    This season is what it is. I’ll start evaluating DD more closely in his second season.

  6. bill.onthebeach 11/04/2013 at 1:13 PM #

    Yes sir… I like this….

    “would rather lose with my team, than win with theirs…”

  7. Greywolf 11/04/2013 at 1:35 PM #

    Everybody’s mad. Some are mad because DD called a fake punt that he didn’t call. Some are mad because the call was made on the field. Some are mad about DD ‘chiding’ the fans which he didn’t do — unless asking us to return for the 2nd half is chiding. Etc., etc., etc.

    @MR. DOG
    Your assessment of the football smarts on this blog, while very generous at 3 of 10, is a little high — more like 1 in 15 IMNSHO. But to be fair there is a lot of blowing off steam going on here and a lot said in anger that wouldn’t be said otherwise – with some notable exceptions.

  8. FergusWolf 11/04/2013 at 1:39 PM #

    Wow…anyone reading this thread would certainly consider our fan base the Lunatic Fringe.

    I’m certainly in CowDog’s 8 of 11, and I am certainly disappointed by the loss (as I am by every loss in every sport), but anyone who is ready to throw in the towel in the DD era, even just in the throws of agony from Saturday’s loss, frankly just doesn’t get it…

    How would tossing DD out now help us in any way? Prove to the world that we have unrealistic expectations…while we are at it, why don’t be toss out Gottfried (after all he only has 1 sweet-16 appearance in two years, his team under performed last year, and hasn’t won a national championship yet), toss out Avent (lost to Carolina in the college world series, that’s atrocious), and every other coach we have (they haven’t won any national championships either, as far as I’ve heard)…

    In fact…probably the best (only) way to ensure undefeated seasons are to withdraw from participation in sports at all…

    Yes, it’s been a bad season, it’s disappointing, but come on…who really thought we’d be playing in a BCS bowl game this year anyway?

  9. djcmlc3 11/04/2013 at 2:37 PM #

    From Carlton Tudor:

    Dave Doeren, NCSU, D: The unsuccessful early fake punt may wind up keeping the Wolfpack (3-5, 0-5) home for the holidays.

    There were other problems, including a now totally muddled quarterback pecking order, but the fake punt call completely flipped the momentum, giving the Tar Heels a lifeline when State was in a position to land an early knockout punch.

    With an inviting schedule that included eight home games, there was good reason to think Doeren could find plenty of shortcuts to program construction in his first season. But now, it’s a classic textbook case of transition transmission trouble.

    I agree we need to cool it and give DD a chance, but I still think that may have been the worst play call I’ve ever seen, no matter who made the call

  10. Whiteshoes67 11/04/2013 at 2:39 PM #

    ^Lots of folks delusional after the Clemson game. Combine that with unrealistic expectations in the preseason, injuries, below average talent, no depth, and losing to your archrival two years in a row, and you get the current fanbase. Just as this season isn’t a surprise, neither is the reaction of the fans.

  11. rtpack24 11/04/2013 at 3:00 PM #

    Fake punt was worst call ever. Football is all about situation and time, no explanation for that play. I was at the game and what I found troubling was the number of times the defense was not lined up or was trying to get lined up at the snap of the ball. DJ Green was ejected which everyone knew for 10 minutes, Noel runs onto the field right before snap to replace him.

  12. Alpha Wolf 11/04/2013 at 5:58 PM #

    When you know you’re in rebuilding mode–check that, building from the ground up–you either go with someone who’s a proven builder, or you go with a young up-and-comer who’s got the work ethic, the smarts, and the personality to build a winner. DY went with option 2. She made a good choice.

    I agree. I think that it is far too early to turn on Doeren, and also think it will be 2015 before we can accurately tell the tale of the tape on his time here.

  13. TLeo 11/04/2013 at 6:03 PM #

    I really think people(myself included) hoped for more success than was likely reasonable because of what appeared to be a very favorable schedule combined with the new energy and enthusiasm we saw out of this coach/staff. We got caught up in the new found enthusiasm and now we see just how bare the cupboard really was that was left for this season by the previous staff. I question some of his decisions but still believe he is an improvement over what we had. It will take some time to build up talent and depth we need.

  14. BJD95 11/04/2013 at 7:27 PM #

    I specifically noted (can’t remember if here or via e-mail) that the Clemson game worried me for that very reason. A bad team can have a really inspired effort, good gameplan, catching opponent on a bad night…and that DOES NOT mean the ability to do it once should logically translate week in, week out.

    But people see what they want to see, and they flip out when the fantasy slips away in front of their eyes. Human nature.

    I wanted to see us avoid a disaster (winless ACC season or 10 overall losses), but wasn’t sure our personnel would allow that. And when we played Cuse short-handed, then later just had a putrid games against the Holes…that was all she wrote, in all likelihood.

  15. choppack1 11/04/2013 at 10:05 PM #

    Did anyone predict an 0-8 acc football season?

    I mean you look at these things from a nuanced perspective. Do I think there are football coaches who would have an account win now? Yes.

    Does that mean that I think dd will not succeed here? No.

  16. BJD95 11/04/2013 at 10:15 PM #

    I thought an 0-8 ACC season was a realistic possibility, yes. I expected Wake, BC, and Syracuse to be worse than they are (not that they are GOOD by any stretch of the imagination, but I expected at least 1 dumpster fire among that motley crew) – which is why I would have considered it only a small possibility.

    I did repeatedly say that Doeren should be COY if he got us to 5-7. Go read the August threads, I promise!!

  17. choppack1 11/04/2013 at 10:25 PM #

    I thought the schedule made a 6-6 record a possibility. I don’t think 5-7 would be a bad season… 3-9…well, no one is going to tell a potential employer. “Let me tell you about a year when my results shocked everyone” (in a good way.)

  18. wufpup76 11/05/2013 at 1:05 AM #

    Anybody catch the WRAL piece? I was sure I was going to be too angry to sit through it, so I put it out of my mind and didn’t watch.

    The way they framed their commercial plugs it seemed as though State was already tried and convicted, so no use in fuming over that. Just wondering if State was damned in the piece or if it was fair. (?)

  19. tjfoose1 11/05/2013 at 6:52 AM #


    I hope you are not quoting Tudor as some sort of credible football expert analyst.

  20. tjfoose1 11/05/2013 at 7:13 AM #

    If we didn’t stay healthy, yes, I saw 0-8 as possible.

    At one point during the season, we had our starting QB, top 2 WRs, top 2 OLs, starting DT, starting safety, and starting CB all out. Not to mention top return man and #2 RB. That from an initial roster that was already short of depth and talent.

    When you patch something together with duct tape and bubble gum, then remove the duct tape, chances of success are not very good.

    No one has even mention Underwood, another key weapon both as receiver and runner, being out against u*nc.

    So I’m clear to the comprehesion challenged… anyone suggesting at this point that DD was the wrong hire, and we should “cut our loses” now is a f’n idiot (w/ apologies to the fornicating stupid). In the spirit of Billy Madison, we are all now a little more dumber for having read such thoughts. May God have mercy on your soul.

  21. Wulfpack 11/05/2013 at 7:16 AM #

    I definitely agree that making any kind of judgment about DD and staff at this point is silly. Give the guy a chance.

  22. budfox88 11/05/2013 at 2:47 PM #

    Finally, I was waiting for someone to mention Underwood, thanks tjfoose1! One of the most productive offensive weapons, gone. Too many injuries, no depth, no playbook, etc etc etc. Heard this SOOOOO many times over the years. Need to outsource our SnC dept I guess, as it seems to be an opposing force year after year. Think it was “White men can’t jump”…it was said “you’d rather look good and lose, than look bad and win”. With the run, run, throw a bomb offense, and s45tty calls like the fake punt, and sustained recruitment drought (inherited), we have become the poster for “Look bad and lose”. DD gotta dust yourself off and get some talent here quick, and stop it already with the dumba$5ness, like bonehead playcalls and pointing the finger during pressers (esp at the fans). 1st yr records don’t matter so much, and you’re in a big hole, granted…but potential recruits want to play for a program with grit and courage, not excuses.

  23. Tuffy2 11/05/2013 at 3:22 PM #

    Sure coaches need to grow and DD is a young coach. But the question is does NCSU need a coach that needs to grow or a coach that has built programs in the past? This is hoping he would want to come to state to begin with.

    NIU was a program built already and when he got there. They were a senior led team that just could not win the big game. DD got them there.

    I hope he has major success here as I am pulling for him. He is going to have to win against Duke, Wake Forest, and the heels in order to recruit in this state.

    So DD destination job is the 42nd best coaching job to have in college football. The heels are ranked 27th and they are a BB school.

    Anyhow, DD does has a nice recruiting class coming in next year and ranked in the top 30 which is pretty darn good. so lets see what happens in the fall of 2015 before we send DY emails about the guy.

  24. tjfoose1 11/05/2013 at 4:38 PM #

    DD brought in more talent in half a recruiting cycle than TOB did in his last four years combined.

    Ponder that.

  25. Mike 11/05/2013 at 5:29 PM #

    “NIU was a program built already and when he got there. They were a senior led team that just could not win the big game. DD got them there.” Tuffy

    Tuffy, not sure if you are complimenting DD or insulting him, but your statement speaks volumes.

    IF you are saying he inherited a good team and had no part of building it, the fact that he was able to take them and teach them to win the big game is what a coach is all about. Mack Brown always has loads of talent and cant coach a lick, thus his teams always fall short.

    I personally want a coach that can take talent and teach them to win the big games. Why does Klempsun always seem to fall short in the big games or have a head scratcher every year? Enough said.

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