’13-’14 ACC Basketball Opponents Announced

The ACC league office has released the conference opponents for next season’s 18 game unbalanced basketball schedule, the first with Syracuse, Pitt and Notre Dame.

The Pack’s “primary partners” continue to be Wake and Carolina.

The full slate of conference games for ’13-’14 shakes down as follows…

Home/Away – Wake, Carolina, Miami, Pitt

Home only – BC, FSU, UVa, GT, UMd

Away only – Duke, Clemson, VT, ND, Syracuse


About Wufpacker

A 2nd generation alumnus and raised since birth to be irrationally dedicated to all things NC State. Class of '88 and '92.

13-14 Basketball ACC ACC Teams Future Opponents

5 Responses to ’13-’14 ACC Basketball Opponents Announced

  1. Alpha Wolf 04/23/2013 at 7:07 PM #

    How long has it been since we’ve had a year with Duke “home only?”

    Not complaining necessarily, it just seems like it has been awhile.

  2. 13OT 04/23/2013 at 7:41 PM #

    The more ACC teams we have, even with an expanded schedule, Duke again disappears off the home schedule.

  3. elvislives 04/23/2013 at 9:32 PM #

    Shouldn’t the UMd on the schedule actually be Louisville? I thought we got rid of the turdles?

    EDIT: Nevermind. I asked google and got the answer. D’oh.

  4. VaWolf82 04/24/2013 at 8:26 AM #

    How long has it been since we’ve had a year with Duke “home only?”

    Under the 12 team/16 game schedule, it would have been every third year. Last year was a one-off (12 team/18 game) and next year (14 team/18 game) will be as well.

    EDIT….missed that ND is on the conference schedule. That means that next season’s rotation is the first year for whatever master schedule is put in place.

  5. PoppaJohn 04/24/2013 at 11:09 AM #

    Wonder if we add #16 before the first bye UMD/add Louisville season (’14-’15) to settle into a balanced schedule? You’d think that would still be in the back of their minds.
    With the ‘Grant of Rights’ out of the way, that would seem to be the final shoe to drop.

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