An Inside Look Back at the Louisiana Tech game in Video Form

I’m not sure if its the new coaching staff or Debbie Yow’s influence but whatever is driving the changes of the NC State Sports Marketing department I’m a fan of it. For the longest time the information and access to our programs has been static and stale but recently, and especially, this year we’ve seen a flurry of youtube videos, pictures and other new media which the fans have just responded emphatically towards.

This video is no different. Here we have an inside look at the before during and after of game 1 of the Dave Doeren era vs Louisiana Tech and I think its great. Coach Huxtable and Coach Canada speak to the team with a fire and passion that we haven’t seen since the Amato-era.

Am I the only one who would love to see these after each game?


About JackWolf

I'm an unapologetic NC State fan but also consider myself a rational one. Hit me up on twitter if you want to talk @NCStateFootball

NCS Football

4 Responses to An Inside Look Back at the Louisiana Tech game in Video Form

  1. TLeo 09/06/2013 at 8:33 PM #

    That is a GREAT video. You have to love the energy and motivation this staff is bringing to the program and the team sure seems to be responding to it. That was even some great music to go with the highlights and the poem/chant at the end was awesome. I believe this coaching staff is poised to do great things here.
    After watching that I’m feeling ready to go out and hit somebody, LOL

  2. Greywolf 09/06/2013 at 9:05 PM #


    If we lose a game, it want be because we aren’t fired up and ready to play.

    I loved every damn bit of it. Canada: You do what you said you would do and we’ll hit somebody in the mouth every play.

    I feel a whole lot better about those 50/50 games than before watching this.

  3. TeufelWolf 09/06/2013 at 9:55 PM #

    Nice!!!! THAT is a video.

  4. travelwolf 09/07/2013 at 2:33 AM #

    “For the sake of the ram of the flock” just doesn’t have the same ring to it…

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