Brain Bleaching – Non-Dumpster Fire Football Open Thread

Thank God that catastrophe was the early game of the day, and very few people outside of NC saw it. Enjoy the World’s Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party as your bleach-y appetizer course.

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.


168 Responses to Brain Bleaching – Non-Dumpster Fire Football Open Thread

  1. wufpup76 11/02/2013 at 5:55 PM #

    “Hell when your own stadium audio-visual crew tries to negate your home field advantage, there’s just no point.”

    ^Sorry, can you / someone give some background on this?

  2. wufpup76 11/02/2013 at 6:03 PM #

    Well I just heard that we’ve given up 30 offensive rebounds in 1.5 exhibition games. Yikes.

    We’re getting out-rebounded by Morehouse. Better score a lot every game this season I guess.

  3. Alpha Wolf 11/02/2013 at 6:03 PM #

    ^ For example: when the crowd started chanting “kick him out!” while the play where UNC’s Price’s head-to-head hit was being reviewed, as soon as it started gathering steam in the stadium, the scoreboard started blaring a song and killing the chant and killing the crowd’s passion. Keep in mind that players feed off of the crowd, and it helps the home team, and can intimidate the opposition. It’s quite clear from the kickoff with that lame ass “rock pounding video” that mediocrity is the expectation from whoever runs the scoreboard now.

    To be fair and to their credit, they did show the replay of the Price headslammer more than once, but one the earlier play when a Wolfpack player was tossed, no replay. That follows with the obvious policy of anything close to controversial, no replay. In other other ACC stadiums, you can see plays that are being reviewed on the Jumbrotron. Rarely at NC State does that happen, as they are incredibly inconsistent.

    Maybe it is the whole presentation of squeezing in an advertisement at every possible instance is bad enough to make people in crowd yell out “stop selling me shit!” after the fourth one in a row and after they’ve paid $40-$50 to be in the stands. That sucks as it is, but it kills off the band, it prevents music over the PA the pumps up the crowd (watch a Louisville home game) and basically, it is obvious it is designed to calm the crowd rather than pump it up. Carter-Finley has been lame this year compared to other seasons, and if the crowd is relatively dead in a close State-Carolina game, nothing will get them going.

    Watch a Louisville home game to see it done right. Watch an NC State game to see amateurish high-school AV club crap.

  4. wufpup76 11/02/2013 at 6:09 PM #

    ^Thanks for the explanation.

  5. Avid109 11/02/2013 at 6:17 PM #

    Just heard Coach Doeren’s post-game comments during the basketball game radio broadcast. He did not give an explanation for the fake punt call, but he made it clear that he was not happy with Mitchell’s poor passes. Based on what I saw of Mitchell, he does not seem to have the split-second decision-making ability that is necessary to be a top-notch QB. Thomas isn’t any better in this department.

    As tough as this year is, next year will be when we really get a good idea of whether Doeren is taking us in the right direction or not. If he can bring in some higher-quality recruits and up the level of play, we’ll be on the right path. If not, then we’ll be experiencing Tom Reed, Part II.

  6. john of sparta 11/02/2013 at 6:19 PM #

    alpha +1:
    our scoreboard/Jumbotron/replays are THE ONE THING
    that can be fixed Tomorrow. SUNDAY. EDST or EST.
    who (name) or what (organization) decides what is
    shown on the scoreboard and in what order and
    during what time? this is an EZ fix, if we’d do it.

  7. ShipHappens 11/02/2013 at 6:54 PM #

    DD should make it clear to all he is recruiting that every position is open and they will be able to compete and probably play. The program is a long way from the luxury of a B1G style redshirt program.

  8. packalum44 11/02/2013 at 7:00 PM #

    I quit “watching” games after Wake. Sure I will catch bits and pieces when I’m home. Watched most of 1st half. It was apparent that unc was the better team.

    They have better players on offense and were 5 point favorites. They’ve had better recruiting classes over the past five years. This game is no surprise.

    The jury is still out on DD.

  9. packalum44 11/02/2013 at 7:02 PM #

    The UGA and UF players and coaching make just as silly plays and play calls as we do. They just have better players and plays in between.

  10. mak4dpak 11/02/2013 at 7:11 PM #

    For the fans there, the game sucked, sorry coaching, and what makes Canada such a great offensive coordinator? No aggression. He sucked. The QB play was terrible, and yet we still had our chances. Still hot over open receiver that Mitchell couldn’t even get the pass to for a sure TD. DBs suck too, pass defense in general, too many 3rd and longs converted into 1st downs. And again our repetitious offensive play calling. Wow! We had 200 yards rushing, a lot good that did, we lost. No passing game. Now watch us luck up and beat Duke next week. Go figure. So frustrated with the game, didn’t even get mad, just kinda expected it. Now the cheaters will act as though they beat some great football team, and we will have to endure that next week. We both suck.

  11. Alpha Wolf 11/02/2013 at 7:18 PM #

    From what I have heard and seen, there was some logo stomping and general showing of their asses after the game from the Tar Heel players.

    Doeren supposedly said he will remember that for 364 days until the next game. The underclassmen will too, and it’s my hope that when they go over to Reynolds Wrap Stadium In The Pines for next year’s game they use it as motivation to set things right.

    Honestly, though, does anyone expect anything different from a Fedora-coached team?

  12. john of sparta 11/02/2013 at 8:05 PM #

    if there actually was ‘logo-stomping’…we set it up.
    OUR STATE of inability allowed it. when we set up
    a target to hit and they hit it…they win.

  13. TheAliasTroll 11/02/2013 at 8:28 PM #

    I’ll say this much for DD… as poorly as the team’s done in this first year with lack of depth and talent, after watching his post game interview he genuinely seemed pissed off about this loss, and the logo stomping (the Carolina way), and I do believe that if he didn’t get it before he gets the rivalry now.

    As fans we’re basically in the position to hope the recruiting translates into wins and that he keeps getting wiser as a game coach.

  14. TheAliasTroll 11/02/2013 at 8:33 PM #

    Also, after watching the Eric Ebron post game comments he seems like the type who might have a couple good years in the league and make a few million, but then shortly after his career ends he’ll wind up owing child support for 10 kids and have his house taken away.

    edit: After re-reading this it sounds kinda harsh so I want to clarify that this prediction is based soley on the character he exudes. I certainly do not wish this as his fate regardless of him being a Hole.

  15. flattop83 11/02/2013 at 8:51 PM #

    was at the game just like every home game for years – Doeren and staff are terrible – we need to cut our losses

  16. NCSU84 11/02/2013 at 8:52 PM #

    Yes AliasTroll, I watched the DD interview and he appeared to be extremely upset with the antics of the UNC players after the game. But the UNC players just emulate their coach. When asked about Our State, Fedora stated in his interview ‘I thought this always was a Tar Heel State.’ What effect this will have on the team remains to be seen. But DD now understands why we them so. Welcome to the Triangle DD.

  17. PackAmy 11/02/2013 at 9:02 PM #

    At least Florida State and Miami game is good as advertised so far. 7-7 in the first quarter

  18. TheCOWDOG 11/02/2013 at 9:04 PM #

    I can honestly say that half of ya don’t know shit.

    But I understand.

  19. BJD95 11/02/2013 at 9:08 PM #

    Is your husband doing ok, I hope?

    Texas Tech made a nice second quarter comeback, perhaps there will be some good action in the late window at least.

    And good Lord…how much would it suck to be Northwestern tonight?

  20. PackAmy 11/02/2013 at 9:13 PM #

    His IV cocktail went well with the beers we had afterwards and everything is wonderful now. We probably fared better than most today because we missed every single minute of the game today and only got what was on the game tracker and the live blog.

  21. Alpha Wolf 11/02/2013 at 9:28 PM #

    PackAmy, I hope your husband and you both fare well in the coming days.

  22. PackAmy 11/02/2013 at 9:30 PM #

    Thanks –

    And the Miami/Florida State game was good… Florida State may have it now.

  23. TheCOWDOG 11/02/2013 at 9:43 PM #

    Pack Amy, if I may, you and your’s are a much stronger crew than I, by way of surviving that live blog in and of itself.

    Always know this …half of the people that come out on this site come armed with less than a thimbleful of football moxxy. In other words…they really don’t know sh#t.

  24. TheCOWDOG 11/02/2013 at 9:48 PM #

    Check that …let’s say 3 outta 11.

  25. BJD95 11/02/2013 at 10:00 PM #

    My then fiance (now ex-wife) and I were rear ended on the way to a bar to watch the ACCT game against the Holes. HWSNBN’s first year. I was in almost the same boat, but given that it was pre-2000, no phone updates. I got discharged to a part of the hospital with a tv in time for like the last 75 seconds.

    Then, like now – a blessing in disguise to have missed it.

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