Brain Bleaching – Non-Dumpster Fire Football Open Thread

Thank God that catastrophe was the early game of the day, and very few people outside of NC saw it. Enjoy the World’s Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party as your bleach-y appetizer course.

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.


168 Responses to Brain Bleaching – Non-Dumpster Fire Football Open Thread

  1. Alpha Wolf 11/02/2013 at 10:05 PM #

    I can honestly say that half of ya don’t know shit.

    I may not know shit, but I do know that when you are playing the worst run defense in the ACC, and one of the worst in the country that you might just want to consider running the ball out of an I formation on third and one in the red zone.

    And if you don’t have a great fullback to open the hole, then you bring in your biggest second string D-line kid and tell him that when the ball is snapped to run as fast as he can and lower the boom on one of their kids.

    What the hell, you see it in the NFL when read-option teams are in the same situation.

  2. 13OT 11/02/2013 at 10:12 PM #

    I was there today and still can’t figure out that 4th down call.

    The biggest impression I took with me when I left, and I stayed in my seat until time expired, is that this is just about the most talent-poor team I’ve seen here in some time. Maybe ever.

    We have a mediocre O-line trying to protect 2 or 3 guys masquerading as D-1 QBs. We have a new and young coaching staff trying to clean up a mess that is much worse than most of us dared think. We have a team that has essentially no big-play capability, playing in front of a crowd that expects them to lose.

    As bad as we’ve been in the past few decades, we’ve ALWAYS had at least one or two players who gave us hope that no matter how far behind we got or how far from the goal line we were, we could somehow leap there in a heartbeat.

    Now, we’re a heartbeat away from clinching last place in our division. But many, too many, of our fans are more concerned that we won’t go to a bowl- translated, “MY GOD, WE WON’T GO 6-6!”

    I really feel sorry for our coaching staff. And if they can’t overachieve in their recruiting, we’ll again be looking for another coach to stop what’s about to turn into a death spiral for our program. I hate it.

  3. Adventuroo 11/02/2013 at 10:20 PM #

    Howard Cosell wrote a book…”Never played the game….”. I did, in HS, and back then (we had just gotten rid of the leather helmets) College was unbelievable. Today, College is UN-Fornicating-Believable.

    I went to BOTH BB EXHB games and sat through the entire game at CF today.

    Today, we actually did show flashes of brilliance and hope. If you remember the FIASCO last year at UNC (listened to it on XM at a nice resort a few miles from Gott’s Gulf Shore home), it was NOT unlike that.

    We had old MO on our side. What we did NOT do was get a three TD pad like the Heels did last year. It was really not a bad game. Some of the calls looked questionable, but they always do when they do against you or you don’t “get” them.

    Mitchell reminded me of ANOTHER Mitchell….Lt. Pete Mitchell of Top Gun Fame. He just kept trying too hard. The half back pass was a good play….you can’t call it anything else.

    We had our opportunities…..Coach Fedora did a pretty good job of mixing up his QB’s and that seemed to keep our defense off guard. NOW, what I can NOT figure out is how we let them score when they switched QB’s….it was like we were totally prepared for Renner, but not the OTHER guy and he just picked us apart.

    We also lost the “closer” instinct….way too many times. We had bring in Sade to put points up and you can’t trade 3 for 7 and come out ahead.

    I, too, was a little miffed at Coach D for his fans comment. I also noted that today, the fans were there in MASS for the 2nd half. I think that he should come out and make a statement about that.

    I believe we will be more successful under him in the short range. It took Jimmy V three seasons and a MEGA amount of Luck to produce 1983….he might have dreamed, but I doubt he would have ever put heavy duty money on 1983 as being “his year”….even before Whitt went down.

    Debbie will give Coach D some latitude….as well she should, and I think he has all the makings of UNC’s much heralded “Brown” fellow.

    As to the BB team. You plan, you coach, your execute….based on some givens….and a leaner, quicker Vandy was one of them. He DOES seem a bit fragile, but he was also, according to what I read, a much improved player this year. Probably NOT a Plumlee….but much better. When he went down….you make changes.

    The game today was very enjoyable. They guys were actually playing LIKE A TEAM. T. J. is a holy terror. Lewis does not have points….but that is about all…

    We also had some great performances from others who see Vandy’s absence as their ticket to more PT.

    I want Vandy back, but as Lowe and Whitt and V said…..even with Whitt back, it took the team a while to get into their rhythm….

    Same for Mitchell. He will learn a LOT from today. Don’t know if we will run the table from here…..but if Coach D lets these guys give up, then he is the WRONG guy.

    Coach G has a unique situation this year….the press is so down on him, even a mediocre season will get publicity.

    Cat is FUN to watch. He plays much taller than he is. He is actually the third shortest player, but he MUST have a 40″ arm. As one who has 36″ arms, you “note” these things…..he will be GOOD….and the others are looking better.

    Time to quit opining…..The FSU-Miami game is only one TD different….time to consume that much needed adult beverage…..I’m also betting that the sun comes up tomorrow….

  4. BJD95 11/02/2013 at 10:21 PM #

    I honestly think it might do us some good just to have this season end. No bowl practices needed.

    The OL is, and always was, a fatal flaw. The only thing that makes our pass blocking look good is comparing it to our run blocking.

    Sometimes, after a coaching change, and especially when combined with multiple really bad recruiting classes in the pipeline (not unexpected for a staff that got fired)…you get a talent dumpster fire like this.

    Everybody remembers Sheridan’s first year, when we had a solid core waiting to be coached up. They made the Peach Bowl. Fewer people remember (or at least discuss) Sheridan’s second team, with that core gone. 3-8, including a loss to East Tennessee State. Not dissimilar to 2013.

    Now, that’s not to say we have Dick Sheridan redux. It’s just too early to know much of anything yet.

  5. vtpackfan 11/02/2013 at 10:30 PM #

    The best thing about our most of our fans is that our program exists in a vacuum.

    We could have gone after Dykes instead. No wins in conference, last in almost every defense statistic imaginable, near last in penalties and turnover margin.

    There was the guy from the MAC that DD’s team beat in the Conference Championship. He was a “program builder”. Forget about W’s-that ain’t happening. They average 11.5 points a game. They have scored once the last three weeks.

    There has to be something in DDs coaching that allows people to sit back a point out his huge blunders that is of some merit. He could just take a page out of his peers, and have it all be so bad that the critics can’t make heads or tails of any of it. Either way, haters hate…and hide behind a “jury’s out” snide remark.

    Watch out for “jury’s still out”. Jury came in for London @ UVa prematurely. Should they elevate TOB? It would delight most programs on the east coast to hear the Tidewater area is open shop.

  6. TheCOWDOG 11/02/2013 at 10:42 PM #

    Alpha…there are a couple of people that can testify to my displeasure of the call you mention.

    I also have some damn good resources that don’t wanna point fingers out, but pretty much say the punt call was on field.

    So…Alpha, I never pegged ya for that 3 out of 11…still don’t.

  7. Alpha Wolf 11/02/2013 at 10:49 PM #

    If that punt call was on the field, big props to Coach Doeren for falling on the sword for it. The players won’t escape his wrath in private, but that the sort of business best handled in house and not in the media.

  8. bill.onthebeach 11/02/2013 at 10:54 PM #

    Fourth Quarter starting down at Doak….

    NOLES are in control of the outcome….
    but Miami boys won’t leave town with a fight or two.

    Panther fans wish their team could hit that hard.

  9. Alpha Wolf 11/02/2013 at 10:59 PM #

    I, too, was a little miffed at Coach D for his fans comment. I also noted that today, the fans were there in MASS for the 2nd half. I think that he should come out and make a statement about that.

    Excuse the poor cellphone quality of the photo, but this is the west side stands at the kickoff of the second half. The stadium did fill back up, but it took to around six minutes left in the third quarter. It was pitiful IMO and this is typical. Unpopular or not, it is time to end half-time passouts.

  10. vtpackfan 11/02/2013 at 11:05 PM #

    Speaking of not wanting to point fingers there was a Sr playing today at a critical position who looked either out of it or not in the ” up and up”. It wasn’t #8 on offense but a guy who wasn’t plays as he should have and was “in” on that punt.

  11. NCSU84 11/02/2013 at 11:07 PM #

    “I also have some damn good resources that don’t wanna point fingers out, but pretty much say the punt call was on field.”

    You mean the coaches gave the players the authority to make this crucial call on the field? Please say it ain’t so.

  12. TheCOWDOG 11/02/2013 at 11:16 PM #

    Dude. How do you think most fake punts are called?

  13. bill.onthebeach 11/02/2013 at 11:22 PM #

    “Dude” ????

    84… It’s way too late to piss off Mr.Dog…

    NOLES need one more TD to finish the night properly.

  14. ryebread 11/02/2013 at 11:23 PM #

    13OT: That’s kind of how I see it as well. We’ve just got little to no talent and have had some bad breaks as well.

    This is he least talent that I have seen us field since the MOC days. Sade is our best player. I’m not sure we have many other players who would even start for a top 25 program.

    While I question some of the coaching calls, I don’t exactly know what the take away is for the staff this year. I think we’re going to know a lot more next year.

  15. flattop83 11/02/2013 at 11:27 PM #

    I was there ’til last 30 seconds of the game – DD is lucky ANY fans show up for ANY quarter of ANY home game given his lack of preparation and inability to coach ‘in the moment’ irrespective of his blatant early season disrespect for long time fans and season ticket holders – see you in 2015 when we finally and mercifully see him to the door

  16. NCSU84 11/02/2013 at 11:30 PM #

    “Dude. How do you think most fake punts are called?”

    I’ll bet it does not happen again (if in fact it happened as you say)

  17. TheCOWDOG 11/02/2013 at 11:32 PM #

    Look …ya game plan special teams. You point out tendencies. If you see IT, the up back can make the audible.

    If it works, everyone is a gutsy genius MFer.
    If it doesn’t, you’re a dumb MFer…simple as that.

  18. bill.onthebeach 11/02/2013 at 11:40 PM #

    Ya’ll make sure you set your clocks back so you get an extra hour of bitching and whining at each other in before you hit the sack….

    Good night guys~

  19. NCSU84 11/02/2013 at 11:42 PM #

    And not consider field position??? As I recall we were on our 30 yd line. No way you call a fake punt here. On the field or not. I stand by my statement – it will not happen again.

  20. tjfoose1 11/02/2013 at 11:46 PM #
  21. tjfoose1 11/02/2013 at 11:47 PM #

    ” I can honestly say that half of ya don’t know shit.”

    Agreed. And some, like naval ships and haircuts, know even less.

  22. tjfoose1 11/02/2013 at 11:53 PM #

    ” Look …ya game plan special teams. You
    point out tendencies. If you see IT, the up
    back can make the audible.”

    Yeah, I’m with you, but there are qualifiers. On our own 30 with 9 yards to go???

    Oh wait…, I was so bewildered I didn’t stop to think to consider the up back went rogue.

    Kudos to DD for handling in house. I was at the game and didn’t notice – was the up back replaced in following punts?

  23. tjfoose1 11/03/2013 at 12:13 AM #

    Ill be glad when the logo and the “Our State” slogan, as well as the PR folks who suggested them, go.

  24. Alpha Wolf 11/03/2013 at 3:09 AM #

  25. BrownCAT 11/03/2013 at 7:08 AM #

    Too many fair weather fans on this blog. Like many, my expectations for this season were too high. DD will be fine when he has a chance to recruit some talent, but we’re expecting him to make gourmet meals with Spam and it’s not going to happen. Bottom line, you just don’t win college football games without a QB and we’re hanging our hopes on a guy who wasn’t even a QB before he transferred. Not smart on our part.

    Regarding the fake punt call, it’s not the call I have a problem with, it’s the execution. No matter what play you call, you have to block somebody and run the football; neither of which happened on that play.

    One HUGE problem we have is running backs who aren’t even field aware enough to see they’re 1 yard from a first down and instead of lowering their shoulder and getting 4 more downs, they dance around and come up short. Hopefully they’ll be able to recruit some kids they won’t have to teach the fundamentals to. Give DD some time.

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