Pack v Canes: There is a reason why Dale Gibson writes about business instead of working in business

The feud between the Carolina Hurricanes and NC State University has taken too many turns for us to ignore any longer. We will go back and paint a more complete, comprehensive and educated picture of the issues in the near future.  Today, someone has to chime in with some facts and common sense, considering the poor media must be handicapped by secret laws that somehow stunt their ability to think and definitely limit their ability to research, as opposed to serving as stenographers for Gale Force Holdings and the Carolina Hurricanes.

The basic situation here is actually pretty simple – 

  1. NC STATE HAS CONTRACTUAL SCHEDULING PRIORITY at PNC Arena. PERIOD. There is no arguing this. The Hurricanes have admitted it.  Some may not like it.  Some may wish it were different. But, it is a fact that exists in reality and is not disputed.
  2. The previous NC State administration, led by Lee Fowler and James Oblinger, effectively chose to subordinate NC State’s rights and priorities on these matters.  Just accept this as fact and don’t worry about too many of the specifics.  But, when analyzing this situation, please ask yourself how often your view of how something should have been handled lined up with the views of Lee Fowler and James Oblinger?
  3. The current NC State administration, led by Debbie Yow and Randy Woodson, is choosing to exercise the legal rights bestowed on NC State in our agreements with Gale Force Holdings and the Centennial Authority.  NC State is not asking for any special rights or benefits beyond those previously agreed to by all parties.
  4. The Carolina Hurricanes/Gale Force Holdings have launched a public relations barrage and media blitz criticizing NC State, and are clearly trying to leverage some preconceived notions that Debbie Yow is difficult with which to work.
  5. NC State has, disappointingly, remained quiet on the topic; seemingly choosing to retreat to our old behaviors of rolling over and playing dead instead of standing up for ourselves, fighting for what is best for NC State, and fighting with a well constructed media campaign.
  6. The local media has been all to happy to participate in the one-sided ‘reporting’ of whatever the Hurricanes have to say without much effort to dig into the complex layers of the situation.
  7. Earlier today the Centennial Authority asked Randy Woodson and Jim Rutherford to meet regarding the scheduling issues.  (Link)

This brings us to today, when SFN was pulled into the dialogue by Dale Gibson, the Managing Editor of the Triangle Business Journal; he wrote this abomination of an editorial in an attempt to continue supporting the Hurricanes’ public relations media blitz.  This is a sad, sad, sad article/opinion; made even more sad by how ill-informed Gibson is regarding the specifics of this situation.  That lack knowledge doesn’t stop him from sharing his erratic opinion, however.  Ultimately, this provides a clear and obvious reason why Dale Gibson writes about business instead of actually working in business.

Gibson’s piece  uses an anonymous quote from our message forum community as support for his ‘opinion’.  Oh my God. You read that correctly. You want to know why print media is dying and no one respects the opinions of its reporters? Look no further than this type of sad and shoddy ‘editorial’. Why Mr. Gibson didn’t just truck on down to the Moore Square bus terminal for some better quotes that would match his uneducated, preconceived notions is a mystery to us all.

The rest of the work Mr. Gibson did pen is equally sad.  For example:

  • He admits that he has never met Debbie Yow, so he has no idea what she is like to work with.  He says, “I have never met Debbie Yow, but by all accounts she is, uh, what’s the phrase? “Tough as nails.”  

Really?  THAT is what we’ve devolved into?  A veiled reference to calling a tough woman in the workplace a ‘bitch’ but not having the stones to do it?  Could you imagine old Dale trying to fit into today’s modern American real world work environment with that 1960’s mindset?  You wanted to call her a ‘bitch’. You were dying to call her a ‘bitch’. Why try to hide from your sexism and not just call her a ‘bitch.’. It’s easy. Watch this: you’re a pussy. See! See how easy that was?  Be a fucking man next time and say what you mean.

  • Gibson often cites that NC State and the Hurricanes have gotten along for ’13 years’ prior to the evil Debbie Yow showing up.  It is here where the article’s goal to assassinate Yow’s character can’t be mistaken and falls prey to the GFH spin machine that is misleading the all-too-eager local media.  What else can explain the willingness to either lie or willfully ignore the fact that NC State and Gale Force Holdings have previously engaged in legal arbitration at least once in the past 13 years?  Gee, I wonder why that hasn’t been reported by ANYONE in the litany of stories over the last couple of weeks where the sweet-hearted Hurricanes have waxed poetic about the amazing love affair of the last ’13 years’.  Sounds like a relevant fact. I wonder why it hasn’t been reported?  Oh yes, because it screws up the current media strategy to make this all about ‘unreasonable’ Debbie Yow.

OF COURSE the last 13 years have been considered ‘great’ by the Hurricanes.  Think about it: one side of the relationship was getting significant benefits (and resulting economic profit) to which they were not remotely entitled for absolutely zero cost.  The other side of the relationship was too dumb, stupid, lazy, incompetent and personally selfish to care at all about the arrangement.  OF COURSE hiccups were few and far between!  Now that one side of the relationship is no longer lobotomized, the other side suddenly doesn’t like the deal.  How have local writers been SO focused on telling the Hurricanes story that they’ve missed the fact that the real story is not Debbie Yow in 2013; the real story is Lee Fowler and NC State’s incompetence for the entire decade before Debbie Yow arrived?

In fact, as I was writing this piece Chancellor Woodson was quoted by the N&O making the my exact point:

“That’s the big challenge,” Woodson said. “That’s where we’re going to have to have some real thoughtful conversation. Because everybody has talked about what’s changed. Nothing has changed. We have the same contract we’ve had forever. The difference is we’re really aspiring at N.C. State for athletic excellence. It’s important for us to give our coaches every opportunity to schedule. … the best games during the year. That’s what we’re doing.”

If Dale Gibson and Gale Force, and everyone else out there, want NC State to give up its legal and contractual scheduling priority, then what do you suggest NC State receives in return?  In a business transaction one side needs to provide consideration to the other as compensation for an asset, option, property or right. All anyone can tell at the moment is that NC State is supposed to give their rights away to the Hurricanes because, well, basically, some people simply seem to like the Hurricanes more than you like Debbie Yow or NC State.

Now that I think of it — the Triangle Business Journal should have to give up its space on news stands to Business North Carolina Magazine.   What does it matter that TBJ has negotiated with vendors and given consideration to have a right of garnering certain placements on news stands?   Business North Carolina Magazine (‘BNC’) deserves that space, because, well, I like BNC!  They are great guys and are my friends.  And, I hear that Dale Gibson at TBJ is really hard to work with.  Some people even say he is, how do you say it, a ‘wuss’.  So, it doesn’t surprise me at all that TBJ is being mean and not letting BNC have more of TBJ’s contractual space on news stands.  It is time for TBJ and Dale Gibson to stop being so unreasonable!  After all,  this is America in 2013.  Who REALLY is expected to live up to agreements and contracts?  What good is the rule of law and previously agreedto commitments when it gets in the way of my personal preferences and the pocket books of my buddies?  Join me in proclaiming that it time for Dale Gibson and the TBJ to stop being so unreasonable and let other newspapers and magazines have TBJ’s space on newstands!

See how that works?

Post-Script #1: Dear Dale, I’m genuinely sorry for calling you a pussy.  But, I had to make my point in an extreme way about how out of bounds a veiled reference to a ‘bitch’ is in today’s world.

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37 Responses to Pack v Canes: There is a reason why Dale Gibson writes about business instead of working in business

  1. LRM 06/06/2013 at 5:00 PM #

    This is one of those critical areas where leadership is so important.

    I know there are a lot of Canes fans around here and I appreciate how important the Canes are to the region. But State’s leaders are here to look out for State’s best interests, no one else’s.

  2. Old MacDonald 06/06/2013 at 5:05 PM #

    From a PackPride article on this subject: “The ACC believed Gale Force Holdings had scheduling priority over NC State and were never told otherwise by the previous administration. Because of this, NC State wasn’t involved with the scheduling, even though they had priority.” That is just mind-blowing to me. Given this past practice, State should publically offer to do the Hurricanes scheduling for the next 13 years. We could just figure it out (taking the best dates/times for ourselves of course) and deal directly with the NHL for them. I wonder how GFH would react to this “offer.” Would they see it as “fair”?

  3. TheCOWDOG 06/06/2013 at 5:08 PM #

    I don’t think he called her a bitch.. But someone did

    All ya gotta do is watch the real pussy…Jim Goodman.

  4. 13OT 06/06/2013 at 5:11 PM #

    Not a problem. Just let Fox (Hurricanes) and ESPN (ACC) take care of the scheduling. It’s not like the ACC cares anymore if fans don’t like who or when their teams play anyway.

  5. StateFans 06/06/2013 at 5:14 PM #

    The TV guys do the scheduling. That is what we all wait on.

  6. old13 06/06/2013 at 5:19 PM #

    ‘You want to know why print media is dying and no one respects the opinions of reporters?”

    “Reporters” are a dying and almost extinct species.

    “Reporters” = Propagandists in the current era.

    And, yes, most seem to be uninformed, uneducated (in the classical sense), and self-serving.

    As for the TBJ piece, dare I insult a trash basket with it!

    “Yesderday I cuddent spel bidness and now I right bout it.” _Dale Gibson

  7. raleigh85 06/06/2013 at 5:52 PM #

    It seems as if the media’s attention has been fairly one sided during this episode in favor of the Carolina Hurricanes. Some have a vested interest in the Carolina Hurricanes and are using their platform improperly.

    WRAL is a part owner in the Carolina Hurricanes:

    Then WRAL publishes this article on their website painting a not so flattering picture of NCSU:

    You would think WRAL would mention their ownership stake in a discussion such as this.

  8. nav 06/06/2013 at 6:09 PM #

    Holy shit, I’m famous. I’m quoted by the world famous TBJ. Does this count as my 15 min of fame?

    I’M A SOURCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    By-the-way, I wrote that comment on June 1st. Way before we had any of the other information out there that we know now.

  9. nav 06/06/2013 at 6:20 PM #

    Holy poop, I’m famous. I’ve been quoted by the world famous TBJ. Does this count as my 15 min of fame?

    I’M A SOURCE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By-the-way, I wrote that comment on June 1st. Way before we had any of the other info that we have now.

  10. 13OT 06/06/2013 at 6:53 PM #

    DG: Dale Gibson or David Glenn?

  11. packalum44 06/06/2013 at 7:23 PM #

    Folwer should be sued.

    If the assertion that Fowler deliberately or recklessly neglected his fiduciary duty to NC State stakeholders (which include any taxpayer) by giving away legal rights without consideration is true, he is in breach in his duty of loyalty and is personally liable for damages.

    Damages could be reasonably quantified by the historical difference in ticket revenue during prime and non-prime games.

    If the assertion is that Fowler accepted quid quo pro bribes of personal suites in which the University was not the primary benefactor, this may extend beyond civil law into the criminal realm.

    To be clear, this kind of negligence (at best) by Fowler is not something to be satirized in the local media, which is already underway – ironically the real satire noticed by the high brow constituent is the biting unintentional irony of postulating that the perpetrator is the victim.

    Said another way, the media is mocking NC State administration for simply correcting previous breaches of fiduciary duty by negligent perpetrating administrators and willing accomplices at Gale Force Holdings. Again, offering personal suites to Fowler in lieu of consideration at best highly unethical and possibly criminal by both parties.

    The media is mocking the victims rather than the perpetrators, without realizing it…

  12. TheCOWDOG 06/06/2013 at 8:04 PM #

    Can we get back to baseball and use the new and improved forum for the continuation?

    The front page is vibrant with 2 steamers, and the likes.

  13. Pack Mentality 06/06/2013 at 8:24 PM #

    A well informed source told me that the Hurricanes were irrelevant because they play a sport known as hockey. The Wolfpack have been around much longer than the Hartford Carpetbaggers. I hope that after State gets first priority, all other rock concerts, circus, monster truck, and midget wrestling get priority over the Hartford Whalers.

  14. Gowolves 06/06/2013 at 8:41 PM #

    Not that I don’t agree the university should protect its rights just feel this is much ado about nothing.

  15. wolffpride 06/06/2013 at 8:52 PM #

    We picked up a 4 star DB commit today (and he is in state). He worked out as an outside linebacker at our one day camp, which is where the staff sees him in college. Awesome! Keep it rolling. Now for some success on the diamond. Go Pack!!!

  16. john of sparta 06/06/2013 at 9:05 PM #

    regarding Us vs. GaleForce:
    when a little (1K) private club, to which i’m a member,
    exposed a similar situation, the president and the v-p
    and the secretary and the treasurer ALL resigned.
    NCSU should show due diligence.

  17. Adventuroo 06/06/2013 at 9:13 PM #

    I was not totally up to speed on this….and still am not. But I smelled the Jed Clampet MO here. Lee (I know Baskeetball) Fowler was the ONLY ACC (perhaps NCAA AD) that made Dickie Boy Baddour look like he had a clue. That in itself is a shame that we will have to wear like Hester’s scarlet letter (Maybe two….LF).

    However, like Hester, we have seen the error of our evil ways and NOW want to tread the path of a virtuous lifestyle. There are those that took advantage of us. Scurrious individuals with NO soul. They corrupted us and lowered our self esteem. Now, they, like Spock, are coming into their annual “season” and need some relief. If we are NOT going to service them, then their daddy’s plow mule will be at risk.

    SO, Hester is NOW holding her own. The evil ones who took us to the depths of depravity are asking their buddies for help. The press, Jimmy Goodmon, others.

    BUT, we say NO….we are NOT shedding our knickers for the likes of them. Jim Rutherford looks like one more troubled Canniac….he is obsessed and can not do anything.

    Good for DY and RW. Yes, a contract is a contact and it will stand, I hope a test of its legality….but what Jed did in the past to appease Jimmy ain’t happenin agin.

    On a more serious note. The Whalers from Hartford came down here to bring a winning franchise to the area. Admittedly, they did that, ONCE. However, they bellyache about losing money and being fined and wanting the rent lowered and the concessions prices inreased (they can NOT charge more for tickets based on performance).

    They have made their choice of coaches a Harvard Business Review article. I really lost sight…..they came with one guy….fired him and then hired the coach that eventually got them the Stanely cup….then they rehired one of the old coaches and now have a a coach that was passed over more times that Tebow…..

    They claim to be such insightful business men. They have conned Jimmy G. and his like out of several MILLION $$’s to supplement the LOSSES. Why in God’s green earth, would you keep pouring money down a rathole….unless the rats were skimming and putting it back for you somewhere. I KNOW the WRAL gang. I used to work there. Mr. A. J. was proably the best of the lot….but he “traded” out spots with Thomspon Caddy and got a new Caddy every year for he and his brood….and the company never had to report any income…and the execs skimmed off TAX FREE Rides. Mr. Goodmon said that he learned a GREAT DEAL from his Granddaddy A. J….and I think I know what he learned.

    We need to stand our ground and support our AD….who is actually following the rules….

  18. 13OT 06/06/2013 at 10:00 PM #

    The hockey team bellyaches because they want the price of concessions in the PNC raised?

    I’ve gone to nearly every basketball game since the ESA opened, and as a matter of principle but mostly money, I never eat in that building.

    This hockey franchise will be out of here within a decade; mark those words.

  19. Alpha Wolf 06/06/2013 at 11:30 PM #

    This hockey franchise will be out of here within a decade; mark those words.

    Yup, a pro franchise that’s in the smallest market in its league yet draws an average of 17,558 fans (94.0% of its home arena’s capacity) will be leaving soon…from an arena it has major equity in and in the fastest growing metropolitan area in the United States.

    The Whalers from Hartford came down here to bring a winning franchise to the area. Admittedly, they did that, ONCE.

    And they played for a championship one other time, and another time besides that they made their conference finals. It’s hardly an unsuccessful endeavor. And…in the meantime, the most storied and successful franchise in the game, the Montreal Canadiens have not won once, nor has the most popular team in the sport, the Toronto Maple Leafs. I can guarantee you that Maple Leaf fans wouldn’t mind the last ten year’s results of the Hurricanes.

    The Hurricanes will learn to co-exist in this new paradigm with the Wolfpack, especially since it is the paradigm that they agreed to in the first place. Personally, I just think it’s more bullshit from Jim Rutherford, a guy who’s proving to be long in the tooth and past his prime as the team’s general manager. The Hurricanes’ struggles of late should rightfully be blamed on him and this is just another example of him being an arrogant ass.

  20. redwolf87 06/06/2013 at 11:57 PM #

    Agreed that Rutherford should have been gone a while back.

    This Dale Gibson guy does a 30-second or so bit on WPTF in the 5 pm hour. Dude sounds a lot like Les Nessman on the radio.

  21. Alpha Wolf 06/07/2013 at 12:24 AM #

    ^ Thank goodness for Sirius/XM. Besides Gold & Ovies, I never listen to local terrestrial radio. It’s the pits.

  22. 4in12 06/07/2013 at 6:14 AM #

    I’ve never been to a hockey game. Period. At any level – peewee to pro. I ‘m not a hockey fan but I want the Hurricanes to stay in Raleigh. Why? Because they are a major factor in the Canadian pipeline the golf team has established the last few years. I’ve never played a round of golf either but having a top notch golf team is good for NCSU.

  23. Pack78 06/07/2013 at 8:00 AM #

    Clearly, DY is continuing to `refuse to accept the status quo’ as defined by her incompetent predecessors…go Debbie!

  24. oakcity 06/07/2013 at 8:22 AM #

    Too bad we couldn’t have gotten an article about the substance of the issue. Instead the article focuses on bashing the media and one random guy at TBJ. What point does that serve? Provide some insight into the situation and the media will follow. Not even a mention of the backstory of the timeline of the ACC/TV releasing their schedule and how that effects this situation?

  25. LRM 06/07/2013 at 8:37 AM #

    ^This isn’t the last SFN has to say on the issue.

    The real shame is the traditional media needs a lowly blog to drive its editorials.

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