We talked some NC Football and linebacker play in this entry yesterday. Another new and fun unique component of 2013’s spring practice was the openness and accessibility to the program and the coaches that existed. The tone for a very different NC State Football program has been set.

With that said, you can watch and listen to Coach Doeren during the spring game:

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7 Responses to

  1. JohnGalt78 05/07/2013 at 7:37 AM #

    DD hasn’t won a game yet, but his “connectivity” with the players during the spring game already exceeds TOB’s durning his entire tenure here. Of course, that’s not saying much.

  2. TheCOWDOG 05/07/2013 at 9:07 AM #

    No…It speaks volumes, regardless how tight O’Brien was.

    I had an opportunity to catch a little practice a couple of weeks ago on an impromptu invitation. Actually, I had the audacity to invite myself, as my kid’s softball schedule usually precludes the reunions and spring game festivities.

    Even Chuck, whom I knew very well, would never have allowed such. Now most of you guys know my devotion to the late, great Bo Rein. If I told you that Doeren reminded me of him, I would not be exaggerating.
    Right down to some little idiosyncratic mannerisms..

  3. VaWolf82 05/07/2013 at 10:27 AM #

    know my devotion to the late, great Bo Rein. If I told you that Doeren reminded me of him, I would not be exaggerating.

    Does DD have a college-age brother who likes to return punts?

  4. TheCOWDOG 05/07/2013 at 10:38 AM #

    Ah…Curtis. Nope, he’ll have to channel someone outside of the family.

  5. VaWolf82 05/07/2013 at 1:00 PM #

    For those that don’t know who we’re talking about:


  6. vtpackfan 05/07/2013 at 4:34 PM #

    I actually took the time to watch all the mic’d up and interviews with various coaches. Couple impressions: McNutt has the potential to be a fine HC. He is going to help restock the talent to the depth chart quite nicely.

    Our recruiting coordinator is the DL coach. That guy is just scary. Don’t know how else to put it. If he rubs off on these jumbo DL we have already, and those coming in, it makes

    The OL coach is a great looking hire. Almost identical to Dorean without the swagger. Tremoundous upside for this unit (which happens to be the one left in awful shape).

  7. vtpackfan 05/07/2013 at 4:36 PM #

    And the one thing they all said referring to the Head Coach is that “you know where you stand”. Always and to everyone-that’s how Doeren acts as a pro and mentor.

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